I spent really good time in Australia. Nothing there was bad for me. I will talk you a part of my experience.
The first thing I want to talk is about my family. The structure of my family is pretty complexity. I heard my family is Mum, Dad, and younger brother who is twelve. But when I met my family, there were two women in their house. The woman who is not my mother was sister of my mother. I was with her for three weeks by my first day in Australia, and in two weeks before I left, we had another exchange student who was fourteen-year-old girl from Indonesia. All of them was so kind to me and they always helped and supported me. I went various places with them such as beach, souvenir shop, shopping center, and restaurant. I could felt Australian culture a lot there and I had a lot of fun.
And talking about the school and my friends in Australia, it was so nice, too. My school, called Sailsbury East High School, is in the place that it’s takes around 20 minutes from city by train. The subject there is a little bit different from Japan and I like their subject. They have math, science, English, the subject like social studies as Japan, too, but they also have more professional subjects such as design, programing, cooking, art, photography and dance or like that. I took dance, design, and Japanese which are same subject that my body took from them. Especially I enjoyed the classes of dance because my hobby is dancing. I had to communicate with students in many classes in Australia, and through the classes, so I could make many friends in the classes. While I was in that high school, a body taught me everything there and I was always with her. We became very good friends and we went to city together in holiday. And the last day to go to school, I went her house. I’m really glad to meet her. All memory with her is wonderful.
Of course my skill of English was improved, but not only English, but also my mind was maybe grown. I was shy in Japan, but I could communicate with others more positive in Australia. Absolutely the experience there will help me a lot by various aspect. I will never forget my host my family, my friends, and Australia that is wonderful country.
次に学校と友達のことについてです。私が通っていたのは、Sailsbury East High School という学校で、シティーから電車でだいたい20分ぐらいのところにありました。向こうの学校での教科のシステムは、日本とは少し違って、私はそのシステムが好きなのですが、まず、英語、数学、理科、社会が必修なのは日本とおなじで、違うのはその他にさらに、選択科目でもっと専門的な教科を学ぶことができます。例えば、プログラミングやデザイン、クッキング、アート、写真、ダンスなどがありました。その中で私は、バディーがとっていたものと同じ、デザインとダンスと日本語の授業をうけました。特にダンスの授業が楽しかったです。オーストラリアでは、多くの授業でほかの人とコミュ二ケーションを取らなければいけなくて、授業を受けるなかで友達をたくさん作れました。その学校にいる間、私はずっとバディーの女の子と一緒にいました。彼女がすべて学校のことや分からないことを教えてくれて、とても助かったし、すごく仲良くなって、休みの日に一緒にシティーに行ったりもしました。学校に行く最後の日には、その子の家で一緒にあそびました。彼女に出会えて本当に良かったです。