


Hello everyone! You know, I have been to Australia for a month. And I could make a great memory in there. I introduce what I learned in another country.

    In fact, I was not worry about this study abroad at first so much. I thought “I will be able to do everything in Australia! Haha” But, it was of course wrong. I experienced a lot of difficulties perfectly. A moment I met my host family picked me up in airport, I felt nervous suddenly.

My host mother Marie is 60years old, and she is so kind and understands about me well. In addition, she is a famous artist, and her character is charming. My host father Bryan always helps me and sometimes joking. He likes working, and cooking. They are great family, so I was glad to meet them!

In other country, happening is always happen. In my host family’s house, people walk with their shoes, I ate bred every day, and my host mother and father hug every day. The views I have never seen was exciting happening for me. There are many things I have never seen and heard, so it was difficult to use to be, but also fresh for me and I was fun every day.

In addition, I could make memories with my host family that I cannot forget. When it was hard raining outside while I was getting home. “I ‘m home!” I greeted. Suddenly, my host father said me “you should change your cloths early” and he kept my umbrella to dry. After that, my host mother told me “Bryan was very worried about you” I could not contact to someone without Wi-Fi, my family was worried about me. I remind I was so happy.

When dogs came to approach me with shaking their tail, I could lock the key (it was strange shape. I couldn’t rock when I started to stay) of restroom’s door in my house easily, when we laughed together, we were very family. I’m very glad to meet them.


     Next, I will introduce discovery in my school in Australia. I contested BOYS of the same age for the first time in five years. I don’t know it’s common around the world, they are very noisy and kind.

And I was surprised at differences to Australian school. Students using cellphone and eating snacks during class, students single acting as they want, students saying their opinion if their teachers don’t ask. I envy them like that.

Of course I learned about difference of culture and lifestyle. And I also did another important things. These are “Collage of start to talk with Australian people from me”

     To make friends is difficult in Japan, of course it’s more difficult to make friends in Australia. At first, I couldn’t start to talk, I was waiting for someone to talk with me. But, I understood it solved nothing. Making friends is the best difficulty of this study abroad. I made questions list to talk with Australian people, I acted without my Japanese friends, so I was thinking and trying about it. I was very worried, but I could take the picture with care group member and drama class member at my last school day. I was so glad.


     Of course I learned many things in Australia, but I can’t introduce all things.  Anyways, I’d like to say “thank you” to everyone who helped me during this study abroad!! Dear Australia, I will visit to it again on honeymoon so please wait for this time!




 私のホストマザーのマリーは60歳で、とても親切で私のことをよく解ってくれる人でした。そして彼女は有名なアーティストで、チャーミングな性格です。 私のホストファザーのブライアンは61歳で、私をいつも助けてくれて、時々冗談を言う人です。そして働くことと料理をすることが好きな人でした。彼らは素晴らしい家族でした。出会えて嬉しいです。


そして、ファミリーとの忘れられない思い出もたくさん作ることができました。雨がひどかった日、私は帰宅をしていました。家に到着し「ただいま!」と家に入るとファザーが「早く服を着替えた方がいい」と私に言い、そのまま私の傘を乾してくれました。その後マザーが教えてくれました。「ブライアンはあなたのことが心配だったのよ」。 オーストラリアではwi-fiの無い場所では連絡がとれなかったので、家族が心配してくれていたようでした。とても嬉しかったのを覚えています。彼らの深い愛情には感謝してもしきれません。






 勿論たくさんのことをオーストラリアで学びましたが、全ては紹介しきれません。とにかく、私はこの留学に関わってくれた全ての人に「ありがとう」と言いたいです!! 愛しのオーストラリア、新婚旅行でまた行くから待っていてね!


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