I went to Australia to study abroad for a month. I was spend wonderful time. I learned many things and I had good memories.
First, I will talk about high school in Australia. I went to Black wood High school which accepts many international students and there are many Asia international students. It is hard for me to look for class room, but my buddy took me class room and ate lunch together. When I didn’t know what should I do, many people helped me so Blackwood high school students were so kind for me. When I went to school first time, I was uneasy and nervous but when I was getting used to school, I was so fun to go to school.
Second, I will talk about my host family. There are father, mother, 8 years old’s sister and 10 years old’s brother in my host family. They had bright personality and they were so close and kind for me every day. They took me many place for example, wild animal park we can touch kangaroo and koala, beach house, beach and their friend’s birthday party. My host mother and father picked up and dropped off to school and station. My host father is good at cooking so everyday meal was so delicious and I loved it. I always watch TV, talk with my host family and watch the netball but, when I was tired, I rested in my room. I gave Japanese souvenirs for example, kendama, darumaotoshi, folding fan, chopstick. They were interested in Japan so it made them happy but They had a hard time with use chopsticks.
At the end, I really had fun and experienced many new things, I could meet many people, I learned not only English but also about different of culture between Japan and other country. I thought that it is fun to be able to speak English because if I can speak English well, I can talk with people in the world. I felt regretful when I want to talk a lot with friends from Blackwood High school and host family, I couldn’t speak English well so I decided to study English more than now and I want to be able to speak English well. If I have chance in the future, I want to study abroad again. I really appreciate people I’ve met in Australia and my parents and teachers.
わたしは一か月の留学でたくさんのことを学び、とても充実した楽しい思い出になりました。わたしが通った学校はBlackwood High school というところで留学生を多く受け入れていたためアジアの留学生がたくさんいました。最初の一週間は教室がわからなくて大変でしたが、覚えるまで毎日バディーが案内してくれてランチも一緒に食べました。学校の生徒はみんな優しくて、場所を聞いたら丁寧に教えてくれて、授業でわからない時も教えてくれました。最初は緊張と不安で大変でしたが、だんだん慣れていって毎日学校に行くのがとても楽しみになりました。