Hello everyone, I went to Adelaide in Australia to study abroad while summer vacation in Japanese school.
Before I arrived at Adelaide airport, I had an anxious feeling about my life in Australia. If I am not able to make some good friends, have a good time, and good relationships, I might feel depressed and the very long time. I thought only negatively in the airplane to go to Australia.
Then I arrived at Adelaide airport and said see you a month to my classmate, my host mother was waiting me. When I talked with her for the first time, I couldn’t hear what her said. Because her speed of speaking was really fast for me. I remember I thought “I won’t to live in Australia”. But, I got used to her speed of speaking a little, I could hear what she said in her car to go to my host house.
So my anxiety about my daily life in Australia was slightly alleviated. But I was afraid of about school a bit so I asked my host mother to “can I make some friends at school?” for many times. She answered me to “of cause you will, don’t must be afraid”. Then, I could not believe it. However, I was very enjoying my school life. School life in Australia was became unbelievably great for me so I cannot believe that how worried from before I go to the school.
I was going to Reynella east college. It has international room for exchange students because it school has many of exchange students so I was able to pass with confidence. And I could make some friends from different country.
I want to introduce a part of my friend in Australia from here. First, Emma and Shinae. They are my first friends in Australia. When I went to the school for the first day, they tried to talk with me, but then, I didn’t have a time so we finished to talking immediately. I wanted to talk with them more, but I forget them face so I gave up to see them again. However, I and Emma had Japanese class so we could see each other again and became a good friend.
Secondly, Chloe, Lina and Minori. They are exchange students too, but we came from different country. Chloe came from Taiwan, Lina came from Korea and Minori came from Japan. Always we took some funny picture of each other and shared it. And we taught our home language for each other. It was very funny memory for me.
Last, Ava and Angel. They had been to Japan to study abroad. and they love Japan. So sometime we talked about Japan and my hometown. Ava is very clever and talent. She playing piano very well, it was really good so I love it. And Angel is very cute and her drawing is very good. We had art class and Japanese class, so we could meet a lot in school and she is very cute I always told it. Ava and Angel are really kind person. I said them to “please come to my hometown with me when I go back”. I really hope it so I want to introduce Sapporo if they come.
I want to introduce other my friend too, but I have too many things to write here. So I don’t do that but I love all of my friends in Australia. If I couldn’t become a friend with them, I think I couldn’t enjoy my life in Australian school. So I really thankful to my friends and my host mother, thank you so much. I hope you well in Australia.
I want to demonstrate to students who enter Reynella east college after me that a sense of responsibility is necessary to embark on an exchange program.
Thank you very much for reading my report through to the end.