そして4月の初めにはみんなが憧れるプロムに行ってきました。プロムの前に写真が趣味であるファミリーの友人がいてその方に素敵な写真を撮ってもらい、プロムでは友達と楽しい時間を過ごすことができました。また、私は野球観戦が趣味で最近マイナーリーグではありますが、野球観戦に連れて行ってもらいました。ここにきたからこそできたことだと思うので、連れてってくれたファミリーに感謝しています。5月にはNiagara Falls, New Yorkにも行く予定なのでそれもまた楽しみです。
Hi, everyone! This is Momona Ogi from Pennsylvania. This report will be my last report. I don’t have any theme this time, so I would like to write about the events that I had March and April and what I feel about my study abroad.
First, in March, I had birthday and my host family take me to the Japanese restaurant. It was little Americanized but it was good. And I also ate cake, and my friend gave me present. I wasn’t expecting a present from my friend so I was very happy about it. On the next day, I went to the state capitol of Harrisburg with other exchange students. I think we can’t see capitol that often and I could see it because I was an exchange student so it became one of my experience. And at the end of March, I did sleepover with other exchange students and we made dishes in our individual countries. So March was satisfying month. And in the beginning of April, I went to prom that everyone wants to go. Before the prom, my host family’s friend who takes good pictures took me some pictures and I also had good time with my friends at the prom. And few weeks ago, my host family took me to the minor league baseball game. My hobby is to watch baseball game so it was fun. I could go there because I came here, so I appreciate to my host family for taking me. In May, I’m going to Niagara Falls and New York so I’m also excited bout them.
So, I would like to finish writing about my events that I had and start writing about what I feel about my study abroad. I met different kinds of people in different kinds of meaning. For example, my friends asked me to eat lunch with them without prejudiced belief like Asian and exchange student. On the other hand, some people laugh at me of my English skill. But the people who laugh at me is just few and like when I go to church, everyone is welcome so people are nice to me. I’m happy that I could study abroad in this surroundings. I also learn different kinds of people’s idea. Even if I think opponent cares, expectedly they don’t care. And even if I think things are normal, it’s different in other countries. I met different kinds of people so that makes me to think each country has their own different ideas.
About my English skill, I think its getting better. Communicating with my host family and friends are getting smooth. But I think it’s still not enough. So I want to make each day count.
I came to Hokusei because I wished this study abroad. When I noticed about this study abroad system of Hokusei, I thought I could make many friends and I could improve my English so I was thinking easily. But when I came here, the image that I imagine was a lot different and I was worried about the lifestyle and the wall of words. I think about why I came here few times. Also, about my friends, I almost had no friends at first and these days, I’m finally talking to some people. It is important things to improve English but it’s not just all about English. I think lifestyle and culture are also important as English. Or much more important. And I noticed that if you don’t work from yourself, nothing won’t start. This study abroad made me think about myself and it is definitely one of the things that changed my life. There are some things that I didn’t like and hard for me, but I’m getting used to here so it makes me sad when I think about to go back to Japan. But this study abroad makes me want to do more challenges from now on and I feel like I can do anything if I could done my study abroad.
Lastly, I want to thank for my family, teacher, members of 6G and others to let me study abroad and support me. I’m looking forward to meet everyone.
Thank you for reading at the end!!!!!