

渡邉 日葉の留学レポート

I went to Adelaide to study abroad. I thought very worried, but I could have a good time.


First, I’m going to introduce about my host family. My family is father, mother, and student form German. They are very kind. My host father likes cooking, so he often make dishes. My host mother is working person. She always looks busy, but she always cared about me. The student from German is a girl of an international student hosted together. She is friendly enough to talk to me. I was surrounded by such a kind host family.


I have many memories with them, so I’m going to talk one things. It was on the first day. Then I was very nerves, I used toilet. I was trying to flush the water but I didn’t know how to do it, the floor was flooded with a washlet. I was upset and panic. I was ready to get angry and I told host family that, they said me “Don’t worry, no problem.” I was very relieved.


Second, I’m going to introduce about my school. I studied in Hamilton Secondly College. This school is a science school, so I did some space program. It is very fun. I wore bridging and I did Mars exploration game. I did operations, I found and picked up some stone. It is a little difficult but very interested. Regular class is not hard. I feel hard only “Human and society”. I was surprised Math. It was easy enough to be communicated other students. I wanted to study more math for the first time in my life.


I was able to make many friends in school. For example, girls who were mistaken for Chinese and talked to me, Japanese who have been studying at the school in long time, and student who cooked with me in class. I went to city with friends every Saturday.


I could have many experience and things what I learnt. I want to make use of what I have learned.









次に、私の通った学校について紹介します。私はHamilton Secondly Collegeというところで学びました。そこは宇宙に関する学習に力を入れている学校で、私もそのプログラムを受けることができました。つなぎを着て火星探査の趣味レーションをするというプログラムで、オペレーションと医師の探査の二つを行いました。少し難しかったですが、面白く、いい経験でした。普段の授業はあまり難しくありませんでした。ただ「Human and society」が少し大変かなという程度でした。私が驚いたのは数学です。余裕ができて、ほかの生徒に教えられるくらいに簡単でした。学校で生まれて初めてもっと数学をやりたいと思いました。





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