Gooday mate This is how you say Hello in Australia!!
From 20/7/2018 ~ 18/8/2018
My name is Aimi, I went to Adelaide south Australia to study English. It wasn’t my first time to visit Australia, so everything wasn’t new for me. On the other hand, I learned many new things from my school in Valley View.
My family in Adelaide was very different to mine.
I had a single parent. Her name is Rachael. She helped me with the presentation. She is very active in the evening and we do a mini Karaoke in the house we sometimes watched movies together. There were two children in our house 9-year-old boy Ryan and 11-year-old girl Mia. There was a study abroad student from Switzerland she was 16 years old same age as me. They had a Husky dog called Maya. Every day except Wednesday was like a hooligan noisy, playing soccer in the garden, singing, dancing, play jocks, act like a monkey, go out together. Every day was fun with Ryan, Mia and Emma. On Wednesdays Mia and Ryan went to their dad’s house so it was quiet. I was together with Emma like go somewhere, watch movies, talk about school, love and talk about our back grounds.
My school.
I went to school called Valley View secondary school. My first day was little bit nervous. I didn’t know what was going to be like. Yuzuko and I was same school. The teacher of the international students was Peter being together for 4 weeks he did many things for us. I met many students. And mate a Japanese student called Marco. Also, they were two more students like us they were from Kanagawa they names are Nayu & Sachika. In total they were 5 Japanese and at the same time they were international students from Vietnam and Hong Kong.
We had a home group in the morning from 8:45. We had 3 lessons and had a recess for 20minitues. Then 2 lessons and lunch break for 40minutes. And then 2 lessons and finished at 3:10. It is very different to our school in Japan. I became friends first with KIRA &SALIHA they introduced us to many things about the school and the class. The students do not have to be formal as we do in Japan. Over all they were so nice and friendly, so I had many new friends that is important for me forever. At the lunch time I played soccer and basketball with the boys and I ate lunch with my many new friends and talked a lot. When I ask Peter, He gave me Aussie Sweet a mint slice biscuit. During the stay, for 10 days the Hong Kong group 20 people came to VV. In that time, we travelled Adelaide. That time the time pasted by very quickly. From HK group I became friends with Angel, Hazel, Cyrus, Henry, Toey we were together during the excursion a lot. In the bus we played card games singing in the bus eat out together. In the excursion we went to Rundle Mall, Gorge Wildlife Park, Monarto Zoo, Beach, Elderly house, Parlint House, shopping and for lunch we did Aussie BBQ. This excursion I will never forget. This was my best trip ever.
On weekends I didn’t want to waste my time, so I did as many things as possible. I have a cousin in Australia, so I was able to meet them for two days. And we had a very special two days. That time was very special for me because I can’t really see them that much. I can’t wait to see them again. Also, I have a friends originally from Adelaide so I spend time with them a lot. After school I went bowling, roller skating, shopping almost every day, watched rugby, eat out, swimming, sightseeing, theatre. Every day was super duper fun and many things to learn from.
Thank for reading my long report. This experience became very special memory for me.
Thank you to my parents, teachers, my host family and my new friends.
See you soon
私の名前は平岡 愛美です。私にとってオーストラリアに行くことは初めてではなかったのですがValley View という学校に今回初めて行ったことによって沢山新しいことを学びました。私のホストファミリーは、シングルマザーでRacheal という人でした。かわいい9歳の男の子のRyan と11歳の女の子の Miaがいました。またスイスからきた同級生の留学生Emma。5人家族で暮らしました。ハスキーとのミックスのMaya がいて家中暴れていました。 水曜日になるとMia とRyan はお父さんの家に泊っていました。それ以外は、庭でサッカー、カラオケ、Just Dance,ふざけたり、公園で遊んだり、お出かけと毎日がとても楽しかったです。Emmaとは留学初日から仲良くなり毎晩一緒に弁当作ったり、学校帰りにお店行ったり恋愛話や昔のことなどを語ったりと家でも楽しい時間を過ごせました。次に学校!私はValley View Secondary School に行きました。訳してVV. 4週間のことを話すととても長くなるので短くまとめると想像以上に楽しくて今にでも戻りたいという気持ちで一杯です。200人ぐらいの少ない学校でみんながフレンドリーだったのでとても良かったです。昼休みは男友達とバスケやサッカーをしたりたまにのんびりと外で友達とピクニック感覚で昼ご飯を食べたりしました。学校のルールがゆるかったのでほぼ毎日メイクをして学校に行ったり新しい友達とネイル専門店に行ってネイルしたまま学校に行ったり日本ではできないことをやりつくせてよかったです。私たちが行ったときは、たまたま一週間20人の香港の人たちとアデレード旅行をしました。バスの中ではカードゲーム、外に出れば楽しく、あっという間な1週間でした。Rundle Mall やGorge Wildlife Park やMonarto ZooやBeach やElderly House やParliament House やShopping など行きました。祝日はとことん遊びました。いとこがオーストラリアにいるので土日に会いに行って遊んだり、話したり、普段会えないのでとてもいい機会でした。また昔からの友達がいるのでその家族の家に泊まりに行きました。とても充実しました。ボーリングやローラースケートや新しい友達と夜ごはんに行ったりラグビーの試合やミヤのダンスのショーやプールや夜景を見たり映画見たりと毎日が楽しかったです。