

アメリカに留学中の後藤 雲羽さんから第二回目の留学報告が届きました。

こんにちは、後藤雲羽です。 前回のレポートは英語だけで西先生に送りつけて翻訳までさせるという始末で大変迷惑をおかけしました。誰かが勝手に翻訳してくれるものだと思ってたんです。さて、私のミシガンでの生活も三か月経ちました。本当に時間がたつのが早くて、ホームシックになっている暇なんてどこにもないよ!と突っ込みたくなりました。一日のうちで日本の家族のことを考える暇は申し訳ないけどほとんどないに等しいです。



 私のホストマザーが留学団体のコーディネーターなのをみなさんは知っていますか?彼女のおかげで本来会うことのないであろう交換留学生に会う機会がよくあります。最近、ホストシスターだったフランスからの留学生がホストチェンジをしたので、シェアしていた部屋が広いと感じていましたがマザーの担当の生徒がうちに一週間以上ステイしていました。その生徒は、なんと5G の下山めぐみ。私を含めた5人の5Gの生徒がミシガンにステイしていますが、この状況はさすがに想定外でした。日本語禁止の生活とは言えども、たくさん話して笑って、とても幸せな時間でした。でも、めぐが帰ったあとからとてつもない5Gシックにかかっています。楽しい時間の代償は大きかった・・・。そしてマザーのおかげで留学生たちがどれだけコーディネーターさんたちにお世話になっているのか、コーディネーターがどれだけ大変な仕事なのか知ることができて本当に感謝しています。


   Hi! I’m Mowa Goto. I’m sorry for translating my report that is last time, Ms.Nishi. I thought somebody would translate it… It’s been about 3 months since I came Michigan. Time flies so quickly so I don’t have time to be homesick. I don’t need to miss my family almost every day.

I don’t know where to start because a lot has happened. But I’m going to talk about my school. My school is trimester, I just took final exams a few days ago. My grades are not very good, but I think I did great on my first try. I’m pretty satisfied. What I’ve learned from my school life is ” Importance of telling things that don’t understand “. I think I don’t need feel embarrassed, I need to be honest. In my case, I have my things that I don’t know and I don’t listen sometimes in Japan. That’s why I wasn’t bothered to tell things that I can’t understand or don’t understand. It’s very easy for me, but many Japanese feel uncomfortable with it. I don’t think my classmates feel so, though. In that kind of situations, American students raise their hand to ask their teacher straight, even if they were already told it. I’m like ” I can answer your question, I’m Japanese though!!!” almost every time. It doesn’t mean my English is better than American students. It’s just normal for them. So I ask help when I need some help, and it courses that I’m treated like a baby. It’s very comfortable for me, it’s just because I don’t need to ask every time. They always care about me naturally. Also it makes more conversations. I think it’s better than being regarded my English is almost perfect.

Come to think of it, I did presentation about Japan in 4 classes. I got appointments by myself. I was asked many questions about Japanese culture. Especially I would like to share this question ” What’s the difference between Japanese high school and American high school?”.  I think big difference is way of thinking about repeating a year in school. I have many friends who are staying on the same grades. I just asked their grades, but they told me about it. They don’t think it’s bad and don’t feel uncomfortable to tell it as Japanese people. As you know, our school system is totally different. We need to pass an entrance exam, and each schools have students who are almost same achievements. So there are differences between schools, but there is not big difference between students at same school. That’s why repeating a year is very rare and serious problem in Japan. Most of them quit their school if they have to stay on. So I told them I prefer American way of thinking about it.

 Do you know my host mother is a coordinator of our study abroad organization. I have many opportunities to meet other exchange students who I was not going to meet because of her. Lately, an exchange student who was my host sister moved from our house so I had been felt my room that we shared is larger than before, but her student stayed over a week. Actually the student was Megumi Shimoyama who is my classmate. Including me, 5 students who are my classmates in Michigan, but I’ve never thought that situation. Of course we mustn’t talk in Japanese, but we talk and laugh a lot. We spent good time. However I have been missed my friends after she left my home. I’m “friends-sick” in return for it. And also I appreciate for my host mom, because I could know how hard work coordinator and how much exchange students have been taken care of.

Speaking of changed, I belonged a bowling team. We didn’t practice so much, but we have a lot of matches and tournaments in February. I don’t feel bowling is “sport”, but definitely it’s a sport. I’ve never heard of high school has a bowling team so I thought it’s cool. I decided to belong it with Italian exchange student who was my host sister. We changed our host family in only a week, but we are still like sisters. I am pretty sure we will be get along well forever.

There were many events such as Homecoming, Halloween, and thanksgiving in short period. When thanksgiving, I was so happy and thankful for my both families. Before I eat I told my host family about it, and then my tears came out. Turkey was very good, I wish I could have turkey often in Japan. Christmas and new year are coming soon! I will keep to do my best to no wasting time and to increase things that I can do.

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