


 こんにちは! あけましておめでとうございます&Happy Valentine! カリフォルニア州に留学中の渡邉まどかです! みなさんお元気ですか?


 さて今回のテーマは文化ですよね!まず私が学校に最初に来て思ったのが、「私の想像していたロッカーがない!」です。(これは文化ではないとは思うけれど)あの海外の高校生映画(?)とかで見ていた学校のイメージは一戸の校舎に一人一人のロッカーがあるみたいな!北星みたいなロッカーではなく、なんか縦長の!でも私の学校。全くそんなことなくてちょっとがっかりしたのを覚えています(笑)まあ本題に入るとして、アメリカの文化…、一番こっちで素敵だなと思うのはほとんどの人(男の人ももちろん!)がドアを開けて待っていてくれるんですよね。それで、どうぞって!自分のほうが先に来ててもドアを押さえていてくれたりして!そんなことが自然にできるのってなんかいいなと思います(笑)あと、友達とかに「Hi, bro!」とかみんなに言っていることかなって。それを口が悪いとか、親近感がありすぎとかっていう人もいると思うけど私は好きです!もちろんアメリカ、みんないい人なわけではありません。ぶつかっておいて何も言わない人とか、「わー、感じ悪~、めっちゃBitch~」なんて思う時もありますよ(笑)(ごめんなさい)あとはこっちの人って自分の国に誇りを持っています。誇りを持っていない人なんていないと思うけど、そういうことじゃなくてアメリカ愛が半端ないって感じです。例えば、アメリカンフラッグを床に置いたらdishonorらしいですよ(笑)警察に捕まるまではいかないらしいですが(笑)一番のストレスのもとは食文化!一時期Dinnerが食べられなかった時期がありました(笑)毎日毎日同じleftoversで自分たちは食べないくせに私たちに食わせようとしてくるんですね。これが酷で酷で仕方がなかったです。ひどかった時期にはスパゲティー1週間連続とか!自分で何かしようとしてもキッチンを使わせてもらえずにいました。その時期は友達がヘルプしてくれて何とか生き延びました(笑)友達のホストマザーが料理上手でたくさんのおいしい料理を見ては正直羨ましかったです。そんな時期でも痩せはしなかったけどね!!!こんな暗い話は置いておいて、所変われば品も変わるって言いますよね!そんなアメリカの文化です!



 Hello! How have you been? This is Madoka from California. Happy new year and valentine to you all!

 Yesterday was my first American valentine, and I assumed in America, boys give chocolate to girls. Then, it was more than that! My school had a sprit week for that, and on valentine’s day, if you wear RED, it means you are TAKEN, GREEN means SINGLE, YELLOW means IT IS COMPLICATED, and BLACK means NOT INTERESTED. Of course, I wore GRAY (why not). Anyhow, many girls were taking flowers, balloons, and teddy bears with them, it looked so happy and made me be in warm mood. Surely, I love Japanese valentine’s day. Like girls give home-made cookies, or chocolate or something delicious for girlfriends, family, and boyfriends, and sometimes boys compete each other about how many chocolates you got. It is so fun and cute but American version was also cute. Valentine’s day is cute event wherever it is.

 By the way, today’s theme is about “culture” right? Then, let me tell you for what I was disappointed when I saw my school style. Which is… “THEY DON’T HAVE STUDENT’S OWN LOCKER” It was one of my dreams for American high school. Have you ever seen American high school movies? Everybody has their own lockers like you can hang your clothes, put your stuffs that you don’t need to bring back to home. MY HIGH SCHOOL DOESN’T HAVE THAT! My school is not one building, and it is like sort of college. You know what I mean? Not like Hokusei’s lockers. I really dreamed it before I saw my school! It was my first disappointment, and sadness… Anyway, one of the American cultures which I love the best is Everyone opens the door for other people. Even if you are the first person who gets there, you wait for other people who are behind you. I love this kindness thing. Besides, you say to your friends “hi, bro!” Some people say it’s too friendly, but I like that because you can feel they are considering you as a friend! Of course, there are not good, so evil, so mean people at other people like someone don’t say and feel sorry for you even if they hit you accidently because of your movements. And I noticed one more different which is Americans are proud of being Americans. For instance, American people can’t put their national flags on the floor. If you do that, it is dishonor and anti-America according to them. My best stressful thing was food. Some points of my past, I couldn’t eat enough dinner, because every single day we had to eat same leftovers. I ate same spaghetti a week/ seven days in a row! I was totally dying at that time… lol I was so jealous at other people who can eat delicious and different meals every day. Now is much better than that so I am still surviving even in this situation. However! Some people say “so many countries, so many customs (from the Internet)” I believe the best thing you should do is getting used to.

 It already has passed 7 months and I have less than 4 months left until I come back. I would say “these experiences and the past year inspired me” after I go back. So, I keep trying to do my best for rest of my American life as an exchange student.

 I would like to thank you all who read this report. It is kind of early but my next report’s due is middle of April, so let me say this. “Congratulations for 12th graders who graduate from high school!” Take care everyone. See y’all until next report:) Don’t get sick!

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 一か月がちょうど経ったところで、初めてショックをうけました。私の学校はすごくちいさいので先生みんな佳乃のことをしっていてすごく仲良くしているので先生が怖いとか一回もなかったのですが、休みの先生の代わりに来た先生はもちろん私のことを知らなくて、話のかみちがいがあって話が通じ合わなくてその先生に何言っているかわかんないって言われてショックでトイレ行ってすごい泣きました。信じられないくらい、今まで自分がずっと幸せで毎日いいこと増えてって、いいことばかりあるときはやっぱり恐れるべきだと痛感しました。笑 それでも特に佳乃に優しくしてくれている5人くらいの先生が佳乃のところに来てくれて、佳乃を理解してくれてハグしてくれて、そのときすでにマザーに会いたくて帰ったら会えるのに連絡して仕事終わってから迎えに来てもらいました。泣いて泣いて腫れた佳乃の顔をみたときのマザーのすごい悲しい顔今でも忘れられないしマザーはいつも佳乃のことを理解してくれるしどれだけ佳乃のこと愛しているか知ってる?って言ってくれたり佳乃はほんとにマザーが大好きです。佳乃の笑顔もう一回見たい、お願い、って言ってくれて、次の日も普通に学校はあったので私は行くことにしましたが寝る前に何回もなんかあったらすぐに連絡するんだよ、って言ってくれました。わたしの学校には保健室みたいな場所があって誰でもいつでもそこに行けます。スクールカウンセラーとはちょっとちがうと思うんですが、そこにいる先生も私の大好きな先生です。私はここの学校の先生が大好きです。最初の方はずっと質問したりヘルプを求めることを正直ためらっていました。本当に最初のころは質問するとき手を上げていいのかさえも心配になって先生が自分のところに回ってくるまでずっと待っていました。これが割と長いんですよね、結局質問できないでベルが鳴っちゃった日もありました。その間なにもすることはないから当然なにもしていませんでした。これこそゴミみたいな時間ですよね。でも、これは全部自分のせいです。ろくに話したことない日本人がどれくらい理解しているのか、ましてはどれくらい英語を理解できるのか、だれもわかるはずがないです。なんなら自分のことを全く気にしない先生もいると思います。でも、変わりました、変えました。今はわかんないと思った瞬間手をあげます。英語の文章などが理解できなかったときは意味を教えてもらってそうすると自分の英語力も理解してくれます。そして、週末あったこととか日本の話をしたり家族の写真を見せたり、いろんな話をします。私がとっている全クラスで先生に頼る生徒ランキング一位いただけると思います。自信があります。英語力がちっぽけでも先生とたくさん話しておけば帰る前にたくさん褒めてもらえるって信じています。笑 でも、もう既に英語すごいうまくなったねって言ってくれた先生もいました。

 家ではずっとって言っていいほどリビングにいます。テレビを見てファミリーの帰りを待って今日あったことを話すのが楽しみの一つです。今ではテレビも映画も内容を理解できて、お気に入りのショーは絶対見逃さないように番組表をチェックしてマザーに伝えて一緒に見ます。休みの日に特に何もすることがないときは映画を三本見ることもあります。私的にはなんもしないでただゆっくりするオフの日も好きですが、マザーは色んな所に連れて行ってくれます。ハロウィンのときにはトリックオアトリートに連れて行ってくれました。私は近所のマザーの知り合いの人の六軒の家に行きました。みんなすごいいい人でフレンドリーで私はとてもここの人が好きです。家も飾りつけして、いくつかのお家はすごい派手に飾りつけしていて日本とのハロウィンのスケールの違いを実感しました。でも、日本でも最近は多くの人がハロウィンを祝ってどんどん大きくなっていますよね。今の時期はトレードショーをたくさんやっているので、もうすでにたくさん行きました。そこでもマザーの知り合いに会ってマザーが佳乃のことを紹介してくれて、たくさんの人が日本行きたいと思っているんだよね、って言います。マザーは私のことを紹介するときたまに日本の娘だよって言ってくれます、なんかちょっとうれしいです。笑 そしてマザーはいつも佳乃のことを気にかけてくれていて、親や先生が子供に宿題終わったのか、とか宿題はやくやりなさいって言うのは普通のことなんだよって教えてくれましたが、正直最初のころ先生にこれ先に終わらせなさい、今どこまで終わったの、って聞かれたりある先生はクラス全員にどこまで課題が終わっているのか聞いて紙に書いている先生もいてすごい戸惑ったし、こうゆうのは小学生までだと思っていた自分からすると、ただプレッシャーをかけられて自分が言われないと宿題をやらない生徒だってなめられているのかな、ってイライラしていました。だから、マザーにこうゆうことが普通だって聞いたときもっと早く教えてほしかったって思いました。笑この前、三者面談みたいなのが学校であって、これから出る課題を説明されて、その課題の中には一か月のうちに一冊本を読んで感想文を書くという課題があってイングリッシュのクラスの先生にその本の土台になっている映画を先に見てから本を読んだらいいよって言われて今週末家族でその映画を見る予定です。他の課題の本はシェイクスピアの本で、マザーは、これは大変になるよー、現代の英語で簡単に書かれている本探さないといけないかもしれないっていつも私をサポートしてくれます。帰ってきたら学校は大丈夫だった?って必ず聞いてくれるし本当にマザーが好きです。戦争についてのプレゼンテーションが課題で出た時には一緒にディスカッションをしたり佳乃のプレゼンテーションを聞いてくれました。家族でよくいろんな物事についてディスカッションするのですが、私の家族はみんなバーーーーーーーーーって(大声で)喋ります。テレビのニュース一つ一つを流さないで身近に考えて意見を持っていることは本当に大切だって思うし少しずつ自分の意見をいっぱい言えるようにしています。でも、わたしの家族はいつも真面目なわけじゃなくて、毎日を楽しんでいます。この前はブラザー達の誕生日会をしました。年下のブラザーは十月末で年上のブラザーは十一月の初めでした。ちょうど一週間違うだけです、だから二週連続日曜日にパーティをやってケーキを食べました。幸せですね、、、。ビーンズゲームもやりました、ルーレットを回して引いた色のジェリービーンズを食べないといけなくて、同じ色に二種類の味があって一つは普通の味で一つはひどい味のものでまずいのはほんっとにまずい。家族みんな揃った時にはカードゲームやボードゲームをしたりWiiをしたりします。毎回すごい盛り上がるのでこの時間が大好きです。



 Hi, this is Kano, I’m living in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan.  By the way a ranking says Prince Albert is the third most dangerous city in Canada to live.  I don’t think so but anyway I have stayed here for almost three months.  I’m glad if you read my second report of this to the end.

 When a month passed since I came here, I had a little problem.  I was so shocked and disappointed.  My school is so small, and it has only around two hundred students so all teachers know me, and then they are good to me, but one day, my home room teacher was not there, and a teacher who I had never met was there instead of her.  I had something that I need to tell her, but she couldn’t understand it and she said to me “I don’t understand what you are saying.”  Actually, she is not always in my school so of course she doesn’t know about my school either what home room class is. I was shocked to be said I don’t understand what you are saying by her.  I went to wash room and cried a lot.  To be honest, I couldn’t believe it because my days were filled with happiness until it was happened.  Now, I think we should be afraid of a bad thing will be happened when you have many good things.  My friend wondered why I didn’t come back from wash room and she came to me and then she didn’t ask anything, she just gave me hug.  She is so sweet and she always understand me, and then she helps my study when I am studying, especially my assignment of English class even her class is not same as mine.  When I was reading a book ”MacBeth”, she told me the story.  The other friends gave me messages.  That’s when a month has not passed since we met for the first time.  I’m so happy to have so nice friends. When I had the problem at school, I missed mom so much so texted her, and she came to my school to pick me up.  She gave me a big hug and worried about me so much like my real mom. I still remember her face when she saw my puffy face with crying, she looked so sad, and when we were on the way to home in the car, she said, Can I see your smile again? Please… Actually, it made me cry.  I love her so much.  Before I went to bed, she said, “Don’t think about it too much.”  I can come to your school anytime so if you have something, just text me.  If you don’t want to go to school tomorrow, that’s okay.  You don’t have to, okay?  She gave me hugs many times.  I still remember her face when she saw my puffy face with crying. I love her so much.  She sometimes calls me daughter, when she introduces me to her friends.  It makes me so happy.

 During my early days coming here, I couldn’t ask anything very much.  I didn’t know if it’s okay to raise my hand to ask questions.  I was waiting for teacher till she came to me every single class.  That was so bad because the classes sometimes finished before she comes to me. I couldn’t do anything except for sitting at my desk.  I wasted so much time, but now I ask teacher for help a lot.  I know it was all my fault because teachers don’t know how good at speaking English I am, so they don’t know if I need help.  If you are a student who has a plan to go study abroad, you should ask anything to teacher or student.

 I’m always in the living room when I am at my home.  I watch TV and wait for my parent coming back from work, and I like talking with them about what I did at school today.  I can understand stories of TV shows.  I also have my favorite shows and I check what time they start and watch with my family.  Weekends which we have nothing to do, we often watch three of movies a day.  I kind of like weekends which we don’t do anything and just chill, but my mom takes me many places which is great.  Halloween time, she took me trick or treat, and I visited 6 houses near by my house, and my mom and they know each other, so my mom introduced me.  That was so great experience for me.  I put some Halloween staff for my house but some of houses had tons of decoration staff in their yard.  That was so cool.   I found how big Halloween is in here Canada.  I know Halloween is becoming so popular in Japan, too.  I like that event anyway.  Now, many trade shows are held in this season.  I already went to many of them.  I met many my mom’s friends there.  When my mom introduces me to her friends, she calls me daughter.  It makes me happy.  Also, she always cares of me.  She told me asking their children if children finished their homework is usual thing, but I didn’t know it, so when one of teachers asked every student which homework we got done, I felt it’s wired because I have never experienced like that in high school in Japan.  I also felt so nervous and uncomfortable.  I think this is one of cultures, so I don’t feel uncomfortable like before anymore.  I had a parent-teacher interview few days ago, and my English teacher explained us about next big assignments.  It was about we start reading McBeth and book talk which you choose a book and read in 1 month and make a little report.  The book talk was fine with me.  I planned to make it finish before due, I calculated pages which I have to read every single day so I could finish reading through my plan.  However, McBeth was so hard for me because first of all, language is different.  And, I got many homework.  I had to study at home not to be behind the class so what I usually do is read the book every day right after I get home, and I sometimes use google so I can get some information about books.  I especially used it for McBeth, it was good I read summary of it in Japanese so I could understand a little bit more and it definitely made my reading easier.  By the way, I didn’t know how I can get understood stories of books but I tried to figure it out and tried many different ways so now I don’t get too much pressure from assignments and staff.  Some teachers asked me how they can help me at the first class, but I didn’t know what to say because I didn’t know how the class goes.  So, I just said I’m good so far and left.  I thought I should have said something because I knew I was going to need help.  But, if you need help, just go and ask, it’s so simple but I don’t even know why I was really nervous.  Like I say, you don’t have to worry too much.

 My mom asks me if school was okay every single day, I really appreciate about it because I can talk to her everything like classes, friends, and teachers.  Also, I watch news every single day because it’s important to know what is happening in the world, and it’s good way to improve my English skill.  My family discusses about news every day and they have own opinions and tell everything.  It’s really important to have own opinion, so I’m trying to talk something about my opinion.  My family is not serious all the time, they enjoy every day and sometimes having parties.  We had party for my brothers just few days ago.  Their birthday have only a week different.  So, I had 2 party in 2 weeks.  I had so much fun, we played card games, board games, and Wii.  I love spending time with my family.

 What I sometimes think about is many things happen, happy things, and not happy things.  Many things happen wherever I am.  Tough things are not only about my English.  I couldn’t write about classes I’m taking again, so I will do it in next report.  Thank you for reading my report!

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 まず学校では1月から後期が始まりました。これはみんなも同じかもしれないですけど前期に比べたらもっと楽しいです。後期はEarth scienceEnglish I art II、そしてAmerican history IIをとっています。earth science は中3の頃に習った内容なのと、その範囲が得意なので、宿題の量は多いんですけど、困った時は隣の席のソフィア(優しくて大好き)が助けてくれるし、今のところ苦労はしていないです。この前のテストで平均点が悪かった中81%とれて、よっしゃァァァ!って感じでした。何より先生が超超超優しくて教えるのが上手なんですよね〜。そのほかの教科もなんとか付いて行っているので今は勉強面では問題はないです。あ!今日サッカーのトライアウトがあるんですけど、ワクワクというよりか緊張しています。ミーティングで他にトライアウトを受ける人と会いました。本当は優しいんだろうけど、みんな怖く見える現象わかります??それです!まあとにかく、入部できればいいな、、、





    さて、私のレポート読んでくれてありがとうございます!楽しんでいただけたでしょうか!ではまた次のレポートで 🙂

 Hi guys! How are you all doing? It’s Toko staying in Clayton, North Carolina. I’m sure you guys have sooo much snow in Japan. In this report I’m going to write some stuffs.

 The second seminar has started since January. Maybe everybody feels same way but the second semester is much better than the first one. In this semester I have earth/environmental science, English I, art II, and American history II. I’ve learned earth science when I was in 9th great and I like to learn about it, so it’s not that hard. When I have a question, Sophia who sits next to me, she helps me a LOT. So far I don’t have any problems with this class. I got 81% on my last science test, so I was like “Yesssssss Toko”. All my teachers are super nice and helpful so I’m fortunate to have them. Oh by the way I’m going to try out for soccer today and I’m so nervous. I’m trying to be excited but I can’t. But I really want to play soccer so I hope I can make it, even if I don’t make it, I’ll still be proud of myself.

 About my friends, I’m very happy with them. Especially Cora and Megan, they are nice, amazing and wonderful. Megan and I went prom dress shopping and it was soooo much fun. I try to go somewhere or do something with my friends at least once a week. But since my city is outside of the big city, so it’s not very easy to find somewhere to go.

 I’m getting with my host family. I feel really comfortable to live with them. But in December I made a trouble and my host parents and my coordinator stressed, so I feel sorry for them.  But any way, we went to Washington DC in December, and the Florida Disney world last month!!!! They are just amazing. I’ll never ever forget.

 I’m happy my English has been improved I’m not satisfied with it though. Especially when I get jokes or when I make people laugh, I’m so happy.

 I have only four more months left so I want to make more memories with my host family and friends.  One of my goals is to become confident. Talking with people who have confidence with them is very fun and inspiring. I think it’s cool so I want to be like that. I’m going back with huge self-confidence.

   Anyway did you guys enjoy my third report? I hope so. See y’all on next which is last report:)

toko 1 toko 2 toko 3


 こんにちは、コロラド州に留学中の北山茉優です。 心も体も大きくなった私達が帰国まで4ヶ月!?4ヶ月なんて足りないです。心はもっと大きく、体は極小にできるように頑張ります。でも私小師先生との勝負に勝てる気がしています。5Gの中で今のところ勝てそうって言う人どのくらいいるんだろう?この勝負の内容、次にアメリカ、カナダに留学する子たちは来年きっと知ることになると思います(笑)話が初っ端からズレてしまいましたが、今回のレポートでは主にアメリカと日本の間にある違いについて書きたいと思います!いつもより短いと思うので良ければ読んでください!


 まずは学校の違いから話したいと思います。私の学校は1クラス95分、1日に4クラスあります。4クラスと言っても、1人1人にoffピリオドがあるんです。図書館で勉強してもいいし、カフェテリアで寛いでいてもいいし、家に帰ってもいいし、、、。自由、ユルイ、最高です。学校が始まったばかりの頃のこと、友達が言いました。「先生、今日Phone breakもらえますか?」先生も言いました。「そうね、今日みんな頑張っているからあげようかしら。」(Phone breakとは携帯を使っていい時間のことです)私、内心「、、、は?」北星との違いが大きすぎて開いた口が塞がりませんでした(今は満喫していますけどね笑)





 前回のレポートの後すぐに2学期が始まって、クラスも少し変わりました!陶芸と心理学がIndividual sportsとヨガに変わりました。留学前から楽しみにしていたラクロスのプレシーズンも始まり、本格的なシーズンが始まるまでの間体力トレーニングとスティックトレーニングが毎日あります。ラクロスは絶対にお気に入りのスポーツになると思います!楽しい!!二つのPEクラスが同じRed dayにあるので、Red day +トレーニングの時はクタクタですが、毎日が充実しています。学んだことは自分次第で周りを変えられるということです!二学期になって運動が大好きな私はPEのクラスで友達をたくさん作ることができました!1学期は2500人の生徒数に圧倒されていたし、友達と言っても2030人くらいしかいませんでした。でも自分が笑顔でいれば、友達の輪が広がって、今は廊下を歩けば誰か友達に9割の確率で会うくらい友達や知り合いができました!朝学校についてからクラスが始まるまで友達とだらける時間も、ランチの時間に誰と誰がどうとかマシンガントークする時間も、休日に友達とモールでショッピングする時間も、練習後に友達の車の中で熱唱することも全部大好きです。1学期から自分の考え方を変えたら、環境もガラッと変わりました。親友と呼べるくらいの友達もできました。やっと、やっとできました。長かったなぁ、7月にアメリカに来た時には本音で腹割って話せる友達ができるなんて想像していませんでした。ラクロスでも大大大好きな友達ができました。ある日の練習の後、宝物とも言える言葉たちをくれて、私は涙が止まりませんでした。嬉しすぎて、号泣していたらみんながハグしてくれて、言葉で表せられないほど嬉しい気持ちでいっぱいでした。1学期の時はバレーボールのトライアウトを逃して、友達作りに苦労していたことや、意地悪な人にもあったけど今こうやって素敵な友達を持てて幸せと泣きながら伝えました(笑)留学してよかった!!!!!みんなが、ここが、大好き!!!!感謝する気持ちを忘れずに、大切に残りを過ごします!次のレポートでもっと進化した私をお伝えできますように!(進化した私とは)


 Hello everyone. I’m Mayu and currently staying in Colorado. Can you believe that we have only 4 months until we go back? In this report I will mainly talk about differences between Japan and America.

 Since I came here, I have received more questions about Japan. I’m not an expert on all parts of Japan, but I do try to tell American people what I do know about Japanese culture and what I am unfamiliar with. Also, I’ve quickly realized how poor my knowledge about Japan is even though I’m in the United States as an exchange student from Japan.(I know I should’ve noticed this before studying abroad lol)

First, I’ll talk about school differences. In my school, we have four classes which have ninety-five minutes each per class. Every student has an off period we can do anything we want. We can study at the library, talk with friends in the cafeteria, or go home. At the beginning of the 1st semester, one of my friends said, “Ms, can we get a phone break?” and the teacher said “Yeah, you guys are doing good today.” I was like “What…?”  Though I’m enjoying it, I was totally speechless at that time.

 Fewer American students have pencil cases than Japanese students and some people come to school with just a mechanical pencil. The boy who is in my French class took a test by using a half-broken pencil. If I were him I worried about taking such a significant test with the broken pencil.

 Another school difference is the American school rules are completely different from Japanese rules. They can dye their hair, do make-up, get piercing, and tattoos. Also they can eat, drink and use phone during classes; although, it depends on the class. Even teachers always have their phone in their pocket and eat something during class. When I said that I prefer American rules to Japanese rules my friends asked me how different Japanese rules are. And then I explained how strict ours are. My friend just said “I definitely don’t want to go to school like that. I’m spoiled by these American rules here and I don’t want to go back:(

 I feel it’s easy to get good grades here because there are more assignments students have an opportunity to receive better grades. I guess they give us a good grade if we keep turning in those assignments and correcting our work. Even me I could get straight A’s in the first semester.

 Secondly, the American environment is dirtier. I often see a lot of trash like a package of fast food or other stuff on a road. On my day off, I was running and I found a dumped bicycle. I didn’t know what to say. I was speechless. It’s like we don’t need this anymore and dump it here. Also, I see used chewing gum on the wall or everywhere. My friend said to me “You can’t touch anywhere in America.” with a smile.

               I got used to avoid stepping on scattered potatoes at the cafeteria lol I’ve experienced 4 out of 4 toilets had no paper, when I went to restrooms. oof:(

 Thirdly, I will talk about how much I love American people! I think they are direct and tell everything they think. One day a girl I met at a restroom said “I like your-shirts.” one other day a woman walking on a road said “Your hair is beautiful!” And the other day, when I was sitting at Starbucks, a woman said “I like your jacket.” I really like the culture. It’s a nice culture, isn’t it?

 They cerebrate events like Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas on a grand scale, which I really like. I think Easter is same as these events and I’m really excited!

 After the last report I submitted, the second semester has started. It’s changed significantly from the first semester. I got two new PE classes which was really helpful to make friends. Since I came here I’ve met mean people but I have also met nice, loving, and supportive people. I really appreciate my friends who make my every day, host family who give make me comfort, and teachers who teach me English and other stuff. I’m happy that I have them in my life. A thing I learned is “everything is up to me.” I changed how to think and try not to take everything for granted. It makes me have a wider friends circle. I could make many friends through new classes and lacrosse practices which started in January. I really really really love them!! Though I’ve met mean people and had difficulties, now I can thank even them and those things. I’m very satisfied with my everyday life. I have a lacrosse practice every day and I’m enjoying it! Also, I’m really excited for games! I believe this sport is going to be one of my favorite sports.

 The thing I want to say is I really love it here!!!! Though I don’t want to go back, I’ll do my best and enjoy the rest of months!

 Thank you for reading!:)

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              Hi, I am Kaho Takeda. I am in Texas as exchange student. I feel time is gone really fast. I am scared. Most exchange students say same thing, but it’s real. I feel two weeks are one week. By the way, I said I am in Texas, but most people may think where are you in Texas because, Texas is bigger than Japan. My city is near Huston that is southwest. Last time, I said It was still warm, but I think it is warmer now than before. I hope it’ going to cold, and I will not feel too hot when I were winter clothes that I ordered. I am missing Japanese food these days. There are vegetables almost nothing in my house. I can choose meats, fast food, and tacos. I got used to eat all of them. If I am hangry, and I eat these foods, I lost appetite. I try to make my vegetable soup, or salad these days. My host family usually go grocery store one time per week. I can’t buy a lot of vegetables for a week. So, I can’t choose what I want eat, and I will be fat more because, I eat food that I don’ t want to eat… I am thinking I wanna be vegetarian. There are many vegetarians around me. I feel refreshing because, I didn’t see vegetarian as much as in japan. I have many friends more than before. I tried to talk with people before, but I don’ t have to do now. I am bad at making new friends at new place. I got ability to make friends well in Japan these days. So I think It is harder in America than japan. My school is really hard for me, but I really like to go school now. My favorite class is photography. I learned how use film camera, taking photo, and developing film in the dark room. I can’t like this experience in Japan. I love my pictures. I can’t see my picture’ looks like when I take pictures. If I do great job, I am really happy that day. I am disappointed about me every day. For example, my English skill, and when I couldn’t stop to eat candies, but I also changed. When I am disappointed about myself, I do something for me, not only be disappointed like before.  I hope it will help me and I wanna be strong girl. Finally, my second report is finishing! Thanks for reading:)

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テーマが学校らしいので学校の授業を紹介します。私の学校は三学期制を使っているのでもう1学期が12月の初めにおわりました。1学期でいちばん大変だったのはjournalismです。この授業ではひとりひとりが違うトピックを持っていて人にインタビューしたりネットで調べたりしてwebに載せるためのニュースを書くんです。知らない人にインタビューして録音して文字に起こさなきゃいけない、ニュース用の文法使わなきゃいけない、何人もの編集者(生徒)からokもらわなきゃいけない、とシビアな授業でしたね文を書き換える能力も必要だったので英語力が低いわたしには辛かった!!!けど頑張ってひたすらやっていたら、私の書いたニュースが閲覧数6(40人くらい中)だったんです!!中途半端とか言わないで!!!!!人を惹きつける文を書くってとっても難しいしかも英語でけどがむしゃらにやっていた1学期がすこし懐かしかったりします!今は2学期ですyochild developmentSpanishCivicsAlgebra2drawingです。まだはじまって1ヶ月なのでこれからはわからないけど1学期の方が授業が忙しくて充実していたかなあなんて!今は今で楽しい時もあります!









Hello! This is Mana Suzuki who is staying in Ellensburg, WA. Happy New Year! This is my second report.

These days, I’m into American drama and American songs! Before I came here, I didn’t watch American drama and listen to American music often. I’m also surprising about myself! Now, I can’t live without Netflix! But these two can help me to learn English. When I watch the drama, I always put English subtitles and write a memo if I can find word that I like or want to use. I can’t understand movie without subtitles. I’m gonna be able to understand movies without subtitles someday. It’s small efforts but It’ll be big efforts If you keep doing that.

3 months have passed since last report. There was lots of big events and traveling. On November we celebrated the biggest American holiday, Thanks giving day! My host family’s entire family came to our house so I could meet their 5kids and 13grandkids. They are just amazing and welcomed me. I’m so glad to meet them! I could feel like I’m a member of this family.

On Christmas day, I got lots of Christmas gift! I told to my mother in Japan about my host family has 13grand kids and then she sent me 13 Christmas gifts! It was kind of surprising but it’s so sweet of her. I gave these gifts for their grand kids and they really liked her gifts! I sent some gift and Christmas card for my Japanese family and friends.

Finally, I went to Seattle on December! I love to go to big city! I loved city view of Seattle! It was so great short trip. We went to watch Broadway’s Lion King. It was amazing, and I couldn’t stop crying. Their singing and dancing were just awesome. I wish I can go to see it again.

During the winter vacation, we went to Riverdale, Utah by 12hours driving. It was so long way to go Utah, but Utah became definitely my favorite place in this entire world! We did fireworks, skiing, shopping, playing with kids, and watching “Riverdale” in Riverdale… That trip was cool, and I would love to go Utah again.

This report’s topic is about school I guess so I’ll talk about my school little bit. My host school uses 3 semester system. 1st semester finished on December. The hardest and challenging class on 1st semester was journalism, the class that write school website. I had to choose a topic about school, write long article, interview for people who haven’t talk with before, use pacific grammar for news, check my article with 4 editor and then rewrite it, If I use awkward sentence. It was way too hard for me because I didn’t have enough English skill and ability to write news. However, I had to go through these long ways because article is going to be published on school website. I used my all English words I know and tried hard. Then, when we checked the number of views for each person’s article in the class, mine was top 6! I was so glad, and I felt I got it, yeah! As a result, I think it was good experience for me.

I’m sure staying here makes my life wonderful, but it also makes me tired and stressful for sure. I really need a lot of courage to do everything every single day. But having so many things to do is better than nothing to do! I can challenge so many things here even a minute of my time. That is super cool! I am so glad and thankful to come here and I sometimes feel I don’t want to go back to Japan. I guess I’m becoming stronger and I’m pretty sure 5G girls are also becoming braver.

I just wrote random stuff that came up to my mind. Anyways, thank you for reading my report! Happy New Year and wish you guys are enjoying 2019. See you soon!

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こんにちは!明けましておめでとうございます!今年も宜しくお願いします。みんな良い年越しを過ごせたでしょうか!私は日本の大晦日とお正月が恋しすぎて終始半泣きでした。日本のテレビ大好きっ子なのでガキ使、アメトーク、騙された大賞、格付け、しゃべくり,,,全てのお正月番組を見ることができなかった傷はまだ癒えそうにないです。お正月料理も食べることができず初詣にも行けずお正月の余韻に浸る暇もなく2日後には学校。。こんな年を越した実感がない年は初めてでした。笑 まあそれは置いといてそれでは第三回目のレポート、今回のテーマは文化の違いということでそれをメインに書きつつちょっと余談も書いていこうと思います。

『文化の違い』と一言で言われても結構悩みますね。日々生活していく中で『嘘でしょあんた え?』ってなることの原因も文化の違いだとしたらどえらい量あります。なので私的主観のジャンルごとに分けて書いていきたいと思います。

日常編だと結構あります。例えば日本人はもしゴミが出た時はどこかにゴミ箱を見つけた時のためにカバンの中にしまっておくとか手に持っておくとかするのが普通だと思います。でもこっちの人はもちろんゴミをどこにでも捨てていいっていう思いは持っていないですよ。でも自分の手にずっと持っておくとかわざわざカバンの中にキープしてまでゴミを自分で持っているっていうことは私的調査だと絶対しません。日本のサッカーファンが試合観戦後ゴミ拾いするのが結構有名になっていますよね。そこも一つ育ってきた環境の違いでの文化の違いなのかなと思います。これに関しては私は日本人であることを誇りに思います。笑 じゃあアメリカはゴミだらけなの?と思うかもしれないですけど別にそんなわけじゃありません。確かに人が集まるところはゴミが多いですけどその代わり日本とは比にならないくらいめちゃくちゃゴミ箱があります。笑 便利ですけど一人一人の心の持ち具合で改善できるところなので勿体無い気はしますね。


そんなこんなで三つ目。三つ目はアメリカは私が想像していたより車社会でした笑 どこに行くにも車。それに伴って日本よりもたくさんのドライブスルーのお店があります。映画もドライブスルー、銀行だってドライブスルーです。銀行に関してはびっくりしました。だってあんた達そんなセキュリティーでいいんかい!?ってツッコミたくなるくらいでした。笑 あ、そしてアメリカには我らがトヨタ、ニッサンがたくさん!誇らしいですね 私のiphoneの万歩計調べによると日本では一日平均10,000歩だったのにも関わらず今じゃ一日平均200歩から400歩です。食べている量はどえらいのにこれじゃ太るわけですね。納得。

それじゃあ元気よく四つ目!四つ目はみなさんとってもフレンドリー。いいですねえこの文化。ご飯食べに言った時隣に座っただけでガンガン喋りかけてくるとか日本じゃありえなくてわらけてきます笑 そして日本人ですっていうとすごく歓迎されます。アメリカという国は親日国ですがアメリカ人の人たちも日本人が好きだと感じることができて嬉しいばかりです。でもその一方で歓迎されない国があるのかと思うと難しいところです。確かに国の政策として嘘だろおいっていう国はありますがその国の国民みんながみんなそれが正しいと思ってやっているわけじゃないのでその国のイメージを当てはめてその人を見るっていうのはおかしな話ですよね。理不尽な理由で差別は絶対にあってはいけないと思います。まあ結局は自分の意見考えを持って欲しいので強要はしませんがこれを読んだ人たちが少しこれに関して考えてくれると私にもこれをここに書いた意味が出るので宜しくお願いしますわ。

日常だけで長くなってしまったので次、学校編です。日本とアメリカの学校が違うということは来る前から知っていましたが来てみると感じること思うことがくる前よりどんっと増えました。私が日本の学校に慣れているからからかもしれませんが私は日本の学校制度の方が好きです。日本にいた時は学校行きたくないって思ったことなんて本当になかったくらい学校大好きマンなんですよ私笑 あ、違いについては結構あります。私的アメリカの学校、生徒の良いところは前に出て発表する機会が多い、教えられるよりかは自分で見つけた答えを教えあう感じがする、教えることみんなの前で話すことが好き、なんか考えてみるともちろん全員じゃないですけど日本人が苦手な事がアメリカ人は自然にできるんですよね(前に出て堂々と発表とか)この力を培うことができるのはアメリカの学校の良いところだと思います。良いのか良くないのかわかんないのは先輩後輩関係ないところです。私は生粋の日本人なので先輩とか後輩結構気にしてしまうんですよー。私が習っていた習い事がそれに関して厳しかったからその影響なんですけどね。私が言っているのは後輩だから馬鹿にするとかそんなクソみたいなやつじゃないですよ。ただ先生とか先輩は尊敬しているしそれなのにアメリカ人は先生のこと叩いたり友達かのように接する態度が私的にはなんか腑に落ちないんですねー今も。クラブとかでもレギュラーみんなフレッシュマンでシニアが端っこで練習しているのとかたくさん見て実力主義の国なんだなーと実感します。私は年功序列がいいっていう派ではないんですけどね。なんか難しいですね。

次にいやだなーと思うところは授業が毎日同じ、休み時間が短すぎる、朝が早い、とかですかね授業毎日同じはシンプルに私がつまんないだけです笑 毎日同じことするなんて作業みたいでつまらないじゃないですか、休み時間短いのはこれはもうただの文句です笑 みんなとワイワイ喋ったりする時間小テストに足掻く時間が欲しいんです、笑 アメリカの学校は良い意味でも悪い意味でも自由です。先生も生徒も自由です笑 授業を聞いていない人はたくさんいますし宿題だってみんなやってこないし先生も途中で授業やめたりします。自由に育つのは良いことだと思いますが私はそれは何か違う感じがするので私は日本でのみんなとの授業が恋しくなります。早くみんなと授業したいです北星大好きーーーー

次に行事編の違いを書こうかなあって思います。ハロウィーンは参加できなかったのでなんとも言えないんですがアメリカのクリスマスの規模のデカさにはびっくりしました笑 六日間ブランソンというところに旅行をしたのですがその間にシルバーダラーシティというイルミネーションでとっても有名なところに行きました。もうその規模の大きさに度肝を抜かれましたね。明らかに私が今まで見て来たイルミネーションランキングナンバーワンでとっても綺麗でした!!みんなに是非訪れて欲しいです。プレゼントももらい大満足のクリスマスでした。日本より全然ゴージャスでしたね笑 また体験したいです。

次にお正月です。今このレポートお正月に書いています。もし日本だったら今はお正月番組と食べることで忙しいので絶対書いてないところですよ。もうアメリカったら全然祝わないんですよもう私寂しくて寂しくて一人で3時間のお正月BGM聞いてなお暇ですもん笑 テレビ見たかったご飯食べたかった初詣行きたかった友達とあけおめ盛り上がりたかったゴロゴロしたかった。。2020年は盛大にゴロゴロしてやります。。

まだまだ文化の差はあるんですけどもうたくさんの量書いちゃったんじゃないでしょうか。アメリカとの文化の差を感じることも多々ありますがそれ以上に私はダブルプレースメントの子ともっと文化の違いを実感しました。正直いうと今は何ヶ月もまともに話してないんです わかってますよこれは問題だって。。 ある日ダブルプレースメントの子が私の悪口(やってない)をホストファミリーに言っていたみたいで正直めちゃくちゃ嘘ばっかだったのでイライラしたけどぐっと我慢して直接話せる感じじゃなかったので手紙で(一緒に生活してるのに笑)仲直りしませんか、もう喧嘩しないためにどんなところが嫌だったか教えて欲しい、今までごめんねって書いて部屋のドアに貼って置いておいたのですがかれこれ1ヶ月無視されてます笑 ファミリー普段二階来ないけど一回用事あって行くって言った時剥がすのは悪いと思ったのか違うもので私の手紙隠してあったんです笑 気づいてんじゃーんと思ってその時はめっちゃ笑いました笑 愚痴は書きたくないけど違う国の子と生活するのってすっごい難しいですよ、気にくわないことだらけだし意味わかんないし何回泣いたかわかんないです笑 それでも私が病んで心ボロボロになったとき支えてくれた友達に感謝です。

話は変わりますが2018年は私にとって大きな挑戦の年でした。初めての留学。誰も私のことを知らない新しい環境に一年間過ごすっていう決断はとても大きなことでした。辛くて帰りたくてもうダメだって何度も何度も自分を見失って泣きました。それでも私がこの半年で得たものはとても大きく価値のあるものです。まだ半年ですが一年間留学するという決断が間違いではなかったと思います。これ以上のことは最後のレポートにとっておきたいので書きませんがとにかく私はみんなのことが大好きです!2018年少しでも私に関わってくれた方、応援、サポートしてくれた方ありがとうございました!みんなのおかげで最高の経験をできています!2019年帰った時に私の背ネーム霊長類最強が似合う女になって帰って来ますね 5Gのみんなも強い女になろうね一緒に! それじゃあ長くなったけどここまで読んでくれた方ありがとうございました。次は第四回目のレポートで、バイバイ!


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! Did you enjoy your holiday? I miss Japanese TV and foods soooooo bad:( And my school will start at January 3rd,,, who can believe it,,,,  anyway I will start my 3rd report. In this time, I’m gonna write different things from my Japanese report, so please read both of it if you have time:)

Okay, first of all, I will write about my presentation. I had an opportunity to do a presentation in front of juniors and seniors for 1 hour. It’s such a long ltime isn’t it!? When I heard it, I actually do not have a confident that can talk such a Long time, so I was extremely nervous to do it. lol Anyway, I introduced them about the different things between Japan and America. We talked about the difference of music, culture, food, sports, religion, school, lifestyle, government, education and business. Compare with food, sports, school and lifestyle, government, education, and business were quite difficult, but I had so much fun to tell them about them. I think I actually made it!  Through this presentation, I realized that it’s literally interesting and fun to know the different points between Japan and other countries. And we need to accept the difference, In order to do it, we also need to have different and more point of view. I noticed tons of different things between Japan and America since I came here. Before I came here, I learned about America from a serious book, but there were wrong things. I wanna say to you guys that reading even serious books is not always instructive. They were really interested in Japan and actually having fun to know the difference. I think that’s the best way to learn! I f you guys have an opportunity to tell foreign people about Japan, please tell them! It’s definitely so much fun for sure! And I have one more thing which I want you to make sure do. PLEASE be proud of being Japanese. Japan is one of the most wonderful countries in the world!

Next, On January 5th, I had a meeting with other exchange student who staying in Kansas. And at that time, I had an opportunity to talk with my coordinator. We were talking about my double placement quite a long time. While we are talking, I was crying. I said that I am sentimental before. Do you remember it? And my coordinator is so kind, and she was also crying with me. I told them that I don’t think I can stay with my double placement until May. I don’t wanna write bad and negative things, so I’m not gonna write about what kinda person she is. I knew my host parents feel uncomfortable because our relationship is so much bad. And one day, my double placement was really feeling bad for me. (I mean she was mad at me. I don’t know why) and, she complained about me to host family. I heard it from my host family. But that was totally wrong. That was the thing that she did for me. But my host mom said she definitely do not apologize for me, so please take a foot first. However my double placement said she doesn’t wanna talk to me to host family, so I write the letter for her, That was I wanna make up with you. I think we should stop arguing if you do not mind. For never do it again, I want to know what makes you mad and what you want me to do. I’m sorry to make you feel bad. If you can talk, let’s talk But it’s okay to write a letter like me or whatever you want) and I put the letter on her door. But she still didn’t respond to it. ( it have been 1 month!) I have no idea what can I do now cuz she doesn’t respond to it even I apologize… I’m sorry to write about such a negative thing, but this is my biggest concern. I didn’t expect such a thing occurs before I came here. If there is someone who will stay with other exchange student, please get along with them. I know. I exactly know how much it is difficult, but don’t waste your chance at the same time. I already regret lots of things because of our relationship. I’ll keep trying and hoping our relationship is gonna be better before we go back to our country.

I wanna write more, but It’s already quite long, so I’m gonna stop right here. Thanks for reading my 3rd report, and I’m hoping you guys doing great:)  See you soon.

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Happy new year from Maine!!! How has your day been? I hope for happiness of all of you. Time flew, I can’t believe that 6 month passed, when I arrived in the U.S. Time passes much faster when I am having fun compared to when I feel tired. One week ago, I had a final test of first semester’s. It was hard for me, but I got good result. In American school, test score has only about 20% impact on our grades. This is really good, isn’t this? I believe that when we grow up, what we need is not a day’s achievement but a day-to day effort. So i think that this system is really cool! There are so many different things between the U.S. to Japan. So I will write about Different things between U.S. to Japan!!

Do you know what day December 25th is? Yeeeees, It’s Christmas! Who doesn’t like Christmas, Nobody, right!? American Christmas was really awesome. I am already high school student, so I know Santa Claus is not real so to be honest I’m not excited so much. However this year, I was soooo excited! One reason is that our Christmas tree was really big! We put up a Christmas tree at first on December. It’s higher than me, and sooo beautiful! Absolutely It makes me so excited. Second reason is that there are sooo many presents. At first the tree was really tall, but we put presents under the tree, and then we made presents tower so it seems like small. I couldn’t count how many presents there are , because there are so many presents. YEAHHHH! On the 24th, we went to relative’s house. We did Yankee swap and ate Christmas dishes. Yankee swap is that everyone bring each present and get the favorite in the order of the lottery and we can change it to other people. I got a big chocolate bar, could have fun in there. On the 25th, finally Christmas day! My host sister came in my room and she wake me up at 7am then we started to open our presents right away. Host mom gave me small clue book. So we guess what it was first and then we opened it. It was so fun. We spent time to open these about 2 hours lol. I also ate KFC at the dinner, it was like Japanese Christmas, isn’t it? Yummmmmm!

Next, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day! I think everyone already knew that these days are not important day in the U.S. I missed “TOSHIKOSHI-SOBA” and “OSETHI” 🙁 On 31th I stayed up midnight with my host sister and friend, and counted in front of the TV. However actually I did nothing any other things on New year’s day, I just did homework lol.

Do you know what day January 5th is? This day is kind of Christmas day in Spanish, so I could get another presents. My host mom gave me suitcase, so I thought they expect that I will back Japan as soon as possible lol. Anyway, she said “Open the suitcase” so I did than there are a lot of smalls balloons which in inside had money. I was so surprise.

I will write about my school. I think my school is heaven compared to Hokusai. There are many reasons why I think so. First I can back home at 2 pm, I can eat snack while class, I can use phone, my teacher is kind and my friends are funny. In addition also the time to go school is only five minutes and we always go to Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts after school. I am so happy except body’s health and my fat. Of course there are also not good things, I experience these things, but you know it happens. Some people are mean to me, but I have friends more than them. I don’t need to care about them, right? We also have a lot of snow day, so it makes me very happy. However sometimes it betrays me, we thought that we don’t have school tomorrow, yeahhh!, but next morning where is our snow day!!!????  Like this. I know it happens.

I think other exchange-students think same things as me. I often felt uncomfortable by someone’s action or words. Even if I don’t  know exactly whether it is a cultural difference or a personal character, when I felt something disgusting, I can be rounded, thinking thats life as it is a “cultural difference. Cultural differences are certainly a big problem, but since it is common understanding in every country that “No means no”, do not be afraid, I learned this while I am experiencing many cultural differences in. It is difficult to execute this thing. lol

I appreciate to read my report! Did you have fun to read?  Take care of yourself ! See y’all next time:-)

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 一月末にFinal examがあったり、長くなるので内容は書きませんが人生で一番悩んだのではないかというくらい悩んで、ホストファミリーの前で大号泣会見を開いてしまったりとばたばたしていましたが、沢山の人に相談してアドバイスをもらいました。話すだけでも心がだいぶ軽くなるので、悩んでも決してためこないでほしいです。あと五か月もない留学生活ですが、今自分のできることを精一杯やりきりたいとおもいます!最後に、田邊先生がこの写真をのせてくれたらわかると思いますが、日本食屋さんでたこ焼きを頼んだんです。その時、白いソースがかかっていたんですけどなんだと思いますか?正解は、生クリームです。びっくりしました。私の見た限りオーナーは多分中国人だったのですが、ファザーがこっちの人は中国人と日本人の見分けがつかないといっていたので、皆間違ったものを食べていると気づいていないことに少し悲しくなった私でした。それでは、See you soon!

 Hello guys, I’m staying in Manitoba.  This is third report for me!  I feel like too fast but on the other hand, feel like it’s still January.  Anyways, I’m gonna talk about difference of culture and my recently.

 I found difference of character and values but there is no big difference in culture or just might be used to this life.  If I had to say, my host family doesn’t take a shower only once a week.  I love to take a bath, and there is culture in Japan which is taking a shower, so I was really surprised.  Next, I’m gonna talk about race.  I have heard there are many people do racism especially rural area.  First week of school, a boy gave the finger from a bus.  I still remember even though the story is 4 months ago.  I didn’t think that I will experience before I come here.  At the same time, I could think about race.  Thank you boy.  It was actually big damage for me lol.  Can I tell something?  Are you ready?  I was so surprised that my school’s students accept date of tests smoothly.  Literary they are.  When I was in Japan, we tried to push the test date.  But it’s not in here.  Even if I want to study more, they don’t against date of teacher decided, so It’s so hard for me.  From next week, next semester is beginning.  It’s gonna be hard for me.

 And I wrote last time, I’m gonna talk with double placement from Australia.  She was leaving last week, it can’t experience that double placement is native speaker and I think only me in 5G.  You know she isn’t in trouble in English, so she was talking with family like real family.  I was lonely to be honest.  I have I still can’t talk with family.  Talking with them is still difficult for me and at the same time, she gave me power.  I will never meet her in my life but I will never forget her.  Thank you!  And guess what!  New exchange student from Brazil is coming on February.  My one of friend of exchange student that was leaving already from Brazil too, so I’m excited to see her.  I might be able to find new difference of culture with her.

 I had exam on January, and I was in trouble and cried in front of my family which was hard to control myself but I talked to many people about it and they gave me advice.  Don’t stress your worries.  Let’s talk to people.  I’ll do my best less than four and half months.  Thank you for reading!

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 Hi, guys. It’s Mayuka in Prince Albert. This is gonna be third time of my report. I passed about a half year since I came here. I’m gonna tell with my theme that is difference of our culture. I only have the time that has unless than half a year, I had felt it was very fast for me. My host mother and father talked me that they can’t believe that. Also, I could make many memories for short term. If I am wondering about my life in CA that is included so much concerns, I felt I have to put my effort more than now.

 In last December, I had the Christmas break for two weeks. Then, we went to relative’s house for several times. They guys have many relationships. Many people gathered at that house and we did many things at that time like playing game, watching ice hockey game and just talking with many people. That was awesome. They guys asked me about Japan like how many people there are, how big Japan is and how education is in Japan. Almost guys were surprised that there are so many people in Japan. Also, there are many differences at the school. Everybody think Japanese somehow to educate is harder than here’s education. And, guys think the rules at the school in Japan are very strict. I think it’s right. Japan has awesome Japanese food and lots of amusement. Also, economy and some technology is advanced. I’m so proud of my country. Especially, almost vehicles are from Japanese company. And, Japanese Animation that is like Hello Kitty, Pokemon and Youkai Watch are famous in CA, lol. The other things also influenced here.

 After that, we go back to the school and I had the final exam. That was so easy, cause I only had writing at the Physics and handing in assignment at the music. And February was coming right after that.

 I don’t have 4 more classes and, math and physics classes are gone. Also, I’m gonna take Psychology from next semester. I’m Downey about it just a little of bit. But I keep having fun as well the life from 2nd semester, too. Thank you all guys for reading.

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