カナダ・オンタリオ州 Saugeen District Secondary High School に留学中の 丹山 玲花 さんからの第1回目のレポートです。
まず現地研修のことです。ホストファミリーはHost motherとHost fatherの2人暮らしですがお孫さん、娘さん、息子さん、お友達とほぼ毎日誰かしら来ていたので毎日すごく賑やかでした。Host motherは料理がとても上手で何を食べても美味しかったです。週末になるとたくさん料理をつくってくれるので週末は一緒に買い物に行ってHost motherが作るのを見たり、作り方を教えてもらったりしました。Host fatherはとにかく優しくて、話し方も優しすぎて時々聞き取れないほどのささやきレベルのボリュームの声で話しかけて来たりしますがそんな所も大好きです。2人とも暖かく接してくださって、私が間違った文法で話したときも間違いをきちんと訂正してくれます。まだ英語力は変化していませんが英語を話すことへの抵抗はなくなって来ました。学校では31人の日本人の同世代の子とカナダのことや、文法、英作文の書き方などを学びました。同じ方向へ走っている仲間たちと過ごす時間はたくさんのパワーをもらえますし、頑張ろうと思わせてくれます。彼らと出会えたことを心の底から感謝します。
そして私の留学の目標ですが1つ1つのことにきちんと感謝できる人になる事です。一見当たり前のことを言っているようですが当たり前のことを当たり前にすることは難しいことだと思いました。日本にいるときは気づく事が出来なかったオンマが毎日違う弁当を作ってくれる有り難さ、Host motherが麺類が大好きな私のためにたくさん麺類を夜ご飯に出してくれる事。そのときは気づかなくてもあとで思い返してみるとたくさん感謝すべきものがありました。その1つ1つを大切に受け止め感謝の気持ちをきちんと伝えられる人になりたいです。
Hello, I am Reika who live in Ontario. This is my first report!
1 month has passed since I came to Canada. Time files by too quickly.
I’m bad at writing English sentences, but I tried my best to write in English so I’m glad if you read it until end.
I stayed Ajax for three weeks for studying English with my Japanese friends and I moved to kincardine after that. It’s very cool here and getting ready for winter. Where I live, there are a lot of natures, so it is a nice place to live. This time write about my host family and my goal of study abroad.
First, I will explain about my host family and my school.
I could make better memories than I thought. I lived with host mother and host father. Sometimes, their grandchildren, daughter, son, friends came to my house, so It was a lively place. My host mother is good at cooking. No matter what I ate, it was so delicious.
We went to the grocery store weekends and I was taught how to cook potato salad by host mother. My host father is sooo kind. I feel very happy and comfortable when I’m talking with him, and that makes me feel clam. They always tell me when I was saying something wrong. It was very helpful. My English hasn’t improved yet, but I don’t have some barriers to speaking English.
I went to the school with 31 Japanese people. I learned about Canada, grammar, how to write English composition. I had fun being able to spend time together with them and they gave me a lot of power. I’m happy that I had the chance to meet them.
By the way, my new life begun in kincardine. I’m satisfied every day. The other day I thought I am the last having found a host family when I saw the report that was written by Kaede lol
I told “Don’t worry about me” to my family, but at heart I was worried about that.
I live with host mother and host sister. Already I love themJ
We often go to the beach to collect beach glasses after we ate dinner.
I will write about my school in next report.
Finally, my goal is to be a thankful person. Needless to say, but sometimes the most obvious things in life are the hardest. when I was in Japan, I couldn’t realize that, but there was a lot of things to say ”thank you” to my mother. I want to be a person who always try to be thankful for everything.