What I learned
In July 2016 I went to Adelaide, and I spent 4 weeks there. When I left for Sapporo, I felt lonely a little, but there were a lot of friends together, so I didn’t cry. I was so enjoying while I go to Adelaide with my friends. I haven’t ever been abroad, so everything was the first time for me. However, I felt lonely too much when I arrived in Adelaide. This is because I think “I am alone from here. I must part from friends. I must communicate in English.” Also, I became very uneasy with loneliness. I could understand the importance of friends.
I have had many good experiences since I started life in Adelaide. When I eat meals of Adelaide for the first time, I think it isn’t bad, but I like Japanese food. In my host house, I had to cook for breakfast myself, so I always ate yogurt and cereals. They were so good. I wanted to bring to Japan. My host family is mother, father, and two exchange students from Hong Kong and Malaysia. They were so kind to me. My host father did housework for us, so I was not trouble very much. However, he always made sandwiches for my lunch, so I got tired of eating sandwiches… My mother always makes lunch for me, I don’t get tired. I appreciate her.
My host family went to many places with me every holiday. The best part of the study abroad was the Wild Life Park. It was great because I held a koala, and I got to feed kangaroos and wallabies. The koalas were bigger than I expected.
My school is Wirreanda Secondary School. This is not big school, so I think there are not many students in this school. First day of school, I was so nervous, but teachers and students were kind to me. When I was trouble, some of students in the class helped me. I like English and math class. Both of classes were easy and exciting for me, and teachers and students were very kind to me. I made a magazine cover in English class. It was very exciting, but reading words was very difficult for me, so I asked friends. When I was taking math class, I met good friends. One of friends’ names is Talia. She is very kind to me. She is interested in Japan, so I told about Japan. She gave me chocolates and dolphins. She said, ‘This dolphin is symbol of friendship which means as long as you have it we will be friends forever.’ I was so glad to have read it. She wants to visit Japan and my school, so I’m looking forward to hang out with her.
I have learned about not only English but also Adelaide, friendship, and importance of family. This study abroad was very good experience. I appreciate my parents. I like English more. I want to speak English well. I will keep studying English to be satisfied with mine.
ホストファミリーは、お休みの日は必ずどこかへ連れて行ってくれました。私のお気に入りは「Wild Life Park」というところです。私はそこで初めてコアラを見て、初めてコアラを抱っこしました。コアラは私が思っていたよりも大きかったです。カンガルーやワラビーなどに餌をあげることもできました。
私が通っていた学校は Wirreanda secondary school という学校でした。そんなに大きい学校ではなかったので、少なくはないですが、生徒は思ったよりたくさんいなかったと思います。初日は本当に緊張しました。でも、先生も生徒も優しくしてくれました。私が困っていたら、同じ授業を受けている人たちが助けてくれました。私が好きだったのは、英語と数学の授業です。どちらもとても楽しくて、先生も生徒もとても優しかったです。英語では、オリジナルの雑誌の表紙を作りました。これもすごく楽しかったのですが、説明文を読むのが難しくて、友達に何回も聞いて理解していました。数学では、とてもいい友達に出会えました。そのうちの1人はTaliaといいます。Taliaも本当に優しかったです。Taliaは日本に興味があったので、パンフレットをあげたり、日本のことをいろいろ教えてあげたりしました。Taliaは私にイルカの置物とチョコレートをくれました。イルカは、永遠の友情の印だそうです。これを聞いたとき、本当に嬉しかったです。Taliaは日本に来て、北星女子を見てみたいといっていたので、いつかまたTaliaと会うのが楽しみです。