● スミス先生…誰かのために努力をして結果を出していたのが凄いと思った。私もこんな風に誰かのためになることをしてみたい。
● スミス先生…目的地がどんな場所か分からなくても、自分がやりたいことに全力になれて、それを実現させているのが尊敬できる。
● モンク先生のようになりたい。誰もが嫌がることでも大切なことだからと自分で積極的に行動するという。周りを思いやる、支える姿勢が素敵だと思った。また、世の中を知るためなど、自分の目的に向かって努力できる人になりたいと思った。
● モンク先生のような人間になりたいと感じた。一度何かに挑戦して失敗したら、何度も再挑戦してみることの重要さを再認識させられた。
● エバンス先生の活発なところが自分と似ているかなと思いました。厳しさよりも愛情の方を大事にしていきたい。他人のために愛のある行動をとれるようになりたい。生徒のこういう声を聴いて、それぞれが学校の歴史とのつながりを見つけて、そこから自分の未来に向けて頑張る力を得たことに、教員として感動しました。
● 自律した生活習慣を身に付け、自治の精神が根付いた集団作りを行う。
● 女子単学の環境を生かし、自己を受け入れ挑戦できる土壌を構築する。“
● 生徒主体の授業をできる限り取り入れる。教員が話す時間を1授業あたり10分を目標にしたい。
● 日々の声掛け(授業では1時間につき最低10人にあてる
● 生徒たちみんなが楽しく、生き生きと前向きに学校生活を送ることが出来るように努力する。
● 思考/判断/表現力を高める授業の研究、個別最適な学びの研究、ICT活用の研究
Inspiration is contagious – which is good for me, because I need all the inspiration I can get! I am in a new position, one that builds on the work I have been doing for years as an educator. While I do get inspiration from natural beauty – snow-capped mountains, pink sunsets, budding trees – for me, people are always the source of my inspiration. More specifically, I am inspired by people I know.
Recently I have had two chances to be inspired by those around me, and since I work in a school, the sources of my inspiration have been students and teachers. Earlier this week I was scheduled to speak to the student body for an hour about the history of our school. I was to give the second of three hour- long presentations. I have been a classroom teacher for 35 years, and I love the energy I get back from students, so I wanted to find a way to give the presentation that would energize both me and the students. I decided to tell stories about the three teachers who played a key role in our school’s past and challenge students to connect personally with one of the three teachers, to find someone they felt was similar to them or someone they wanted to become like.
I was inspired by the students’ responses:
● I thought it was amazing that Sarah Smith worked so hard to achieve things that would benefit others. I would also like to do something useful for others like this.
● I admire Miss Smith. Even though she didn’t know what her destination was, she put her all into everything she did so she could realize her goals.
● I want to be like Alice Monk. She took the initiative to engage in tasks that no one else wanted to do because she understood how important they were. I was impressed by how considerate and supportive she was of people around her. Like Miss Monk, I want to become someone who can strive towards my own goals, such as learning about the world.
● I want to be like Miss Monk. I was reminded of the importance of trying again and again even if I fail the first few times.
● I thought Elizabeth Evans’s active personality was similar to mine. She valued love more than strictness. Like her, I want to be able to act lovingly for others. From these responses, I could see that students were really trying to make a personal connection to our school’s past – to look to our shared past to find inspiration for their own futures.
I have also asked teachers to take on a new initiative this year – to set a personal goal for the year. I am hesitant to ask teachers to do something extra at a time when they are already so busy. At the same time, I believe that the most important thing I can do as principal is to support teachers in the things that matter most to them. By reading teachers’ goals, I get insight into what matters to them. And because I know how busy they are, I am all the more inspired by this insight into how each teacher saw themselves as an invaluable cog that keeps our school running through their unique contributions.
Here are a few of the responses that inspired me:
● Help students develop independence and build a class grounded in student autonomy.
● Take advantage of the all-girls’ environment to create an atmosphere where students can accept themselves and take on challenges.
● Incorporate student-centered classes as much as possible. I would like to aim to talk for only about 10 minutes per class. I also want to call on students more in class (so they have more chances to participate in the learning).
● Strive to ensure that all students experience school as fun, lively, and positive
● Research classes that improve thinking/judgment/expression skills; research optimal individual learning, and effective uses of technology in the classroom
When I see these examples of people challenging themselves, pushing themselves to do more, it inspires me to try things that are hard – things like publishing a blog in Japanese and diving back into social media to share my everyday inspiration with others. It also helps me to realize how lucky I am. Working in a school, I am surrounded every day by people who can be a source of inspiration to me, if only I take the time to look around, to listen, to ask questions, and to care about the answers.
In closing, I want to offer sincere gratitude to the teachers and students I work with every day. You are the reason I come to work each day, and your sparks of insight push me to become a better version of myself day by day as I strive to become the principal who will make you want to come to school every day. So, thank you! I couldn’t do it without you!!!
Recently, I have more white hair than brown hair. Why does hair turn white?
Our hair is colored by melanin that is produced by the pigment cells in each hair follicle. Melanin is what colors our skin as well. Melanin is produced in cells called melanocytes and different quantities or types of melanin can alter the color of your hair, skin, or eyes. When you are out in the sun and you go brown, it is your body releasing more melanin to protect you from the UV rays.
There are three main types of melanin, and each one is a slightly different color. They are all found in the body but not all in the skin or the hair. Eumelanin is a dark brown color. If your hair is dark brown, then it has lots of eumelanin in it. Pheomelanin is yellow-red. If your hair is red, then you have a lot of pheomelanin in it. Neuromelanin is very dark brown. It is only found in the brain, and it works to protect neurotransmitters, although people are not sure why. Research is being done with it because it could be a treatment for Parkinson’s disease.
Hair is made of keratin, which is a type of protein. It is the same material that our nails are made of and grows in a similar way. The part of the hair that we can see is only the bit that pokes out through our skin. The rest of the hair is hidden deep in the epidermis layer of the skin. The hair poking out through the skin is made of dead cells, but the lower part of the hair is still alive. The very root of the hair rests in something called the hair bulb. This has a blood supply and nerve endings. That is why it hurts to pull your hair out. The hair cells begin to grow in the hair bulb and as they multiply, they push the cells above them further up, which is how the hair grows. There is also a muscle connected to the hair bulb, which can make the hair stand up when it is contracted. This is what makes our hairs stand up when we are cold and why we get goosebumps.
The pigment that colors our hair comes from the melanin which is made by the melanocytes. The melanocytes are located in a bulge that is above the hair bulb, but below where the hair reaches the upper layer of skin. The melanocytes produce melanin and it travels down to the bottom of the hair bulb where it is combined with the new keratin cells that are growing and becoming hair. Different types and different quantities of melanin make the hair different colors. Different quantities of eumelanin can make hair from black to blond, and different quantities of pheomelanin mixed with eumelanin can make different shades of red. The color of our hair is determined by our genes and there is nothing we can do about that. However, hair color might change with the seasons because sunlight can bleach the melatonin.
So, why does our hair go white when we get older? Basically, because the melanocytes that make the melatonin die. Hair is naturally white, as are your nails, which are also made of keratin, and it is the melanin which gives hair its color. All of the cells in our bodies die and new ones are born. However, over time, some cells die, and no new ones are created. This happens with the melanocytes in the hair follicles. As they slowly die, they produce less melanin, which means the color of the hair gets ever so slightly lighter because more of the white is showing through. The more melanocytes die, the closer the hair becomes to grey. There is still some color, but not a lot. When the melanocytes have completely died and there is no melanin coloring the hair, it is completely white, which is its color without coloring.
Different people go white at different times and different races of people also go white at different times. It is a natural part of the aging process, but it doesn’t only happen because of aging. A lack of vitamin B12 can stop the melanocytes from producing melanin, as can some diseases. Stress doesn’t necessarily make people go grey, but smoking can. Smokers are 2 and a half times more likely to have white hair before they are 30 than nonsmokers. The smoke from the cigarettes can also make the white hair go yellow.
Some people think that pulling out a grey hair will either fix the problem or will make the problem worse, but it will do neither. The problem lies with the lack of melanin in the root of the hair and if the hair is plucked out another grey one will simply grow in its place. And this is what I learned today.