“If you don’t do anything, nothing happens.”
I spent a time under this word. In this report, I’m going to talk about my experiences in Adelaide, Australia.
In July 20th, we left Japan for Adelaide and I was so excited about seeing my host family but, I was a little bit nervous. I think it is important to contact with host family before seeing and, you might want to ask a house rules.
I lived with a woman and two cats named Bella and Venus. She is very kind and strong woman but, she sometimes behaves an absurd thing so, I don’t like everything for her. I really grateful to her for doing anything around me anyway.
I went to Wirreanda Secondary School and, I went to the coeducational school for the first time in five years so, I enjoyed going to school and taking a class with boys. I was blessed with friends and teachers because they always helped me and talked me a lot.
I took seven subjects: English, EALD which is English for exchange students like us, Science, Math, Concept to CASH, Wet & Wild(PE), and Down South Adventures. All subjects I took was really interesting especially I enjoyed EALD and Science class. Five Italian exchange students came to school at the same time with us so, I could talk to them and learn Italian words in EALD class but, I couldn’t pronounce them perfectly because they are a little bit difficult for me. Math and Science was easy to me because I had learned all thing when I was in junior high school so, I could take a grade A in science and, my science teacher gave me a present on the last day of school for me. I had to exercise at gym in Wet & Wild but, I’m not good at exercise so, I couldn’t get used to this class but, thanks to teacher assistance, I could enjoy it. Besides, he is really awesome and really kind person. I think he is one of the best teachers in school. In Down South Adventures, I researched about reading the weather with classmate. I could learn about clouds types and climate in Australia. And, I went to the Hallett Cove where we can see the ocean as outdoor education of this class and then, I walked 6 km so I was so tired but enjoyed.
My school teachers and my friends were very kind and always helped me so, I could enjoy my school life in Australia.
I went to various places. For example, zoo, museum, art gallery, beach, and restaurant of many countries’ food. I could learn about the history of Australia though watching many precious things in the museum. It was good experience for me to go to the museum and art gallery. And, my mother took me many places so, I could see lots of people and watch many things. Thanks to her behave, I could get lots of experiences.
I had lots of things I felt in Australia, but I pick up two topics.
First, If I don’t act, nothing will start, A few days from I started to go to school, I got nervous so I couldn’t speak to students in school but I thought it is wrong so, I tried to speak to students actively. Thanks to it, I could make many precious friends.
Seconds, I felt that my English skill isn’t enough. I had trouble speaking English and, I thought if I could speak English more and know more English words, I would spend more good time with my friends and teachers and family. I’ll study English more and I’d like to do studying abroad again.
Lastly, I’m full of gratitude for everyone who support me for this study abroad.
My teachers, my friends, and my lovely family, I really appreciate you from bottom of my heart. Thank you for giving me a chance to go to study abroad. I really enjoyed studying abroad in Adelaide for one month.
私は、Wirreanda Secondary Schoolという学校に通っていました。そして、私は5年ぶりに共学の学校に通ったので、学校に行くことも男子と一緒に授業を受けるのも楽しかったです。そして、いつも私を助けてくれて、たくさん話してくれた友達や先生方には感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。
私は、English、EALD(私たちのような留学生向けの英語)、Science、Math、Concept to CASH、Wet & Wild(PE)、Down South Adventuresの計7つの授業をとりました。私がとった全ての授業はとても興味深く、特にEALDとScienceの授業が楽しかったです。私たちと同じ時期に5人のイタリア人留学生が来ていたので、EALDの時間に彼女たちと話したり、イタリア語を学ぶことができましたが、私にはイタリア語は少し難しくて、完璧には発音できません。
Wet & Wildの時間はジムに行って運動をしないといけなかったのですが、私は運動が苦手なので授業に慣れることができませんでしたが、先生のおかげで楽しむことができました。さらに、彼はとてもかっこよくて、とても優しい先生で、学校の中で1番良い先生だと思います。Down South Adventuresの授業では、天気の読み方についてクラスメイトと調べました。私は雲の種類やオーストラリアの気候について学ぶことができました。そして、この授業のアウトドア学習として、海の見えるHallett Coveというところに行って、そこで6キロ歩きました。とても疲れましたが楽しかったです。私の学校の先生方や友達はとても優しく、いつも私を助けてくれたので、私はオーストラリアでの学校生活を楽しむことができました。