I studied abroad in Australia for one month from July 20 to August 19. I had a great experience there. The time with people that I met there is the best treasure for me. I’ll never forget my wonderful memories. I have so many memories so I can’t tell you all of them but I’ll do my best to share my great time with you.
I was very nervous before going to Australia but the nervous feeling went away soon when I met my host family. They are standing with a card written “Riko” and shared a hug with me. I was excited about my Australian life.
First, I will talk about my lovely host family and memories with them. The members of my host family were host mother, two host sister and an exchange student from Italy. They don’t have boys so they are only girl’s family. My host mother, Cathy was so kind and friendly. She always took me around place like zoo, shopping mall, swimming center and so on. She is very good at cooking so I couldn’t waiting eating dishes cooked by her every day. Especially, her pasta with lemon and cheese was so good. She told me that I had to speak English as much as I can and I must not hang out with Japanese friend in Australia to improve my English. She also added my phone app called NETFLIX to watch a movie in English. I could always speak and think in English thanks to her. My older host sister, Sabella is 14 years old but she looked older than me. She is beautiful and has a kind heart. She always smiled at me. She is into Korean bands so I talked with her about it. Our type of men is same so we were grinning at hot guys when we met them. Other host sister, Zalia is 12 years old. She is kind and like my real sister. She came to my room to spend the time with me every day so we danced, sang, talked about cuties, took a selfies and so on. She is innocent and active so I think she is like my real sister. We call everyday even after I left Australia. An exchange student, Erica is 17 years old and we went to same school. I cannot thank her enough. We went to same school. Erica always took care of me, for instance, she helped me with my homework and she explain English that I couldn’t understand gently. I might be trouble in the life without her. I have many memories with them. I sometimes went to a shopping mole with Sabella, Erica after school. We tried using cosmetics each other and put on a face pack together. I was glad to have a great host family such as them.
Next, I’ll tell you about my school life. I really enjoyed my school life in Australia. I went to Wirreanda secondary school There are students from 8 to 12 year. This school is like junior and senior high school. I have taken a lesson of English for local students and exchange students, math, science, health keeping education, photography and food technology. I’ll talk about these subject briefly. In the class of English for local students, I read a novel in English. In English for exchange students, I talked with other exchange students in English and made a presentation about Australian histories and animal in front of other students. In the math class, I learned about trigonometric ratio in the science class. I took a lesson about atom. (Actually, I always watched music video of K-pop on youtube with my Australian friend secretly…….) In the health keeping education, I went to gym then I exercised with EDM. In photography, I took pictures of play ground or nature with a digital single-lens reflex. In food technology, I cooked many kinds of dishes with my friends. All lesson was sensational and fun for me. The school’s students were friendly and kind. For example, many students talked to me and gave me high fives even though I didn’t realize who they are. Boys explain lesson`s contents and took care of me in the health keeping education. They also sometimes talked to me in Japanese. I enjoyed the time of lunch and recess I danced to k pop songs with my friend and talked with them so much in the time. The time was the best memories in my life. I miss my awesome friends, Shanaya, Tiana and Kathleen.
Among them, I am especially grateful to Shanaya. I could have a great time in school thanks to her. She always helped me when I’m in trouble in the school. In one cooking lesson, I couldn’t understand a recipe written in English and I’m not good at cooking so I had cooked a disgusting dishes like monster and burned the frying pan, then, Shanaya came to me and said me “Why are you so pretty.” so she helped me with washing burned frying pan nevertheless she didn’t have cooking lessons. It is also my best memories to have watching and listening to our favorite Korean songs in boring lessons with hiding not to find out it by teachers.
Last school’ day, my friends met in Australia
gave me albums and letters. I can’t help crying when I had to say goodbye to them.
Finally, I realized that I live supporting a lot of people through studying abroad. I really thank all people that I met in Australia for having supported me. I also thank my family for having let me study abroad. Thank you for cheering me up when I was crying and feeling depressed by my not enough English skill. I keep studying English harder to talk with my lovely friends and host family more fluently. I definitely visit Australia. I really love you guys. Thank you for reading my report.
最初に、私のホストファミリーについて話します。私のホストファミリーは、ホストマザーのキャシー、14歳と12歳のホストシスターのサーベラとザリア、そしてイタリアからの留学生の、女子だけのファミリーでした。日本人留学生の受け入れは6人目で、私がいままでで一番長くホームステイする留学生らしいです。キャシーは私のことをいつも気にかけてくれる本当のお母さんのような人でした。マザーが作る料理はどれも本当においしくて、特にチーズとレモンのパスタは絶品でした。留学した初めにマザーは私に、私の英語力を向上させるために、毎日できる限り英語を使い、日本人の友達とは遊ばないように言いました。そして、洋画を見るためにスマートフォンにネットフリックスを入れてくれました。私は彼女の協力もあり、英語漬けの充実した日々を送ることができました。ホストシスターのサーベラは本当に美人で大人っぽくて、私より年下だなんて考えられませんでした。彼女は学校でも家でもいつも笑顔で話しかけてくれました。そして、K POP が好きという同じ趣味を持っていたのでいつも韓国のイケメンについて話して盛り上がりました。ザリアは、人懐っこくて本当にかわいかったです。毎日、私と話すためだけに部屋に来て、夜はずっと彼女と一緒におしゃべりしていました。私が英語を理解できないとき、ゆっくり話してくれたり言い換えたりしながら話してくれたので本当にありがたかったです。彼女とは今でも毎日電話をしたりLINEをしたりしています。イタリアからの留学生エリカには本当に感謝しています。彼女がいなかったら、私はたぶん死んでいたと思います。いつも宿題を教えてくれたり、英語を聞き取れなくて戸惑っている私に優しく教えてくれたりしてくれたおかげで助かりました。
次に、学校生活について話します。私はWirreanda secondary schoolという、中学2年生から高校3年生の生徒が通う学校に通いました。私の学校は留学生がほとんどおらず、ほとんどが現地の生徒でした。私の選択した授業は、English、math, science, PE, photography, food technologyです。どの授業も刺激的で、とても楽しかったです。Englishの授業ではオーストラリアの歴史や動物について調べてプレゼンをしました。数学の授業は簡単で、授業の進度も遅かったので授業にちゃんとついていくことができました。scienceの授業は原子について学んでいました。(この授業の間は、オーストラリアの友達とyoutubeでKpopアイドルのミュージックビデオを見るという勉強を頑張ってしました…笑) PEの授業では、パリピな音楽に合わせて運動ができて楽しかったです。photographyの授業では、一眼レフで学校の外の写真を撮りました。Food technology の授業では毎週いろいろな料理を作りました。私は料理が得意ではないのでやらかしましたが、ある女の子に救われました。このことについては後に書きます。
ランチとリセスの時間は、友達とおしゃべりしたり踊ったり(笑)して本当に楽しい時間でした。 シャネイヤ、キャサリン、ティアーナ、ブリアナにまた早く会いたいです。