
英語科の長期留学レポート  2019.10

アメリカ合衆国カリフォルニア州Patriot High Schoolに留学中の 上野 莉奈さんからの第1回目のレポートです。


みなさんこんにちは! カリフォルニア州Riversideに留学中の上野莉奈です。自分が留学生としてこのレポートを書けるなんてとっても光栄です。これを見てくれている友達や後輩、先生そして家族にしっかり報告できたらいいです。特に後輩たちに伝えてあげたい事を紹介できたらと思います。私もたくさん読んでいたので(笑)クラスメイトのレポートもとっても面白いものばかりです。ぜひ、私のレポートも読んでくださいね!!







ここまで読んでいただいて感謝しかないです。私の第一回目のレポートはどうでしたか? 次回のレポートはもっとうまく書きたいですね(笑)ありがとうございました!また、次回のレポートでお会いしましょう!


P.S.  バスケットボール部のみなさん。

お久しぶりですね〜。私の母を偵察に使って、みんなの試合を見たりしてますよ(笑) この間学校で、みんなの試合の動画見ていたらバスケ部のお友達が『あなたのチーム本当に上手いのね!』って言って感動していました。私はバスケの授業をとっているんですけど、私でもクラスの中で一番上手いですよ?一番足速いです。これでも。クラスの中にも何人かバスケ部いるんですけどね。毎日バスケしながら、ここにみんなが来たらもう英雄どころじゃないなって思います。留学お勧めしますよ(笑)みんなのこと大好きでめっちゃ恋しいけど、私とした約束のために努力し続けてね。私も諦めないし、みんなが頑張っていると思うから、頑張れます。時にはちゃんと休んで、笑って、ふざけて、楽しくバスケしてほしい。アメリカからでもずっとみんなの近くにいるよ!はい、笑って!!またね〜


Hello, everyone. I’m Marina Ueno, I stay in Riverside, California.

I feel honored to write this report as an exchange student. I want to tell my friends, teachers and my family. Especially, I want to tell someone who wants to go study abroad someday. Also, I read reports from exchange students a lot. My classmate’s report is awesome. Please read our reports!!


      My first theme of the report is “My family life and my goals for studying abroad”. My orientation in Arizona is awesome. I will definitely see my host family someday. Now, my family has a father,  mother,  brother and exchange student from Cambodia. We have 3 dogs and a cat. They are so pretty, but I often have trouble with dog and cat fair.   I share the room with an exchange student from Cambodia.  She is a very nice English speaker as a native speaker. I want to share with you at my eating habits. What is your image of America’s eating habits? Probably, you think Pizza, hamburger, drink of large size. My host family doesn’t eat like that. They are non-sugar home. They don’t eat contains sugar like fruits and carbohydrates. Sometimes, they eat like that and eat meat and vegetables as staple foods. When I came here, I was surprised. Because it was completely different from my image. At first, I also lived like that with my host family. However, I suddenly lost my weight.  I talked to my host family about this. And then, they bought rice for me. I was so happy. Now, I use rice and can make a lot of food. If I go to the store with my host family, I can buy stuff for me and eat. It is hard to make. I’m grateful to my mother for making food.


      Next, I’ll tell you about my goals for studying abroad. Roughly speaking, my goals are “ keeping smile” and “don’t give up”. I promised Fuko of my team-mate I would keep smiling before I come here. She promised me she would not cry. I receive the message from her, she sent me “You are smiling, aren’t you?”. It made me cry. I try to keep our promise, then, a lot of people gave good wards for me. My host mother told me “I can see your strength from your smile”. Also, my friends said, “Your smile so is pretty”. I was glad to hear that. It has been 2 months since I came here. I had bitter experiences. I can not do everything as I want to do. However, I must not give up. Even if I can’t understand classes, I can’t make friends, I can’t make a good relationship between my host family, I have to do something from myself. I have bitter experiences now, but I’ll do best myself. I want to share more things, I’ll tell you next time, hahaha.


Thank you for reading my report! How was my report?? I’d like to write the next report better than this one. See you in the next report! Thank you so much.

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アメリカ合衆国ミシガン州に留学中の 佐藤 一花さんからの第1回目のレポートです。




















Hi! I’m Ichika Sato. I’m staying in Michigan. One month will pass a few days later. It’s so fast. I lived in Ohio for 10 days before came to Michigan, so I want to talk my life in Ohio and Michigan, and my goal of study abroad!


I went to the church every day to study about slang and American government. I think it is useful at the school. I rode a car of Ohio’s coordinator to go to the church. There were a few people in the car, so I could make friends. Also, there were 4 exchange students from Taiwan. One of the Taiwanese girl in the car! The girl who speaks Chinese, so we talked English every time. I think it was very good to practice English. We visited many places and I have a lot of memories, but I   cannot talk everything, so I talk to you just my best memory! My best memory is we went to pool. This pool has zoo, too. I wanted to go to the zoo, but I could not go there because we didn’t have enough time….. We got on the water slider! It was sooooo fun! I enjoyed so much, so I felt time was too fast.


My host family in Ohio is a mother, a father, and a cat. I talked with my host mother a lot! My host father is very silent person, but very kind person. I met a lot of people and they were very nice people, so I was glad! In addition to, I didn’t like a cat so much, but I like a cat now! That house’s cat was great!


I finished my life in Ohio like that and I came to Michigan. Beginning, I arrived at Detroit Airport. This airport is too big. I was walking and walking, but I could not find place of receive my luggage.

I thought I should ask someone, then I found Japanese! I thought it is what wonderful that native language is written. lol


My host family’s member in Michigan are a mother, a father, three dogs. I was glad because dogs are very friendly. My host mom and dad are taking good care of me. I already went to travel with my host family! My host mother also helps my homework. It is hard for me to understand, but my host mom explain to me use easy English. I appreciate. Recently, I am very busy. My host family worry about me, so I am asked “Did you sleep well last night?” every day. I always sleep deeply, so I say just “I’m ok.” I am happy.


Finally, I write my goal. I challenge everything and I never regret. Also, I enjoy the study abroad! I have only 9 months left, so I will do my best in a limited time!


Thank you for reading!!

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まず、メリーランドに来る前にオハイオ州で10日間台湾?タイ?の子と日本人の20人くらいで研修をしました!12時間も勉強せずにお昼前からいろんなところに連れて行ってもらいました!まだ同じ学校の人がいたのでほんとに楽しかったです!!研修中のホストファミリーはマザーとファザーと2才?3才?の小っちゃい女の子のCaitlinでした!すぐ私に慣れてくれて、私のことを指さして” My Dory! Mine!!!!!!” と毎日叫んでいました!()可愛すぎ!!!!Caitlinにとても会いたいです。。。


そして、10日間の研修の後1人でメリーランド州に行きました。本当のホストファミリーは8月いっぱい日本にいるのでその間コーディネーターさんのおうちに5日間泊まらさせてもらいました!もう最高にたのしい5日間でした!!ファザーイケメンで、マザー最高に面白くてたくさん“I love you, Dory” って言ってくれて、6才のIzabell7才のElizabeth8才のKristel、のめちゃくちゃ可愛い女の子がいて、もう3人ともいい子過ぎて…さいっこうでした!!!!3人の名前がやっとわかったのは、バイバイする1日前でしたが、、()本当のホストファミリーの家から徒歩5分なのですぐ会えますが、バイバイするの悲しかったです。。。



ご飯は毎日日本食です!!!最高ですほんとに!世界で一番おいしい食べ物だと心の底から思っています!I love Japan!!!


留学の目標ですよね。たくさん考えて決めました!車の中で聞いた洋楽の歌詞に出てきたFace Myselfにします!私は今までたくさん数えられないぐらい現実から背を向けて来ました。現実に向き合わないように簡単な道を選んできました。なので結果もその程度。これからも、今も現実から逃げたくなるときがあります。そんな時はFace Myself を思い出して現実に向き合っていきたいと思います!


最後に、日本にいるmy love babyに会いたいです(T-T)(アメリカではbabyというみたいなので笑真似してみました)



 Hello! I’m Midori from Glen Burnie, Maryland

I cannot believe that I’m writing this report now!! My host mother is Japanese, so I always eat delicious Japanese food! Japanese food is the best!! I didn’t know what theme should I write. But I found the theme from my classmates’ report! There are two topics that I have to tell you. First, lifestyle in my new country. Second, my goal of this studying abroad.


Let’s start writing


First, I’ll tell you about my life in Ohio. I stayed ten days to receive training with about twenty Japanese and three Taiwanese. We studied only two hours. So I can go to many tourist spots!! These ten days are soooo fun!!! My host family in Ohio is my host father, host mother and little baby! Her name is Caitlin! She got used to me soon, and she always shout “ My Dory! Mine!!!!!!!!!!!” to me. How cute she is! I miss Caitlin so much…


And than, I went to Maryland by myself. But real host family is in Japan at the end of the August. So I stayed in my coordinator’s house in five days. It was wonderful five days!!! My host father was very cool. And my host mother was so funny. She said to me “ I love you, Dory” many times. And six years old sister, names Izabell, seven years old sister, names Elizabeth and eight years old sister, names Kristal. They are really cute girls!! Those three girls are so nice!! I love you, Izabell, Elizabeth and Kristal! Of course Courtney too! Finally, I knew three pretty girls’ name one day before I said bye…. It takes about five minutes on foot to get to this house from real house. But I was sad to say goodbye…


Second, I want to write about my real host family! My host father is in submarine now. Do you think “What?!?!” ? My host father is Navy!!! Wow! I ask my host mother that when does he come back to home, but she doesn’t know. Because it is classified information! It’s cool!!!!! But I want to meet hi as soon as possible. As you know my host mother is Japanese, but we speak only English. If I cannot find my word in English, she always wait me! So, I can talk about college entrance exam in 2020 to her!!!!! yeah!!!! And I have six years old sister! Her name is Hanna! We look like sisters soon! When she comes back to home, she always shout “Dory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and come running toward me! When we go shopping, we always hold hands! When we ride in a car, we sing a “Irotoridori”!


I always eat Japanese food at home! It’s very very delicious!! I think Japanese food the most delicious food in the world! I love Japan so much!


Third, I want to write about my goal. It was so hard to choose but I ended up deciding! It’s “Face Myself”. I’m always run away from the reality so many times. I always choose easy way for me, so ultimately failed to produce result. If I want to escape from reality, I remember “Face Myself” and I face myself!


In the end, I really really really miss “my love baby” that is waiting me in Japan… (Boyfriend call “baby” in America, so I copy they!) I want to meet him so much…


Next report is November! Thank you for reading my report! See you soon! byebye!!!

11 Hongo 11 HOngo #2 11 Hongo #3

アメリカ合衆国ワシントン州 Prosser High Schoolに留学中の 荒井若菜さんからの第1回目のレポートです。






8月10日からはワシントン州プロッサーに来ました。私は、ワシントンD.Cしか知らなくて、すごく都会なところに行くんだなーと思っていました笑 そしたら出発の2、3週間前くらいにお父さんからラインが来てワシントンってワシントンD.Cじゃないからねときて、そーなのかと思い私の調べ不足ですね。来てすぐにDutch Brosというスタバのようなところに来たのですが、店員さんが私のことを知っていて次に朝ごはんなどの食品を買いに行ったんですがそこの店員さんも私のことを知っていてどうしてみんな私のことを知っているのと聞いたら楽しみすぎていろんな人に話したんだよと言われみんなで若菜は有名人だねと話していました笑 家族はマザー、ファザー、9歳のシスター、7歳のブラザー、4歳のシスターです。マザーとファザーは30代で二人とも核兵器を作っていた場所を安全にする仕事をしています。上の2人は小学生、下の子は幼稚園に入る前なので毎日がけんかで必ず誰かは泣いてます。特に一番上の子は泣き虫です。一番下の子は1日5回はほっぺにキスをしてきます笑 あとは、犬が2匹マザーの趣味で家畜と家庭菜園をしていて、馬、鶏、アヒル、羊、ヤギ、クジャクがいます。普通の家にクジャクはいないので新鮮なんですが一か月も過ごしていたら慣れました。











Hello, everyone! I am Wakan that stay Washington State. Until last year, I though senior was writing report! But now, I am writing my report for the first time! I am gonna write my goal of during abroad, and my recent happened.


First, I stayed in Arizona about 3 weeks. Because it was a training period. There were 22 people in the class, but we had HOKUSEI’s student more than half, so I felt like at my school. My family was father, mother, sister, cousin, and cousin. My sister lean soccer, she had game on weekend and I went San Diego of California, and we went Tombstone which is cowboy was stay there, I dressed like madam. I had REALY great and fun time!!


I came Prosser of Washington State on August 10th. I did not know about Washington State. I know only Washington D.C. A couple weeks before I left Japan my father told me it is not Washington D.C. It was my lack of investigation. I went to Dutch Bros where is like STARBUCKS. That customer knows about me! After that we went to grocery store to get m breakfast, that shop’s customer was know about me too, so I heard “why every one knows about me?” Mom said me “ I taught every one because I was looking forward to meet you!” And we talked Wakana is famous at Prosser!! Lol I have a dad, mom, sister, brother and sister. Older sister and brother is elementary school student, another sister is before the kindergarten. Older sister is crybaby and younger sister is kiss my cheek five times a day. And we have 2 dogs, horses, chickens, ducks, peacocks, sheep, and goats. There have not peacocks in a normal house, but I got used to living for a month.


In September we went Seattle to celebrate Dad’s grandma’s birthday. We left home at 6 am and arrived at 9 am. We went market, zoo, aquarium, after that we played at pool at hotel which is stayed hotel. On the second day we went to the Space Needle and then went to the birthday party. I don’t know everyone well, but I introduce I came from Japan, then guys said “I have been to Japan and watch the Sapporo Olympic” There were VERY kind. And last Saturday my school had a tournament it is like a parade. We got a second place among 22 schools!! The front and back school had a large member of people and performed well, so I thought if we have large member of people, we can play like these schools lol.

This month I have Home Coming, Halloween, and my birthday lol. I knew we don’t wear dress at Home Coming! I wanted to wear the dress.

In Japan, my sister became the manager of junior high school badminton club. Good luck and my brother too.


Finally, my goal of during abroad is become Yes man, try anything, strictly to me, class review every day. I tried yes man came to U.S but mom said me “ you don’t have to be a yes man” lol, but I would say yes expect for the something that I really don’t like, example pickles lol. I am trying to make Japanese club, and my friend invited me to volunteer club so I join 4 clubs. I found out that my admire senior wrote a goal to be strict to her last year then imitated it now. I will do my best to do what I like, but I will give up on things I don’t like so I will do my best to overcome it. And class review is for test preparation and my English proficiency improvement.


Thank you for reading it was long report from the first time. My next report is 2 month letter, please read the report too!!

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