泉 紗弥の留学レポート
初めに私の通っていたCharles Campbell Collegeについてお話したいと思います。私の通っていた学校は幼稚園から大学まであるとても大きい学校だったため日本人をはじめとする外国人留学生がとても多く国際感覚が身についたと思います。初めの二日間、私は日本人の友人と日本語で交流していました。しかし日本語を使用することに対しての罪悪感が募りストレスとなり、謎の胃がカリカリする現象が起きました(笑)そこで私はこの状況を奪還すべくベトナム、中国、韓国出身の友人たちと一か月間過ごすことに決めました。私は、メインストリームの授業を2つと留学生用クラス6つをとっていました。しかし留学生用のクラスはレベルに合わず何度か変更を試みたのですがlaptop無しの授業は大変だと判断したため断念しました。ドラマの授業では自分たちで台本を作りそれを演じるというものでしたが現地の子達が丁寧に英語の練習、色分けされた台本を印刷してくれたお陰で無事に成功に終わることができました。因みに私はドブネズミ役でした(^^)
Hi Everyone! I went to Adelaide in Australia for a month. It was very short for me so I did not want to waste my time but I had a problem in Japan. I was fight with my friend and she told me ‘‘we’re over and I really don’t like you.‘‘ I was extremely sad, lonely, and empty so my first and second weeks were not fun because I was in trouble many times about her. Therefore, I went to a church. There were many kind people in the church. The church had a tea party every week. I always talked with the minister and he told me ‘‘You can success everywhere because you have a big confidence.‘‘ My empty heart was filled when I heard this words.
Next, my host school was Charles Campbell College. It was very big so there are many international students especially Japanese students. I really did not like it because I did not want to speak Japanese language with Japanese students, but they wanted to speak Japanese language. They probably are not confident of speaking English. At school, I could choose many classes. I took Drama, Food, Literacy, HASS, Woodwork, P.E. and Science classes. Drama and Food classes were mainstream classes but others were classes for international students. In mainstream classes, I have to use a laptop but I was not good at using a computer so it was a little hard for me but everyone always kind to me.
I will introduce about my host family. There was mother, father, cute little dog Luna, double placement student who was from Italy in my host family. They were awesome especially my host mother was always kind to me. She was good at cooking. She always cooked my lunch and dinner, washed my clothes, explained my host school commuting route and sew my school uniform. My host father was very clever so he always told me interesting story. Moreover, pretty little dog Luna was very sweet and friendly. When I met her for the first time, she was afraid of me but a few days later, we became friends. If I go to Adelaide again, I want to meet them.
In addition, when I visited Adelaide city, I got lost many times but everyone always helped me. I was glad, and the last parson who helped me was an artist. Then I visited a gallery where has his work.
Actually, I gained 7 kilos because Australian foods were good. Anyway, my study abroad was very awesome so I want to go to Adelaide again and I really miss Adelaide.