5F 10 Hina
学校は最初から最後までともだちや先生に助けられっぱなしでした。私の学校はHeathfeied High School で科目はP.E., science, math, design, DIY, volleyball を選択しました。授業で大好きなバレーをできるのは幸せでした!!!みんな背が高くて足はスラーっと長くて隣に立つのが恥ずかしかったくらい、、、(笑)その上スパイクが強烈で!逆に私は背がないのでレシーブに専念しました。少し自慢ですが、オージーのみんなにとっては私はすごくレシーブがうまいらしく「バレーうまいね!」って言われた時は北星バレー部がほめられたみたいで鼻が高かったです!栃木からの日本人留学生の「ともえ」がバレーのクラスにいました。ともえは私にとって日本語使っちゃだめだけど話しやすいし、安心感の塊でした。バレーで一緒になった子はみんなアクティブで言葉通じなくても超楽しかったです!!!
35 girls of 5F studied in Adelaide, Australia for one month.
I was nervous in airplane to Adelaide, and thought “I want to go back to Japan…”, “What can I do for just one month.” “Can I make myself understand in English?”. After I met my host family, I was nervous. Then, I noticed my shyness.
My family is father, mother, Elisa from Italy who is my roommate, three dogs and a cat. Elisa is 18 years old. She resembles Taylor Swift. She is very beautiful. And, she is good at speaking English. So, I envied her at first. I wanted to get along with her. But, I was afraid of her. One night, I had a chance to talk with her in front of fireplace. At that time, we talked about Italy and Japan, volleyball and school. I belong to the volleyball team. She is too. I was nervous, and cannot speak English well. But, she commended for my pronunciation and grammar. She stood by me! I noticed she is kind! Therefrom, I was not tense.
For such a feeling, I could get along with my family. Thanks to them, I could spend a really awesome time!!! Of course I went to the city with my mother and Elisa. Then, we went to the China town. Moreover, they took me to the zoo, beach, church, restaurant of great pizza!!! In the morning of return to Japan, they took me to various places until the meeting time.
My mother always cooked a delicious dinner. For example, lasagna, pavlova, tacos and chocolate cake! Elisa cooked for us carbonara! That was very delicious. So, I was fat. She sometimes invited her daughter and daughter’s boyfriend. There were so many people. Therefore, they talked with very fast English. It was too fast for me to hear. Also, it was good memory. They always loved me!
In the school, I had been helped by friends and teacher. My school is Heathfeild High School. Subject is P.E., science, math, design, DIY and volleyball. I was happy because play volleyball in the class. All of volleyball players are taller than me. And, their legs are very long. So, I was ashamed of standing next to them. Lolololol And, attack was so strong. But, I am not tall. So, I apply to receive. Then, they commended for my receiving. so, HOKUSEI Girls Volleyball team seems to be prosed, and I was grad!!! There was Japanese girl from Tochigi who named Tomoe is kind for me. I like her smile. It made me feel relieved. The volleyball girls in Heathfeild are very active. They made me happy!!!!!
Actually, My study abroad was not only hard time and isolation but also worth and a lot of enjoyable things! I remember them when I am writing a composition. Thanks to my family who let me to go studying abroad, my host family accepted me, friends, HOKUSEI teaches lead me to Adelaide. I will never forget this experience. Thank you very much!!!!!!!!