


 皆さんこんにちは! Bonjour! アメリカのコロラド州オーロラに留学中の北山茉優です。不安がないことが不安で始まった留学は約3ヶ月過ぎました!毎日が充実しています。iPhoneSIMカードが上手く機能せず2日ほど使えなかったり、iPhoneを落として新しいのを買ったりと色々とやらかしていますが(笑)


 私は研修もここコロラド州で3週間、北星ガールズ7人と関西圏・九州ガールズ4人、東京ボーイ、タイボーイズ2人と私達の愛してやまないMr.K(先生です)、サポートで入ってくれていたアメリカの高校生達と過ごしました。私達は他のグループの研修とは違って本当のアメリカの学校、スモーキーヒル高校で研修が行われました。その時はSummer Breakだったのでたまにクラブの生徒がいるくらいで、慣れるのにいい環境でした。1週間に1回学校外でTripがあり、University of colorado Denver, Downtown Denver, 有名なRed Rocksへ行きました!大学でランチを食べた際にアメリカのマックのナゲットは普通が10ピースに驚いたのも、Downtownのシックスティーンストリート街でオシャレなピッツアを食べたのも幸せな思い出ですが(笑)、Red Rocks Tripが一番印象に残っています!名の通り、成分により赤い岩が侵食されてできた観光名所で、Red Rocksに囲まれて作られたステージがあるんです!あのビートルズがきてコンサートをしたとか!私達はハイキングをした後、少し登ったところにある景色のいいレストランでランチを食べ、Red Rocksが創り出す絶景と共に写真撮影をしました。北星の仲間はもちろん、会って3週間しか過ごしていないことが信じられないくらい仲良くなれた研修の仲間が大好きです。

 私の研修のファミリーは1つ上の私の大好きな先輩が以前ホストしてもらっていて、会う前から話を聞いていました。家族構成はパパ、ママ、同い年のシスター、2歳下のブラザーでした。私よりも年上と同い年の従兄弟が5人いて、彼らも彼らのパパ、ママも可愛がってくれました。会った時はハイ、マユ!アメリカの生活はどう?などと聞いてくれたり、モールに連れて行ってもらったりしました。ママが子供の頃にベトナムから移住してきたらしく、アジア旅行によく行く家族でした!もちろん日本にも来たことがあり、今回のSummer Breakでも東京を訪れていたそうです!家族みんな中国語を話すことができ、家族間では英語、おばあちゃんおじいちゃんと話す時は中国語を話すので2言語が混ざっていました。ステイ中にはマザーが中華、ベトナム、アメリカ、日本、韓国の料理を食べさせてくれて、毎日本当に美味しくて幸せでした。また私自身、中国語を将来的に学びたいと思っているので貴重な体験でした!

 次に私の生活について書こうと思います!私はインディアナ州に1年間行く予定でしたが、変更がありコロラド州で1年間過ごすことになりました。3週間の研修中に出会ったファミリーが、長期のファミリーが決まるまで約5週間ホストしてくれました。その家族はマザー、ファザー、年下のブラザー二人でした。日本に興味を持ってくれて、食事の際に「いただきます」「ごちそうさまでした」を言ったり、ブラザーのうち一人は日本語を勉強していて「これはなんていうの?」と聞いてきてくれたり、ひらがなを一緒に勉強したりしました。日本食も5回ほど作りました!日本の文化を知れて嬉しいと言ってくれて、私もアメリカとの違いを一緒に知ることができました。私にとって最初で最後のHomecomingにも大好きな友達と行きました!それはそれはもう楽しくて日本にないのが悲しくなるくらい、私にとって大きな思い出になりました!3時間半ハイヒールでずっと踊った私の足は悲鳴をあげていましたが(笑)友達に留学のなかで一番楽しい思い出かも知れない(笑)と言うと、もっともっと楽しい、思い出に残ることしよう!と言ってくれました!アメリカの友達はとても優しくて、出会った最初の授業で、ねぇ!ホームカミング行く?行こうよ!と誘ってくれたり、You are so cute! I like your English! と積極的に話しかけてくれたり、ハグしてくれたりします。英語を話してコミュニケーションをとれることが本当に楽しいと感じています。素敵な友達を持てて本当に幸せです🙂

 そんな中残りの期間をホストして下さるファミリーが決まり、移動することになりました。最後の日、車の中で新しいホストファミリーのお家へ向かっている時、私は泣き虫なので車に乗る前からうるうるしていました。泣いたらせっかく決めてくれた新しい家族に申し訳ないと思い、こらえていましたが5週間ありがとう、と私の大好きなナマケモノのぬいぐるみをもらった瞬間、涙を堪えることなんてできませんでした。そのぬいぐるみはファミリーと動物園に行ったとき買うか買わないか本当に迷ってやめたものでした。そのあと動物園の駐車場に向かっているとき、マザーが何かを買いに戻ったことを思い出し、聞いたら、一緒にいたからお会計できなかったのと笑って教えてくれました。最後は涙涙のお別れでした。ファザーもマザーも涙ながら応援しているからね、いつでも遊びに来てねとハグしてくれました。お家に移ったときに”You are special.” と照れながらチョコをくれた一番下のブラザーも、一緒に数学で競争したり日本に興味を持ってくれたブラザーも、本当に私にとって可愛くて可愛くて仕方がありませんでした。”寂しくなる…”と抱きついて来てくれてやはり涙が止まりませんでした。新しいファミリーに見守られながらお別れをしました。新しいファミリーもまた素敵な方で、「素敵な時間を過ごせたんだね、私達も嬉しいよ」と温かく出迎えてくれました。家族構成はファザー、マザー、年上のシスター2人、年上のブラザー1人、同い年のブラザー1人です。愛犬のスクーターに毎日メロメロな日々を送っています(笑)ファザーが作ってくれるご飯も、マザーが毎日作ってくれるサンドウィッチも本当に美味しくて大好きです!学校にはマザーかファザーの車で送ってもらって、通っています。ブラザーも同じ学校に通っていて、日本語を選択しています。私は留学生ということで時間割が決まるのが1週間ほど後になってしまいましたが、その間全日本語クラスのサポートに入っていました。日本語を選択している人達と友達になることができ、私自身日本語について改めて考えることもありました。日本語のクラスを通して知り合った友達の日本語が大好きな男の子に、なんで日本語好きなの?とふと思って聞いてみると、”日本人はリスペクトする心を持っていて、その心が言葉に表れているでしょ?僕はお互いを尊重し合う、そんな日本の文化が好きなんだ、だから友達になれてすごく嬉しいよ!ありがとう!”と、教えてくれました。英語の勉強で行き詰まったとき、なんで私は英語が話せないんだろう、なんで日本語なんだろうと思うこともありました。ですが、その友達の言葉を聞いて、日本をもっと好きになったし、日本人として生まれたことを誇りに思いました!








 さいごのさいごに!さあやが書いていたから私も書きたい!(笑)5Gのみんなと日本で支えてくれている田邊先生が大好き!WE GOT THIS

 ここまで読んでくださってありがとうございました! ではまた次のレポートで!

 北山 茉優

 Hi, It’s Mayu and I’m in Aurora, Colorado. In the daytime white and fluffy clouds float and the twinkling stars are spread all over the night sky. I already love it here, Colorado! In this report, I will talk about my three weeks for studying English, my American life, and the goal of studying abroad.

 We had three weeks for studying English before our schools started. Colorado’s group has girls, a boy from Japan and boys from Thailand. I like the classes to learn about American culture. There are many American students who like Japan and it’s a good opportunity for us to make friends and introduce Japanese culture. In addition, we had three trips that happened once a week that I especially enjoyed. We went to University of Colorado Denver, Downtown Denver and Red Rocks. I liked the Red Rocks trip the most, and it’s a special memory for me. We hiked in Red rocks for two hours and then, had nice meals. After that, we could see the scenery that is made by Red rocks. It was magnificent, and I felt if I have worries, those should feel quite insignificant. I’m happy that I could be there with them. They make my desire stronger to succeed in studying abroad, and we made a promise that we would meet up when we got back to Japan. I swore that I would do my best to make the year wonderful.

 Also, my three week’s host family was very nice. There was the father, mother, sister who is same age as me, and younger brother. They’ve visited Japan twice and are able to speak Chinese. When they talk with grandparents, they used Chinese, so I would hear their conversations in English and Chinese. I’m interested in Chinese, so it was good for me. Also, the mother made me Chinese, Vietnamese, American, Japanese, and Korean dishes that were delicious! I thank them to support me to get used to life in the US.

 I was supposed to go to Indiana, but it changed, so I am staying in Colorado for the entire year. The family that I met in the first three weeks hosted me until my long placement is decided. There was the father, mother, and two younger brothers in the family. They hosted Arisa for three weeks, so I met them at a welcome party. They are interested in Japan, and accepted Japanese culture in their daily lives. For example, we said “Itadakimasu” and ”Gochisousamadesita” to thank the people who cooked and for the food when we started a dinner. I also cooked Japanese dishes five times. They really liked Japanese dishes, and it made me so happy. One of the brother loves learning Japanese and math, I sometimes taught him hiragana and compete to solve a difficult problem. I learned how to speak with children through the conversations with them. I made a lot of fun memories with them. They took me to the Denver zoo, the aquarium, and a stadium to watch a baseball game. On my way to next (present) family’s house, they gave me a stuffed sloth doll which I didn’t buy at Denver zoo when we went there. I was so surprised and it made me heart warm because I remembered that the mother went back to the building to buy something. When I asked about that, she said to me, ”Then we were together, so I couldn’t buy it”, with a smile. I tried to hold back my tears, but I couldn’t. Happy memories came back to my mind and I noticed that they always gave me chance to speak English. Brothers hugged me with tears and said, “I’m gonna miss you”. They always make me smile, and I love them. When I met first them, the younger brother gave me a chocolate and said to me, “You’re special”, and the older brother always ran up to me when I studied math. They are so cute, and I appreciated them accepting me as their sister. They gave me big hug and wonderful words when I left them. The present host family welcomed me warmly. Mother saw my tears and said to me, “You could have good time with them, I’m happy about that”. I’m always blessed with people and filled with gratitude to everyone who support me.

 There is the father, mother, two older sisters, older brother, brother that is the same age as me and a dog named scooter in the family. They are so nice. One of the sisters has visited Japan, and a brother is taking Japanese at the school. I’m happy that they are interested in Japan. Also, l can always ask questions about English or the different cultures. I am thankful that they care for me like I’m their real daughter. Only three weeks have passed, but I already love them!

 I go to the school that I spend time for the first three weeks. Making the schedule was later than regular students, so I was helping all of Japanese classes. I could meet lots of people who like Japan and the Japanese culture. One of the people who really love Japanese culture told me why he loves Japan. It was good points from a foreigner’s perspective. I again realized that Japan is amazing and also I thought I would like them to know more about how beautiful Japan is.

 I’m taking French, Algebra, English, Pottery, Psychology and US history here. I wanted to take Spanish, but couldn’t because it was full. American students are very nice, and I appreciate them that they accept and support me. One of my friends invited me to go to homecoming when we met for the first time! I went to homecoming with her and her friends. My first and last homecoming was just fun! We dressed up and danced for three and a half hours. I also made new friends and I thank them for such an amazing night. I want to make an event like homecoming in Japan, lol.

 I like French class the best. Learning languages is interesting for me. My friend said to me, “So you are learning the third language by using the second language?! That’s so cool!” I don’t want to lose, so I am trying to study French hard. I got first place on the test with my friends! I was very happy about that!

 I can talk with friends without problems in my daily lives. But, it’s difficult for me to join a psychology discussion. They talk so fast by using many technical terms. I feel like my listening skills are getting better day by day. I’m trying to understand and speak up my mind.

 Lastly, I talk about my goal. My goal is to be able to effectively use English as a tool for communication. There’s so much to learn and I find something new every day here. Also, I sometimes get discouraged by my English and there are times when I get nervous or stressed out. However, I have amazing people who support me like my host family, friends, teachers, and of course my Japanese family too. I know in my heart that without challenge there is no growth. I feel that I need to face my weakness and pursue my ambitions.

 In addition, I want to study abroad that only I can do. I’m proud of being Japanese and I want to do everything that I can do as an exchange student. As long as I’m afraid of making mistakes, I can’t improve myself. I don’t know what will happen in the future, but I will do my best!

 Thank you guys for reading my first and long report! lol, See you next report:)

 Mayu Kitayama

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 話はゴロリと変わりますが、研修と研修中のファミリーについてお話します。「CHIの研修は勉強付け」とか「監禁」とかいう夢のない情報を握りしめて研修に飛び立ったわけですが、実際めちゃんこ楽しかったです(勉強付けは否定しないけど)。5Gのオナゴ達が私含めて5人だったんですが、ただひたすらに心強い存在だったし、良きライバルでもありました。でもやっぱつらいこともあって、私の短期ファミリーはファザーマザーネコドラゴンチキンの5人家族だったんですが、朝ファザーマザーが仕事でいなかったので毎日一人で朝ご飯を食べていたんですね。日本にいたときは毎朝うるさい弟妹とそれを注意する父母がいて、サイレントタイムなんて一つもなかったから、強がってもいざ一人になるともう寂しくて寂しくて。今だから言えるけど、日本の家族とファミリー、他の5Gメンバーと自分の置かれている状況を何回も何回も比べて落ち込んでいました。「一人じゃないよ」って根拠もなしになんでそんな簡単に言えるの?絶賛私一人ナウじゃねーか?とか最低なことも思っていたし、Welcome Partyの時に割と同じ状況に置かれていたマットと一緒に木の陰で泣いたりもしました。何回も死ぬんじゃないかって本気で思ったし、これ乗り越えた先輩ってやっぱすごいなあとずっと考えていました。でもそのあとチキンの私が頑張って思っていることをファミリーに伝えたんですよね。そしたらなんかネガティブ思考が薄れて、やる気が出ました。ファミリーとの仲も深まったし。やっぱ伝えるって大事だなー、うじうじタイムもったいないなーと心から思ったし、このホームシック(?)第一弾を通して自分自身ちょっと成長したかなって思います。とにかくオレゴン研修は結果的に最高でした。








 Hello from Mississippi! How are y’all doing? I’m Miina. Finally my study abroad report started. Because it was my dream, I’m super excited to write this report. I have bunch of things to tell, but I have some themes, so I’ll talk about my life in America with some of those things.

 By the way, were y’all ok about the big earthquake? As you know I was not in Japan, but because of that I learned lots of thigs like how important my family and friends are or, you know, a lot. Because of the earthquake, I want to meet y’all more.

 I’m going to write about many different topics, and first one is about orientation in Oregon and my host family there. Before the orientation, I had some “no fun” information like “The CHI’s orientation is only study” or “confinement”, but the actual orientation was super fun. (I’m not being sarcastic). There were 5 5G girls include me, but they were just super helpful and also super great rival. But of course there were some struggles. My host family consisted of a father, John, a mother, Lenne, a cat, two dragons, and five chickens. Because my host father and mother have to go to their work every morning, I was always eating breakfast alone. In Japan, I have super noisy siblings and parents who stop them and there was no silent time, so I felt so much lonely. I always compared friend’s situation with my situation and America with Japan, and I felt depressed. I was also thinking some bad things like “why can you say YOU ARE NOT LONELY without any basis? Now, I’m lonely!!” and I cried with Matt (she was also in the similar situation) behind the tree. I thought that I’d die seriously and I realized that SENPAI who have overcome those situations are role models. But after that, I tried to say what I thinking to my host family. (As you know, I’m a chicken, but I tried!) Then, my negative thinking was better and I got a little courage. I really thought that the time that I didn’t do anything was wasted and through this, I think I grew up a little bit. Anyway, the orientation was great experience.

 Next, I’ll introduce about current host family. This family consisted of a father, Jimmy, a mother, Darlene, 5 brothers, Clay, Cody, Layne, Logan, Ethan, and a dog, Sydney. Mother has a perfect sense to choose anything, funny and super warm person. She tries to know my anxiety or thinking and give me a lot of courage. And her English has strong southern accent, so I’ll get those accent when I go back to Japan. I’m looking forward to have a conversation with Mr. Joe who likes the southern accent. Father is super good at cooking and says lots of jokes (Even though I can’t understand almost all of them, I can tell they are super funny). The all actions what he does are funny and perfect, and I feel like that he is a little bit smiler to my Japanese dad. Also he is kind as mother. In my first few weeks, I felt like a little Oregon sick and I cried a lot in front of my hos father, and then I became to talk anything with less stress. Ethan, who is 2 years younger than me is belonging to the same band as me and play base drum. I was thinking that that’ll be difficult to be familiar with each other because our age is pretty close. But now, we can throw pillows without any considerations. That’s really great progress for me. Late September was his birthday and I gave him a Japanese stationary, and his eyes were like kitten. He is super cute and I can’t believe that he is a high school student. Logan, who is 5 years older than me is really nice guy. He helps with my homework or study every single day. Sometimes we do star watching and talk a lot. Also he can’t read music, but he is really good at to make songs. So if we have some time, we play piano together. It’s a big support of my mind to have same interest. Layne, who is 7 years older than me has lots of interest about Japan. Usually he isn’t in our home, but he comes to see his family once in almost every 2 weeks. He always gives me some gift when he comes back to home and listen my school life or something like that. Also he can play drum. There are two more brothers and their wife who I haven’t met yet, but this family is really, like, music family. Which is super good and really comfortable for me, and I’m enjoying every day with them.

 Finally I’ll talk about kind of my goal for this experience. It’s really difficult to explain this as a word, but I touched bunch of new things since I came here, and found a lot of difference between Japanese and American thinking. I don’t know, probably it could be a quite simple thinking, but I came up with the idea that is like, “it’s really useless to throw away these thoughts, I have to do something with these things.” and think about my future. This is super big progress for me, you know! But I need more time to see more REAL including of course good things but also bad things, too. And I want to be able to divide those things only with my understandings. Ah, I mean, the final goal is just, not to waste every single day.

 Thank you fore reading my messed up report. I really hope your happy and safety life. I loooove your smiling face, so keep smiling! Your smile give me lots of power. Love Y’all!

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まず、長期のホストファミリーについてです。長期のファミリーは、68歳のファザー、65歳のマザー、ダブルプレイスメントの韓国人Jenny、犬2匹、猫13匹です。ファザーはもう仕事を退職しているようで1日のほとんどは家にいます。そして明るくジョークを言うのが大好きでよく一人で笑っています笑 マザーはドイツ出身ですが国籍はアメリカ人です。仕事は、何か地域のイベントごとがあったときにその交通整理をしています。私が学校の宿題で困ったらいつも助けてもらっています。ふたりは去年、一昨年と日本人の留学生を受け入れていたので日本のことはなんとなく知っていました。家には炊飯器があり時々マザーがご飯を炊いてくれます。韓国人のJennyとは正直まだうまくやっているとは言えません。Jennyは基本的に携帯をいじっている事が多く、私と1対1になると会話が弾みません。でも私の留学の目標は相手に変えてもらうのではなく自分が変わる、自分の考え方を変えることなのでもっと彼女がオープンになるように頑張りたいです。夜ご飯を食べた後は、みんなでカードゲームをやったり、自分の国のことについて話します。4人とも違う国で生まれているので、たまにお互いの国について話すのは興味深いなと思います。マザーがアクティブな人なので私がこっちにきて一週間で3泊4日のキャンプに連れていってくれたり、最近は隣の州のMary LandOcean cityという海のまちに4泊5日でファミリーの友達と行きました。週末も基本的にどこかへ出かけたりしているので、ホームシックにならずにすんでいます。誰もが知っているような観光地に行かなくてもアメリカにいい所はたくさんあるなと感じました。

次に、学校についてです。私の学校は2000人ほどの大きな学校です。私の学校は私がくる前から始まっており、私はこっちに来て3日目に学校に行きました。最初、学校に入ったときは新しい世界に来たような気分でみんな自由な服装、ヘアスタイルをしていて正直驚きました。メキシコから移民して来た学生も多いようでよく英語以外の言語を耳にします。授業は、今earth sciencealgebraⅡ、study hallglee club1112English 11 American historydramaticをとっています。最初の二週間は学校で不具合があり、私は10th gladeのクラス、algebraⅠを2時間とglee club1011English10をとっていてあまりうまくやっていけず、しょっちゅう迷子にもなりました。

特に1日目は大変でした。1日目のお昼、授業が終わった後お昼を食べようと思い、マザーの作ってくれたランチを取りにロッカーに向かいました。しかし!!ロッカーの場所がわからず学校をひたすら歩き回り、誰かに聞いてやっとロッカーにたどり着きました!しかし!!!次にやってきた問題はカフェテリアの場所と次の授業が始まる時間がわからないということです!笑 ですが、またカフェテリアを探しに行ったら次の授業に遅れると思い、結局学校では食べられず家に持ち帰って学校が終わってから食べました。その時は半泣き状態でした。いまでは、こうして笑って人に話すことができていますが、他に改善方法があったのではないかと思い、後悔しています。でも、クラスがいくつか10th gradeから11th gradeに変わったことでランチを一緒に食べる友達ができたり、人に何かを聞くことを恐れなくなりました。友達作りが苦手な私にはとても良い機会になりました。そして私は今学校のAFS(留学生クラブ)に入っていて恐らく10人ほどの留学生がいます。中には日本人も一人いて、ASSE(留学団体)で同じ留学生も3人います。ASSEではピザを食べに行ったり、コーディネーターの家でゲームをしたり、私のホストファミリーの家でパンプキンカービングをしたりしました。AFSでもパンプキンカービングをしたりスモアを作ったりと楽しくやっています。またAFSASSEも同じドイツからきた子とはhomecoming danceに一緒に行きました。どの留学生も英語力が高く、勉強になりますし自分の刺激になります。これからもどっちのグループでもいろんな活動をするそうなので楽しみです。長文読んでいただき、ありがとうございました。


Hello, I’m Momona Ogi staying in Chambersburg Pennsylvania. I can’t believe that the 2 months has already passed since I came to Pennsylvania. This time, I will introduce about my host family and host school.

First, about my host family. My host family are 68 years old father, 65 years old mother, Korean double placement Jenny, 2 dogs, and 13 cats. Father has already retired the job, so he stays home most of the day home. He likes to say jokes, and he always laugh by himself. Mother is from Germany but her country of citizenship is America. Her job is to control traffic when the city has some events. She always helps me when I be trouble with homework. And they had accepted Japanese exchange student last year and year before last so they already knew somehow. They have rice cooker so they sometimes make us rice. I don’t have good relationship with Jenny yet. She is always on the phone and it’s hard to carry on a conversation with her. But, my goal is to change myself so I want try hard to let her make open mind. We usually play card games and talk about my country after we eat dinner. We were all born from different country, so it’s interesting to learn other countries.  My family is active, so they take us camp in one week after I came here. And in these days, we went to Ocean city Maryland which is next to my states for four days. we go to somewhere every weekend, so I don’t be homesick. I thought there are many good place in America even everyone knows.

Next is about my host school. My host school has about 2000 student. My school was already started before I came, and I went to school on the third day after I came here. When I first went to school, I felt like I’m in new world and many student were wearing whatever they want and did free hairstyle so I was little surprised. Some students were immigration from Mexican so I sometimes heard maybe Spanish. About class, I take earth science, algebraⅡ, study hall, glee club11&12, english11, American history, dramatic. At first two weeks, there was a problem of school so I was taking 10th grade classes which are two classes of algebra, glee club 10&11, english10 but I didn’t do well at there and I often got lost.

The first day was really hard. I have to go to each teacher that I’m exchange student. The classes were hard to understand. I still can’t keep up with some classes. And the first day lunch, I was thinking to eat lunch but I got lost and it was hard to find out my locker. I walk around the school and ask somebody, then I finally found my locker! But!! Next, I didn’t know where cafeteria is and I’m not sure when my next class will start so I couldn’t eat lunch at school. I was being about to cry. I can talk to everyone this episode but I thought I could do something at that time so I’m sorry that what I have done. But I changed some classes 10th grade to 11th grade so I could make friends to eat lunch together and I’m not scared to ask something to someone.it was good chance because I was not good at making friend.

I’m in exchange club which is called AFS and there are about 10 exchange students. There are one Japanese girl and 3 exchange students who are in ASSE (same study abroad group). At ASSE, we went to eat pizza, play game at coordinator’s house, carry pumpkin carving at my host house. At AFS, we did pumpkin carving too and made some smores. Every exchange student has high English skills so I was inspired by them. From now on, we will do many activities so I’m looking forward. Thank you for reading my long report.

See you on next report!

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 始めに、研修の話をします。1か月間の研修はとても楽しかったです。日本人の留学生と一緒にスラングや単語、イディオムなどを学び、充実した日々を送れました。毎日大好きな友達に会えて、気持ちを共有できて、日本語も話せてリラックスできる場所でした。私は諸事情で2軒のホストファミリーにお世話になりました。(ホストチェンジではありません。)1件目のお家は、Phil(パパ)Kathy(ママ)、Lacey, Bethany, Caidence(ホストシスター)の5人家族に、ダブルプレイスメントの日本人の子でした。ママはCHI(アメリカで私が所属する留学会社)のお偉いさんでした。彼女の部屋には世界地図上に数えきれないほどの過去のCHIの留学生の写真が貼られていました。私の写真も見つけました。彼女は一人一人の国と名前を覚えていました。私は、たとえ住んでいる国が違ってもこうやって繋がっているんだな、と思いました。国境を越えた繋がりは素敵です!そして、私は彼女から留学について様々な話を聞くことができました。 3姉妹は言葉で表せないくらい本当に素敵な子たちでした。彼女たちは会った日から本当のシスターのように接してくれて、一緒に歌ったり、公園に行ったり、プールで遊んだり、お話ししたり、家事をしたり、トランポリンで寝たり、映画を見たり、料理をしたり、宿題をしたり、ほとんどの時間を一緒に過ごしました。彼女たちとの思い出は山ほどあります。私が2件目のファミリーに移るときも“Biei STAY”というポスターを作って家中に貼ってくれました。でも実は次のファミリーのママもCHIで働いていて、彼女の職場がKathyの家だったので移動してからもほとんど毎日会えました笑。



 さて、今の本科のファミリーの話をします。Kieth(パパ)Sharmann(ママ)Tanner(ブラザー同い年)、Claire(シスター14歳)、Jack(ブラザー12歳)の5人家族です。もう1人一番年上のシスターがいますが結婚して別々に暮らしています。彼らは私が来ることをとても楽しみにしてくれていました。シスターとは同室なのですぐに仲良くなりました。所属しているクラブも一緒なので基本ずっと一緒です笑。メイクアップしたり、お話ししたり、買い物に行ったり、TV showを一緒に見たりして過ごしています。私は彼女が大好きです。でも正直に言うと、同室は思っていたより大変です。生活習慣も起きる時間も寝る時間も違うし、性格も違うので、気を遣うし、イラっともしてしまいます。例えば、私は部屋をきれいに保ちたいタイプでよく掃除します。でも彼女は掃除が嫌いで何でも床とベッドの上に投げるタイプです。また、私は部活から帰ってきてしか勉強する時間がないので、勉強したいけど、彼女は寝たいから電気を消さなきゃいけない、といった感じです。でも同室は常に英語が使えるし、すぐにお話しできるので楽しいです。もし、私が一人部屋だったら、こもって動画とかを見てしまいそうなので、かえって同室でよかったと思っています。ブラザーとは最初、女兄弟&女子高の私はどうしたらいいかわからず、いまいち話せませんでした笑。でも今はなんとかやっています笑。

 次にファミリーの習慣について話します。私のファミリーは、毎週日曜日は教会にいきます。アメリカの教会はずっと静かにお祈りだけではなく、前にバンドがいて、一緒に歌を歌います。まるでミニコンサートのようです。初めて行ったときはとても驚きました。歌の後に一人の人が感話のように1時間ほど話すのですが、何を言っているのかの今はさっぱりわからないので、これを聞き取れるようになるのも目標の一つです。また、日曜日の夜はユースグループ(同年代くらいの子たちで聖書について話したり、ゲームをしたりする集まりです。)に行っています。そこで友達もできるので、留学生にとってはとてもいい場所です。 話を戻します。食事は基本全員で食べて、学校であったことなどを話します。でもティーンエイジャー2人の会話には未だについていけません笑。私は最初のうちは、ほとんど話せず、笑ってうなずくことしかできませんでした。なぜならそのときは夏休み中でシスターとずっと一緒に行動していて、シスターが全部ママに話してくれたので私はただうなずいて、笑ってそれで終了でした。でも私はそれが嫌で、マザーに相談しました。マザーは最後まで私のつたない英語を聞いてくれて、一緒にどうしたらいいか考えてくれました。それからはマザーもファザーも食事中私にたくさん質問してくれて、ちゃんと自分の言葉で、あった出来事を伝えられるようになりました。思っているだけじゃなくて言葉にして伝えることは難しいけれど、大切なことだなと実感しました。


 最後に英語について話します。英語が成長しましたか、と聞かれたら、“はい”とは言えません。まだ周りでなにを言っているのかふわっとしかわからないし、全くわからないことだってあります。何か尋ねられたら一回で聞き取れず、聞き返すこともしょっちゅうです。でも単語数や表現の仕方の知識は増えたと思います。アメリカに来てから初めて聞く単語や表現がたくさんあって、こうゆう風に言うんだ、と毎日発見があって自分のものにするのが楽しいです。しかし、頭ではわかっていても言葉にして話すのがすごく難しいです。 正直なところ、留学は思っていたよりも辛いです。ちょっとした言葉ですごく傷つくし、心無い言葉にも傷つくし、自分にも腹が立ちます。孤独を感じることだってよくあります。 もう3ヶ月も経つのに全然成長してない現状が怖くて、どんどん日が経っていくのが恐怖でしかないです。でも留学に来る前から、“つらい”ってことはわかっていて、それでもアメリカに来ることを決めたのは自分だし、留学できるチャンスなんて全員にあるわけじゃありません。高い留学費用を払って、日本から応援してくれている家族に感謝の気持ちを忘れずに、残りの留学を頑張ります。

 目標は“思ったら、言う、やる。”です。今までにこうすればよかったとかこう言えばよかった、と何回も後悔しました。もう後悔するのは嫌なのでやりたいと思ったことは、周りの目とか英語とか気にしないで挑戦してみようと思います。 とても長くなりましたが、最後まで読んで下さってありがとうございます。5Gのみんなもすごく頑張っているし、日本にいる友達も部活の仲間も頑張っているし、先輩も受験勉強頑張っているので、私も全力で頑張るのみです。

 Hi!  How are you doing?  I’m Biei Motoki in Oregon.   I’ll talk about life in America this time.

 Three months have gone since I’ve come here.  I’m used to a new environment, life, and school.  I want to talk about school but I’ll talk about life in America this time.

 First, about training.  That was very fun and fulfilling.  I could learn English such as slangs, idioms, and words with Japanese exchange students.  I was able to see friends I love, share my feelings, and speak Japanese, so I loved the training.  I have stayed at two host families.( NOT host change)  First family was Phil (dad), Kathy (mom), Lacey, Bethany, Caidence (sisters) and Japanese girl of double placements.  Kathy is boss of CHI which is the studying abroad company I belong to.  Tons of pictures of past exchange students of CHI were put on world map in her room.  I could find my picture.  She remembers every single student’s name and country.  I realized that the connection keeps even if our countries are different.  The connection cross the border is wonderful!  I was able to hear about studying abroad from her.

 I can’t express in words the awesomeness of three host sisters.  They contacted me like TRUE sisters since we’ve met for the first time. We sang, went to the park, swam, talked, did chores, slept on the trampoline, watched the movie, cooked, and did my homework.  I spent a lot of time with them.  I really love them.  When I moved to next family, they’ve made “Biei STAY!” posters and put in the house.  However next host mom works at CHI as well and her workplace is Kathy’s house, so I could see them almost every day.

 Second family was Roger (dad), Etta(mom).  They are elderly couple and close friend with Kathy’s family.  Technically I had host siblings but they didn’t live together.  Mom and dad loved me like Real daughter.  Me and dad watched a movie every day.  He stopped every scene to explain to me.  It was so helpful.  Also we baked cookies, had milk shake at night, and made T-shirts.  Mom and dad have been academic coordinator for a long time and hosted about 40 students.  So they understood   about exchange students.  Their English was easy to understand for me.  They often talked to me about “what should I do as an exchange student.”  So I could imagine of the my ideal exchange student.  Also, a man who stayed their house a year visited them with his wife. They met again after ten years.  It was so awesome.  I can’t say very well, but they love each other even if love away.  Mom and dad said “ If you get married, please take your husband here.” lol

 By the way, when I moved to their house,  I was told “If you want to stay at Kathy’s house, you can.  It’s up to you.  You don’t have to worry about us.” by Roger.  Honestly, I really waved between the two choices.  Because I loved host sisters and Japanese girl, so I didn’t want to say goodbye to them.  But Roger and Etta decided to host me before I came to America.  So if I stay Kathy’s house, it’s mean to them I thought.  Also I wanted to experience new environment.  Now that I think about it, my decision was right.  Of course I was sad because I could not play with sisters often.  But I felt many things from two families.  Also I was able to hear talking from three veteran coordinators!  How happy.  If you wave between two choices,  you should choose NEW way.  You can learn more things. Also, when the big earthquake happened in my hometown, they texted me, “Is your family ok?”

 Well, I’ll talk about real host family.  Keith(dad), Sharmann(mom), Tanner ( brother 16 years old), Claire (sister 14), Jack ( brother 12).  The oldest sister doesn’t live together because she got married.  They were excited to meet me.  I was so glad.  Me and sister are sharing room.  So we could be close sister soon.  Also we belong to the same club so we are always together.  We do make-up, talk, go shopping, and watch TV show.  I love her.

However honestly, sharing room is difficult.  Our lifestyle and character are different so I always care for her, and she cares for me as well.  For example I want to keep our room clean so I often clean, but she doesn’t like cleaning and throws stuff on the floor and bed.  In addition, I study at night because I have practice at evening.  But she wants to sleep so I have to turn the light off.

 However, I like sharing room because I can always use English and talk with her.  It’s fun.  If I don’t share a room, I would watch videos in my room.  So it’s good for me.

  At first, I didn’t know what to talk with brothers because I have only sisters and go to the girl’s school.lol.   But I’m ok now.

 Next I’ll talk about family’ custom.  My family goes to the church every Sunday.  American church is pretty different.  I was so surprised.  There is a band in front of us and we sing songs together like a concert.  It is fun.  After singing, a man talks about bible for an hour but I can’t understand at all. Understanding it is one of the goals.  Also I go to the youth group every Sunday night.  We talk about bible and play game.  I could make friends here!

 I’ll get back to talk about family.  We eat dinner together and talk about school.  At first I could not talk, I could only nod and laugh because at that time it was summer vacation, me and sister always do something together, so she talks to mom what we did.  But I didn’t like me who only nod and laugh.  So one day I talked to mom about it.  She heard my poor English and thought what to do.  After that, mom and dad often ask me something while dinner.  I am able to say what I did in school in my own words.  I realized that it’s difficult to convey my feelings, but it is so important.

 Life in America is very different.  I have to make breakfast and lunch.  In Japan, after I wake up and sit chair, mom serves breakfast and makes lunch box.  I always realized value of mom.

 My family has some rules.  I have to put my phone in parents room at 8:30 on school day.  And I can’t watch TV on school day.  I have no complaints because I can do other things, so the rules are pretty good for me.

 I do love my host family.  I’m excited to spend with them.

 Lastly I’ll talk about English.  If I am asked “Is your English better than before?”, I can’t say “Yes.”  I can’t understand English yet.  When I am asked something, I always ask again.  But I can expend knowledge of English words and expression of English.  There are bunch of words that I hear for the first time.  I can learn words every day.  It’s so fun.  I know in my head, but it’s so difficult to talk English.

 Honestly, studying abroad is hard.  Small words hurt me, and inconsiderate words also hurt me.  Also I am often mad at myself.  I often feel lonesome.  I’m very scary because I don’t grow although three months have gone.  I’m really afraid of passing days.  However I have known that before I came here.  Even so I decided to study abroad.  Also opportunities of studying abroad are rare.  I don’t want to waste this chance.  I will never forget feelings of gratitude for my family who pay expensive money.  I swear to do my best.

 My goal is “Saying and doing what I want to.”   I’ve ever regretted what I did.  I always think I should have said and done like that. I don’t want to regret anymore.  So when I want to try, I will without caring what other think.

 It’s too long report, thank you very much for reading.

 My friends in Japan do their best, and my friends in America do their best.  I can only do my best!!

 We got this!!

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カナダのマニトバ州カーベリー高校に留学中の仲条 奏さんから第1回目の留学報告が届きました。




次に学校生活についてお話しします。私は隣町にある片道19kmの学校にスクールバスで通っています。聞いたときはびっくりしましたが、意外とすぐに着きます。学校が始まった頃は、授業がすべて英語になったことに動揺して毎日「やばいやばい」と思い、日本で先生に質問を全くしない私でも質問攻めしていました。そのおかげで小テストを簡単にしてくれたり、授業中かかなければいけないプリントも先生が授業終わりに書いてくれたり、「言葉かわからないのは当たり前なんだからあせらなくて大丈夫。」とプリントの記入を減らしてくれる先生もいます。同学年の留学生は皆ペラペラで焦っていたので本当に助かっています。ですが中にはこんな先生もいます。私はコンピューターでアニメーションを作る授業をとっているのですが、画面が全部英語。それプラス進めるのが早いので全然ついていけず、 ほぼ毎回silly girl.と言われてるんですけど、もうなれたもんです(笑)。だって16年間日本語で生き、教育を受けてきた純日本人の留学一か月目のJKですよ‼いつか絶対見返してやります。

私は最近、考え方をかえました。学校に通い始めたころは毎日ズタボロで、How was your school?と毎日ファミリーに聞かれてはまあまあだったよ。と答えていましたが、誰も自分のことを知らない街に一人、言葉の違う国で学校に通っているだけで凄いことじゃん!と考えを変えたことで、一言でも勇気を出して話しかけた、会話が成立したという小さな事だけでも成長、喜びを感じることができるようになりました。レポートに書けないほど苦しいこと、辛いことはたくさんありましたし、これからもたくさんあると思いますが、日々を大切に、目標に向かって頑張ります。友人関係については英文で書くのでぜひ見てください。まだまだ授業についていけていませんが、帰国前には皆と同じ課題をこなせるように頑張ります。


Hi!  I live in Wellwood that is very rural area, but I wanted to live in rural area, so have fun this life.

I will talk about my high school life in English, so different sentence in Japanese.  Please try to read.   First week of school, I spent international student from Spain and Canadian two girls.  I thought making friends is easy, but it wasn’t easy.  When I tried talking to them, they looked at each other and try to keep from laughing.  I was afraid of talking English since then, but I thought shouldn’t give up.  So, I stopped to eat lunch with them, but I didn’t have some friends, so confused.  Moreover, I couldn’t sleep well, and had bad dreams every day.  I didn’t think worried about friend relationship.

Second week of school, I chose to eat lunch alone, then I was spoken by three girls.  They were very kind for me, we exchanged Instagram, and Snapchat.  I wasn’t spoken by them since next day, but I sat neighbor every day.  Their talking is very fast, so I don’t know what they are talking, and I have a day that I can’t talk with them.  But they don’t laugh my English when I talk to them.  Two weeks ago, I had dance party in my school, then they stayed with me, and promised going to Halloween Party that we cosplay of Sushi.  I’m so happy, and talk with them many time.

My school teachers are very kind for me, but I can’t keep up with my class.  I have to listen and speak English more.

I spend hard life every day.  I will do my best to achieve the goal!

Thank you for reading my report through to the end.  See you again next my report!

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こんにちは!カリフォルニア州ロスアンゼルスから車で一時間のところにあるQuartz Hill に留学中の渡邉まどかです。このレポートの提出日は私がアメリカに来てからちょうど三か月記念日なんです!そしてこの三か月間アメリカに来てから一度もまだ雨を見ていません、、。



まずオレゴンで4週間の研修がありました!アメリカに着いた初日は緊張しすぎてなにも英語話せなくて一番下のシスターに完全に馬鹿にされていましたね~。(笑)オレゴンのファミリーの家はマザー、ホストシスター三人、犬二匹という構成で、お世辞にも家はきれいとは言えなかったと思います(笑)でもめっちゃ楽しかったです!一番上のシスターがCrafting が好きだったから毎日のようになにか作っていました。そして最終日は空港で号泣(笑)お願いだから泣かないで~ってシスターに言われるほど(笑)そしてファミリーと別れた後も研修中にできた友達と電話で号泣(笑)あ、研修すっごい素敵な友達と出会えたんです!今でもたまにSnap chatを使って英語で会話しています。結構北海道から遠いところに住んでいるけど帰ったら会いたいな~なんて思ってます。(笑)


そして学校について!私の学校はとっても大きくて全校生徒で3000人くらいいて、気が付けばSpanishが聞こえてくるし、いろんな国の人がいるけど共通でみんな英語は話せるから、私にとってとってもinterestingな場所です(笑)私はP.E. danceUS historyBiologyAlgebra2Intro filmEnglish film/litを取っていますがUS historyEnglishは難しいです!正直最初の三週間、学校にいる男子が怖くて、特にEnglishの時間は全員がシニア(私もシニア)で女子が6人とかしかいないし、隣の男子はタトゥー入っているし、逆サイドの隣の男子は鼻ピしてるしでもう嫌だ~って最初は思ってたけど今は彼ら、とっても優しいです。たくさん会話するわけじゃないけど最近は、「日本って自販機いっぱいあるんでしょ!?」って聞かれたり、「今週の水曜日は学校来なくていいからね!」とか教えてくれます(笑)だからEnglishの時間が今は一番好きです!授業内容は難しいし、宿題は辛いし、毎週のVocab testは意味わかんないけど好きです!



Hi, everyone! This is Madoka, and I’m staying in Quartz Hill, CA. Deadline of this reporting is the day that I will already have passed just 3 months from I leaved Japan, and I haven’t seen rain from I came here!

At first, I must tell you somethings. I believe some people already knew about that. I had to go to see a doctor and used clutches, because I got a deep bruise on my foot. I had never used clutches even during I joined badminton club! We went to magic mountain and the boy who was behind me picked me up, then he slipped, and we rolled down from stairs. Next day, I tried to use my insurance, but my insurance is Japanese one, and almost important things were written in Japanese, so, it was too hard to use. My host father and I talked with many people and companies. After that we tried to go clinics, but they refused me, because they don’t take care about my insurance.

Anyway, I’m going to write about my school so far. (I’ll write different things with my reporting in Japanese ver. )

First school day, I was so nervous to go to school, and I didn’t wanna go to school. At that time, I still didn’t know what class I will take, and I believed I can take other languages classes like everyone. I really wanted to take the class of other languages. However, it was just dream. Our host family told me, you don’t need to take other languages because you are staying here to learn ENGLISH. I can understand that now, but then I couldn’t understand, because I was looking forward to learning other languages in English. I was so sad. And, I took the Civics what the class we learn about the US financial and government. I tried to keep taking and understand that but, it was too much hard for me, so finally I dropped that class after a week from my school started.

So now, I am taking PE dance (honestly, I wanted to take normal PE), US history, Biology, Algebra2, Introduction film, and English. US history is for junior, but of course, it’s not easy. In some classes, I have to watch the movie and write the sentence without subtitles. It is still hard for me, but I hope someday, I can do that easily.

By the way, I went to watch the football games twice! I love watching sports, so it was so interesting for me! I couldn’t join the any sports clubs yet, but I will be able to join the softball team from December (it’s not school). I can’t wait that! And our school had the senior sunrise and homecoming. It was too much fun! Fortunately, I could make good friends, and went to homecoming with them. Lucky me!

To be honest, I know my English skill is not enough, and the places around my area don’t allow exchange students who got the ELTiS score that is less than 230. So, every exchange student (except me) can speak English fluently. I studied harder to pass ELTiS, but no one studied for ELTiS and they got more than 230. I believe almost people had 240 or around that scores. BUT! I don’t care about that, because I’m sure I will be good English speaker until I go back Japan! One of the my friend who is from Ukraine, she can speak English so well, and she is so nice, but she said me “ I can’t make friends in my high school”. So, what I want to say, it’s up to me and you whether we can get success for our study abroad life! Oh, I was too serious haha!

In my high school, they ask me” WHERE are you from?” Of course, I answer “Japan” Then, almost people say, “I LOVE JAPAN!” to me. I’m glad when I hear that. I know some people don’t like Japan. But, I’m proud that I am Japanese and in US as an exchange student.

Anyway!!!!!! I’m going to finish my too long reporting!

I will go to Magic Mountain (again), Disney Land, Universal Studio, LA, and San Francisco, and until next reporting, I will spend the time of Halloween, Thanks giving. So, I mean plz check next reporting, too 😉 Thank you for reading! See you soon!

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 Hello, I’m Sakura Tanikawa staying in Holland Michigan. I have been here for about two months since I came to America. I’m so surprised that two months has already passed. time passed really fast…I don’t know what I should start to write from, anyway I’m going to start to write this report honestly. First of all, I had to stay in Ohio for ten days to join the training camp with other Japanese exchange student. to be honest, that was actually not “studying abroad” but just “trip”, because there were many Japanese people, and we could talk to each other in Japanese. during this training term, one American girl came to this camp and behaved with us. The first day she came, I spoke to her. I was really afraid of speaking to her, but I was able to do everything with her after that thanks to my courage, therefore, I could speak English more than any other exchange students. sometimes we text with each other to talk about own daily life. I’m so glad to have such a reliable friend. When I’m disappointed with my English skills by comparing with other exchange student in my high school I told about that to her. She said “Don’t worry about that. Everyone has different skill levels in language. Just ask lots of questions, and don’t be shy about saying you don’t understand,” her word helped me a lot. After that, I haven’t care about it. I realized that all I have to do is to compare current me with previous self. After this camp, my studying abroad had started in earnest. As soon as I meet new host mother, I wanted to go back to Ohio. It was so hard to get used to new environment. now, I am totally fine. They take me to dance studio every Thursday. sometimes I teach my dancing to students. It is really good opportunity, but actually English is not necessary when I teach dancing lol. anyway, I can practice dancing in America, but my weight doesn’t know stopping to increase… My school had already started when I arrive in Michigan. My host mother told me that my school loves exchange students, so I was not worried anything. In fact, my school has nine exchange students including me. I haven’t struggled about friends so far. However, they can speak fluently English much more than me. I was really disappointed about that as I told before, but I tried to speak to somebody with my not perfect English as I could, and keep smiling anytime. Fortunately, I made a lot of friends. people speak to me friendly in spite of I’m a stranger. I have best friends who call almost every day, go cycling, have lunch every day. I had a home coming party just a while ago, it became unforgettable memory in my life. It was really fun more than I expected. I danced with my friends in the middle of circle. It was good opportunity to show my dancing and make everyone know myself. After that, I became a bit popular. I’m trying to do my best every day. My purpose of this studying abroad is not being homesick but acting something. Even if I face a really hard difficulty, I decided to keep making effort to overcome it. I’m still not sure if my English improved more than before, but I’m studying so hard every day. I hope its effort would be good result. I won’t lose.

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まず私は2か月前にアメリカに来ました。もうすでに時間がたつのは早いなと実感しています。始めの1ヵ月は研修がありました。研修は同じクラスの人も多くて、すんごい楽しかったです。授業だけでなく、遊び?とかも結構ありました。そしてMs. Beckという英語の先生にみんなお世話になります。(後で出てくるから覚えておいてね。)研修中の家族構成はfathermotherと魚と猫でした。二人とも、本当に私に気を使ってくれました。週末は必ずどこかへ連れて行ってくれました。人付き合いも多く、よく家に人が来たりして楽しかったです。その中でも思い出に残っているのはgrandmaの家に行ったことです。3歳の子とたくさん遊び、プールに入ってすんごい美味しい料理を食べました。3か月がたてば、研修中の家族に会ってもいいというきまりがあるので、分かれるときに、3か月たったら会う約束をしました。楽しみです。

次は長期の家族について話します。私の長期のファミリーはミズーリ州に住んでいて、研修もミズーリ州だったので飛行機に乗らずにすみました。ですが、長期のファミリーに会う予定だったその日に長期のファミリーがキャンセルになってしまい私の住むところがなくなってしまったので, Ms. Beck の家に新しいファミリーが決まるまでお世話になることになりました。結局3週間くらい?お世話になったと思います。英語の先生なので私が英語を間違えたときに直してきたのは嫌でしたが、贅沢なわがままですね。そしてMs. Beck は日本と韓国に留学経験があり、色々な国の料理が出てきました。料理は本当にすごく美味しかったです。Ms. Beckは弟のMitch (26)と妹のColleen (17) がいて、Mitchにはいつも勉強を教えてもらっていて、たまに私の機嫌が悪い時もあったのに優しくて本当に感謝しています。Collenは年が近いこともあったのと個人的にめちゃめちゃ好きだったので毎晩私がゲームに誘い家にきてもらっていました。(車で3分くらいの所に住んでいる) 。学校はお昼を一緒に食べてくれる人はいたんですけど、それでもあんまり友達はいなかったので楽しくなかったです。そして3週間後新しいファミリーが決まったのでお別れの時になりました。このときお世話になったファミリーは本当に大好きだったのでこのまま一年いたいと思っていました。

そして車で2時間、新しいファミリーの家につきました。家族構成はファザー, マザー, シスター(20)です。シスターは養子でインド人です。この家に来て部屋の大きさに一番驚きました。すごくでかいです。そして、親はあまり料理をしないのでほぼ毎晩外食です。色々なところに食べに行くのですがどこも美味しくてすごく食べる量が増えました。シスターとは結構二人で映画を見たり買い物に行く仲です。

ファミリーが新しくなったことで学校も変わったので今の学校生活を紹介します。3週間くらい通っていると思うのですが、すごく優しい友達に恵まれて楽しく過ごせています。何か偏見を持っている人もいなく穏やかな日々です。私が一番好きな時間はランチタイムです。7人くらいで食べているのですが、皆優しくて日本にも興味をもってくれていつも笑って過ごしています。ついこの前の日曜日に私含め友達4人でspring fieldに行ってきました。それが最近の一番の思い出です!それは一人の祝誕生日ということで開催したのですがめちゃめちゃに楽しかったです。ピザ食べてゲームしてモールに行ってその後公園でサッカーしました。


 Hi guys! I’m Airin from Missouri This is my first time to write report and I was so excited!! At this time, I’m gonna write about my welcome family, my long-term family and my school. Please read to the end

I’ve been staying America for two months. I can’t believe that. Time passes so quickly. I had a prep program for first one month. In the pep program, there were a lot of my friends so I had great days. I want to go back to that time lol. In the prep program, there were not only lessons but also small trips. The English teacher was Ms. Beck. She was really nice. My welcome family structure was father, mother, fishes, and three cats. They were so nice to me and they always care about me. Every weekend, they took me to various places. One day, we went to grandma house. I played with a little kid and I ate special food. It is the best memory from that time. They also have many friends so they always invited them for dinner. These were good time. I really want to see my welcome family again.

I’m gonna talk about long-term family. When we moved to long-term family’s house from welcome family, I didn’t have any family who accept me. So, Ms. Beck (English teacher) hosted me until I can find my long-term family. Finally, I stayed her house for three weeks. Ms. Beck has brother and sister. Her brother’s name is Mitch and her sister’s name is Colleen. Mitch is 26 years old. He helped me do my homework every day. I really appreciate him.  Colleen is 17 years old and she and me played a lot. Every night we played cards game. It was really fun. My school was not fun because I had few friends but I really liked this family.

After three weeks, I moved to my new family. I came here by car. It took for two hours. Family structure is father, mother and sister (20). Sister is an adopted child from India. When I came here, I was suppressed by the size of this house. This house is so big. My family seldom cooks so we go to restaurant for dinner every day. I like about that because I really like to eat. Sister and me are really close. We often watch the movie and go shopping.

I’m gonna write about my new school. I could make many friends and I’m having fun days. Everyone is nice to me. My favorite time is lunch time. I eat lunch with 7 people. They interested in Japan and they make me smile. The other day, I went to spring filed with my friends as a birthday party. We ate pizza, we went shopping, and we played soccer. It was really fun and my precious memory.

These days, I really miss my family and I really feeling lonely. However, I want to spend fun days this one year. It’s my goal. Of course, to improve my English skill is my goal too. I also want to grow as a person. It’s my final goal.

I’m so excited to see my 5G members after this program

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 Salut! C’est Hikari Matt. Ça va?



 という冗談は置いておき、人口6万人ほどのdicaturという町からとうもろこしと豆の畑が左右に広がる田舎道を15分ほど走り続けると突如として現れるCerro Gordoという人口1500人に満たないような田舎町に私は住んでいます。ここにくる前はピザ屋さんとドラッグストアしかないというネットの事実に震えてましたが、着いてみると一軒しかありませんが地元のレストラン、アートショップ、小さい図書館、銀行、ペットサロンなどいろいろあり意外と毎日退屈しません。(でもスーパーマーケットは隣町までいかないとないです笑)









 きっと次のレポートまであっという間ですね(笑)それでは、a bientot!

 Bonjour. Well that was like only French word I can say, so I’m going to write in English from here. I have thousands of things that I want to write to here, but you know that’s impossible and I’m kinda sleepy now. I’ll try to finish this super first, so I guess there will be many grammatical mistakes. Oh well if I’m not sleepy, there will be still many mistakes. haha.  It has been three months since I came to United States. I mainly wrote about my stay in Oregon in Japanese, so I’m going to write my high school life here in Illinois. First thing first, my high school is small. Or tiny, “Petit” in French. (I don’t know high school is masculine or feminine) There are only 150 or 160 students including junior high. There are not many teacher either, so English teacher also teaches Spanish which I feel weird and little funny. I’m taking French, art, geometry, P.E, English, US history, and biology. One thing I surprised about high school here is every student can choose what they want to study. I’m taking French1, means it is usually class for freshman. But there is one girl junior except me, so I asked her why she’s taking French1. Then she told me that she took Spanish class for her first year but she didn’t like it so she stops taking it when she was in sophomore. And I don’t know why, but she started taking French class from this year. I think this cannot happen in Japan, though in United States if students want to take the classes, basically grades are not important.

 Also, I had presentation in my US history class and was quite interesting so let me introduce some presentation my class mate did. Two boys did their presentation about Boston Tea Party. They filled water tank with tea and made ship pretending like real Boston Tea Party. Another group made Christmas cookie introducing Valley Forge.

 And few groups made diorama! Every presentation was really unique and interesting that me in Japan could hardly imagine. I’m getting used to school and having fun with my awesome friends. Still some time I feel lonely but thanks to everyone, I’m still alive and enjoying every single moment of my life in small town!

 That is about it and hope to see you soon. Thank you for reading.

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 カナダプログラムには研修がなく、すぐに約10か月お世話になるホストファミリーの元へ行きます。私がサスカトゥーンにある空港に着いたら早速ホストファミリーとの初対面でした。荷物を受け取り空港の出口に向かっている最中とても緊張しましたが、ホストシスターとブラザーがすぐに私の元に駆け寄ってきて“WELCOME MAYUKA”と書かれてある紙を持って「この絵私が書いたよ!!」「これは僕が書いたよ!!」言って駆け寄ってきてくれて緊張がすぐにほぐれました。私のファミリーはマザー、ファザー、7歳のシスター、9歳のブラザーがいます。





 Hi, everyone. I am Mayuka Shinojima and I’m in Prince Albert in Saskatchewan. I will tell you about life in Canada. This place is so cold. Every winter, it will be minus 40 degrees.

 Canada program has no training. So, I went to meet host family who is living together about 10 months soon. After I arrive at the airport in Saskatoon, it was first time to meet with my host family. While I got my bag pack and after I was going to exit, I was getting so nervous. But, my host brother and sister ran up to me and show me the paper that is written “welcome Mayuka”. And, they said that “I drew this pic.” “I drew these one, too.”. Anyway, I could get comfortable. By the way, I will tell basically information about my host family. I have a host mother, father, younger sister who is 7 years old and younger brother who is 9 years old.

 I had a school after a week from first day in here. This week had a lot of differences of life. Especially, eating habits has. Cause my host family is Began. I was afraid to be able to live almost 1 year in this situation. But I’m familiar to live here. Someday, I talked with my host family about my purpose to come here and what do I want to do in here. My purpose is improving my English skill, getting independent and being able to solve any problems myself. Also, having fun in Canada is also and most dream I want to grant. In this way, week was pasted suddenly.

 Finally, School was started. I had already known that there are many differences at the school. That is thing beyond my imagination. Some students are smoking, and some students attend class once a month. Almost students have a child and the most thing I was surprised is there is a place to left their children at my school. The parents left their child there and go to receive them after school. The kindergarten has a time to walk around the school. I sometimes see them, and they are so cute. I’m taking ELA, Music, Band, Catholic Studies, Choral, Math, Physical Education at 1st semester. All of class is not difficult for me. If I’m forced to say, I think Catholic studies class is the most difficult. I make sense only the story I learned at Hokusei. I have to put together a report on my opinion. And there are many terminologies. That things makes me hard. Also, in music class, I play the guitar and it is difficult to play it. If I ask to my teacher, they teach me gently.

 And about holiday. In every Saturday, I go to farmers market that is held by local peoples and some clothes by handmade are sold and some vegetables, too. Also, my host mother, sister and I started Yoga. In every Sunday, I have a karate and go to the Gym. And I make Japanese food for them. I wish my cocking skills will be improved. We sometime go to far away and we enjoyed looking aurora and catching wild owls.

 The day like this is keeping and one month is passed already. It was like a moment. I keep thinking of the all people in Canada are so kind for me and I talked with shop clerk and stranger. Some people said to me “You can be here forever!”. They are awesome people. I love them. I am so comfortable to be here. That’s all I want to say to everyone! Thank you for reading.

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