



My study abroad was very exciting, because I could go to anywhere and experience many new things.

But I was so nervous when I arrived in Australia, because My family grandparents and my host younger sister were coming for me, but I don’t know who they are at first. I thought that who are they!? Where is my host family! After that we are going to go to pizza restaurant to eat dinner, but I was full. However, I couldn’t say “I’m full.” It was very hard for me to eat pizza. I learned that I should say “I’m full, so I can’t eat” when I am full. After we finished to eat, we will go to grandparents’ house, but they have two cats and dog!! I didn’t know this thing! I was in trouble because I have cat allergy. I asked my grandparents “I have cat allergy. I have to wear a mask.” I’m genius, so I brought to masks in my house. So I wear a mask, I enter a house. After that I was so tired, but I couldn’t say “I want to go to the bed.” That’s why I kept watching movies until 11 o’clock.

This day was terrible day.

My first day at school was terrible too, because I was taught my host mother, I have to get up until 7:45. Because My grandmother come to my house to call me and she is sent me at school. I could understand, but she came to my house at 7:45!! I was sleeping when she came to my house!! I was very surprised!! I must make preparations quickly to go to my school. I couldn’t eat break first and clean my teeth! Just I could wash my face and change my clothes. I was very hungry. But I could make new Japanese friend.

My favorite lesson in Australia is home economic, because we could talk with a partner using in English when we cooking. This lesson is very exciting and useful for me.

After I finished my school, I have to go back to my grandparents’ house to make every dinner. Because I have to eat dinner all family member. My grandparents, My host mother and father, younger sister, Japanese(boy) and Vietnam(boy) students in Australia and me.

I have to make a lot of food with my mother and my mother’s sister. It was hard for me, because I can’t cook very well, but dinner time was very fun for me, because we can talk with different country person using English. I had a good time every day.

My memory of the best is to go to place where we can come in contact kind of animals.

I went to there with My family and My friends, Saori and Marie. This place can feed and touch kangaroos, koalas. There are many kind of animals such as bird, koalas, emu, crocodile. Also we can hold a snake around my neck. I have never held a snake, so this experience was so exciting for me.

   I would like to go back to Adelaide when I become university student, then I want to meet my family, grandparents and people who gave me kindness.





 私のオーストラリアでのお気に入りの科目はHome economicです。なぜなら、英語を使って自分のパートナーと話すことが出来たからです。この授業は私にとって楽しくて役に立つものになりました。

 学校から帰った後、毎日の夜ご飯を祖父母の家で作らなければなりませんでした。なぜなら私の家族はみんなで晩御飯を食べなければならなかったからです。祖父母と私のファミリー、ホストシスター、日本の留学生(男の子)、ベトナムの留学生(男の子)、私で食べました。私たちは毎晩たくさんの料理を作らなければなりませんでした。それは私にとって大変なことでした。なぜなら、私は料理が出来ないからです。でも、夕食のときはとても楽しい時間でした。なぜなら、様々なく国の人と英語を使い会話できるからです。 毎日、とても楽しい時間を過ごしていました。





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