TPR(Total Physical Response)とは、言語学習者に語彙や短いフレーズをジェスチャーと組み合わせることで、記憶力を助けるという教育方法で、通常、若い学習者に用いられます。人間は赤ちゃんの頃、言葉を発するよりもはるかに早く話し言葉を理解し、言葉を発声するよりもはるかに早く意味のあるジェスチャーをし始めます。多くの研究結果から、親が幼い赤ちゃんに手話を導入することで、より早い段階でのコミュニケーションが可能になることがわかっています。ジェスチャーを使ったコミュニケーションを学ぶと、声を出す言語の発達が遅れるのではないかと思うかもしれませんが、そうではありません。多くの場合、音声言語の発達も改善されることがわかっています。
Have you ever studied English vocabulary and found a word that you just can’t remember? You repeat it 100 times in your head. You say it out loud. You write sentences with it or use mnemonics but when you need the word, you simply cannot produce it. Maybe it’s time to try a more physical response.
Total Physical Response (TPR) is a method of education, usually used with young learners, that teaches language learners to pair vocabulary or short phrases with gestures to aid in memory. As babies, humans learn to understand spoken language much faster than they can produce it, and they begin to produce meaningful gestures much sooner than they vocalize words as well. The results of many studies show that parents can introduce Sign Language to young babies to help them communicate at an earlier age. You may think that learning to communicate with a gesture-based language would slow the development of a vocal one, but this is not the case. It has been shown in many cases to improve the development of spoken language as well.
It may feel silly, but the next time you are reviewing some vocabulary, try to find their equivalent signs in American Sign Language. Say the new vocabulary word while making the appropriate sign. Not only will you be reinforcing your mental grasp of that vocabulary, you will also be learning and developing a new skill: Sign Language! Although American Sign Language is its own unique language and so has its own grammar, it is closely connected to English as well as American culture. It will also give you the opportunity to learn about and better understand Deaf culture. American Sign Language is a beautiful and dynamic language which is used in many countries around the world.
If you cannot find the correct sign for your vocabulary word, create your own. Language isn’t only something that you hear. It should be something you feel, experience and internalize.