Hello! It’s really really really cold in Texas these days. I am regret because I did not bring my winter clothes from my home. I didn’t know Texas is so cold at winter. I only know this year’s Texas.
I am going to write my fourth report about what I learned through this exchange student program. Ummm, I am literally getting bigger, hahaha. Also My mind grows up. I thought my mind is really strong, but I was influenced a lot by other people in America for better or worse. Sometimes I regret by influenced by other people. I think I should have what I like and my opinions wherever. And I am not influenced by other people easily anymore now. For example, when I just came here, American teenager looked like so big. Of course, it’s physically and mentally. I was really really scared X. But I can see them normally now, especially people who throw apple to me looks so small like I can knock down. Also, I can be strict on myself. When I was in Japan, I woke up, ate my mother s healthy breakfast, prepared for my school, went to schools, also ate good lunch, I didn’t have to study really really hard cuz I was not going to fail, Talked with my friends, came back to home, ate my mother and father s delicious dinner, and I stuck with my bed forever. Be honest, I thought I studied, and did some choir. I didn’t do anything what I supposed to do at that time. I am kind of busy recently and I try to do everything I can do. So I think I can be more strict right now. This program has limited time and I have to try harder than other people. By the way, it is getting warmer during I write this report.;)
Hey guys! This is Momo from Texas! This is my 3rd report. The theme of this report is “difference of culture” but I don’t have any specific things to tell you guys so let me just talk about my past few month’s daily life.
Let me talk about my winter break first. Me and my family were going to go Colorado during winter break but we couldn’t go because we had a little problem… so me and my family spend whole winter break in Texas, but it was still amazing and there were so many interesting experiences that I’ve never done before. Before Christmas, we went to buy a christmas tree. We looked for a good one, like not too short, but not too big, and they don’t like fake one. Me and my family spend time with friends both christmas eve and christmas day. We had so much fun and too much food, and I really enjoyed it. During the break, we didn’t get snow at all so I felt like missing something, but my christmas was just amazing. On new year’s eve, me, my friends, my host family, and neighbors gathered in garage and we just hung out all night. We took time to prepare for this day not as long as christmas day, so we just ate some pizza and got some fireworks. There was no big difference, but I remember that everyone was just eating on that day, that was my favorite part of it. Next day, which means new year’s day, I had nothing to do and I really missed things that I do every new year’s day in Japan. After that, my host parents back to work so me and my sister just stayed home and watched a bunch of movies.
After the break, it was hard to wake up early and go back to school, but second semester was just started and I’m taking some new classes. My favorite class is a photojournalism. Every Monday, teacher give us a theme of the photos and we just take some pictures according to it, and we photoshop them and turn them in. We just do this every single week, but it’s interesting to me because it’s my first time to use the good camera and photoshop, also it’s first time to learn photojournalism. Also, most of them in the class is pretty good at using camera and taking good picture so they show me how to do those work in class.
Time went so fast and we got 3 months until we go back to home. I’m always thinking that I don’t want to go back home yet, but I know it’s coming soon. I’ll do what I can!!
Thank you for reading and see you next report!
成長したことと言えば英語力!と言いたい所ですが、胸を張れるほどではありません…。リスニングとスピーキング能力は伸びたと思います。授業ではリスニング力が不可欠なので結構育ちました。問題は文法ですね。さすがアメリカというべきなのでしょうか、ちょっと間違ったり、何となくでも通じてしまうのですよね。残りの期間で改善していきたいです。他にはsign languageを学んでいる最中です。スペルとあいさつを一通り覚えましたが、まだまだです。dadは教会でchapterと兄弟が耳が聞こえないらしく、momは昔学んだみたいで二人ともsign languageが流暢なので教えてもらっています。教会に耳の聞こえない人も来ているので私なりに頑張ってコミュニケーションをとり、教えてもらっています。あとは本を読んだりなどなど…。完璧にとまではいいませんが、ある程度話せるようになって帰りたいですね。あと一つ、成長したと言えば宗教でしょうか。毎週日曜日と水曜日教会に行っているということもあり、聖書について学んでいます。正直、最初はあまり宗教に興味はなかったのですが、聖書箇所についてdiscussionすることで興味が出できました。つい最近、pastor から聖書をもらいました。Fire bibleってやつです。わざわざAmazonで日本語版を買い寄せてくれたそうです。今では教会が私の第二の家のようなものです。ちなみにですが、洗礼を受けたからキリスト教徒ってわけではないそうです。キリスト教を信じたらキリスト教徒らしいです。みなさん知っていました?私は知りませんでした。
さて、前回のレポートで書いた通り冬休みはユニバとSan Diegoで過ごしました。二月の初めにはダンスのパフォーマンスがあったり、ファームに行ってウサギやヤギに餌をあげたり…。ウサギが可愛すぎてほしくなりました。名前は忘れてしまったけどある動物に餌をあげたとき指をかまれました。痛かったです(笑)そんなこんなでもう3月。時がたつのは早いですね。正直帰りたいという気持ちは微塵もありません。(日本の両親が嫌いとかそういう理由じゃないですよ!)ですが約3カ月後には絶対帰らないといけないんですよね…。残りの期間を大切に、悔いのないよう過ごしていきたいと思います!ちなみに春休みはディズニーに行きます。次回のレポートでいろいろ書きますね~!
Hey guys. How are you doing? I’m fine except for my foot. I hearted my ankle in dance class. I need pay attention…. I think it will be fixed when the report post. This time, the theme is “where I grow up through the study abroad”. So, I will write down it.
I want to say that I grow up English. But honesty, I can’t say it…. I think listening and speaking ability are growing. But I don’t think I can correct sentence because they can understand without completely sentence. Listening and speaking is essential to class and lives so grow up easily. I regret not to study enough and suggest study grammar before study abroad. Well, my host dad sometimes teaches and teasing me with slang, so I learned a little slang. It is hard to understand myself, because it doesn’t make sense. Dad explain about it detail, now I understood. In addition, I’m learning about sign language. Dad and Mom influence it because dad is chapter and have deaf siblings, mom used to chapter and learned. Right now, I can sign greetings and spring. Every Sunday, I talk with deaf in church and growing the skill. So, I wish I will talk almost influence before I back Japan. I heard Japanese sign and American sign difference. I want to learn Japanese sign too. And one more I am growing. It is religion. You know I go to church every Wednesday night and Sunday morning, I’m in a youth group. Every time we discuss about the part of Bible. The word is really helpful for me when I got lonely or some thing sad from this study abroad. I put on the word that most help me. “it’s ok not be ok, but not ok to be stay here.” Then I was in feeling that worry about myself, host family or anything. But that word gives me courage and cheer up me. so, the church like my second hose foe me.
Now, the time is coming. I wrote in the last report that I stayed Universal Studio Hollywood and San Diego in winter break. This spring break we go to Disneyland!!! I exciting now! My host family take me any place every break, thank you. I really appreciate it. The limit is about 3 months….
It is quickly to gone time. Next report will be final, I will write many things (maybe) so I’m happy if you read next time too. See you later!
Bonjour tout le monde. C’est Hikari Matt. J’habite à Cerro Gordo Illinois.このくだりもいい加減飽きてきたので次のレポートにはなくなっているかもしれません。みなさんイリノイ州からこんにちは、マット光です。前回のレポートで何か書き忘れていたと思っていました。そうです。「良いお年を」です。すっかり忘れていました。
そして私の学校は冬休み前にファイナルというまあ日本でいう定期試験みたいなのがあり、無事にファーストセメスターを終えることができました。いえい。前回のレポートでHonorsリストに載ったて書いたじゃないですか。なんとですよ。先生方。マット光、この度ファーストセメスターの成績でHonorsのさらに上、High Honorsとかいうはちゃめちゃなリストにこの度こんなおバカそうな名前を連ねてしまいました。やった〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜〜
部活の話も簡単にしておきます。前回のレポートの英語のところで書いたとおり私はまあいろいろなクラブに参加させてもらってるわけなんですが、その一つにScholastic Bowlていうのがあります。多分Scholastic Bowlって見ても意味わかんないですよね。日本でいうクイズ研究会みたいなもんです。基本的に一校対一校で、一チーム5人、一ゲームでtoss up25問とボーナス30〜50問を早押しで答えます。問題も地理問題から政治、スポーツ、音楽や芸術、映画に加えて数学問題など幅広い分野だからこりゃ大変!しかもそんな専門分野の質問を英語で聞かれても理解するのがやっとで、最初の試合ではちょっとだけ出してもらえたものの手も足も出なくて死ぬほど悔しかったです。もーーう。でも先週の木曜日にはまるまる2試合出させてもらって、しかも前より全然答えられました。さらに!なんと!ボーナス問題で第二次世界大戦中の日本の首相は?ってでたんです!そんなのもうこっちのもんですよね。チームメイトにも今シーズンは心強いって言ってもらえてコーチも試合の後に今回ナイスジョブってナイスすぎるお言葉をいただいてすっっっっごく嬉しいです。今週の金曜にも試合あるのでみんな日本からマットを応援していてください。
今回短くするって言ったのに結局書きすぎちゃうのは定石ってものでしょうか。文化の違いがテーマなのに何も書いてないです。ウケる(うけない)。ここで私から提案があります。日本語のレポートは今回ここまでにしましょう。いやテーマについて何にも書いてないじゃんって?それは英語の方に書くというわけですよ。だからもし文化の違いについて知りたくてこのレポートを読んでいるなら英語の方も読んでください。でももしそうじゃないなら別に読まなくてもいいです。だってここまで読んでくれただけで私はhappy as I can beなので。次のレポートでお会いしましょう!
Happy new year from Illinois! Hi this is Hikari Matt.
okay I’m not really in mood to write these papers now, but well I have to and I will… hang on guys it won’t be long. So for this one, theme is the cultural difference between US and Japan, right? (Just making sure because I’ve no idea if it’s right or not)
So these are some differences I found:
・There are no stop right in my town. I’m guessing just because it’s small…
・All students addicted to their phone
・Foods in school cafeteria are gross
・Water fountains are also gross
It seems like I hate here but don’t worry I’m liking here. Probably last one is the most important one. Like other 5G students have mentioned, people here uses vehicle to go everywhere.(Especially people live in small town like mine) Which means if I gain weight here it’s not my fault it’s completely American society’s fault. So school offers freshman and sophomore a class to get driver’s license. Isn’t that cool? I wish I could drive car.
And here, most schools offer more language classes than we do in Japan. Usually in Japan, English is the only choice but in US high school they offer more than 2 language. For example, the high school I’m going to we have French class and Spanish class.
It took me quite a while to get used to high school here. I surely had some difficulties and days I didn’t want to go to school, but just thank to my family and friends, I’m loving here. Who can believe I only have less than four months here? There are still people I want to talk to and things I want to do. I’m such a coward but I promise here that at least I’ll try… we gotta pull through. Simply thanks to my Japanese family and to my American family. And to my friends here and in Japan. All teachers and students. See you in my next one. I know it’s freezing in Sapporo. Stay warm and take good care. It’s 11pm in Illinois so night night.
聞いて知るのと実際に感じて知るのは全くもって違うので最近はアクティビティでも食べ物でも何でもとりあえず知らないものはどんどん試しています(笑) 帰ってから後悔するのだけは嫌なので残りあと3か月自分なりに勉強して楽しもうと思います。最後まで読んでくれてありがとうございました!ちなみにレポート英語の方と日本語の方若干違う内容書いたりしているのでぜひ英語版も読んでくれると嬉しいです、ではまた次のレポートで
Hi everyone, this is Kanon. How have you guys been? Although it’s getting to be warm in Austin, Texas these days, in Japan already getting to be warm? By the way I apologize to you guys about I’m running late to turn in this report. I’m going to share something I was impressed from American teenagers and culture but before that let me write a few things about precious memories on last December and November.
First of all I was going on trip to Minnesota on December. I had been staying there for ten days but it was such a great time that I felt the time had gone so fast. I got four Christmas party on first of half days at mom’s parent’s house, her sister’s house and her grandparent’s house with all members of mom’s family and then we crushed at guest house. I was very surprised to know that they had been getting present and made Christmas stocking for me. I could be able to see and talk a lot of people and all of their families in Minnesota are such a sweet. Then, we spent the rest of the day at mom’s aunt and uncle’s house which is front of the big lake in Minnesota. They gave me amazing memories. I got experience to do ice fishing at the ice house which was made by themselves on the big lake and Bob took me and host sister to the house by snowmobile. That was could be super fun. At the night, we got a bunch of food for Christmas dinner and even more after that they got sushi for me! Even though I should have stopped eating because I was sure I ate too much, I kept eating. I just want to say don’t get surprised to see how did I gained weight lol. Anyway I had an amazing winter vacation with snow in Minnesota. And after two month later, my family made one of my dream that visiting and skiing in Colorado come true. That should be on the list of my great memories in American life. I hope come and visit there again someday.
Next I’m going to tell you guys what I got and feel from friends and people are around me these days. Recently I got something impressive happened. A few weeks ago, I had kind of big lacrosse game and other days I had a meeting as the first practice after the game. Our coach asked us about what and how should we practice for being strong as almost everyone in my team had each clear opinion and told that to each other. Our couch gave us that time just 20 minute for that but we took about an hour to talk that after all. I felt almost all of people are around me have their opinion and can tell each other easily even whatever situation it is. They don’t matter how other people feel. As Japanese I think it is the most far different from American and kind of Japanese culture. Through that thing and as I’ve been here, I getting to be positive in everything and being not afraid to speak English more than before came here.
I appreciate exchange student report these days because reading other student, friends report gets me going to do harder and makes me feel we are coming up together in each countries. I have just three month left. I knew it’s up to me whether rest of the day will be fun or not. That’s why I want to get more thing before go back to Japan, I’ll keep doing my best.
Thank you guys for reading, I was running a few weeks late though.
See you next report.
ミシガンのホーランドに留学中の谷川さくらです。皆さん明けましておめでとうございます。今回で、私の留学レポートは最後になります。私の留学生活も残り3ヶ月となりました。半年あっという間に過ぎましたね。ミシガンはカナダにとても近くて、雪も降るし、寒いのですが、アメリカにはSnow day があり、雪が降り積もると学校が休みになります。今年は異例の雪で、一週間丸々学校が休みに。とにかく学校がなかったです。ここ最近はやっと普通の生活に戻ってきましたが。さて、前回にエッセイコンテストの結果をお知らせするとお伝えしていましたが、結果、4人のアジア留学生の一人に選ばれることができ、4日間のサンディエゴの旅行切符を得ることができました。そして今回は、私のサンディエゴでの経験を少し書きたくて、レポートの提出を少し遅らせてもらいました。私は、ただ、旅行ができると喜んでいたのですが、選ばれてから知ったのが、これはただの旅行ではなく、アジアの留学生をもっと受け入れてもらうため、アジア人留学生をもっとサポートするにはどうしたらよいかというアジアンワークショップという会議に日本人留学生代表として出席するというものでした。前回を行われたのは3年前らしく、私がこの機会に留学ができて、このワークショップに参加できたことを感謝しています。
Hello, I’m Sakura studying abroad in Holland Michigan. Happy New Year, everyone. It feels like I wrote my last essay a few days ago. I only have three months to go back to Japan. Half year already has passed as if it flies. Michigan is located really close to Canada, so it snows like Hokkaido, and it’s cold every winter. There is a ‘Snow day’ in American school. This is the school system which they close the school because of snow. It has been snowing so bad last 3 weeks, so I got a whole week ‘snow days’ which is unexpected and unusual. I’m not sure if it’s lucky. Lately the weather has been stable and I can go to school like I used to. I really miss snow days even though I was really sick of the snow days at that time. By the way, as I told you I’ll let you know the result of the essay contest. The result is… I was chosen as a one of Asian exchange students, and I got to go to San Diego for free. This time I had due date of my essay be delayed little bit in order to write about this 4 days trip in San Diego. I thought this is just a trip, but after I got selected I knew that this is for participating in the Asian workshop and conference as a representation of Japanese exchange student. at this conference, they were talking what we can do in order to more Asian exchange students are accepted by host family. This workshop is not held every year, actually I heard that the last one was held 3 years ago. I really appreciate that I was able to study abroad this year and have this great opportunity. However, I missed some events in my school instead of going to San Diego. I had been practicing a Japanese song in my choir class for the concert, but I couldn’t participate in the concert. I felt so bad for them because I’m the one who knows how to pronounce and sing this song confidently, and also because of snow days we didn’t have enough time to practice the song. They couldn’t even remember the lyrics. After this trip I asked my choir teacher that how the concert was. She said that “We were literally missing you. We needed you. We kinda messed up, but it was alright.” “I feel really sorry about that…” I responded. I also missed snow coming. It is like a homecoming party which is held in winter. Some of my friends told me that “You should have been at the party. It was boring without you. If you had been there you it would had been definitely even more fun.” “I wish I could have made it.” I answered like this every time I was asked. The last event I missed is Valentine’s Day. People give a valentine card with a carnation to their friends on the Valentine’s Day in my school. Some of my friends didn’t know that I’m not at the school that day, so they bought a carnation and sent it to me. However unfortunately I couldn’t get a carnation from them. (Good thing: I was able to get a card) I apologized that I should have told about that before I go…, but I’m so happy to have such great friends.
Ok, Let’s go back to the story of the San Diego trip. Nearly 30 area coordinators from various states got together at the conference. In this trip I had a lot of things that I was looking forward to doing in San Diego. Meeting three other exchange students was one of them. Two girls from Taiwan and Thailand, a boy from Mongolia came to San Diego as a representation like me. In fact, the girl from Thailand is studying abroad in Michigan which is same as me, so she and I had been together since the airport. I had so much fun with talking to them and knowing their cultures. As a same Asian exchange student there were some parts we can sympathize each other throughout this studying abroad, so it was really great to get to know them.
We talked about our experiences in exchange year, introduced about our cultures, and we answered a bunch of questions from the coordinators at the conference. I was going to introduce about culture of the tea ceremony, and I prepared myself to be able to explain about kinds of tea ceremony, rules, history, and method. In spite of that, I could explain what I prepared, but I couldn’t answer their questions. I couldn’t have answered some of them even in Japanese. It made me realize that there are still a lot of things that I don’t know about Japan even I’m Japanese. For example, when I was asked why you have to do that quietly in the quiet place. When I was asked why you have to do that quietly in the quiet place. I was going to respond that ‘because we have a culture called “wabi sabi.”, but I didn’t know what wabi sabi is exactly, and I didn’t think I should tell things that I’m not sure if it’s right or not. So I was struggling with explaining about this. I was frustrated to myself not being able to explain even though I really wanted to convey how beautiful this culture is. At the same time, however, I realized improvement of my English at this conference. I was able to answer to their questions without preparing what I say, and it wasn’t that difficult to say my opinion in English. I’ve finally got used to speak and hear English. They took us to Asian restaurants to have dinner every evening. I had a lot of opportunities to talk to coordinators there, and in the conversation some of them commanded me on my English pronunciation. I was truly happy to hear that. I had been struggling with communication to native speakers since I came here, but these days it feels like my efforts have finally paid off… Even when I have discussion about the book in my English class, I became able to say my opinions and ideas as much as native speakers.
In the workshop, one coordinator asked me that “What is the best moment in this year.” I would have definitely said “the moment I realize my English has advanced even just a little” “the moment I can communicate and laugh with people from different country.” If she hadn’t ordered me to say certain event. These are even happier moments than any other events that I had so far. I’ll tell you one of discussion we had at the conference. I was asked that “Did you talk with your host family or area coordinator on the phone before you meet.” I replied that “I was told that Let’s do skype sometime before I go to America, but I didn’t have any confidence about my English at all, and I didn’t think I can talk to my host parents in English, so I couldn’t call them. However If there was a choice to call coordinators it would be easier to call them than host parents because they understand exchange students.” Based on this, they discussed it. In conclusion before exchange students come to America it would be better to call them from area coordinators. It would be good to make it be rule…etc I heard those opinions in the end of this discussion. It felt so weird that I participated in such a discussion between area coordinators. As some of my classmates know, we had to write a letter, and create collage as my introduction for my host family (your hobbies, family, hobbies etc). How to introduce exchange students to host family, and how to summarize what exchange students sent coordinators etc. conversations were also held focusing on those. One of area coordinator who came to San Diego with me showed me my essay and collage. I was surprised that there are so many mistakes in my grammar, and it reminded me of the day I make this. At that time I couldn’t imagine I would experience such a great experience in America. Lately I’ve been thinking that this studying abroad is so meant to me. I really appreciate my parents who gave me this opportunity. I’ll never waste this experience. Although I only have three months to go back to Japan I’ll spend my rest of exchange year meaningfully. Thank you so much for reading my long report.
Hello~! I am writing my third report. I really wanna see my family and my friends these days. I can’t stop looking calendar every day. I wish I could go back to home only one week and see them then come back to here;)
Okay, so many people usually ask me what is the culture difference, because I am exchange student, but I am not sure what is different. America is huge country, also there are all kinds of people, so it’s different even in America. For example, Texas and Michigan have totally different cultures. so I can’t not say exactly what it is. This time, I will write about different cultures that I noticed by staying with my family and other people who around me.
First, it’s how to go hang out. The public bus, subway and train were only at downtown. Of course I can’t drive car by myself. My rule is I cannot ride the cars which are driven by teens. So, if I wanna go somewhere to hang out, or to buy something what I need, I need to ask my parents every time. They are so busy because have work and three other kids. I wanna hang out with my friends all time, but Sometimes I feel so bad for them. One day, I thought I could walk! And told them “I’m gonna walk! “ Then, they look at me like I am stupid. I had walked to go my friend’s house for 40 min in Japan. What’s the matter?? America people don’t have cultures like walking. I noticed that my neighborhood don’t have side walkway. Cars are more popular as the way to go somewhere than Japan. If I can walk for one hour or there are public buses around my neighborhood, my family don’t let me use it, because it’s dangerous. If it has some dangerous or risk, my family don’t let me do. if I walk alone, there are strangers or kids naps. I miss safety like taking airplane to go Tokyo alone, and freedom in Japan.
Second, it’s working environments. I have never had jobs, so I don’t know about anything but I think something is different. I think American working environment is more stable than Japanese expect part time job. It’s also depends on which job. The words of @ and @ are so famous in Japan. I think these are really famous because I heard a lot. Also, I heard “ if people have a week of New Year’s break(it’s biggest event in Japan ), it’s lucky. I feel so uncomfortable with these words. My host parents are coming back to home by six pm every day, they have off three days or two days a week least. The biggest event CHRISTMAS, they have a week off least. I think many people have it.
I went to moms office and sell my host sister s Girl Scout cookies. It has really good atmosphere. It’s not only how beautiful is building, it was people. I doubt it. I thought there were kids, that’s why people acted nice. Then, I asked mom and she said it is normal and they are so nice. Okay, I thought what about other office? I asked dad. He said his office is also nice . My imagination about Japanese office is not good atmosphere at all because they are too hard working. Hard working is really great but when I see that young people subside on the news, I don’t want to work really hard especially in Japan. I wanna get wages by myself in the future and go travel all over the world but I don’t think I can go if I see like this working environment. I hope I can get job that is stable.
I tried to write about others with my classmates. By the way, I wrote about job because my did said it is really different while I was writing this. This is just my opinion so don’t trust all of them.
Hi I’m Kurumi. I’m staying in New Hampshire. It’s March already! Congratulations on your graduations to my seniors. Thank you for everything you did, I’m gonna miss you guys when I go back to my high school in Japan.
So this time, I’m gonna talk about myself. What did I learn so far and did I change myself at all and something like that. At first I would like to say my English is improved. I know everyone in 5G can say it, but it really is! Obviously I don’t even translate what the Americans saying in my head. It’s like ‘English is English’. And currently I don’t think about what am I gonna say in my head. When I spoke English fluently, I am so happy and I would say I’m so cool!
Second thing is definitely chores. Don’t you think the chores is important for study abroad? IT IS. Um especially for me.. I guess. Because my host family has a farm and there are so many animals. Four horses, seven dogs, four goats, four ducks, twenty chickens and four cats. I know it’s crazy. Therefore we have to feed them every day and clean their house once a week. So my host mom always says she needs help for something. My chores are to fold everyone’s laundry and feed chickens and pick up chickens eggs and clean the kitchen after the dinner. And sometimes I help the others chores like vacuuming living room and clean up the fire place. I do a lot of chores. I think I’m doing it more than my host sister. When I was in Japan, I never done this much chores so I’m kinda surprised that I’m doing them completely. Oh can tell you one thing? I do fold the laundries even my host mom’s underwear lol
Otherwise, we went to Vermont! We drove three hours. We went to Jay peak which is near by Canada. We were skiing morning and we went to the water park after. It made me so tired. It was really fun though. I saw Canada from top of the mountain. It was beautiful. At the water park, we played family basketball. It was really really fun! We were so competitive.
It’s been seven months since I came to America. The time goes so quickly! I’m enjoying my life in here, but I have to try more and more. I can do everything! Don’t be shy, don’t be afraid;) Thanks for reading! See you at the next report. Have a good day!!
私は先日、テネシー州を訪れました。CYC という教会のイベントに行くためでした。1日目に会場を訪れました。たくさんの方々とお話をすることができとても楽しかったです。2日目は豪雨に見舞われ道が封鎖されてしまい何処へも出かけることができませんでした。ですが、とてもいい思い出です。
Hello. I’m Kiho Sekine. I’m in Owosso, Michigan. This winter is very chill, and my school was closed more than 10 times. This time, I would like to talk about what I grew through studying abroad.
I honestly don’t feel that I grew. My English skill is better than before, but my personality is still same. I mean that I grew, but I can’t realize for myself. However, I feel that I have patriotism more than when I was in Japan. It is because, I am taking a discussion class, and my teacher asked me that while I walk down in the street, someone will shot by gun. I answered no. My teacher said Japan is very safe place. I thought America is more dangerous than I thought.
I had Japanese luncheon on February 26th. I chose Naporitan and Warabimichi. Actually, my school cook made those so it tastes little different, but my host family and friends liked them. Also, this time cook served those at school lunch. Not many people ate, but most students are interested in that. I spoke about background of Naporitan. After WW2, American army left spaghetti and ketchup. During that time, meat was very expensive so people used sausage. My principal liked this story, and he praised me. Warabimochi was not taste like real one, but it was good. I used maple syrup as Kuromitu. I want to make many Japanese food, but my host family is very busy so I cannot make often so this luncheon is very good chance to introduce Japanese culture.
Also, I went to Tennessee to go CYC (church youth conference). However, 2nd day was a heavy rain, so I couldn’t go anywhere. But, on 1st day, I talked to many people at the hall and It was a great memory.
私が一学期で取っている授業は(私の学校は2学期制です) 数学、ダンス、体育、英語、キャリアです。
数学は日本で算数数学をやっていた人には簡単に感じると思います。最初の授業のとき問題がすぐ終わって、友達のヘルプをしましたがそのときは全然喋られなかったのを思い出します。笑 でも、友達と話しながら問題を解いたり、宿題が出てもそこまで困ることはないので、一番最初の学期には数学をとってもいいんじゃないかな、と思います。数学では基本的にもうすでに習ったこと、なんなら中学校で習ったこともやりました、既に習ったことと、意味のわからないこれが数学なのかもわからないくらい意味不明なものもありました。だけど、困ることは無いと思います。
ダンスは私のお気に入りのクラスです。高校にダンスのクラスがあるのはなかなかふつうのことでは無いと思いますが、私の学校は全校生徒200人ほどの小さい学校なのにも関わらず、ダンススタジオ、演劇、美術、ギターなどの楽器、いろんな副教科もあります。 ダンスのクラスは、レベルは全く低くないので本当のところ初心者はクラスに来なくなる人も少なくないです。だけど、ステージにみんなたったあとはみんなで良かったね、って言い合えるのが私は好きです。もうすでに2回学校でステージに立ちました。あと、ここのクラスにはいろんなジャンルのダンスをやっている人がいるので、ダンスを自分たちで考えるときなどすごい私にとって面白いです。このクラスではずっとダンスをやっているわけじゃなくてカナダの文化的なダンスを習ったりもしたり、今年なりたい自分を見つめ直したり、メディケーションと呼ばれている体から精神的なところまでリラックスさせる、きっと今流行っていますよね…?ものを授業の最後の5分間でやったりもします。
体育の授業もお気に入りです。この授業はランチの前の最後の授業なのでめちゃくちゃお腹が空きながらく体を動かします、最初は辛かったけど今は慣れました。笑 体育は(ほぼ)毎週金曜日にフリータイムみたいなのがあって、1時間自分が好きなことをできる時間があります。体育では友達は作りやすいと思うし、こういうフリータイムやスポーツをして盛り上がるので体育のクラスはすごく好きです。バスケやバレーのチーム競技は特に盛り上がるので言うように体育は友達がすぐできると思います。体育には運動ができる人しかいないイメージでしたが、全然そんなことないので、やりたかったらやったほうがいいと思います!私の学校は(他の学校はわかりませんが最低私の学校は)一学期の中で体力テストを3周やります。だからシャトルランも3回やります…好きじゃないです。笑 でも、体育は楽しいです。
4時間目は英語です。この授業は私にとって難しい教科です、いっぱい本を読んでセンテンスについてディスカッションをしたり、日本でやる国語とほとんど同じですね、だけど、教科書とかはないので、分厚い小説を全部読みます。これは日本でもなかなかやらない気がします。あとはジャーナルといって、授業の最初に動画を見てそれについて思ったことを書くことをやります、これは基本的にライティング力を高めるためです。最初の方は動画の意味が理解できないことがあったけどその時は家で動画を見返して家で終わらせました。プレゼンテーションとかもしましたが、プレゼンテーションは日本で何回もやってきたので辛いとは思いませんでした、北星でカルチャー、異文化の授業では何回プレゼンテーションやったかわからないくらいやっていたおかげで、プレゼンテーションの課題は楽に感じました。あとはブックトークという課題が出ました、これは1ヶ月以内に自分が選んだ小説を読んで、その本について書いて発表するものでした、1ヶ月以内に小説読み終わるのなんて無理だって思いました、だって日本語の本でさえ1ヶ月で読み終わることなんてないから、しかもその本について書く日数も必要だって考えたら、20日くらいしかないと思って、一日何ページ読めば20日以内に終わるって計算して、そうしたらちゃんと読み終わりました、でも必死でした、楽ではなかったです。笑 英語はみんな取らないといけない教科ですが、先生からヘルプをもらえば全然大丈夫だと思います。
ボランティアは基本的に週一で放課後に行きます。何かと言うと、これは子供持ちの家族のためにどうやってトラブルから避けるか、などの問題の講習を大人が受けてその間子供のベビーシッターになります。大人も子供もみんなでビンゴをやったり夜ご飯を食べたりします。同じ学校から友達と毎週バスに乗っていき、プログラムでは他校から来た生徒ともすごく仲がいいです。そのプログラムが終わったあとも1時間くらいみんなで話してから帰ります。私はこの時間が大好きです。もし、ボランティアなどの何かができるチャンスがあったらやることをお勧めします!実は私のコーディネーターがこのプログラムを開いていて誘われました、だけどその時は少し考えました、だけどもし好きじゃなかったらやめればいいや程度の気持ちで入ったら、友達ができて同じ学校から自分の友達を誘って友達ももちろんこのプログラムが大好きであー待てない!っていっつも言っています笑 4時から8時まであるので4時間以上はありますが、すごく短く感じます。すごくこれについて書いてしまいましたが、この時間も含めて50時間しっかり達成できました。
冬休みのことも少し書きたいです。冬休みの間、マザーの両親と11月にトレーニングのために引っ越した体操選手のブラザーが家に来て、一緒にクリスマスを過ごしました。グランマグランダは本当にいい人で、一緒に散歩に行ったり、また会う約束もしました。クリスマスはすごく派手でした。笑 プレゼントを開けるだけで3時間くらいかかってそのあとものを整理するのが大変でした。笑 ブラザーとスケートにも行きました、スケートリンクがすぐ家の前にあるので歩いて行けるし、誰もいないので音楽をかけて、ブラザーと私はスケートが大好きなので、朝から部屋をノックしてきてスケート行く?って言われて朝から行ったり暗くなって夜に行ったり、4回くらい言ったと思います。すごい楽しかったです。家でみんなでゆっくりできたし最高の冬休みでした。
Hello, this is Kano. I’m in Saskatchewan, Canada. In this my third report, I want to write about classes which I’m taking in semester 1.
I have math, dance, phsy ed, English, and career and work. Math class is easy for me because we learn what I already learned in Japan. I sometimes struggle with something which is kind of wired.lol But, when I see answer sheets, I become like what the heck is that… I sometimes think they are not math. Math is not that for me, but I think it was good to take it because I had good conversations with my friends and the teachers. I want to recommend taking math in the first semester, even if you don’t like it.
I also have dance class which is my favorite. I guess school which has dance class is not that usual, but I want to write about the class a little bit. We usually practice dancing, but also we learn Canadian dance culture. (powwow, Mètis, etc.) I danced on a stage couple times at school ceremonies. We also make dance movements ourselves, some people are good at jazz dance, some people are good at ballet, and some people are good at hip hop dance. So I can learn many kinds of dances, it’s so interesting for me. I’m also taking phys ed (P.E). I really like this class even though there’s not many girls in there. I heard some people say many girls is not in phys ed class so I don’t know if you should take that class, when I was in Japan. But, I really like the class because… first of all, I like sports, and also, it’s easy to make friends. We have free time which we can do whatever we want every Friday. Basically, students in phys ed like sports, so it’s so fun to play volleyball games which is my favorite to play. I also have English, it’s hard for me because we read many books and discuss about sentences or anything in the book. I’m getting used to read books fast, but at first, it was so hard to follow teacher’s reading. So, I usually read the book at home not to be behind in the class. It is help for my reading in the class. I feel like English class is my favorite, too, I don’t know why but I think I sometimes feel my English skill improving in the class. What is important in English is I think not to be shy because we have discussions in that class, so if you have own opinion and say something in group or either tell opinion in class is going to make your English better and also it’s going to make your confidence, too. If you don’t do that, it’s so different from you do. Just try something is definitely make your English better in study abroad. I also have career and work class. Basically, we learn about job. I took homework support class but I changed it to career and work because i can’t get a credit. Otherwise I can’t get enough credit to graduate back school. In homework support class, teachers help my study, also I get homework from the class. Honestly, the class was not fun and not helpful. You can get teachers help, but I feel like asking teacher not teacher in homework support class is way easier than ask teacher in homework support class because they don’t know about your homework, so you have to explain about your homework, and you can get teachers help. So, I don’t know if anyone likes the class…lol. In career and work class, we basically study about job. Actually, main thing in this class is internship, we do it for two months. Some students went to middle school, some students went day care, some students went to Dollarama. I was working at my school because it was already started when I changed the class and joined the class. Also, the teacher was worried about my English, so it was seemed to be the best option for my internships. We needed to work 50 hours before Christmas break. I knew I can’t work 50 hours because I was late to start it. But I am in the program which is for families which have children. And I babysit there every week. I told to the teacher about it, and he was like oh! Cool! Absolutely you can! So I could include my volunteer hours, too. So what they do is parents learn how to stay out of trouble and like that staff. So while the parents are taking lesson for it, I babysit their children. Of course I do as a volunteer work. My friends from same school are doing it with me, but all we have great time with friends from other schools, too. It’s my favorite time. Actually, my manager who checks my life here and does many stuff for me is the leader of the program. She and I are always talking about something funny. Before I come here, my image of managers was serious person of course depending on person, but I really like my manager, she’s so nice. I’m really enjoying this program because I have so nice friends there, I think it’s the biggest reason. After the program finish, we chill together for like an hour and we keep talking and we can’t stop talking, and laughing. I talked too much about another topic, but if you have an opportunity to have a volunteer work or anything out of school, you should try that because it would be great to have nice friends and also you can improve your communication skills by talking with people who have so many different age, like 3 years old boy, 30 years old lady, 70 years old lady. So I basically work four hours every time, it’s kind of long but whatever.lol And I worked over 50 hours in two months! I think this is all what I want to tell you about the classes which I have but I want to talk about Christmas break a little bit.
So, while Christmas break, my brother who moved to another city to have better trainings was home. I hadn’t seen him for while so I was so excited. Also, my mom’s parent came to visit us. I was little nervous for it because I had never seen them before. I knew they are so nice because when mom phones them, they asks her like how are the boys?(brothers) how’s Kano? I know it’s so sweet.lol It was more loudly than usual in my home. We had supper together every single night which was so nice. I was surprised how big event Christmas is. I got incredibly many presents, it took 3 hours to open the presents. I didn’t really go anywhere we were just staying at home, and chilling. We went for walk with the dogs when the weather was good. I also went skating with my brother, it was so fun. We both like skating, so one day, my brother came knocked my room’s door and said skating? And I said why not! Even it was in the morning. Another day, we went skating in the night, it was also really good. There’s the skate rink just in front of my house, so we can walk there and nobody is there. The break was not that long, but it was so nice break for me.
Thank you for reading my report!