








Hello everyone, I’m Kanade from Canada!  I’m gonna tell about what I grew up in study abroad.  It’s kind of hard because I experienced a lot of things but I tell you as much as I can.


I think I became mentally stronger than I was in Japan.  It’s like 100 times.  This feeling probably can feel only went to studying abroad.  Away from family and friends and live with not blood relaties.  Besides. we speak different languages obviously.  My body and mind were completely broken because nobody knows what my feelings and the only way to improve English skills was to wait for time passes.  But I can tell what I wanna say because

that time.  I’m still tough sometimes especially to go to school but the period was really tough period ever in my life.  I feel that was very small worries when I was worried something in Japan.  This is true lol.


And I’m pretty sure English skill has improved so far. I was thinking that I can make friends soon and don’t have to that worry.  I don’t know what I was thinking and wanna hit my face at that time.  I realized we don’t understand

without learn the hard way even though many people told me how hard to study abroad.  I was scared to talk and I couldn’t make friends at all.  I almost forgot how to make friends lol.  Obviously, can’t make friends without talking.  But I was thinking every day that what should I do even though I can’t speak English at all and also can’t even listening.  Got over the difficulty, I can understand what they are saying and respond, I’m finally able to talk now.  But I don’t know yet what all of they are saying and sometimes spend quiet time.  Watching movies is hard without subtitle.  I will do all I can to do at my own pace less than 2 and harf months.  What else… oh, I became

positive.  I was depressed every day but now I can move on quickly.  I’ll keep trying to keep positive thinking after arrived in Japan.  I think that’s it.  It is mental that grew up the most.


Sorry, I don’t wanna write next paragraph because I am lazy person lol.  Anyways, I’m very excited to meet my friends and join the club activity after I came back to Japan.  See you in the next report and Thank you for reading!

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まじめな感じはここまでにしてここ二か月でもいろんなことがあったのでそれについて話していきますね。先月、バンドのイベントでQueen of Heartっていうのがあったんですけど、1st price になれたんです~。うれし~。いろんな人が私に協力してくれたおかげです。わ~い。

そして、これは私のファミリーのなかでのビックイベントなんですけど、new babyが誕生したんです。もう、かわいくて仕方ない。マザーのひ孫なんですけど、気持ちはもう叔母のようです。赤ちゃん服とか買ってあげたくなっちゃいます(笑) もうみんなのアイドルなので集まりがあればだれかしら抱っこしてます。私はこわくてほっぺつんつんするのが精一杯なんですけど逆にびびってたら抱っこさせられます。こわくて体動かせません。自分からだっこしたいって言ったときはめちゃめちゃ喜ばれました。私なんだと思われているんだろう、、、(笑)

毎回日本語も英語も同じようなことしかかいてないので、三月のことは英語のほうにかきますね。 こんな感じであっという間に3月も終わりです。先輩がたも卒業してしまって次は私たちが6年生なんですね。つい最近入学したばっかりなのに、、、


Hi, i’m Hamoni staying Arkansas. this is my 4th report. I’m really sorry be late to turn in the report.  i feel it being close to the day i return to Japan. in this time,  i’m gonna talk about how did i grow up (changed) and some event that happened in March! I wrote about some events in February in Japanese report. if you have time, please go read my Japanese one too♡

First, i want to talk about that i grew up but i’m not sure if i grew up. i know i’m getting fat, and my face expanding. lol however, if i tried to consider about inside thing, it isn’t came up. so after i return to Japan please tell me how do you think how did i grow up or changed throughout this year. haha I feel just one thing to i changed. it is that i became to be able to say honestly. Some Japanese thinking it is good things to put in something or don’t tell honesty feeling because others understand without words. Exactly, we can live well as it in Japan and it’s not bad things but it’s different in America. It’s just one thing i realized by myself.

in this English report, i’ll talk about event in March.

i had birthday and turned 17th. my host family planned a trip for Branson in Missouri on my birthday but it was cold so it delayed one week and hold my Birthday party. At the party, boys who my host mon’s great grand-child come run to me and gave me a hug. i was satisfied with it lol i wanna take boys to Japan. i know i can’t do it lol

And next week of my birthday, we visited Branson. I went shopping, bought many clothes, ate delicious food… i really had good time. i ride go-cart and that circuit was like roller coaster. i feel dangerous of my life haha. i appreciate my family to give me good experience.

i’m not sure but maybe it is my last report. I wanna return to Japan to see my family and friends, but i also wanna stay here. Recently, i can’t live here anymore i think and every time i feel sad lol Anyway it limited the day i can stay in this little town with my great friends. I’m gonna keep doing my best. I can’t wait to see you guys again, 6G, Mr. Tanabe and Mr Askew.

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Hi guys, this is Akane! How are you doing?

It’s already April!! I cannot believe that I’m going to go back Japan next month, and time goes so fast lol

Anyway, this is my 4th report, and I’m going to talk about what I grew in any aspect from my time studying abroad. I have a lot of story that I want to talk for you guys about this topic to be honest. I believe my English skills definitely got better than before I came to America. Sadly, first time when I got down here, I couldn’t understand what they were saying, and they didn’t understand my “Japanese English” neither lol That was really tough for me. And actually my R and L sounds were like kind of missed up, so they were confused to understand what I was saying when I said the word which is included R and L. So I practiced how to pronounce these words by using sound input on my iphone. My friends told me “ your English get better!”, I was really happy to heard that.

And I feel like I got strong mind, also I believe it is one of the most important for me. Honestly, I had such a hard time since I came to America, and I cried a lot cause it was not easy for me to do anything without my family and my Japanese friends. But definitely it made me strong and grow a lot.

And I could realize how much I love my family, and how much they support me. I can’t wait to see them but actually I’m going to miss my American life same time I got a lot of very nice friends,and I love down here so much! Anyway, I’m so happy that I got this experience in my life, and I’ll do my best till I go back japan.

Again, I really canNOT believe I’m going to go back japan next month!!lol you can see how much I’m excited for that lol Also same time, I am thankful to everyone who support and help me. I’ll keep making effort, and do my best!

Thank you for reading my report, and I hope you guys like it<3

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 Hi. I’m Ayaka Fukushima. This is the last report for me. Like I always say, I can’t believe that  this study abroad is almost over. Today, I am going to write about the things I felt, learned, and got through the study abroad.

 What I learned the most is about mental. Before I started the study abroad, I had thought I was strong enough mentally, I could stand pretty much everything. But it was surely wrong. I have had so many things which were so hard to get over. Thanks to those things, I’ve got stronger mentally. I know everyone has own common sense, and I know I should not shout down those who have far different idea from mine. When I face these people, I just listen carefully, think about it, and see my own idea again. I might realize that they are still different from mine, mine is the best for me or I might find it seems different but I also agree with it. Not escaping from the differs is important and necessary for me. It took a long time to realize this, but I believe it is worth throughout my life.

  I am so thankful to my family. Before I started this long trip, I had liked my mother a lot. I used to talk to her everything happened to me such as school, friends, teachers. But I decided not to tell her my struggle things because she would be worried about me. So I didn’t talk to her about my host change until it started working. That decision made the struggle more hard. I could not rely any adult around me at the time. Then when I talked to her, she said that stop not to talk to me. I am always here for you. Your family and friends know you are nice, just don’t care about what you were told. Can you image how it was helpful to my heart? I realized my family and friends are always with me. I am so glad to notice this important thing through the trip.

 As I’ve been telling, I learned a lot of things here. To be honest, struggles were a lot more than joys. But I still think I who decided to go this study abroad was right. There is many thing I could notice unless I came here. Again I am so thankful to my family, friends, teachers, and every single person I met during the study abroad. Thank you so much. Till it is completely over, I will keep trying.

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みなさんこんにちは!ミズーリに留学中の久保田彩月です。これが3回目のレポートですね~ほんとに時間が経つのが早く感じます ( 笑 ) 今回のレポートのテーマは文化の違いですね、、、、このテーマ書きたい事がいっぱいあるんです!!全部はさすがに書けないのでみなさんに1番伝えたいことを2つピックアップして書いていきます!!


そして、食事の面でも驚きました。アメリカの人はファストフードやカロリーの高いものが好きというステレオタイプの考えを持っていたのですが、私がいっしょに暮らしているファミリーたちは違いました。実際に私の研修中のファミリーはビーガンでしたし、今のファミリーもファストフードが嫌いなんです。今思うと日本にいる時の方が食べてましたね~友達と放課後にマックとか行くじゃないですか、、、、あ、研修中のファミリー、ビーガンって言いながらたまにお肉食べてましたよ( 笑 ) ( 笑 ) そんなことは置いておいて、みんな自分のスタイルがあるし、それを受け入れてますね。今のファミリーは特に日本のように3食毎回はい、どうぞって出るわけではなく、自分で冷蔵庫の作り置きか冷凍庫のピザを温めて食べるのが主です。(日曜日はファザーがご飯を作ってくれるのですが)最初はこの生活に慣れなくてほんとに大変でした。日本食のバリエーションってほんとすごい!神!って思います。お母さんに感謝ですね、、、


次に学校生活で感じる違いを書いていきます!まず学年の壁がなく、友達の幅がとても広いです。なので、友達になった子とかにあなたグレードなに?って聞かれて、シニアだよって言うと、えっ??年下だと思ってた~とかありますね!その反対もめっちゃありますが ( 笑 ) みんな大人っぽいです、、、そんな感じでみんな年とか気にせずフィーリング!って感じなんだと思います。私日本では年上に見られる事がほぼなので新鮮ですね~


授業中携帯いじっていてもなんも言われないクラスがほぼだし、普通に授業に遅れてきた人がウェンディーズの紙袋片手に教室入ってきたり、、、すごいです。最近授業で映画(ゴットファーザー)を見たときは教育上悪いだろっていうなんとも言えないシーンが満載でした ( 笑 ) 人がどんどん撃たれるシーンとか、、、、でもみんな笑い飛ばしてました(私は悲鳴)日本だったら見たくない人は目潰ってて~とかこれはちょっと見せられないからなぁ(主に山川先生)とかあったのにそれが0ですね ( 笑 ) あ、でも真面目なことを書くとしたら、自分の意見を述べる機会が多いです。これが私にはとても難しいことですが、意外にもみんなちゃんと意見を持っています。例をあげると、ディベートなどでいつもどちらかというとふざけてるキャラの子も自分が属しているチームが勝つようにがんばっていたりします( 笑 )  そして私が取っている授業では結構シリアスな歴史問題や人種の問題を取り扱うのですが、なんでみんなそんなにいろんなこと知ってるの??ってすごく思います。いつも私ってほんとに無知だなぁ、日本ってどれだけ戦争とかそうゆう危険が身近に感じないんだろうと思います。平和ボケしすぎなんだろうなぁと思いますね。特に銃が身近過ぎて怖いです、、、ファミリーに日本は銃持てないよって言ったら、え?じゃあどうするの?って言われました ( 笑 )






Hi, guys!!!  This is Satsuki, staying Missouri.  I am so surprised because I have only 4 monthes left until I come back Japan…..  Anyway, this is my 3rd report, and the topic is culture difference between US and Japan.  I think it’s good topic for me, because I found a lot of differences already.

First, I’m going to write about culture differences that I feel interesting to living with my family.  I guess most of the American family think time that spend with their own family is the most of precious and important.  That doesn’t mean Japanese is not.  I just think they love party like big celebration.  In fact their celebration is very big and also many people come, especially their relatives.  Actually my family has relationships, but anyone doesn’t matter and worry that.  I think my family help each other.  I was raising country town and my Japanese family is also big, but their family relationship is very strong.

And my family doesn’t like fast foods, like Macdonalds.  I thought American likes fast foods, but it is not all American.  I had stereotype.  I was eating those kinds of foods in Japan than now.  Also my family who are in Arizona and they hosted me 3weeks, they are vegan.  However they eat meet and some not vegan foods.  That was very weird.  My family doesn’t have meal on typical time, most of time I heat meal from refrigerator.  It was hard to understand for me the first I came here.  By the way I think Americans eat pizza too much.  Sometimes I remember the meals of my Japanese family, and then I always think Japanese food is amazing.

I don’t know those things are culture differences but I kind of shocked of those things as culture differences.

Next I will write about the culture differences that I feel those in my school.  The American school doesn’t have big difference of the age.  We separate the class of age in Japan, but American doesn’t matter of that.  In fact, many people has friends who are not same grades.  It often makes surprise for me, because ithey look very older than their exact age.

 In addition, American school has a lot of freedom.  I really want to tell that for Japanese school students, because it is so amazing.  Basically my school accepts use phone anytime, so the students can use phone in most of classes.  I usually work like write essay with listening to music actually.  And we can eat something during class, many students go to store and grab that in class.  I often watch the movie in my popular culture class.  Those are very interesting, but those include violence seen too much.  It scary for me, and I think we can’t see this kind of movie in Japanese class.  However I can explain American school otherwise.  I think they love their country basically, and they think that is so proud.   I guess their patriotic is very big than Japanese.  In fact they know a lot of knowledge of America.  I usually discuss about history in class, most of people have own idea and they argue that very well.  It is surprised for me too.  And also the gun is very familiar, because some typical store sells gun.  One day my family asked me “Have you shot in Japan?”  I said “of course I haven’t.  My family thought Japan can use gun.  After this conversation, I explained we can’t have gun in Japan and why we can’t have.  And my family said it is dangerous, but in my perspective, Japan(no guns society) is the safer than America.

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Finally I’m going to write about LGBT.  I have couple LGBT friends, they are all nice and very good person.  However, I was not familiar of that in Japan.  When I went to school first, one of my friend asked me “Are you straight?”  It was so surprised happen for me.  It’s because my first experience that I feel LGBT is very popular in here.  A lot of people don’t hide of this, they are so open mind.  Anyone doesn’t tell anything and say bad thing.  Actually my host mother’s sister is married   a women.  I have met them, they look happy.  I think Japan is more strict for the LGBT.  I could experience very big difference through this.




The culture difference is very difficult, but very interesting.   We can get good experience and improve our independence  for feel a lot of cultures.  I remind again, I am in America as foreign exchange student when I am writing this report.  Next report is my last report, I already scary of that, because time goes by so fast…….



Thank you for reading my report♡

See you next report soon!!




最初にSpring breakFloridaに旅行に行きました。3日連続でUniversal Studio, Disney World, SeaWorldのテーマパークとBeachに行くことができました。正直、Disneyは日本のほうが狭いけど楽しいと思いました(笑)キャストの人があまりいなくて、歩いているときにキャラクターに2人?ぐらいしか会わなかったんですよ!ユニバは初めてだったのでハリーポッターとmarvel好きの私には最高でした♡ Beachは3つの場所に行けて、どの海岸も見た海は透明で青いより青と緑が混ざったような綺麗な海でお気に入りの場所になりました。(日焼け止めしてもめちゃ焼けてしまいました(笑)






Hello! I’m Kana Shimoyama. I’m staying at springfield in Missouri. This time, I’m going to talk about “what can I grow up in this my study abroad”, and my memories in this month.

At first, I went to Florida in spring break. I could go to Universal Studio, Disney world, and Sea world three days in a row that week, and I went to beach too. Actually, I thought Disney in japan is small, but it is better than Disney in America, because I couldn’t meet cast, and character when I walked in there. I went to Universal Studio at first time in my life, and I love MARVEL and Harry Potter. So, it was so fun! I could go to 3 beaches, and I thought all of 3 beaches has so beautiful clear water. The water has mixed green and blue color, and it became my favorite place. (I got sunburned)

I had my birthday in March twenty third. My friends told their friends about my birthday, and many students who I don’t know them celebrated me when I walked. My favorite teacher and my same class students celebrated my birthday, and my host family hold my birthday party

I’m going to talk about “what can I grow up in this my study abroad”. First, I think my English skill grow up. I think I could grow up myself too. I really don’t like to ask question to my class teacher when I stayed in japan. I am not good at to talk with other people, and I was so shy. I can rise up my hand and say anything in my class. I don’t nervous when I met with other people who had never meet each other, and I can talk normal. I love to talk about something with my friends in our lunch time, and after my club practice, I and my friends of girl talk about girls talk at our school’s gym. I thought I can get a laugh when I and my friends are talking. I and my friends often send messages each other until night.

When I am thinking about my study abroad, I think it is only 2 months. I want to go back a little, but I have feeling about I don’t want to go back to japan.

This time’s report became short, but Thank you for reading my report.


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Hi everyone. How are you doing? I am Arisa Watanabe, staying in Florida. Unfortunately Florida doesn’t have snow in winter. So I’m missing Japan a little bit due to the fact that they have special things we can do during specific seasons! Anyway I’m going to talk about “what things you can do that’ll improve your exchange student year.”

 I think every single person who stays or stayed in foreign countries as a exchange student usually say: ”Most important thing is not about improvement English skills through this exchange year.” I have learned that thoughtfulness and consideration for family, friends and the person who is always supporting me are the MOST important things rather than improve my English skills. Please be thankful that you have family and friends in your life, especially since I came here, I thought people don’t notice that happiness lies so close within themselves. They hope to have a happiness on top of the happiness. In fact, I was like that too when I lived in Japan, but our happiness is so simple. Having a peaceful life with family and friends is happiness for us. I might not have noticed this if I wasn’t in here as a exchange student. Additionally Our usual is not usual here. I think the primary objective is not to be so worried about improvement with English skills in this experience. It’s more important to notice these things. I’m a lucky person because I could notice it. During this eight months I have stayed here, I always feel parents are essential for me to do everything. I can’t do anything without them. I sometimes call my mother when I am not good, and she always makes me feel good and that feel I can do more. My mother is my precious mother, and, she is like my personal counselor now! If we have long distance between us or not in same place, my parents are still my parents and that cannot be changed. I just want you guys to know to always take good care of your family and friends because We don’t know at the moment what happens when lose something from your life. I know you think I’m such a life coach right now lol, However at least when I go back to Japan, I live with them with my thankfulness feeling.

 By the way. I have two more months studying abroad! I’m really excited to go back home and meet my family and friends, but at the same time, I’m super nervous and have emotional pressure. I can’t help not to think that if I go home does it go on like now? am I gonna embarrass myself? and I’m afraid of hearing everyone say “What were you doing for a year in America?” Before I came here I thought “I will be able to speak English very well? and English test will not be hard for me? after I study abroad.” I was stupid. Human life is not as easy as I think. I also need to keep my efforts about learning English harder since I am here. We can improve our listing ability if you don’t do any special things in here. Because all around different people are speaking English if you don’t want to listen, but it’s not a same way to improve our speaking and writing abilities. We can just make a basic conversation in English though this life in here. Actually American people also make a grammar mistake, and they don’t talk about difficult topics with using difficulty words. If you study English vocabulary and grammar every single day, you can get the good score on the English test, but you can do it wherever you live. We didn’t come here for doing it every day in my room without communicate with host family. I know this way of thinking is that I just want to calm myself down and feel relaxed from emotional pressure. I’m afraid how I will be…and take English test after I go back to Japan.

 This time report is long too. We can meet each other two months later. I wanna see you guys as soon as possible, but also It’s time to think about college for us…!!! Anyway I just do my best last two months. Next time is my LAST report. I’m scared of time is going fast… I miss you all and see you next June!!!

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こんにちは、カンザス州に留学している瀬戸沙彩です。みなさん元気ですか? なんか「元気ですか?」っ書かないと気が使えないやつだなって思われそうなんで書きました。ちゃんと思ってもいますけどね。あ、あと本当は挨拶『こんにちはー!さぁやです!今日はね・・』って入りたいなってレポート書くたびに思っていたんですけど元ネタを知らない人からするとちっちゃい”ぁ”なんて入れて頭弱いのかなって思われるのが嫌なんでできないでいました。次こそはやります。まあそんなどうでもいいことはさておき今回が4回目のレポートです。4回目のレポートに移る前に、春休みの間フロリダに旅行に行ってきたのでそれについてちょっと書きたいんで書かせてください

 春休みは約10日間あって車で行くことを選んだので行き帰り約1日かけてフロリダまで行きました。カンザスからコロラドまでの旅行はずっと畑道だったのと打って変わってフロリダへの道中はどんどん街の雰囲気が変わって行くので面白かったです。あ、フロリダってオレンジジュースがフリーな所たくさんあるんですよ、ここに住みたいーーー なんかすぐ脱線しちゃうし長くなっちゃうのが目に見えたので一番思い出に残ったディズニーについて書かせてください。ディズニーワールドに行くのは私の夢だったので本当に行けたことがすっっごく嬉しかったです。私ミズーリの研修が終わった後、誰一人とも日本人と会ってなかったんですけどディズニーには日本人の観光客がいまして半年ぶりの生で聞く日本語に大変感動いたしました。全く知らない人なのに話しかけちゃいましたもん笑 そんな私は最初からずっと浮かれていて、ディズニーにならいくらでも貢げるわ、とか馬鹿なこと思いながら満喫していたんですよ。そしたらですねまあなんと私はおおバカ者でして浮かれすぎてどっかで財布を置き忘れてきたんですね。死ですよ死。一気に夢と魔法の国から追い出されましたわ。クレジットカードが二枚に大量の現金。。。二度と忘れなんかしてやりません。くそ。ディズニーから『財布見つけました:)』っていうメールが来ましてホッと一安心していたら。届いたんですよブツが。はあ。さすがアメリカともいうべきなんですかね。カードも現金も全部盗られてました。はあ。バカはどこにいてもバカみたいです。まあそんなことがありましたがフロリダ旅行はすごく楽しかったです。

 ではついに4回目のレポートに移ります。英語の方のレポートとはちょこっと違うこと書きます。ここに来て、一番言われて嬉しいなって感じる言葉があります。それは、私という人を知ってくれて、私の話を聞いてくれて言ってくれる「日本にいつか行ってみたい」「日本が好きになった」という言葉たちです。こういう類の言葉を言ってもらえるたびに、「ああ、私今日本背負ってんな」っていう気持ちになります。これ、本当にすっごく嬉しいんですよ。日本についてまあ日本人だし答えられるって思ったらこれが大間違いなんです。 みんなが日本について質問してくれているのに答えられない時本当に自分が情けなくてどんだけ無知なのかを痛感しました。なので次に留学を控えている人たちはアメリカやカナダの勉強をするのもいいですが、そんなの行ったらわかるのでまず日本の勉強してください。


 4回目のレポート読んでくれてありがとうございました。季節の変わり目だしみんな体調には気をつけてね!じゃあ次は最後のレポートです バイバイ!

 p.s たーにゃ、二年間私たちの担任でいてくれてありがとう!行く前も留学に来ている今も私たち5Gのことを支えてくれて本当にありがとう。感謝しかありません。帰ったら担任じゃないっていう現実はやっぱりまだ受け止められないけど、ターニャが最後に持ったクラスの生徒になれて私たちはやっぱり幸せです 大好きです from 5G

 Hi girls. This is Saaya from Kansas. How’s your life going? I heard you girls had an exam recently and Im sure everybody got 100%. Good job girls and proud of y’all. Btw, I think you girls still don’t have spring break yet, but my spring break is already over. So before i’m gonna start my 4th report, let me write about my spring break a little bit.

 We went to Florida during spring break and i would say that was so much fun more than what i expected before.  i don’t know you girls know about it, but Kansas is honestly rural area of United States and kinda bored to live.( Im sure i’m gonna miss here tho)  but Florida was so awesome and i was in there only 6 days, but already my favorite place in America. I will put pic of Florida, so don’t forget to check. The most thing which made me crazy was Disney World. yes. finally my dreams came true…! I wish I could go all the parks, but that’s fine. I was feeling like im in heaven until I notice I lost my wallet somewhere else. That’s horrible memory… I was actually in heaven a while ago, but suddenly feel like im in hell. There were my 2 credit cards and lots of cash…. I know I know I am so stupid, and i couldn’t find. Hopefully, Disney found my wallet, but there were nothing. Haha Anyway, I literally enjoyed my vacation except it. and thanks for reading it.

 Okay, finally Im gonna move on my actual report. I have been through a lot of things which I’ve never done before throughout this exchange year. Not only fun things. probably most of things are difficult to get over it b/c I honestly don’t know how can I do it. I cried a lot. literally. im definitely not able to stay here without everyone’s support and help. That was not until I came here, I came to realize my family and friends are so much important in my life. Everyone say “I notice that my family and friends are important in my life.” but, literally. I had the hardest time throughout my study abroad life a few days ago. I talked with my coordinator, school counselor, and green heart program adviser to get over it, but I couldn’t. I was kinda emotionally unstable and couldn’t stop crying. Im thinking i’m gonna die at that time.lol  But I got lots of message from my friends. And Tania. Their message made me more cry, but also give me encourage, power, confidence, love…etc   They saved me. yes, they are. I can’t express how much I appreciate and love them. probably most of people can’t notice how much supporters are important as much as I noticed. That is so precious that I could notice it, I can say I’ve got and learned tons of things and everything made me more stronger. It is not about the study. It is more precious thing to live our lives.

 hopefully, my biggest concern is gone, so i’m really exciting to my rest of American life.

Okay, before Im gonna done this repot, let me share the several words which I got from my coordinator. “struggles are required in order to survive in life, because in order to stand up, you gotta know what falling down is like.” “cry a river, build a bridge and get over it.” “your past id done, so forget about it.Your future is yet to come, so dream it, but your present is now, so live it with no regrets.” …

 She gave me more message, and every words make my feeling and life much better. I’m sure you girls will have big struggles, but don’t forget to keep smiling. Remember a smile and laughter are the best communication of all. I’m glad if these words also support your life.

 Thank you for reading my 4th report. I love you so much, and don’t forget take good care yourself.

 p.s I heard Tania is not able to be our homeroom teacher anymore from next semester. I still can’t accept it and sad to hear. But I know we should accept this. Thanks for always supporting us whenever we got problems and you are the absolute reason why we could still study in U.S. We made lots of memory since 4F and we are so proud of we could be last homeroom student of you! You are the best teacher ever and we love you so so much.

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まず、1月の終わりにファイナルがありました。正直、こんなのパスできるわけないと思っていたら出来ちゃいましたね。不安すぎて前日にコーディネーターに相談したんですけど、やればできるジャーン。なんちゃって。そして、2月の始めからセカンドセメスターが始まりました。やっとやっと嫌いなクラスメートから離れられる!と思い全力で新しいクラス行ったら今学期もいました(^ ^)友達と二人で嘘だろ?と漫画みたいな反応しました。でも、彼はクラス変えたみたいなんで一安心。今学期は、かなり勉強しないといけない教科が多いし、グレード12のクラスを取ったので割と卒業エッセイ的な宿題が各教科にあってぶっ倒れる予定です。でも楽しいです毎日。Englishの授業で詩をやっているんですけどもうみんなの詩が面白すぎて涙出るほど笑えるし、全然テストわからなくて友達と一緒にねえここわかる?とかコソって聞いてわかんないって言われたら一緒にスマホで調べて爆笑したり。放課後どっか行こうよって車出してくれてご飯食べに行ったり。英語が少しでも上達すると会話の輪が広がってそこから友達の輪が広がっていって。今じゃ、友達と二人きりでも場が持つくらいには成長してます一応、多分。(スラスラ話せるかはまた別問題)でも、授業は全然先生や友達に甘えてますよ。もうディスカッションのあるクラスなんてはあ?って一人で言っちゃうくらいに政経や歴史系の単語が入ると本当にポカーンってなります。泣きそうになった日もあります。泣いてないですよ。あと、私の友達は、やたら覚えたての日本語を自慢気に話してきますね。最初の頃は、ずっと留学生でみんな固まっていたけど今じゃみんな母国に帰っちゃって、でもそんな時一人の女の子と仲良くなって今じゃびっくりするほど学校生活が充実しています。すごく良い人なんです。(たまに頭悩ませられる)きっとこういうのが幸せというかここにきてすぐの頃はこんな事想像もしていなかった。ここのどこに幸せや楽しさがあるんだろうってずっと思っていたのですが思ったより当たり前にすぐ近くにありましたね。今は、やっと掴んだこの幸せをまた手放さなきゃいけないのかと思うと少しばかり寂しい気がします。((この苦労忘れちゃいかんなあ))まさかこんなに楽しんでいるなんて9月の私に知ってもらいたい!って感じです。正直、来る前も来てすぐもカナダに魅力なんて一ミリも感じていなかったんですよ。何にもないし、自然ばっかだし、寒いし、北海道じゃんってずっと思っていました。でもここには、もう一度会いたいって思える人がいるし、その人たちとの思い出があるなあって思うとカナダ素敵じゃんって。ファミリーもいつもごめんねたくさん構ってあげられなくてって謝ってくるのですが、どこにでも連れて行ってくれるし、普通にスポーツ一緒にしてくれるし何がごめんねなんだと。始めは子供大っ嫌いだったけど、いつも莉乃~って来るし、本読もうとかゲームしようって言ってくるしまあ腹立つときもあるけど、うざカワキャラとしてみてます。でもこの間、色々大学の話とは将来の話とかご飯の時話していたら、「莉乃はもう少し英語勉強しないとダメだよ~まだまだだからね!」って6歳のブラザーに言われました。腹たつ!!!!!が、事実。笑 でも友達から面白いねって、莉乃の英語なんか好きだよって(多分独特な表現しているんだと思う)言ってくれるようになったし、コーディネーターが来た時には1時間半ずっと話しっぱなしだったり、前は静かだねとか疲れているのって言われること多かったんですけどね。顔は安定に怖いって言われます!こういった部分も過ごしてみての成長というか心代わりというか。今のままだとやり残したことがたくさんあって帰ったら絶対に後悔するってわかっているんですけれどもやっぱりここにいるときは何事もちょいと勇気がいるというか。日本にいるときは、恥ずかしさなんて一つもなかったし友達じゃない子に友達になろうってすぐ言えたのにって(チキンって何レベル)、いまだに英語話すときは自身がイマイチないというか、始めよりははるかにハキハキ話していますけどね。まだもう少しだけ成長が必要みたいです。あと約4ヶ月しかありません。今の私には「しか」です。正直にいうと、私はここでの生活でいっぱいいっぱいで日本に帰った後のための勉強を一切していません。今疑った人。冗談抜きで単語帳すら開いていない(^_^)そろそろ生活に余裕が出た(やっとかよ)ので始めないといけないってわかっているんですけど、、今はそのことで泣きたいくらいです。はあ、どうしよう、慣れ始めるとどうでもいいことまで悩み始めてしまうんです。てことで次は最後のレポートです、ではまた! 

とその前に、我らの担任田邊先生が教頭先生になられたということで、、、正直、5G(6G)のみんなにとって衝撃的でクラスのグループチャットが久しぶりに盛り上がったくらいです。いつもレポート書いたらたくさんコメントくれて、相談したら親身に聞いてくれて私たちの癒しだった田邊先生がって言っても何も変わることはありませんがなぜもう一年待てなかったのかという疑問だけは残ります。教頭先生になっても田邊先生は私たちの大好きな先生です(^^) 本当は、卒業証書の時何言うか色々考えてたし、田邊先生のクラスで卒業する気満々でした。。帰ったら当たり前に田邊先生がクラスにいてターニャ!って叫んで、学祭もまた田邊先生の名前使ってた気がするなあって。とにかく思うことはたくさんですけど先生まだ学校にいますもんね。帰ったら走って田邊先生のところ行ってあんなに辛かったし苦しかったけど頑張ったって胸晴れるように頑張ります。ありがとうございました!英文法のクラスではっちゃけますね(^_^)


Hi, I’m Rino from Canada. I have only 3 months till go back japan. Honestly, I don’t want to go back Japan but actually can’t wait see my friends and family! Also, I can’t believe that I had already became senior in japan. Congratulation on our senior’s graduate. I’m going to talk about my daily life in Canada because I have to write about “what I grew up in study abroad” but I don’t know what I should write. 

I went to ski trip at the end of March. It was school program but we don’t have to go there. This is TRIP so it means sleepover with my lovely friends!! I’m pretty sure it will be so much fun before I go there. Of course, it was so fun. Especially, sleepover! Because we could go somewhere if we want to eat supper. So, I went to a&w which is my favorite hamburger restaurant with my frieds. When we eat supper I talked with my new friends because I made a lot of new friends. We didn’t sleep too much. That’s why we are teenager, we love talking. I could feel that my English is improving. It was good experience for me. I really want to go somewhere with my friends again!!

Also, I’m going to talk about my host family. I think my host family is the best of all host family. They are very kind to me and like my real family. Also, they love me so much like real daughter. I sometimes go to play sports with my host dad. He likes sport so much and I do too. I like to play sport with my host dad. My host brothers are little who are 5,6 and 9 years old. Boys are so cute and noisy. I mean that’s good way. I like them so much but I actually didn’t like them at first. Recently, I can speak English more than when I came Canada. So, I like to speak English with someone. My coordinator said that she’s pretty sure my English is better than 3 months ago and I can speak English more than another Japanese exchange student. My host parents were saying the same thing. When I heard it I was so happy but I think I need more effort. So, I don’t want to be satisfied with this I ‘m going to try my best till I go back japan.

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 Hello! It’s really really really cold in Texas these days. I am regret because I did not bring my winter clothes from my home. I didn’t know Texas is so cold at winter. I only know this year’s Texas.

 I am going to write my fourth report about what I learned through this exchange student program. Ummm, I am literally getting bigger, hahaha. Also My mind grows up. I thought my mind is really strong, but I was influenced a lot by other people in America for better or worse. Sometimes I regret by influenced by other people. I think I should have what I like and my opinions wherever. And I am not influenced by other people easily anymore now. For example, when I just came here, American teenager looked like so big. Of course, it’s physically and mentally. I was really really scared X. But I can see them normally now, especially people who throw apple to me looks so small like I can knock down. Also, I can be strict on myself. When I was in Japan, I woke up, ate my mother s healthy breakfast, prepared for my school, went to schools, also ate good lunch, I didn’t have to study really really hard cuz I was not going to fail, Talked with my friends, came back to home, ate my mother and father s delicious dinner, and I stuck with my bed forever. Be honest, I thought I studied, and did some choir. I didn’t do anything what I supposed to do at that time. I am kind of busy recently and I try to do everything I can do. So I think I can be more strict right now. This program has limited time and I have to try harder than other people. By the way, it is getting warmer during I write this report.;)

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