伏見 ありさの留学レポート
ファザーは毎日ごはんを作ってくれました。ファザーの作るごはんは本当においしかったです。また、ファザーは毎日車で学校への送り迎えをくれました。そして、友達と遊ぶときはバス代をくれて、帰りは必ず迎えに来てくれました。ファザーはとても写真が好きで、よくいろいろなところに連れてってくれて、写真を撮ってくれました。そしてその写真をアルバムにして日本に送ってくれました。よく”You’re my daughter!”と言ってかわいがってくれました。
次に、学校生活について、紹介します。私はbanksia park international high school に通っていました。この学校はinternational schoolで様々な国の子たちが学校に通っていました。オーストラリアの学校は、時間割が一人一人違いました。そのため、毎時間受ける授業のクラスに移動する必要がありました。
私は留学生のための授業のISEC English, ISEC Science, ISEC Cultureと、ローカルの子達と一緒に授業を受ける Music, Math, History, Tourism の授業をとっていました。その中でも一番楽しかったのはMusicの授業です。どうしてかというと、オーストラリアの音楽の授業は日本とは違い、とても実践的だったからです。
I have been studying in Adelaide, Australia for a month during summer vacation. It was my first time abroad, but it was a lot of fun. Introducing such a fun international student life.
First of all, I will introduce my host family. My host family was Singaporean, mother, father, two daughters, son and their girlfriend. The host family was very kind to me. The two daughters and son were no longer living together, but the son and his girlfriend came home for dinner and had dinner together
Father made rice every day. The rice made by the father was really delicious. Father also picked me up every day by car. And when I played with my friends, I gave me a bus fee, and I always picked me up on my way home. Father was very fond of photography and often took me to various places and took pictures. He sent the photos to Japan as an album. He often loved me saying “You ’re my daughter!”
Mother was working. And he often cared about me. Australia gave me body cream because it was dry, gave me a jacket when I said it was cold, and gave me a bag because I had a lot of luggage when I went back to Japan. They also watched movies together. Are you okay? Asked me.
Son and his girlfriend talked to me a lot. When English wasn’t easily communicated to the father, he understood what he wanted to say and told the father. He also took me to the rice. He was the person who communicated what he wanted to say the most. He often tried to understand me.
Next, I will introduce about school life. I went to banksia park international high school. This school is an international school where children from various countries attended school. Australian schools have different timetables. Therefore, it was necessary to move to a class for classes that were taken every hour.
took classes for international students, ISEC English, ISEC Science, ISEC Culture, and Music, Math, History, Tourism, where I attend classes with local children. The most enjoyable was the Music class. This is because Australian music classes were very practical, unlike Japan.
For example, I played songs in the form of bands and learned chord progression in classroom lectures. Also, at lunchtime, people who wanted to do regardless of school year gathered and performed orchestras. I liked the guitar and I could play it to some extent, so I was able to play with everyone. The music was fine if I didn’t understand English at all. Also, the same guitar child and bass child taught me so hard that I could understand the teacher’s instructions and the conductor’s instructions.
There were many microwave ovens in the school and students could use it freely. I also went to Koala on a school trip. It was a lot of fun.