カナダに留学中の但馬 良奈さんから第1回目の留学報告が届きました。
次にいよいよスクールと一年近くお世話になるファミリーについてです。私が通っているスクールはカトリックスクールでどの部屋にも十字架とマリア様がいます。今学期取っているクラスはReligion,Gym,Food,instr.Music ,Social Studies, Scienceです。Religionでは人類について学んだり宗教がある意味についての意見をディスカッションしたりしています。Gymのクラスでは、ゴルフ、バレーボール、ベースボール、ほかにもいろんなゲームをしています。Foodクラスでは最近では毎回料理しています。スープ、クレープ、チーズマカロニなど。もちろんちゃんと勉強もしています(笑)洗剤の種類とか化学みたいな授業になるときもしばしば。Instr.Musicではカナダの国家(O CANADA) を演奏したりほかにもいろんな種類の曲も演奏しています。3月にはschool trip としてトロント研修が4泊ほどあります。GPI、ISAなどを通してやっとおととい許可がでたので参加できます!親にも感謝。
Social Studies はカナダの歴史や経済、いろんな分野がミックスされているクラスです。この授業は1番頭使ってます笑 先生がパワーポイントもホワイトボードも使わず全て口頭なのですごく集中して受けてます笑。ちなみにランチはsocial studies のクラスの人達と毎日食べてます。Science は化学を勉強してます。昨日ユニットテストがありました。日本にいたころにやっててわからなかった応用問題がこっちにきて理解できました。不思議です。笑
もっと書きたいことはありますがこの辺で。また次回に!Bye guys! Thank you for reading
Hi guys, I’m in Canada, Alberta, Cold Lake, passed 50 days since I came here. It’s so early, I think. Anyway first, I talk about my story of my orientation and my short term host family. In my orientation, we couldn’t hang out like people who going to United States. lol We almost stayed in the community centre, and I learned about how to use money here. I like Canadian money as it is colourful, beautiful, and made from plastic. Besides I learned about gestures of Canada. It was good.
My short term family, they were so kind to me and dishes that they made was so delicious. They came from Filipino, so I could eat Filipino dishes every day. It was awesome. Moreover they have a lot of relatives, their daughters , her husbands, their children. They came to my host house every day, and we watched TV, ate supper, talked, went to a lot of places, together. I love them.
Next, I gonna talk about my school and long term host family. My school is Catholic school, Hokusei is Protestant school, so a little different. In this semester, I take Gym, Instruments Music, Social Studies, Science, Religion, and Food. In Gym class, I always playing games ( volleyball, baseball, golf etc.) it’s my favorite class as I don’t use my brain. Lol
In Instr. Music, I play national anthem ( O CANADA), other different songs, and I play the piano and xylophones, metallophone, and etc. This clas has a lot of student, from grade 9 to 12, so I can made a lot of friends, but I don’t remember theirs name yet, actually. Lol
Anyway, in Social Studies, I learning about history, economy of Canada. It’s hard for me, but my friends and teacher help me, so pretty good. In Science, I learning about chemistry, it’s hard to understand, but this class also my friends help me, and also, these friends are same class at gym and religion, they are my sweetie teacher. In religion class, I learning about humanity. Besides, I love food class as I can cook something every time. It was so fun. So, I like those class so much, actually, in every lunch time, I I eat with my friends who my social studies class.
I’m going to talk about my family, dad, mom, and two sisters, but one sister goes to university, so she isn’t here everyday, but once a couple weeks, I can see her. By the way, other sister and I are different school. I don’t know why. She is 15 years old. She always mekes me laughing, I like her. Mom and dad is kind to me, so sweet.
Oh guys!!! Listen!! I saw aurora ( northern lights) !!!!!
Can you believe it!? I will send those photos next time. It was so amazing, awesome, beautiful, Jesus!!!! Anyway I have a lot of experience here, everything is my first time. So excited. Yesterday, I saw ice hockey games, It was so cool, I became its fun:) And tonight (October 9th), we celebrated thanksgiving, and we ate turkey and other different dishes, apple pies. It was good. ps, here is already snowy…
Lastly, I had a dream in English ( October 14 night)!!!!
So happy:)
Actually, I want to write more, but it’ll be long.
See ya, guys. Thank you for reading.