渋谷 彩乃の留学レポート
まず初めに、私が通っていた学校を紹介します。私が通っていたのはSeaford Secondary High School という名前の学校です。家からはバスで5分しかかからなかったので、とても通いやすかったです。留学生の受け入れに慣れた学校のようで、学校では日本人に限らずたくさんの留学生を見かけました。日本人留学生もいましたが、授業中は基本的に英語で話していました。授業は日本の学校にはないものばかりで、例えば私はphotography, music, child studies, math, English, humanities, scienceをとっていました。私の学校には留学生用のクラスがなかったので、すべての授業を現地の生徒と一緒に受けました。先生によっては早口だったり訛っていたりしてわからないこともありましたが、あとで個人的に先生に聞いたり、周りの友達に聞いたりして何とかついていくことができました。学校では文化の違いを感じる場面が多く、最初は驚きましたが慣れてくると面白かったです。授業中にポテトチップスやサンドイッチ、ドーナツなどを食べている人や、パソコンやスマートフォンでゲームをしている人、盗電をしてスマートフォンの充電をしている人などいろいろな人がいました。国が違うだけでこんなにも文化の違いが表れるのかと驚く日々でした。
I had a great experience during this summer and I would like to tell you about some of them at this report. I stayed the area takes about an hour from Adelaide by car.
At first, let me write about my school. I went to the school called Seaford Secondary High School and it took about only five minutes to get there from my home by bus. My school seemed to be used to accept international student not only Japanese so I saw many of them every day. There were some Japanese students too, but we tried to talk in English during lessons. The school had many kinds of lessons that cannot seen in Japan. For example, I took photography, music, child studies, math, English, humanities, and science. There were no classes for international students so I had all of lessons with local students. Some teachers talked too fast or had resentment, so sometimes I could not understand what they have said. However, I asked teacher or students about it later so I could catch up with lessons. At school, I had many opportunities to learn the differences of culture between Japan and Australia. At first, I was surprised to see them but they were interesting after I got use to see. During the lessons, some students were eating potato chips, sandwiches, or doughnuts. In addition, some students were playing games on their laptops or their smartphones and one of them was charging to his phone. They were surprising things for me because those things cannot happen in Japan.
Next, I will tell you about my host family. My host family was host mother, host sister, and two cats. Host sister was a university student but also she had a part time job. Both of host mother and host sister seemed to be busy with their work, but they were always kind to me. They had to leave the home early to go for their work so I was alone before I go to the school on weekdays. I woke up by myself, made breakfast, and left the home. By the way, they backed to the home around six every day, so I had enough time to talk with them. We usually cooked the dinner and watched TV together. On weekends, they took me many places. I saw kangaroos and koalas for the first time in Wild Life Park. I really enjoyed the day because I fed kangaroos and tapped a koala. Another day, host mother took me to Adelaide and we visited some museums and enjoyed shopping after that. In addition, we went to a chocolate factory and some restaurants. At the chocolate factory, host sister recommended me to tasting so I tried. Actually, I did not want to eat chocolate made in foreign country but it was nice so I was surprised. I could not buy some of them as souvenirs because I did not want them to melt before I arrive Japan but there were many interesting shapes of chocolate. I had a good time. I am grateful to my host family for everything they have done for me.
I really appreciate to everyone who has helped me during my stay and I will never forget the things I learned this month.
I hope my friends in 5G will have a great time. I am looking forward to seeing you!