A month I spent at Australia went so quickly, I experienced many good things from this program,
At first、I was so nervous,because that time was the first time to go to abroad. But my host family warmly welcomed me. There are father mother and a brother, also they have a dog which is a border collie. She likes to play with ball and her looks is so cute. I thought that Australian dishes might be not delicious, but my host Mother is good at cooking. She made me delicious dishes everyday such as sausage pie, chocolate pudding and green curry. I liked them so much. Also Australian sweets are wonderful taste. Many people think it is too sweet, but I think it is delicious. So I recommend eating snacks or sweets if you go to Australia. My host father talked me about many things like his job and my host mother. And I thought he is a masseur when I get a paper which is written about my host family, because It is written as a technician. But it was wrong. He is working a repair shop of cameras. My host brother is thirty years old, but he lives in his parent’s home. He is so kind and he had been to Japan before, so we could talk about Japan. They are so kind. When I miss my family, they cheer up me, so I spent great time in Australia. I appreciate your kindness so much.
Next I introduce the school which I went to in Adelaide. The school name is Valley View Secondary School. There are about 260 students and 6 international students. 5 of them are from Japan. They are from Kanagawa and Tokyo. Also the students and teachers were so kind. The girl who is from Philippine was interested in Japanese culture. So we sometimes talked in Japanese also Pilipino too. The Australian school is different from this school. The students are free because they can wear makeup, do nails, use mobile phone, and dye hairs in the school. I was surprised when I join the class in Australia, but it was fun.
I went to excursions with Hong Kong people who visited Adelaide for ten days. We went to many famous place in Adelaide. For example, beach, zoo and the city. I had held a koala twice. I think they are not cute, because their legs are long when they are walking. I drank bubble tea at the city. It was tasty. It was the best of memories in my Australian life.
When I had the last day of school, I’m so sad,but they said “we can meet again one day”. So I was happy to hear that. I would like to go to Australia and see them.
Finally, I am thankful to many people who helped me. Also I appreciate my parents to go to Australia. I experienced many things and had a great memory. I will never forget about this experience.
次に私がアデレードで通っていた学校を紹介したいと思います。学校の名前はValley View Secondary Schoolです。生徒数は約260人で6人の留学生がいました。そのうちの5人は日本の神奈川県と東京都から来ていました。また、生徒と先生がとても優しかったです。フィリピン出身の女の子は日本にすごく興味を持ってくれて時々日本語やフィリピン語で話したりもしました。オーストラリアの学校は北星とはまったく違いました。生徒達はメイク、ネイル、携帯を使うことや髪を染めることが許されていました。私はすごく驚いたんですけど慣れると楽しかったです。