ここに来て気づいたことはアメリカ人と日本人の国旗に対する考え方の違いです。アメリカ人は国旗に対してすごく誇りをもっている印象があります。国歌を斉唱するときには右手を胸に置き国旗を見て歌います。アメリカ国旗はいたるところに掲げられています。一方日本は、正確にはわかりませんがほとんどの人が国旗のことをあんまり考えたことがないと思います。ある日、同じ学校の話したことのない人からSNS を通して、日本の国旗は何を表しているの?日本人は国旗に対してどう思っているの?と急に質問が来ました。私は全くわからなくて急いで検索しました。その時そういえば国旗についてなんとも思ったことなかったな、と気づきました。日本の国旗って書くのが簡単だなというくらいです。こっちの人たちは自分の国に日本人以上に関心を持っていると思います。
Hi! I’m Biei in Oregon. It was snowing last in February. Snow was only 2 inches, but everyone was so excited, and some played with snow and made a snowman. I want to share them snow in Sapporo. I’m talking about “difference of culture between Japan and America”.
First of all, it’s about religion. Most American are Christians here. My host family is too. We pray before dinner, and my host father prays for each kid before we go to the bed. When I have a cheer competition, one of the team members prays right before a performance. In Japan, I’ve not prayed to god in my life. My high school is also Christian, so technically I’d prayed every day in school. However, going Christian school and living with Christians are completely different.
Next, it’s about family. I don’t even know if it is deference of culture. American family is big. My friend has 60 cousins. When we cerebrated big holidays such as thanksgiving and Christmas, almost whole family members gathered. There were so many people. I thought “who are you?” many times. My whole family (relatives) don’t gather at the same time because they don’t live same area. It is difficult to gather same time. So, I like family gathering in America.
Christmas day was awesome. I was shocked that Christmas tree was real tree. We went to the tree farm and chose the tree. After cutting the tree, we tied the tree to a car. We decorated whole house. My host grandparents give an ornament to each grandkid every year. It’s tradition in this family. They gave an ornament with my name to me. I was so happy. There were a bunch of presents. I got many of those. Opening presents was my favorite time because I didn’t know what those are. In Japan, I don’t decorate house and I usually eat KFC and got a present. I already know what my present is before I open it. So, everything I experience on the day was new to me. I told my friends and my host family most Japanese eat KFC and cake on Christmas day. They were shocked and said to me “No KFC this year” lol. I had many Christmas parties during Christmas season. I was busy but I had so much fun. Christmas was definitely my favorite holiday in America.
On the other hand, New Year’s Day was very simple. I stayed at my friend’s house and watch TV. After 12 o’clock, nothing happened. In Japan, we say “Happy new year” to many people and eat osechi which is Japanese New Year’s cuisine after new year day. Also, kids get otoshidama which is New Year’s gift of money from family and relatives. I missed New Year’s Day in Japan. I had practice on January 3rd, and I started going to school on January 7th.
I was asked by many people “How do Japanese cerebrate this holiday?” So, I recommend you who are studying abroad next year practicing explaining those.
I feel America is motorized society. Especially I live in rural so there is no public agency such as busses, subways, and trains. I cannot go anywhere without car. In Japan, I could use them and go anywhere by myself, but I cannot do that here. I have to ask somebody when I want to go somewhere. In America, people who are over 15 years old are allowed to drive with their parents and permit. People who is over 16 years old are allowed to drive by themselves with license. Many students go to school by their cars. I think this law is good.
I realized Americans are proud of their flag. When they sing national anthem, they look at flag and put their hand on their chest. Flags are literally hung up everywhere. I don’t know for sure, but Japanese don’t think of and look at flag very often. One day, a boy whom I’ve never talked with texted me “What does Japanese flag represent? What do Japanese think of flag?” I could not answer it quickly because I had never thought about flag. I had thought just “Japanese flag is easy to draw.” I looked it up and learned about Japanese flag in America. I think Americans are more interested in their own country more than Japanese.
Lastly, I’m talking about difference of Japanese and Americans I realized. In my opinion, when Americans do something, they don’t pay attention to around them. They think first of themselves. Of course, it depends on people. I think when Japanese do something, we do pay attention around us. We think first of people around us. We endure doing and saying something for other people. I like the Japanese’ thoughtfulness. If I were in Japan, I wouldn’t realize that. I am not judging and racing Americans. I love Americans.
I can realize my English is getting better little by little, but it is still terrible. I cannot say something in English fluently. My English is also grammatically incorrect. My goal for 4 months is “Being able to talk more fluently.”
Next week, I am leaving for California to perform cheer. I’m so excited. After the competition, cheer season is going to be over, so I’m going to play softball. I have never played softball in my life, but I want to try new things in America. Joining club is also a good opportunity to get closer with my friends. I am going to Mexico in March. I have many fun things till I’m leaving here. I hope I will have great time.
Thank you for reading.