



さて、学校生活に関しては、二月の中頃にmardi grasという簡単に言うとルイジアナ州のnew orleansというところで開かれるカトリックの祭りみたいなものがあって、それにちなんだダンスパーティーがありました!!友達と8時から11時くらいまで踊ってとても楽しかったです!!DJの人がきてもうみんなすごいノリノリで、どっかのクラブのディスコみたいでした本当に!!(笑)ダンスの他にも、ちょっとしたゲームコーナーがあったり、写真撮る機械、またでかくてその中で飛び跳ねて遊ぶもの(名前がわからない、、、)もありアメリカの校友会みたいな人たちに感心しました。北星がもし公立だったらこういう特別なイベントもあるのかもしれませんが、私的にはアメリカの高校はこういう特別なイベントが多かったり、student governmentという北星でいう学友会みたいな組織にいる人たちが規模の大きいイベントをよく開催しているなと思います。私のシスターがその中の一人で、よく色んな所へシスターの学年が使う資金を集めるために行って活動しています。例えば、この前はパンダエクスプレスという中華料理のファストフード店みたいなところがあるのですが、そこで私の通っている学校の名前を会計の時に言うと20パーセントの収益がやってくるみたいなイベントがあり、そこへ行って頑張って活動していました。こういうイベント結構いいなと思いながらその日の夜ご飯にパンダエクスプレス食べました(笑)あ、あとこの前はpowderpuffという女子がやるフットボールみたいなものがあり、見ているだけでとても楽しかったです!!昨日とかシスターにあなたの英語上手だよって言われたり、友達にもそういうこと言われてうれしいのですが、私的にはでもまだまだやれるしやらないといけないなって本当にしみじみ実感するので、ラストスパートかけてホストファミリーと友達とこの地で楽しみながら頑張ります!!


Hi everyone!! it’s Tamami staying in California. This is my fourth report but I guess it’s gonna be the last one, so I try to make it as useful to read as I can!! It’s already April and half way through into May!! Time flies so fast!! I guess no one in 6G including me have realized that we’re going back to Japan in a couple of weeks seriously!! I really can’t believe it and I don’t want to believe it,,, I really love my host family, school friends, this place, school I go to, everything has given me an opportunity to grow to be more mature person (I’m still immature though) and learn important things. Especially after I changed my host family, so many things happened again and again and I learned that there is at least one thing happening for us in a week lol anyways it doesn’t matter, with this wonderful host family I have spent fun time here and have got closer as if I was my host mother’s another daughter. If I could, I want to spend a senior year here too. I really appreciate my host family and love them so much.

Honestly, I forgot the theme of the fourth report, but anyways let me talk about some events high school in America have!! In the middle of February, there was like a dance party called Mardi Gras. Actually it’s a Catholic festival held in new Orleans, Louisiana, and my sister told me that it’s one of their annual events. I went to the party with my friends and danced from 8pm to 11pm lol That was a long time and I was really exhausted after that, but I could have so much fun with them and thought that maybe high school in Japan should do that too. Oh on that day in French class we could eat a cake called king’s cake which was a traditional food for the festival and it was so delicious. A DJ came to the event and livened up the party!! Also not only dancing but also there were some games, machine for taking pictures, big balloon thing inside which we jump around, food tracks, and it was so much fun and super awesome!! I was really impressed by people who were in student government and planned everything for the event spending lots of time!! If Hokusei were a public school, there might be some special events like this, but anyways at high school in America there are often some special events like this and people who are in student government which is like 学友会 work so hard to make them super fun. My host sister is one of them and I often see her working hard for student government stuff. Last day, there was a fundraiser event for class of 2020 at Panda Express which was by school I go to, so that she had to stay there as a student government. And guess what my dinner on that day was from Panda Express lol I really love fundraiser event, especially held at some fast food stores lol and hope there were some at Hokusei too. Moreover on last Friday, there was powderpuff which is like football for girls and watching their playing was so much fun and because it was unusual to watch for me, it was so interesting and as nice to watch as football.

Yesterday my sister told me that my English was so good and some of my friends have told me that too, but I think I need to work hard at least for 3 years, so keep it up!! Me!! Lol Until my exchange year in America is over, I’ll try to brush up my English having fun with my lovely host family. We’re actually leaving for Chicago tomorrow for four days and I can’t wait for it!!!!! (I’m gonna send some pics from Chicago later) Of course as you know it’s the first time for to visit Chicago!!!!! I haven’t been to other states for a while, so I know that I’m gonna have so much fun with them!! Fun time is coming soon!!!!! Speaking of my host mom, we’re gonna go to a tour about gang in 1920 lol it sounds little bit scary for me, but anyways I’m looking forward to knowing about their lives as well as pizza!! In addition to that, there will be junior prom in next weekend!! I’m really excited and nervous for it, but I really want to make it one of the most valuable and fun events ever happened in this exchange year!! Thank you so much for reading my report and see you guys in Japan!!

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