

My nice experience in Adelaide Australia              5F  Hibina Kawasaki 

I had beautiful time in Australia. Before I go to Australia, I was very nerves and anxious but my host mother hugged me when I met her first time. So, thanks to its doing, nerves and anxious there were in my heart was disappeared.

My host family stay with is host mother, host father, their two son, host mother’s parents and two dogs. It is big family just this number of people, other was also had their daughter and son, her children and husband. Language was spoken Spanish and English in my house because my host mother is from Chile. So, I could hear real Spanish and English. It caused to be interested Spanish for me.  My host family was all gently and funny people. My host family gave me taken souvenir shops, beach, some restraints, supermarket, gym, boxing gym that my host father manages, KFC, cinema, liver, Krispy Kreme Doughnuts and party etc…

Being sport gym with host mother and her friend first time, I experienced Zumba there. It is like easy dance and it was a little difficult for me but it was fun. My father often gave me chocolates. It made me happy because I love it. And him too!! Sometimes he taught me about Australian history with using youtube, books and talking because he has a lot of knowledge of history and others. When I don’t understand English, my mother often wrote English on the paper for me. Thanks to her, I could understand English step by step. I often played a trampoline, puzzles and playing in the sand with children that host mother’s grandchildren. They are very cute and cool so, I gave powers from them. One day, we went to nice restraint 「Jungle」in city because it was birthday of husband of host mother’s daughter. It was big and atmosphere was tasteful and there was a long slider there. I played it with children. Dishes I had was delicious.

Having great time such those, day that I have to say Good-bye to host family came. The former day that I come back to Japan, my host mother and father gave me taken mother’s sister house to say Good-bye. But I didn’t want to it because I wanted to stay more here and I love host family. So, I cried. Then my mother hugged me and she said “if you want to come back here, come on any time. You are my family. I love you.”and I cried more.

Next day, it came day that I have to leave Australia. My mother and her daughter and her children gave me taken to Adelaide airport. Previous day, I wrote letters for family and I gave them when I leave host family’s house. Yeimy that mother’s daughter was cried to read my letter and her son also cried when I leave at Adelaide airport. So, I cried because I was sad. But I was glad to cry for me. I was blessed with a wonderful host family and being to Australia, I became to love my host family and Australia. If I get anywhere door now, I want to go to see my host family right now.

School that I went to was Salisbury East High School. I went to school by car because my host mother gave me picked up every day. Exchange student were less there. Japanese exchange student that stay long Australia was three. So, I was surprised to hear that other school’s exchange student were many. I have thought making Australian friends is easy but it was different and difficult than I have thought. So, I could not make many friends. The most fun was class is class of Wood. Teacher of wood is very kind and he taught me easily every class. Thanks to him, I could make nice plate of wood. I gave it my mother after I came back to Japan and she was glad.  So, this is one of my nice memories.

Finishing study abroad, I thought those became good experience for me. I was able to know cultural differences not only language and every day was the discovery of Australia and Japan’s differences. It was so fun. I am looking forward to the day to come back to Australia and seeing my host family again!!!!!!!!!!


私の一緒に住んでいたホストファミリーは、ホストマザー、ファザー、2人の息子とその彼女、マザーのペアレンツと2匹の犬です。これだけの人数でも大家族ですが、他にも娘と息子が1人いて、またその子供やマザーのシスター、その子供など本当にたくさんの家族がいました。マザーやそのペアレンツがチリ出身だったので、家の中ではスペイン語と英語が話されていました。そのため、リアルなスペイン語と英語を聞くことができ、今まであまり興味がなかったスペイン語に興味をもちました。私のホストファミリーはみんな優しく面白くて、私を様々なところに連れて行ってくれました。その中で私にとって初めてだったスポーツジムはとてもおもしろく、そこではズンバを体験しました。ズンバとは、簡単なダンスのようなもので、音楽にのりながらステージにいるトレーナーさんの動きを真似し踊ります。少し難しかったですが、とても楽しむことができました。ファザーはよく私にチョコレートをくれました。私はチョコが大好きなのでもらうたびなんて幸せなんだ♥と思いました。でも彼もチョコレートが大好きだったのでベッドで一緒に食べたりもしました。そんな私のホストファザーはよくyoutubeや本、ネットなどを使ってオーストラリアの歴史を教えてくれました。歴史以外もよく知っていてとても物知りなファザーでした。私が英語を理解できなかったとき、マザーはよく紙に英語を書いてくれました。そのおかげで、だんだんと英語が理解できるようになっていきました。マザーの孫は3歳と5歳のboysでよく彼らとトランポリンやパズル、砂遊びをし、とてもかわいくてcoolで会うたび会うたびとても癒され元気をもらいました。私たちはある日、マザーの娘の夫の誕生日だったのでジャングルという素敵なレストランに行きました。そこは、大きなレストランで雰囲気がオシャレで長いスライダーがありました。私は3歳と5歳のboys とスライダーで遊んで楽しみ、おいしい料理やケーキを食べました。



私がオーストラリアで通った学校はSalisbury East High Schoolという学校でした。毎日マザーが送り迎えをしてくれたので、私は車で通っていました。私が通った学校は、留学生が少なく、ロングステイする日本人留学生は3人しかいませんでした。なので、もっと留学生が多かったよ!50人くらいいた!!と友達から聞いたときはとてもびっくりしました。私はオーストラリアの友達を作ることは簡単だと思っていましたが、意外と思ってたよりも違って難しくあまりたくさん友達はできませんでした。最も楽しかった授業はWoodで先生がとても優しく、わかりやすく授業を教えてくれました。そのおかげで、素敵な木のプレートをつくることができました。日本に帰ってから、それをお母さんにあげると、喜んでくれ、これもいい思い出の一つになったなと思いました。



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