こんにちは! あけましておめでとうございます&Happy Valentine! カリフォルニア州に留学中の渡邉まどかです! みなさんお元気ですか?
さて今回のテーマは文化ですよね!まず私が学校に最初に来て思ったのが、「私の想像していたロッカーがない!」です。(これは文化ではないとは思うけれど)あの海外の高校生映画(?)とかで見ていた学校のイメージは一戸の校舎に一人一人のロッカーがあるみたいな!北星みたいなロッカーではなく、なんか縦長の!でも私の学校。全くそんなことなくてちょっとがっかりしたのを覚えています(笑)まあ本題に入るとして、アメリカの文化…、一番こっちで素敵だなと思うのはほとんどの人(男の人ももちろん!)がドアを開けて待っていてくれるんですよね。それで、どうぞって!自分のほうが先に来ててもドアを押さえていてくれたりして!そんなことが自然にできるのってなんかいいなと思います(笑)あと、友達とかに「Hi, bro!」とかみんなに言っていることかなって。それを口が悪いとか、親近感がありすぎとかっていう人もいると思うけど私は好きです!もちろんアメリカ、みんないい人なわけではありません。ぶつかっておいて何も言わない人とか、「わー、感じ悪~、めっちゃBitch~」なんて思う時もありますよ(笑)(ごめんなさい)あとはこっちの人って自分の国に誇りを持っています。誇りを持っていない人なんていないと思うけど、そういうことじゃなくてアメリカ愛が半端ないって感じです。例えば、アメリカンフラッグを床に置いたらdishonorらしいですよ(笑)警察に捕まるまではいかないらしいですが(笑)一番のストレスのもとは食文化!一時期Dinnerが食べられなかった時期がありました(笑)毎日毎日同じleftoversで自分たちは食べないくせに私たちに食わせようとしてくるんですね。これが酷で酷で仕方がなかったです。ひどかった時期にはスパゲティー1週間連続とか!自分で何かしようとしてもキッチンを使わせてもらえずにいました。その時期は友達がヘルプしてくれて何とか生き延びました(笑)友達のホストマザーが料理上手でたくさんのおいしい料理を見ては正直羨ましかったです。そんな時期でも痩せはしなかったけどね!!!こんな暗い話は置いておいて、所変われば品も変わるって言いますよね!そんなアメリカの文化です!
Hello! How have you been? This is Madoka from California. Happy new year and valentine to you all!
Yesterday was my first American valentine, and I assumed in America, boys give chocolate to girls. Then, it was more than that! My school had a sprit week for that, and on valentine’s day, if you wear RED, it means you are TAKEN, GREEN means SINGLE, YELLOW means IT IS COMPLICATED, and BLACK means NOT INTERESTED. Of course, I wore GRAY (why not). Anyhow, many girls were taking flowers, balloons, and teddy bears with them, it looked so happy and made me be in warm mood. Surely, I love Japanese valentine’s day. Like girls give home-made cookies, or chocolate or something delicious for girlfriends, family, and boyfriends, and sometimes boys compete each other about how many chocolates you got. It is so fun and cute but American version was also cute. Valentine’s day is cute event wherever it is.
By the way, today’s theme is about “culture” right? Then, let me tell you for what I was disappointed when I saw my school style. Which is… “THEY DON’T HAVE STUDENT’S OWN LOCKER” It was one of my dreams for American high school. Have you ever seen American high school movies? Everybody has their own lockers like you can hang your clothes, put your stuffs that you don’t need to bring back to home. MY HIGH SCHOOL DOESN’T HAVE THAT! My school is not one building, and it is like sort of college. You know what I mean? Not like Hokusei’s lockers. I really dreamed it before I saw my school! It was my first disappointment, and sadness… Anyway, one of the American cultures which I love the best is Everyone opens the door for other people. Even if you are the first person who gets there, you wait for other people who are behind you. I love this kindness thing. Besides, you say to your friends “hi, bro!” Some people say it’s too friendly, but I like that because you can feel they are considering you as a friend! Of course, there are not good, so evil, so mean people at other people like someone don’t say and feel sorry for you even if they hit you accidently because of your movements. And I noticed one more different which is Americans are proud of being Americans. For instance, American people can’t put their national flags on the floor. If you do that, it is dishonor and anti-America according to them. My best stressful thing was food. Some points of my past, I couldn’t eat enough dinner, because every single day we had to eat same leftovers. I ate same spaghetti a week/ seven days in a row! I was totally dying at that time… lol I was so jealous at other people who can eat delicious and different meals every day. Now is much better than that so I am still surviving even in this situation. However! Some people say “so many countries, so many customs (from the Internet)” I believe the best thing you should do is getting used to.
It already has passed 7 months and I have less than 4 months left until I come back. I would say “these experiences and the past year inspired me” after I go back. So, I keep trying to do my best for rest of my American life as an exchange student.
I would like to thank you all who read this report. It is kind of early but my next report’s due is middle of April, so let me say this. “Congratulations for 12th graders who graduate from high school!” Take care everyone. See y’all until next report:) Don’t get sick!