








 Hello from Florida, I’m Akane! How are you doing, guys? So, first, I want to say HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It’s already 2019!! Sooooooo fast lol I can’t believe it… and I turned 17 last December. I can’t believe it either…lol I feel like this 6 months that I spent the time in America is really fast, then actually I have only 4 months in USA!!! I will miss my host family and my friends, but I’m looking forward to seeing my family and my Japanese friends.

 So in this my 3rd report, I’m going to talk about “ cultural differences between America and Japan”! Well,, actually I don’t know what I can say exactly about that, but I think RELATIONSHIP is the most different thing. Maybe, everyone can image about that lol for example,,, They hug or high five each other when they see their friends. I think that is not common in Japan lol So at first I was confused about that lol  However now it makes me happy! And I told them Japanese people doesn’t do that, then they were really surprised, and they said that is so wired lol

 And I feel they love themselves so much. I think it is really important thing. They’re their own person, and I can see they want to be their own person. It is so cool, isn’t it? I love the way they think, and I can learn a lot of things from them. Sometimes I care what other people think of me, then I really scared. But, I feel like American people don’t care about that because they have their own opinion, and they believe themselves. I realized that is really important things of my life.

 I have a lot of great friends. And they teach me a lot of things that I haven’t realized. I really appreciate it, and I am thankful that I got to have the opportunity of meeting them.

 So, you can see I enjoy American life so much!! lol I will try harder everything, and I want to make a lot of great memory from now on!!

 Thank you so much for reading my report! I hope you love it. See you on next report!

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 半年たった今でもまだ違いを見つけることもあるくらい、あふれています。私は自分のスタンスを持ち込んだらきっと違うことだらけで戸惑い狂ってしまうと思っていたので、アメリカに来てからはかなりのオープンマインドでこういうものなんだ!ってとらえるようにしています。逆に価値観が同じだって思ったらなんとなくうれしく感じられるので。私が留学に行く前の後輩にアドバイスをするなら、これを一番に推します。まず、私のファミリーは本当に熱心なキリスト教徒です。週に2回は教会に通い、ご飯の前、寝る前はお祈りをし、夜には聖書を読んでそこから何を学んだか何が大事かなどscripture studyといわれるものをします。学校や会社に出かける朝はちょっとしたquoteを必ず読みます。私ももちろん参加していますが、キリスト教徒ではないのできっとファミリーとは少し違った気持ちで参加していると思います。それでも、もうすぐこの家にきて1か月が経つ今、私にとっても毎日の習慣になっています。この家に来た時、初めに宗教のことを聞かれました。日本の宗教のこと、無宗教なら、誰が初めの人間を作ったと思っているのか、などびっくりするほど沢山聞かれました。この人たちの心には“キリスト教“がとても大きな割合を占めているんだなあってつくづく思います。あとは食です。生きてきた中でほとんど毎日3回も当たり前のように繰り返していたものなので、かなり手ごわいです。アメリカ人といっても三者三様で(日本人だってみんな違うのと同じです)ほとんど外食する家庭、ほとんど家でご飯を作って食べる家庭があります。研修の時はほぼ外食していました。今はほとんど家でマザーがご飯を作ってくれてみんなで食べています。食べるものも家庭によって違います。でも私がアメリカに来てがっかり、というべきなのか、寂しいなあって感じたのはご飯を一緒に食べる習慣がないことです。特に朝昼食。一人で食べるご飯は本当に何か物足りなくて寂しいです。他には人との接し方とかが違います。例えば先生と生徒の関係です。先生と生徒はいい意味で友達のようです。節度はあります。先生にも本当に気軽に質問とか、お願いとかしに行けるので私はアメリカの学校が好きです。こんな感じで、これは日本のほうが良いなとか、アメリカのここは見習うべきとか沢山思うことはあります。そんな事を繰り返していくのは楽しかったり時に腹が立ったりしますが、成長していっているんだなあと信じています。



 Hi, I’m Ayaka Fukushima in Arkansas. How are you doing? I am upset how time goes fast. I don’t want to believe that I have only 5month to stay here. I am going to talk about the differences between my country and here. Also I would like to tell you about my host change.

 I’ve found so many differences countless times. Before I came to America, I decided to open my mind not to upset the differences. So I feel little happy when I find the same value, and custom. When I met my family I am staying now, they asked me about my religious. They are Christian. They pray, read the bible and study about the God which is called “scripture study”. This is totally new for me. But now, almost 1 month has passed I came here, and those are one of my custom. As you know, food is so different. This is one of the hardest difference to get used to for me. Some families often go out to eat but some families don’t in Japan. It really depends on family. It is same in America. My lovely family in Arizona usually goes out. But my current host mother cooks for us. Anyway, I found my favorite Japanese custom in America. We get together when we eat in Japan. American don’t eat together especially breakfast and lunch. For me, it is lonely. It’s better eating with someone for me. So I was glad to find this difference so that I could be proud of my custom. Also I think the relationship between student and teacher. I think their relationship is more like friends which doesn’t mean it is too close. It has the best distance. So it’s easier to ask teacher for me. I love the way American teacher do.

 As I told you, there are tons of differences. I am sometimes surprised, shocked, or happy by those differences. But I believe those should help growing me up.

 Now I will talk about my host change. I cannot describe how hard it was. I was deeply hurt. Also I did not want my family to be worried about me so I could not tell that. It made it harder. I was told many harsh words by a woman. and she was an adult and had lived longer than me. So I sometimes felt I might be wrong. Then after deciding to change family, I let my family know about that. Then they made me notice that I was not wrong. I also told my host mother in Arizona. She said that was not common in America. I should change my host. She also told me I could back to their house. I felt so happy because I knew that I had many people who liked me. Through this, I learned many things.

 As you read, my life has not been just fun. There are many things which are hard to get over. But I want to keep trying those. Thank you for reading. See you later.

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 そしてその日はそのまま授業を受けられる状態に私がなかったので早退しましたが、ほかの私の友達がたくさんメッセージを送ってくれたり、みんなで写真撮ってWe miss you!って書いて送ってくれたり、本当に助けられました。







 Hi everyone! I’m Karen Araseki, stay in Kansas, the U.S. Sorry for Im so late to submit my 3rd report! I hope you guys had good time on New Year’s Day! To be honest, American New Year’s Day was kinda boring, like we didn’t countdown such as people in NYC do that. I know it is different from Japanese one because Japanese New Year’s Day is the biggest holiday in whole holidays, but in America Christmas is the biggest holiday, so I had so much fun on Christmas, I got tons of presents and ate very delicious Christmas food a lot! It was really great time. So well, In this my 3rd report, I will talk about how I’ve been doing recent and gaps between America and japan which I have ever felt since I came here. I hope you guys like it!

 First of all, I will talk about the gaps. You know the continent, language, race, and etc… a lot of things are different from Japan, so it is natural that we feel many gaps, right? But I still often surprised at those differences a lot. Some of you guys who will study abroad next year will also feel many gaps like me. For example, I’m sure almost everyone knows about this though, but I’m gonna say, in American’s almost all of school, students do not have their own classroom. That means that we have to move every class. We don’t have our own classroom, but we have own locker, so we put like text book, backpack, lunchbox, outer, and etc.. to our locker, and take it for next class. But unfortunately, my school’s rest time is only for 3 minutes, so I am always in hurry when I move to next classroom. As you can see, we don’t have enough time to talk with friends like I always used to do in Hokusei.  And I was surprised that we can get refill at almost restaurant and first food shop, school rule is very lax (especially my school is too lux because my town is really rural lol which is nice for me though) like they can feel free to dye their hair, have earring hole, and etc.. And obviously they are really active to speak up during the class. Those gaps are really interesting for me all the time.

 Next, I will talk about how I’ve been doing recently. First of all, I changed my host family about 1 month ago for some reason. I think it is the biggest thing I experienced recent. That was really tough and hard like I cannot explain whole those things in this report lol Then now I stay in same town and go to same school fortunately.  My new host family is father, mother, 6 years old sister, and 4 years old brother! They are so kind and nice to me, so I feel very comfortable to stay here.  My sister and I  often play school or coloring. You know 6 years old kids have smart mouse, so sometimes it is really hard to conversation like she asks me everything I do, what. Especially, when she is struggle with something about me, she always says “I don’t know what are you saying.” so you can see that it is hard lol  I’m gonna keep to make effort to be fear with her lol actually it is kinda good way to speak well I think lol And I am join the basketball team of school now! I think club activity is good for us, we can make new friend, and about me, I could make a lots friends, and when I was struggle with my previous sister at school, they supported me so much. If you have an opportunity to join club, I can say you should join it for sure! And our school has queen of courts (which is like a winter homecoming), and I WAS ELECTED AS A QUEEN !!!!!!!!!!! Isn’t it crazy? I still cannot believe it! I feel so blessed and grateful and thankful to everyone. How kind people around me are!

 Thus as you can see, I’m doing good recent! And I realized I have only 4 months of American life.  I will do enjoy left days to thank to my family and for my future dream. Thank you guys for reading till the end. Hope you have a wonderful new year!  See ya next report!

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 カリフォルニアでの話をちょっとだけさせてください! 私達は交通手段として地下鉄を利用したのですが、その地下鉄で原稿を大きな声で読む練習をしている男性がいました。それに対してあなたの意見は間違っていると否定する人がいました。街ではどこに行ってもホームレスがお金や食料を求めて来ました。パフォーマンスをしてお金を稼ぐ人たちがいました。それでも通りすがる人はみんなその人たちが見えていないかのように素通りしました。私も素通りする人でした。私が見たものはほんのちょぴっとの事だけど、このでっかいアメリカには私がまだ知らないことも見たことないことも感じたことないことも考えたことないことも沢山あるんだなって思ったら、すごくもどかしくて自分はなんてちっぽけなんだと悔しくなりました。自分は何のためにここに来て何をしたくて、何になりたくて、って沢山考えたけど答えがはっきりしなくて、でも地下鉄のあの人も否定をしたあの人も帰るおうちがないあの人たちもみんな自分の意思を持っていて、目の前のことに必死に見えました。とにかくみんなここの人は良い意味で自分の為に生きていると感じました。私は人の話ばかり聞くだけで、常に自分を持てているかというとそうでもないつまらない人間です。正直。(笑)心の中では大事とわかっていても恥を捨てることや自分をもつことって本当に難しいです。大事なことはいつも難しい…。





 Hi everyone, Happy belated new year! How was your end of the year and break?

 Did you draw a fortune slip? Did you eat sushi? I had been to trip! We left home in Dec 26 and got to Colorado in Jen 4. It was long trip, but was a trip to remember. We moved the trip by car, so we passed NM and AZ! The main purpose of this trip was to go to CA tho, we also visited Grand Canyon on the way to trip. It was soooo amazing!! After got to CA, I went to museum and city for a few days, and we also passed Golden Gate Bridge! Was a very huge and I remained “full house.” We spent New Year’s Eve in CA. I had a wonderful time with my host family! I’m very thankful my host family.

 Let me talk about California a little bit! There were many things I was surprised. We used the subway to go to city, and then I saw a man who reading a note with very loudly voice in the subway. I didn’t really care about it, and then a woman criticized at his opinion at that time. Nevertheless he kept reading. At city, I saw a homeless wherever I go, and they approached money and food, but people don’t care about them. People just went through them as if don’t see anything, anybody. I guess I’m included the “people” too. What I saw were just small things, but I felt many things. I can’t explain everything about my feelings but I’m pretty sure they were desperate to live “today” and they have own opinions. I honestly don’t always have my opinion and I’m a boring. I’m well aware of that is important to be active and have my opinion. But important thing is always hard to do..

 My study abroad only has 5 months. Which means that I gotta study more + need to abstain from using Japanese. Even after 5 months have passed since I started to live here, I’m still struggling with my procrastination. It’s too hard for me! lol   Of course I sometimes feel lonely even now. But I have chances to do my best and I have chances to challenge anything, so I’ll do my best more than before! Always keep my goal and alive valuable every day without wasting time!

 By the way, I really appreciate Mr.Tanya and other English teachers! Their English lessons are very helpful to me in here. Thank you so much! I actually got good grade at English class!

 Also I am enjoying school life! So, don’t worry about it! lol We are learning culture and language each other! I’m also gonna join track so I’m so excited and nervous. But everything is gonna be fine. Everything is up to me. I can do it!

 Anyway thank you for your support and I always hope for your happiness and health.

 Then see you next report!!!

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 Hi, I’m Ayane. Everyone, Happy New Year~!!! What did you guys do on that day? Guess what!! We were in Florida, and we went Universal Studios and Disney land on12/31 through 1/7! That was unbelievable rarely experience. I’m so appreciate both of my family. However, I still don’t switch my mind from 2018…I guess it’s because of that was unusual weeks for me.. When I was in Japan, we watched Gakinotukai which is funny TV show to forget some bad memories of “last year” by laughing, and eat osechi that is special dishes prepared for the New Year and each of foods have unique meaning. When I feel culture of different, I’m tend to be homesick haha. That means I still love Japan!! Anyway, I’m gonna tell you guys about what a difference of culture between America and Japan. I thought there are not many, because I was focusing on language and looking different too much, but actually I felt a lot of culture shock like…too much!! Lol so I’m just going to write some culture shocks what inspired me.

 The first is thinking it’s great to be different. We are living to be similarly, especially Japanese! For example, I would take off my jacket even I felt so cold if most of my friends didn’t wear a jacket. It’s because we are tend to think “it’s wired if someone’s looking isn’t same”, so I don’t wanna be different!! But in America, there are so many people, and it’s kind of hard to be same haha. Also, I feel like they respect the difference of looking or opinion. I thought that’s why everyone has own color to show the personality and they can be proud of being themselves. In addition, I thought if Japanese could understand to be different would make us beautiful, the “good Japanese people” will increase haha.

 The second is to love myself is okay that thinking way was hard for me. It’s because, we have a stereotype about it. In my opinion, most of Japanese people would think like “It’s EMBARRASSING me to be proud of myself” or “ That is gross to love myself”, we have only negative view point. Of course I felt the same way too, so when I made mistakes or my host family “mad” at me, I felt like “I cannot do anything”. Then it’s escalating over and over, “I’m so dumb”, “I’m wuss”, “I hate myself”, and “No one is gonna love me”…Wait! That’s right! Who wants to love a person who doesn’t show smile! Finally, I realized I was pessimism and I started to work on brainwashing to be positive. I still write my good point on my dairy everyday;) I believe most of Japanese cultures are based on being humble or formal. However I would warn to them to understand being confident and being arrogant are different.

 The last one is the way of raising a children, that sounds like not so important topic, but it is also inspired me so let me introduce it;) I’m hosted as a daughter by my host family, but they don’t help me in a good way when I have problems. It’s kind of hard to explain, but I’ll do my best. So, when I was having a hard time about Kim who is my roommate, they listened my feeling and gave me ideas so many times like I can’t count it! However, they have never gave me an “answer”. When I was in Japan, I just followed someone’s opinion. Also that’s easy to do, because there is no language barrier, I don’t have to be scared. Therefore, I was always trying to get an “answer” from my host family, but you know, they haven’t. However, there was a big deal they gave me a chance to think about myself, and I could notice what I can do for my problems to solve. That means they made me realized what your problems were you. As speaking of Japanese way of raising children, we try not to make our children mistakes before making some masses. On the other hand, I feel like Americans think children should learn by making mistakes. Hmm..culture is interesting haha. Looking back, that made my stupid idea that was changing my host family. When I was thinking about it, I didn’t feel how my English grew, I couldn’t be honest to my host family and felt stress, and I don’t like Kim…there are too many problems for me who came from different country. I had tunnel vision, I couldn’t imagine how my host family feel if I tell my problems even it’s a little thing and cry almost every day. I feel so sorry…, but to be positive, now I’m afford to think about other things. My English and mind are growing up so much!!! Haha. I can’t thank you enough for my super great special beautiful host family.

 I feel like I said “Japanese culture is not good”, but actually my friends, and host family who love Japan told me what the Japanese wonderful point is. We have great traditions, food, anime, kind mind, corporatize, polite…they said it’s amazing even what I thought it’s usual.  I’m so happy to be born as Japanese more than before I came here haha. Also, I think learning and understanding different culture is as same as having another perspectives. For example, if Japanese governments knew only Japanese culture, then when American president met Japanese prime minister, and they tried to shake hands!! Japanese prime minister would be like “omg! That’s so rude! Let’s prepare to go war!!”… anyway what I wanted to say is you can get different points of view or think about other possibilities. Also, I believe that could help to connect with people and countries. My dream is to go to several countries and learn culture, then make my life wonderful!!! That’s why I’m studying English now~…awwwwwww but English is hard haha.

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まず、Christmas break前に定期試験のようなものがありました。友達から日本のような大きなテストはないよといわれて余裕ぶっこいていたので危機感と焦りがすごかったので放課後やばいなと思った教科の先生のもとをまわりました。が!テストの前の週に学校を休んだのでテストの週になってから知ったのですが、教科の成績がB以上で5日以上の欠席がない人はテスト受ける必要がなかったんです。なんと素晴らしい制度、感動しました。おかげでもっとひどい成績にならなくてすみました。

そしてそしてこの試験が終わった日からChristmas breakでした!!私も親戚全員には無理でしたが、いくつかプレゼントを用意してました。なのにまた自分のあほさが出ましたね。休みが始まると日にち感覚がずれ、次の日にクリスマスパーティがあるのに23日にマザーの娘の家にお泊りさせてもらったんです。手ぶらで。前日にやろうと思ってたのでラッピングもしてませんでした。25日にもパーティーがあったのでそこであった人には渡せたんですが、まだ部屋に4個ラッピングされたプレゼントが哀愁ただよわせています。ごめんよ…


そしてクリスマスが終わったらみんな大好き大みそかにお正月~♡なんですが、マザーに特に特別なことはないし、予定もないよとあらかじめ言われていたのでさみしいだろうなぁと覚悟はしていましたが、ほんとにさみしかったです(笑)またまたマザーの娘の家にお邪魔して親戚が集まってご飯食べたり、ちっちゃい子たちと走り回ってにぎやかにはすごしていましたが、ふと日本のお正月が恋しくなりました。おもち食べたいなぁ。年越した瞬間はみんなでHappy New Year!と言いあって年越し感はあったんですけど、起きてからは年を越した実感も消え失せていました。



Happy New Year! How are you going? I can’t believe it’s already 2019. It’s my third report from Atkins in Arkansas. In this time, I’ll talk about some events like Christmas with difference of culture that I felt.

Before the Christmas break, we had final semester test. I heard that school don’t have test like Japanese from my friend. In addition, I knew about that two weeks ago of the final. But I was helped by my school’s system that student who having grade more than B and didn’t absent more 5 days don’t have to take test. I’ll try to get good grade to don’t have to take final also next semester.

By the way, I was sick before Christmas break. Then I couldn’t move from on the bed, and eat anything. My host mom brought crackers and sprite for me and she said “eat these, feeling will be better.” I believed this word and tried but it felt like god worse than getting better. If you are interest, try it but I don’t recommend lol.

The next day I feel better, we had early Christmas party at my house. In America, people wrap present by themselves. So I helped with my host mom but it was really hard. I image if I don’t help her… May be she couldn’t sleep that day.  Americans prepare so many gift for their family by a person. In this party, we played interest game for get presents. First we pick the paper written numbers and we can choose present from the person who drew 1.  But if you want stuff that already someone get, you can rob it. And if you are robed present, you can choose again or rob from someone lol. Then I robed big can’s popcorn! I went to parties three time and I could get present each parties. So I’m thinking how will I take lots stuffs to Japan.

At the party on Christmas day, I looked big fireworks. I couldn’t believe that fireworks were done by personally. It’s first time to look fireworks on winter so I had good time.

In America, New Yeas day is not big event like in Japan. So I missed Japanese new year’s day a little bit. I spent as usual with movies. I think that’s good too.  My school started from January 8th. It really early for me to start school. I didn’t change any classes so especially there is nothing changed, just the rule about smart phone are a bit stricter.

To be honest, I don’t know if my English skill improved. Just as I thought, it’s better than before leave Japan. It’s already passed half of my American life. I’m not sure how much I can grow in the remaining time, but I’ll try hard while struggling.  First, I try to turn in the report without delay next time. Thanks for read my report and see you at next report! Bye∼

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 3つ目はファイナルです。ファイナルっていうのは日本でいう定期テスト的な?ちょっと大きいテストです。U.S. Historyは難しすぎて、え?って感じだったけどその他の教科は特に難しくはなかったです。あんまり時間なくてスペイン語ほとんど勉強できなかったし、問題文とかも全部スペイン語なのに理解できたんです(笑)でも多分日本帰ったらすぐ忘れます(笑)






 Hi!!!!!! I’m Ako staying in Cashton, Wisconsin. I’m sorry for being late to submit the report,,, I’ll try harder next time! By the way, 5 months had passed since I came here! I cannot believe that because time passes so quickly.

 I’ll tell you guys about my BIG NEWS!!! The first one is a presentation about Japan. I needed to give a presentation in front of the middle school students. That was kinda hard because the school counselor said “You need to give a presentation for 15 minutes.” I was actually nervous because my school has about 100 middle school students, but I think I did good job! lol

 The second one is Christmas. There were a lot of differences between Japanese Christmas and American Christmas. I got many Christmas presents from my host mother and host grandmother! I was really happy because those were cute!!! My first Christmas in America was amazing, but New Year’s Day was kinda bored, and I was alone, so I missed my family, friends, and Japan.

 The third one is final. Final is like semester exam. That was kinda easy for me besides U.S. History. U.S. History was really difficult, so I wanted cry while taking the exam lol

I didn’t have enough time to study Spanish, so I was worry about that. However, I could understand, so I was so happy! The mid-term exam was done, but I need to study because I have final exam in May. I’ll do my best!!!

 The forth one is really bad thing for me lol It is that a lot of stuff in my host house are broken. The washing machine, dryer, heater, and also toilet are broken, so life is getting hard these days. Also, the house is very messy. I hated to clean the room, but I can clean the room now because my host house is too messy lol

 This report’s theme is “The cultural difference.” There are so many cultural differences between Japan and America, so I don’t know what I should say lol However, I found a lot of differences in the school. I think the American school doesn’t have school rule, because the all students are like free lol However the American school actually has school rule lol

 I think I need to try harder for everything. That is hard, but I have only about 4 months, so I need to study more, and I need to talk more,,, I’ll do my best!!!

 Lastly, it was thirty degrees below zero a week ago, and I got bangs! I just wanted let you guys know lol

 Thanks for reading my report, and see you next report! HAPPY NEW YEAR!(I know it’s so late lol)

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すいません本題です。今回は(できる限り話を逸らさず)学校生活についてお話します。私は今ミシシッピ州のペタル高校に通っています。でっかいです、敷地。生徒数も、2、3000人くらいいます。移動教室とかほんとに、やめてくれって感じで混むし、クーラーが台風か?くらい強くていつも凍っています。というか、ミシシッピ舐めていたら12月は普通にマイナス行くんですね!道産子仰天!あ、あと言いたいのが、時間割の微妙さについてなんですけど、いやなんて言えばいいんですかね、とにかく変なんです。って言うのも、あるクラスは127分授業(この分刻みの時点で違和感)に対して48分授業もあるんです。あと授業始終のベルも、北星のあの美しかわいいチャイムとは違って火災報知器みたいな心臓飛び跳ね防止不可サウンドで毎回びくびくしています。帰国したらチャイムの美しさで泣くかも。教科で今取っているのは、Band, World History, Spanish, Choir, English III, French です。次の学期からは数学と動物学も取っています。日本と違うこと、なんだろうと考えると、ほぼすべてです。私の場合教科書がない教科がほとんどで、パソコンをノート代わりに使っています。期末試験みたいのは日本と同じように年に4回あるんですが、それに加えて中テストみたいなのも毎週あって、記憶するのに莫大な時間を費やす私としては結構キツいものがあります。でも何もしないより勉強している方が人間やってるなーって感じる私にとってはいい刺激になってるのかもしれませんね!…とか言っているけど、実際勉強面では悔しいことばかりです。いくつかの授業で、担当の先生方が私を思って「留学生ハンデ」をくださるんです。うーん、例えば、テストの選択肢をあなただけ減らすね、とかみんなやっている課題、あなたはやらなくていいよ、とか。ありがてえなあ!ありがてえんです!でも同時に、くそ悔しい!こんなの当たり前だけど、あーやっぱり本物のアメリカンハイスクーラと同じレベルになんてなれないよなーって、ご厚意ですらも嫌味にとらえてしまう時があるんです。自分、まだまだだなあと日々痛感しています。でもそのまだまだっていう余裕をぶっこきつづけてはや5か月強、そろそろ焦りだしていいんじゃないかしら、私?

幸運なことにも、友達は結構います。その理由の一つは確実にBandですね。ジャカジャーンの方じゃなくて、マーチングの方のバンドです。この学校のマーチングバンドは、かなりガチで、州1位2位くらいのレベルです。「ガチ」に付きまとうものといえば「相当な練習量」なわけですが、マジ結構やばいです。実際今はout door シーズンではなくてin door シーズンなんですが、授業以外に週4回3時間練習と、土曜に9:0021:00ミニキャンプ(全くもってミニじゃない)っていう、鬼畜な練習キャンプがちょこちょこあります。だからほんとに、友達とずっと一緒なんです。いい環境です。人数もめっちゃいて、私確信しているんですけど、校内生徒の4分の1はいます。いやちょっと盛ったわ。とりあえずにぎやかestなクラスなことは確かです。肌めっちゃ焼けるけど、バンドはほんとにとって良かったし、おすすめです。

日本にいたときと研修中に私が想像してた「やらかしたらシメられそう」とか「理由はないけどなんか怖い」っていうアメリカンハイスクールのイメージは、今ではガラッと変わり、「明るくて親切な人がいっぱい」的なポジティブthinking になりました。結構楽しんでいます。あ、あとこの学校は結構留学生を受け入れているんですけど、今年は私の知ってる中で日本、中国、モンゴル、スペイン、ドイツから何人か来ています。Band に私と同じ留学会社で日本人の子がいるんですけど、すごい助け合っています。一回も日本語でしゃべったことないから、日本に帰って話したら違和感しか感じない自信があります。まあそれはいいんですけど。でもこんなにいろんな国の人たちとつながる機会なんてなかったから、すごいいい経験ですよね。

あと言いたいことは~、あ、じゃあ、わあって思ったこと2つくらい紹介しますね。一個は、アメリカの人って、全員じゃないかもしれないけど、心がまっすぐですよね。なんかのオーディションがあって、自分も受けたけど友達しか通らなかったとき(すっげえ具体的な例だなあ)、日本人なら嫉妬してちょっと嫌味っぽくなるであろう所をこっちの人は「フーフー」とか「that’s my girl」 とか言って心からおめでとうが言えるんです。人のためにげらげら笑えるし、人のために泣けるんです。もちろん言いたいこともズバズバいうし。お前の生き様どっかのくどい歌手の歌かよ、くらいまっすぐなんです。ショックでした。うわっ、自分ひん曲がってるう!!!って感じ。それが全部いいことかっていうとそうじゃないけど、かっこいいですよね。そうなりたいって目標がまたふえました。もう一個は、留学生だからって特別注目されることはまずないってことですね。マジ自分をどんどん売ってかないと埋もれちゃうんですよねー。でも自分を出すって、こんなに難しいんですよ。日本にいたときの10億倍は苦労します。「あなたって静かだね」とか言われた時には、心臓が足元に落ちる気分になりました。自分出せねえーって。5か月たった今でも、まだまだ苦労しています。でもやらないと楽しめないですよね。私相当チキンだけど、そういうところにはひるまない勇気チキンになれたらいいな。



Hello from Mississippi, I’m Miina. How are y’all doing? 2018 is almost over! Soooooo fast, isn’t it? My only regret is that I can’t watch KOUHAKU and GAKITUKA with my family (especially with my sister) this year. I miss my dad’s OZOUNI, my mom’s KINTON, my grandma’s KOBUMAKI, and my grandpa’s roast beef. Dang!

The other day, I called my sister and talked about each other’s recent story, but, um, who can’t cry? This is kind of personal thing, but my sister is a prospective student this year, and I really wanted to support her. But looks like, she is doing her best, so I got lots of power from her. And here is the most important advice. I have a brother, and he got voice change while I’m not in Japan. I was super disappointed and I could cry. If you are a girl who will be an exchange student next year and you have younger brothers, you have to record their voice before their voice will change. Please.

Finally I will talk about my school life. Now, I’m going the Petal high school in Mississippi. The site is biiiiiig. The number of the students is about 2-3000. The time between class and class, we have to move the classroom so much, but every time the hallway will be super full. Oh and, I thought that Mississippi is not cold even if it’s winter, but now, the temperature easily goes minus. My mind was like, full of question mark. And, my school has wired time schedule. One class has 127 minutes, on the other hand the other class has 48 minutes. ??????? Anyway, I’m taking Band, World History, Spanish, Choir, English III, French now. I’m also taking Algebra and Zoology from next semester. I was thinking, what is the difference between Japanese high school and American high school, and I noticed that the answer is everything. In my case almost all my classes don’t have any textbook thing and I’m using laptop as notes. There are four big test as same as Japanese high school, but also they have middle level test every week, and that’s quite hard for me because I use lots of time to remember something. But I don’t feel bad about this because I can feel like, “ I’m alive, I’m doing human’s work”. However, there is also some things that I feel chagrin. Some of my teachers give me some “exchange student handicaps”. For example, like “ you don’t have to do things that normal students do” or “ I will cut off choices of your exam little bit”. These are so helpful! Thank you! But super mortifying! This is natural thing, but I realized that I can’t be the same level as American high schoolers. I have to work hard. I have only about 6 months though!

Fortunately, I have pretty lots of friends. One of the reasons of this is, absolutely Band. This band is not like Mild Animals() but Marching thing. This schools marching band is, quite strong, and that makes the practices more harder. I have band practices every morning as a class, and 3 hours practice after school. And on the weekend, there is practice camp called “9-21h camp”. Real hard. But because of this, I’m always with my friends. Great experience. If you don’t mind to get sun burn, I really recommend taking the band class.

The image for the American high school that I was imaging during I was in Japan and Oregon totally changed(good meaning). I’m pretty enjoying my school life. Also, this school has some system to accept students from foreign countries, and I know there are students from Japan, China, Mongolia, Spain, and Germany right now. I think when I was in Japan, there were super less opportunity to meet those people and have some conversation with them, so this is really great chance.

Let me think what I want to say at the end… so I’ll introduce about 2 WOW things. One is, American people (I don’t say EVERYONE, but)’s minds are super straight. Let’s say, there is something like, audition thing and someone couldn’t pass that audition, but that girl or boy still can say “congratulation” to the people who passed the audition from the bottom of their heart. Japanese people sometimes act like little mean because of the jealousy thing I think. They can laugh so hard for some people, and they can cry for some people. They can say things what they really want to say, too. I thought their life is really like some singer’s song. I realized, ah, I’m not like this. I’m not good as these people. I can’t say that everything that they do is right, but I think this is super cool. It is one of my goals to be like those people. The other thing is that there is no “privilege” as a foreign exchange student in the daily life (in my case, except some classes). There are lots of Asians and any other race more than my image. If I don’t show myself with lots of work, I will be, just a quiet Asian. I’ve never experienced those things in Japan, so that is so hard to overcome (I’m still struggling even now, haha). Someone said, “Hey you’re quiet” to me. I just felt end of the world. I can’t show real. That was real heavy problem. But I noticed that if I don’t do anything, I can’t have fun. I’m real chicken, but I want to be a courage chicken.

Hopefully I have three more times to do my report, probably I won’t be able to turn in them in the term. I’m sorry. There is no change in my mind that I want to see y’all.

Take care of your health and keep smiling! See y’all next year!

 Miina 3 Miina 1


 HAPPY NEW YEAR!フロリダに留学中の渡辺ありさです!2019年もどうぞよろしくお願いします!今年の冬は雪を見ずに終わりそうです(笑)さて、今回のレポートは日常生活や色々なイベントを通して感じたことを書いていこうと思います!

前回のレポートから約2ヶ月経ちましたが色々なことがありました!第2回目のレポートを提出してからすぐに、人生で初めて本格的なスモアを食べました!マシュマロを焚き火で少し焼いて、チョコレートをトッピングでそれをビスケットで挟むっていうなんというハイカロリーな食べ物!(笑)食べてみた感想は、甘すぎて私には無理でした(笑)その数日後には、Thanksgivingがありました!実は日本にいる時、Thanksgiving がなんなのかよく分かっていなかったんですけど、その日はアメリカの大切な祝日でみんなで集まって食事をする日だったみたいです!アメリカに来てから身をもって体験出来たことに感謝です!Thanksgivingの定番料理はやっぱりターキー!美味しかったです!パンプキンパイもトライしてみましたが、私の口には合いませんでした(笑)とにかくアメリカのものはなんでも甘すぎるし味が濃いったらありゃしない!甘すぎるものが嫌いな私にとってはアメリカのスイーツ系のものは全て敵です(笑)だからそういうの全然食べないので、全然太らなくてもうハッピー!(笑)


そんな傍ら、私はField and Trackに入りました!やっと部活に入れた、、今月から本格的に練習が始まるんですけど、winter break の前にConditioningっていう事前練習みたいなのが火曜日と木曜日にあったんですよ。でも、アメリカ来てからのこの5ヶ月間、体育の授業も取ってなければ、私ほんとに運動してなかったので、火曜日の練習の後に歩くのもままならなくなって、秒速0.5歩とかで、次の日の学校でもかなり邪魔者だったと思います(笑)まだ楽しいとは言えないけど、そこで友達も作って、自分なりに楽しんで、最後まで頑張りたいと思います!

winter breakはもう終わってしまいましたが、このbreakでたくさんのことがありました!最初のビッグイベントはクリスマスです!Thanksgiving が終わってから、すぐにお家の外も中もクリスマス仕様にガラッと衣替え!巨大なツリーにたくさんの飾り!日に日にツリーの下に増えていくプレゼント!それを開けたいという衝動に駆られる日々をなんとか乗り越え、やっとオープンの日!!いぇーーい!!ほんっとに楽しかったです!あの時だけは自分が17歳なのはすっかり忘れて、きっと5歳児でした(笑)アメリカのクリスマスにLOVEが止まらないので、来年のクリスマスもお邪魔したいです、、、(笑)

そんな私のクリスマスはまだまだ終わりません!なんと私たちクリスマスイブからNew Year’s Day までの1週間くらい、ニュージャージーにママの家族に会いに行っていたんですね!クリスマスイブの日に行ったので向こうもまだまだクリスマスムード全開!クリスマスの朝は、自分のストッキングにたくさん詰められたプレゼントを一気に開けて、ツリーの下にあったプレゼントもたくさん貰うことができました!!

そんなニュージャージー旅行についても詳しくお話したいと思います!先程お話した通り、24日から年明けの1日までニュージャージーに行っていました!ニュージャージーってどこだ?ってなっているそこの皆さん!お教えしましょう。あの有名なニューヨークシティから車で1時間のところにある素敵な場所です!(笑)私のファミリーはもともとそこに住んでいて、ニュージャージーにはママの家族もみんな住んでいるのでホテル代は0円!素晴らしい、、そしてみんな優しくて、すぐに私のことを受け入れてくれて可愛がってくれて、美味しいご飯を毎日食べられて本当に幸せでした!私のファミリーはブラザー君しかホスト兄弟がいないので、そこで会えたママの姪っ子の三姉妹の子達とも仲良くなれて、沢山お話出来てほんとに嬉しかったです!ホットタブに4人で入ったり、ジンジャーブレッドハウスにデコレーションしたり、What’s yours like? っていうカードゲームをしたり、、アイススケートもしました!生まれてこのかた北海道に住んでいるのに、私の記憶上では1度もアイススケートしたことないんです!でもすごくすごく楽しかったです!







Happy New Year!! I’m Arisa Watanabe, staying in Florida. I really appreciate all your help in 2018, and I hope everyone will be able to have a great 2019! May this winter will be finished without snow. I miss snow a little bit lol. But now I want to talk about my feelings about America’s culture through my daily life in this two months.

Two months have passed since my last report, and I had a lot of fun in these two months!  After I submitted my second report I ate real “Sumoa” for the first time in my life. A few days later, thanksgiving was coming. I actually didn’t know what thanksgiving is, but i know it an important holiday for American people. In the evening people sit down and have a nice meal with family and friends. I’m very appreciative that I could experience it for myself in America.

In this report I will talk about the cultural differences when it comes to America and Japan. Respectfully both countries are completely different, however I would like to focus on “appreciation for food is important” as this topic sparks my interest more than others. We all know American cuisine is big. They put so much on one plate at the restaurant and sometimes even at home, Eventually if they couldn’t finish it all, the rest of the food goes into the trash. Do you think what a waste? I always feel that is, and I cannot understand why people throw away the food, I must admit sometimes do it, but it’s definitely not frequent. To my surprise almost every native person here doesn’t eat it all because they are full. If you know you can’t handle the amount of food or if you’re not really hungry, you shouldn’t be taking such large portions just to waste it later. Also restaurants shouldn’t provide a lot of food. We have to eat for myself to arrive. Our food used to have a life before they died. So we must not forget about it as consumers. Japan has word what we say before eat. It’s “Itadakimasu” for food. Seriously I love this word because it’s really important to tell we appreciate that they’re dead for our consumption. We should appreciate them.

Let me talk about my school life a little bit. The third term started last week, but I was not feeling good. I had headache and was nauseous for five days. so I couldn’t go to school for two and half days… I don’t know what happened to me. I think my body’s immune system is getting lower… lol By the way Wrestling season is coming this term so my host father and host brother have meetings almost every Friday and Saturday. Even they have practice every day… it seems like it’s really hard. Sometimes they have big fights at home. So when they are fighting I quietly go to my room lol Anyway I have found that I belong to the track and field! My first practice was so much harder than I thought because I hadn’t done any physical activity since I came here. I know I should have done moderate exercises even a little bit. Practice is hard, but it’s good for my health. I try to do my best at the end.

I told you my winter break is over, but I had pleasant experiences on my break!! The first, Christmas was amazing!! There was a big big tree, beautiful ornaments and lots of presents under the tree. I was looking forward to opening these presents! I love America’s Christmases more than Japan because I can get a lot of presents lol I want to come here next Christmas too. My winter break was not finished only this event. I visited New Jersey with my family to meet my host mom’s family. I met great people. They were really nice to me. I experienced Christmas, morning cocoa, hot tub, gingerbread house, card game(what’s yours like?), ice skating, NYC, and great meal there. I want to tell all details about these things I did, but I can’t. So please look my pictures below, and think about what I did, and my feeling was in there!

My third report is nearly finished. I want to talk about my English. I hope my English is better than when I came here, but I’m not satisfied with my English skills just yet. I’m so nervous about my English. I have just four months until I go back to Japan. It’s stressful for me to think about. I’m always thinking, thinking and feeling bad, and thinking… I know it’s a bad routine. I should just do my best and spend quality time with my family and friends. I feel like time is going really fast lately. I’m grateful to my host family. They always help me when I feel bad or I have things I am worried about. I can’t thank enough to them. Also I’m grateful to my Japanese family for all their support. They are always supporting me from Japan. I need to thank to them when I go back home. My family in America and Japan, and my friends are indispensable for me to live in here. I think study abroad is worth doing because it reminds me that people who around me are always support and help me. Also I can know how important they are for me. I can’t do anything without them. Thank you for all you do.

Thank you for reading my report! Next report is in March. I’ll do my best not to regret this program as an exchange student! See you next report!

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私の学校は、500600人くらいの学校で、比べる対象がないので小さいとも少ないともあまり感じません。一授業45分で、7時半に始まり、1415分に終わります。金曜日はそれが1315分に終わります。日本での通学時間や下校時間をシスターに教えると、凄く嫌そうな顔をしていました。私も嫌です。授業では、US HistoryEnglishは難しいけれど、エッセイも宿題も頑張った分だけちゃんと評価が返ってくるので、大変だけど苦ではないです。(そう簡単にはいかないんですけどね。)でもやっぱり感じるのは、自分の歴史に関する知識の無さや多読の練習不足です。日本で怠けていた私は留学に必要なのは英語だけではないなとこっちに来て感じました。最近、ハリーポッターの本を読み始めたら、凄く面白かったので、帰るまでに他のシリーズや、他の本ももっと読もうと思います。





Happy New Year, guys!! I’m Nanami Tomita staying in Nevada. I changed my host family about one month ago and got used to living here. I’ll talk about my school, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas.

My school has about 500~600 students. I don’t feel small and few because there is no way to compare. One class is 45 minutes, and the school starts at 7:30 and ends at 14:15. Also, in Friday, it ends at 13:15 because one class is 40 minutes. I told my host sister about commuting time and the time which gets out of school in Japan, and then she made a disgusted face. I also don’t like that. In class, US History and English are difficult, but I can get results for essay and homework as much as I did, so I like them. (That’s not easy, though.) However, I feel a lack of knowledge of history and practice for reading. I thought not only English is necessary for studying abroad. Recently, I started reading a Harry Potter book. It makes me so excited, so I’ll read other series and other books.

Next, I’ll talk about some events. I spent Thanksgiving Day at my friend’s house because I was staying there during looking for new host family. There were many people, so it was so lively. Dinner was steak, not turkey, and also mashed potatoes and many kinds of cake. They were so delicious!! After dinner, I played Spanish bingo. We bet one dollar, so I finally got eleven dollars. After that, I watched “仄暗い水の底から,” Japanese horror movie, with my friend and Chinese exchange student staying there. My friend likes Japanese horror movie, so she watched it while calling appearing girl’s name. Besides it, I taught Old Maid to them. It was so fun, but in America, they don’t call cards trump, so my friend asked me “President?” Such Thanks giving day and few weeks I spent at their house were so much fun for me.

I spent Christmas at my new host family’s house. On Christmas Eve, I went to neighbor’s house and I talked many people. One of them has been to Japan, so he complimented Japan. I talked a lot with many people, so I enjoyed the time. At night, I played a game with my host family, ate Christmas dinner, and watched “The Polar Express,” a Christmas movie while drinking hot chocolate. The story and songs of the movie was really good, so I think I’ll be able to feel Christmas mood in Japan if I watch it. I’ll watch it this year’s Christmas. Next morning, we opened many presents under the Christmas tree. The two days were so much fun, so I thought if I can spend like that in japan, it’ll be nice Christmas.

By the way, I met Japanese living near my house in America for the first time. He gave me a time to talk with me, so I talked about my worries, problem, and others to him. It was a good stimulus for me. The day is my halfway point in my studying abroad because I could remember important things. I think behind me is a cliff and try my best the rest of the time. Thank you for reading my report!

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