学校が始まってから2か月以上経ちました。はじめは緊張しすぎて毎朝吐き気と戦いながら学校に向かっていましたが、いまではもうだいぶ慣れて、次は睡魔と戦いながら学校に行っています。これに勝ったら次は何と戦うんでしょうね…私の一日の時間割は一時間目から順にVocal Music, EnglishⅡ, Environmental Science, Instrument music, Advisory, Enrichment, American History, Family Science, AlgebraⅡで毎日同じ時間割の8時間授業です。はじめは毎日同じ時間割とかしんどいなぁと思っていましたが毎クラス移動なので覚えやすくてありがたいですね(笑)実質、成績が付くのは7個なんですけどそのうちEnglish, Environmental Science, そしてAmerican historyの3つは私の敵です。はじめは変えようかと思ったんですけど、それぞれ好きな先生だったり、仲良くしてくれる友達がいて助けてくれて、American Historyにはタイからの留学生の子がいるので助け合いながらなんとか生きてます。でも主に私が助けてもらっていますね。ちなみに私の学校、今年留学生が私をふくめ7人もいるんです。小さい学校なのに。よく留学生が来るみたいで、みんな留学生の扱いに慣れてる気もしますし、いろんな国のことを知っています。聞いていて楽しいですよ。話は戻りますが、一時期英語の成績がとんでもないことになってしまって…原因が授業でほぼ毎日出るhomework私が一日で終わらせることができないために未提出がたまっていったことです。ただ後からでもだせばPoint入れてくれるので、土日にGoogle翻訳に頼ってしまいながらも提出して無事に成績を上げることができました。ほんとアメリカの制度と助けてくれた先生様様です。皆さんhomeworkはこまめにやりましょう。
そしてそして10月31日といえばハロウィンですよね。あいにく当日は大雨に雷でほぼお菓子もらいに子どもたちは来ませんでしたが前日にTrack or treatっていうイベントの手伝いに行ってきました。自分たちの車とかトラックを飾りつけして仮装した人たちがお菓子をもらいにきます。みんな本格的でかわいいのからこわいのまでいて、みてて面白かったです。ただ顔が別人なのでおなじ教会の子が「ぼく君のこと知ってるんだよ!」って会いに来てくれましたがさすがにピエロのかおではだれかわかりませんでした(笑)
Hi guys! I’m Hamoni Kojima in Arkansas. It passed 2 months from my first report. I feel time is fast. At this time, I’ll write about my school life in America and events that happened after my first report.
More than 2 months passed since the school began. At first, I went to school with fighting to nausea because I was so nerves but now, I’m fighting with sleepiness. If I’ll win it what will I fight next? Well is doesn’t matter. The flow of my day is starting from the first class, Vocal Music, EnglishⅡ, Environmental Science, Instrument music, Advisory, Enrichment, American History, Family Science, and Algebra. My school is same schedule every day. At first I thought It is tough but I could learn classroom movement thanks to it. Three subjects in all of subjects I taken are hard to get grade. I had thought to change the class but I’m going my best because there are good teacher and my favorite friends who help and support me. By the way, there are 7 exchange students including me in my small school. My school often seems to come to exchange student so I feel that students are used to contact with us, and they know about many countries. It is fun to hear their talking. The story return, my English grade have been terrible for a while. The cause is that I couldn’t turn in the homework. This homework was hard for me because it has to read long sentence and write impression and abstract. I couldn’t finish it just one day but this homework was almost every day. When talking to teacher, she suggested to can be late and reduces the amount of writing. Thanks for it, I could increase the grade. I really appreciate her. Also, it starting new unit witch my weak and I’m having anxious but I’ll do my best with help from someone.
I feel again at school, American are too freedom lol. Someone is late to class with McDonald and a boy who taking same class bring and eating some apples every day from cafeteria. And he brings also snack and distribute so most students in class eating something almost every class. I’m very free now, so I’m worry about lesson that after back to Japan.
Next, I’m talking about events that happened after first report. There was my friend’s birth day party around the end of September. They borrow community hall and held party at America. I enjoying dancing, eating, and talking. At first, I didn’t know how should I do and standing corner of the room but my friend realized and take me center. I was happy to her solicitude and I love her more and more. I hope that someday I can hang with her.
And peaking of October 31th, it was Halloween. Unfortunately, kids who wearing costume didn’t came home because it was strong rainy and thunder, but the day before Halloween, I helped the event called “Track or Treat”. We decollate our truck or car and give treat for children. It was fun to see their costume. There is some kind costume like authentic, interesting, and cute things. My most favorite is the costume of a grandma who a little girl did. The boy who going same church talked to me “ I know you” but I didn’t know who is he because his face was clown so I didn’t have no idea who was it. I’m sorry. I’m thinking that I’m sorry thought je talked to me.
Like these, it is already November. It is toooo fast. Recently I miss that I can’t be here and join some events at next year. It is quite strange. My report during 2018 is finish by it to see you again at 2019!! It is a little early but merry Christmas and I hope you can coming happy new year!!