髙津 結衣の留学レポート
~About My Study abroad~
I have been to Adelaide as study abroad for a month during the summer vacation,
There many events, but here I’d like to introduce about my life in Australia.
First, my host family was host mother, 10 years old brother, a woman named Tracy for just two weeks and a Chinese student Kexson who joined from the middle. I haven’t had a good relationship with my host family, so I have no good memories of this. However, Kexson was always very kind person who cared about me. In addition, she seemed to have Japanese grand farther, so when I was in the trouble, she spoke Japanese and used translation. However, she was not at home so I couldn’t have a close conversation.
Next, I’d like to talking about my school’s Charles Campbell College. I took 30minutes to go to school from my host family’s house so I was worry about getting on the bus every day. In addition, I still remember that got help by look like junior high school student on the morning of the first day. Also, I wasn’t going to the same class with local students so I took the ISEC class that just international students like Chinese, Japanese, Korea, Hong Kong people and Vietnam people. Also, There were many students that can speak English fluently in the class. So, they class was fit for me.
I took the class of P.E, Art, Science/Math, Hass and mainly. Every class teacher always taught me kindly and politely so the class was easy to understand. I’m still in contact with Xsan I met in a ISEC class. After school, I went to a supermarket called Target near my school with a Japanese friend to do a lot of shopping and eat ice cream outside. However, after school when it was strong rainy at cold, the bus wasn’t coming at all and 20 minutes late. I don’t like the cold so the life in Adelaide like heavy rain that suddenly starts to rain was very hard. On weekends, I went to Rundle Moll with Hokusei girls’ friends and local friends. Rundle Moll was wider than I had expected, and there were a wide variety of shops and types, so I never got tired all day, and I really felt that I was abroad.
At the last, through my study abroad, I learned to one’s real intention is very important .I couldn’t tell my opinion clearly, because my English skill was very low and we have different culture, it might have led a lot of different misunderstandings. From these, I learned importance to tell one’s real intention clearly and improve my English speaking skills. In addition, I couldn’t get along with my host family, and some might think that studying abroad was a failure. However, it was a valuable experience for me to learn about the value of my parents and to learn the importance of having my own opinions firmly and the importance of giving it out clearly
I couldn’t get along with my host family, and some might think that studying abroad was a failure. However, it was a valuable experience for me to learn about the value of my parents and to learn the importance of having my own opinions firmly and the importance of giving it out clearly
次に、私の通っていた学校についてお話ししたいと思います。私は、Charles Campbell Collegeという学校に通っていました。学校まではホストファミリーの家から、バスで30分ほどかかったので毎日乗り過ごさないか心配でした。登校初日の日は、中学生くらいの少年に助けてもらったのを未だに覚えています。また、私は、現地の人と同じ授業にはついていけそうになかったので、留学生しかいないISECといわれるクラスをとっていました。ISECのクラスはベトナム、中国、韓国、香港といったアジアの人しかいなく、また、日本人もいたため、気楽に授業を受けることができました。また、ISECのクラスではあるものの、英語が流暢な留学生も多かったので私にとっては自分のペースでゆっくりと英語を学ぶことのできる自分にあったクラスでした。しかし、アジア人しかいなかったということもあり、私たちがsciencesの授業で脈拍を調べるための実験を外でしていた時にパプリカを投げつけられたことがありました。私はこの出来事で未だに人種による差別があることを実感しました。加えて、私は主に、ISECのP.E、Art、Science/Math、Hass、Literacy、といった授業をとっていたのですがどの授業の先生も優しく丁寧に教えてくれたのでとてもわかりやすかったです。ISECのクラスで知り合ったベトナム人のXsanとは今でも連絡を取り合う仲です。放課後には、学校のすぐ近くにあるTargetというスーパーに日本人の友達と一緒に行き、大量の買い物をしたり、寒い中アイスを外で一緒に食べたりもしました。しかし、雨が降ったとても寒い日の放課後にTargetへ行き買い物をしてから帰ろうとするとバスが全く来なく、予定時間から20分も遅れてきて、寒さで凍え死にそうになったことがありました。私は、寒さに弱いのでアデレードの寒さと突然降りだす激しい雨が多い中での生活は少しつらい部分もありました。また、週末にはRundle Moll へ北星女子の友達や現地で出来た友達と行きました。Rundle Mollは思っていたよりも広く、店の種類や数も豊富だったので一日中飽きることがなく、また海外に来たことを大いに実感出来ました。