半年たった今でもまだ違いを見つけることもあるくらい、あふれています。私は自分のスタンスを持ち込んだらきっと違うことだらけで戸惑い狂ってしまうと思っていたので、アメリカに来てからはかなりのオープンマインドでこういうものなんだ!ってとらえるようにしています。逆に価値観が同じだって思ったらなんとなくうれしく感じられるので。私が留学に行く前の後輩にアドバイスをするなら、これを一番に推します。まず、私のファミリーは本当に熱心なキリスト教徒です。週に2回は教会に通い、ご飯の前、寝る前はお祈りをし、夜には聖書を読んでそこから何を学んだか何が大事かなどscripture studyといわれるものをします。学校や会社に出かける朝はちょっとしたquoteを必ず読みます。私ももちろん参加していますが、キリスト教徒ではないのできっとファミリーとは少し違った気持ちで参加していると思います。それでも、もうすぐこの家にきて1か月が経つ今、私にとっても毎日の習慣になっています。この家に来た時、初めに宗教のことを聞かれました。日本の宗教のこと、無宗教なら、誰が初めの人間を作ったと思っているのか、などびっくりするほど沢山聞かれました。この人たちの心には“キリスト教“がとても大きな割合を占めているんだなあってつくづく思います。あとは食です。生きてきた中でほとんど毎日3回も当たり前のように繰り返していたものなので、かなり手ごわいです。アメリカ人といっても三者三様で(日本人だってみんな違うのと同じです)ほとんど外食する家庭、ほとんど家でご飯を作って食べる家庭があります。研修の時はほぼ外食していました。今はほとんど家でマザーがご飯を作ってくれてみんなで食べています。食べるものも家庭によって違います。でも私がアメリカに来てがっかり、というべきなのか、寂しいなあって感じたのはご飯を一緒に食べる習慣がないことです。特に朝昼食。一人で食べるご飯は本当に何か物足りなくて寂しいです。他には人との接し方とかが違います。例えば先生と生徒の関係です。先生と生徒はいい意味で友達のようです。節度はあります。先生にも本当に気軽に質問とか、お願いとかしに行けるので私はアメリカの学校が好きです。こんな感じで、これは日本のほうが良いなとか、アメリカのここは見習うべきとか沢山思うことはあります。そんな事を繰り返していくのは楽しかったり時に腹が立ったりしますが、成長していっているんだなあと信じています。
Hi, I’m Ayaka Fukushima in Arkansas. How are you doing? I am upset how time goes fast. I don’t want to believe that I have only 5month to stay here. I am going to talk about the differences between my country and here. Also I would like to tell you about my host change.
I’ve found so many differences countless times. Before I came to America, I decided to open my mind not to upset the differences. So I feel little happy when I find the same value, and custom. When I met my family I am staying now, they asked me about my religious. They are Christian. They pray, read the bible and study about the God which is called “scripture study”. This is totally new for me. But now, almost 1 month has passed I came here, and those are one of my custom. As you know, food is so different. This is one of the hardest difference to get used to for me. Some families often go out to eat but some families don’t in Japan. It really depends on family. It is same in America. My lovely family in Arizona usually goes out. But my current host mother cooks for us. Anyway, I found my favorite Japanese custom in America. We get together when we eat in Japan. American don’t eat together especially breakfast and lunch. For me, it is lonely. It’s better eating with someone for me. So I was glad to find this difference so that I could be proud of my custom. Also I think the relationship between student and teacher. I think their relationship is more like friends which doesn’t mean it is too close. It has the best distance. So it’s easier to ask teacher for me. I love the way American teacher do.
As I told you, there are tons of differences. I am sometimes surprised, shocked, or happy by those differences. But I believe those should help growing me up.
Now I will talk about my host change. I cannot describe how hard it was. I was deeply hurt. Also I did not want my family to be worried about me so I could not tell that. It made it harder. I was told many harsh words by a woman. and she was an adult and had lived longer than me. So I sometimes felt I might be wrong. Then after deciding to change family, I let my family know about that. Then they made me notice that I was not wrong. I also told my host mother in Arizona. She said that was not common in America. I should change my host. She also told me I could back to their house. I felt so happy because I knew that I had many people who liked me. Through this, I learned many things.
As you read, my life has not been just fun. There are many things which are hard to get over. But I want to keep trying those. Thank you for reading. See you later.