



 最近になってアメリカで生きる留学仲間と電話することがチョコリとふえました。フル英語でするときもあるんですけど、本当に、自分でいうけど成長を感じます。日本にいたときとかこっちに来たての時は英語を話すことに対する変な恥じらいみたいなのが絶対頭の端っこにはちょっとはあったり、相手の言っていることがちょっとよくわかんなくても「Yeah?」 みたいな、かぶれ返ししかできなかったんですよね。でも今はもう話すことに楽しみしか感じなくて、「RLの発音なんて両パターン試せばどっちか当たるべ」とか「ここにいる人たちとは4か月ちょっとで別れるんだから、チキってないでBroとか言ってみようぜ自分」とか、なんか自分の英語会話力に対するプレッシャーとか恐怖心?かなんかが格段に薄れて捉え方が楽観的になった気がします。いいこと!いいことですよね?そんな成長もあって、今までは一日を何とかやり過ごすので精いっぱいだった自分に、少しだけ、自分の思い描くことにチャレンジする余裕ができました。チャレンジといっても別にそんな大したことじゃないんですけど、でもやりたいことがやれるって、youtuberの決まり文句じゃないですけど、確実に充実するし自信にもなりますよね。






 Hello form Petal, Mississippi, it’s Miina. How are y’all doing right there? So, this is about my last report, but I turned in it super late, and eventually Mr. Steven skipped to put it on to the Hokusei girls’ report page. I got to see it on that page later, so that was all good, but so I literally decided to do my report work earlier than usual… but I don’t know, I’m trying! Haha. It’s already end of the February. Here, Mississippi, we can stay alive even if we wear T-shirt already. What about the Hokkaido?

 Recently, I call my “exchange student” friends often. Sometimes we call in English all the time, but I feel like I got some progress about English. First few months since I came here or before I came here, I felt lots of embarrassment for speaking English for some reason. Sometimes when I don’t understand someone’s saying, I always said ‘yeah’ to make myself cooler or something? Which mean is, I was technically acting. That was super tired and feels always ‘looser’. But look at me right no. I only feel happiness or excitement for speaking English, and I got to have lets do it, just do it, challenge whatever I want to do mind. Through these improvements, I can have my time to do some things that I want to challenge. Im pretty sure that will be my power and self-confidence.

 Challenge, so, I’m doing little things recently, they are just like ‘don’t miss the opportunity even if it’s super small’ or make them by myself. Past me was really chicken, so there was always weak and cowardly thinking in my mind. If there was the thing that I really wanted to do, my first thinking was always ‘ I’m an exchange student, not a normal students in here, if I do this right now, I will get bad attention from everybody. I can’t do this’ or some like that. I knew that was really dumb, but I was actually doing it. I hated it! Eventually,( I dont know what was the actual cue for this even now, but probably this is the one) I realized that I dont have enough time and my current improvement, and then thought, man, I gotta do this. So, Im trying right now. It’s really important to have hungry spirit, I think. I realized it like so late. Haha.

 I’m sorry but I don’t have any mind to write things along with the theme this time… But I’ll tell you one thing, that American Christmas is the HEAVENAEST event in the world. Bunch of fancy food, bunch of presents, bunch of lights up, bunch of songs… I think this event is the greatest time when people can think about someone else. You have to think about somebody when you choose presents, when you put the ornaments to the big Christmas trees, you may think about someone’s smile or happiness who you love. I really really liked it. On the other hand, I got New years day sick. Here, in America, people doesn’t care about this event that much as Japanese people does, I knew it! I knew it, but that was just little sad. You know. But at the night of 1/1, I did pretty big fireworks party with my host family members and some neighborhoods, so that was really great time.

 What am I doing recently, is band, band, band… Really hard! I can’t take the study time so easily like I did last semester, but I don’t want to make it as a excuse if I get bad scores on my test, so I’m thinking I have to do this. I got this! So, I got those changes in my American life, but also I have some things that I got used to. One of them is Mississippi weather. Here, Mississippi, we’re already getting humidity. It’s February. Isn’t it crazy? And I got used to this temperature, so I can’t imagen that how to survive in Hokkaido when I go back to Japan.

 December, I got the hardest homesick. There were lots of stuff that I could remember my family inside of the package from Japan. I cried so much as like as a water fall. But I thought, I can see my family soon, like 3 month-ish, but what about the family and friends in here? I noticed that I don’t have time to feel lonely form thinking about Japan. Actually my American life is only about 100 days left. I can’t imagine about the leaving day, and if I can, I don’t want to imagine, but I really don’t want to feel regret during I’m in the airplane on the way to go to Japan, so next 100 days, I will be 100% Me for the future.

 It’s already graduation season. I can’t believe! I feel little wired to be 3rd grade sooner, because this semester will end at May in America. Anyways, I wish your happiness and please keep smiling!

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 こんにちは、メイン州に留学中の齊藤有里杏です。もう第4回目のレポートだなんて信じられません、というより信じたくないです。本音を言ってしまえばまだまだ英語が向上していない気がして、毎日毎日焦って嘆いてって感じで余裕がないです。うだうだ言っているよりはその時間に少しでも英語使うべきなのは知っているんですけどね笑 それでもまだ34ヶ月あると言い聞かせてポジティブに考え中です。そういえばつい先日フロリダ州の方に行かせていただいてファミリーと楽しんできました。2月にも関わらず雪はなく、半袖短パンでも暑さを感じてたった4時間の移動で季節が変わったなと驚きました。念願のディズニーワールドにも連れていってくれてもう本当に嬉しかったです。日本にはないライドもあったり、同じものでも怖さが違ったりして比較すると面白かったです。epcotには日本の伝統的な建造物を再現したエリアがあり、そのエリアで働いているキャストの方々はインターンできている日本人で久しぶりに日本語で会話しました。英語で接客している姿はただただかっこよくて、モチベーションが上がりましたね!他にももっと書きたいことはたくさんあるんですけど、一旦ここまでにして今回のテーマに沿ったことを書こうと思います。今回のテーマは『留学中に成長したこと』なんですけどこのテーマちょっとまだ早すぎません?笑 もちろん何も成長してないわけではないですがもうちょっと後が良かったなと思うので、若干変えさせていただきまして『留学中に私が変わったこと』を書いていこうと思います。


精神的にはyesnoがはっきり言えるようになったかなって感じです。whatever とかit’s up to youって日本人にとってめちゃめちゃ便利なワードじゃないですか。ホストファザーに禁止されたので自分の意見言うしかないですよね笑こっちの人がというより日本が意見をはっきり言わなすぎるだけかなと感じています。意外と自分の意見言っても話し合いは円滑に進むことは新発見です。また自主性?と言うか自分から今すべきこととかを見つけられるようになったかなと思います。自分は面倒臭がりで何事もやらなくてもいいならやりたくない派なんですけど最近我ながらいろんなことに首を突っ込んでいる気がします。スクールで来年の4月に日本を訪れる生徒の募集をしているのをたまたま知った時も行くまでの間に事前学習するなら手伝わせてくださいって先生に言ってみました、事前学習なかったんですけどね笑 でも何人かの生徒が行くまでに日本語学びたいから教えてって声をかけてくれた子もいて、無駄じゃなかったし、そのおかげで友達増えたし悪くないなって思えました。と言っても根元の面倒臭がりは変わってないのでこの辺の文章後で訳すの面倒臭そうだなと考えています。

 あとは親の偉大さをひしひしと感じます。どうせ私の母はこのレポートを読まないと言うか存在すら忘れているだろうから書きますけどもちろん離れる前からすごい人なのは知ってました。いつでも子供優先で休む暇なんて1日もないんだから、私がいなくてついでに兄たちもいないからこの1年間は少しでもゆっくりしてくれたらいいなと思っていました。だから二ヶ月に一回くらいしか連絡取らないでいたりしたんですけどやっぱり少しだけ辛くなって連絡したらたくさん話を聞いてくれるし、弱音吐いたら叱ってくれるしやっぱり私はまだ母親という存在がそばにいてなんとか自分を律することができるまだまだ未熟な子供だと思い知りました。帰ったら家にいる間に精一杯親孝行したいなと思います。ホストマザーやファザーも私はただの留学生なのに大切に扱ってくれます。最近すごく嬉しいことがあって、空港で身体検査の列に並んでいるときに私を見た係員がこっち並んでと言ってきて危うく離れそうになったんですけどマザーが彼女は私の娘よと言ってくれてすごい嬉しく感じました。確かにアジア人と白人の顔は違うからはたから見たら他人の関係に見えるんだろうけどそれでも私の家族、私の娘と言ってくれるのは本当に嬉しいです。ディズニーのものはなんでも高額なのでコーディネーターに自分で払うように言われていたので払おうとしたらファザーはどこの親が子供に食費を払わせるの?って言って払ってくれました。シスターも私が質問したら教えくれるし、日本語を頑張って使ってくれます。最近は美味しいを覚えたんですけど『oh shit って言えばそれっぽい』って言って連呼しています。変わったところはそんな感じです。いろんな人が英語を褒めてくれますがまだまだだと思うので日々精進しようと思います!今回はここまでにしようと思います。どうか帰った時、みんなが私だと気づく程度には体重を抑えられますように!読んでくれてありがとうございました、体にお気をつけて!

 Hi, everyone! How’s it going? The weather has been awfully cold lately, but I do hope that you have been quite well. I have already written 4 reports, which means that I have already stayed in the US for 8 months. To be honest I don’t feel that my English has improved.  It makes me impatient and sad. I know, I should have learned more by this time. So I try to think more positive! I have still 3 to 4 months left, I can learn a lot of things, like this. By the way I visited Florida. I was wearing T- shirt and half pants, it was hot there. The flight time was only 4 hours, but the season became different.  It was surprise for me, I felt that the US has really huge territory. In addition we went to Disney World, It been my dream to go there. I’m the happiest person on earth, I have no words to express how happy I am. I compared Disney world and Tokyo Disney Resort. There are many different things such as attractions, parade, souvenir and park etc. Epcot which we don’t have in Tokyo has a Japan’s area. The area remind me of Japan. Also there are many Japanese who is working on internship. They were really cool! Anyway I wanted write more about my vacation, but I have to write about this times theme. The theme is what I grew during while study abroad However I was thinking that actually this theme is a little early for me to write right now. So I changed to What has changed while study abroad

 First, I became fatter, because the food is too delicious! My host parents are really good cooks, so I always eat too much even I eat 10 p.m.  I already gave up.  In addition My hair became long, I can tie my hair, it’s been several years. Also Personality things changed, maybe. I think that I’m getting better at saying yes or no. It is easy to say {whatever} or {It’s up to you} for Japanese people, isn’t it? I use these words a lot, but I figure out that if I say my opinion even it is opinion opposite to someone, the conversation and discussion proceeds smoothly.  Another thing is that I am getting better to do somethings voluntary. In fact I am lazy person, so I don’t want to do anything if I don’t need to do it. However these days I try to do challenges. For example there is an event that some students will visit Japan on April. When I knew about it, I tried to help the students to learn Japan’s culture and Japanese. As a result I couldn’t get the chance but some student asked me to teach Japanese. It wasn’t a complete waste of time and I could make new friends. Another thing is that I again realized parents are really great! I know that my mom doesn’t know about this report so I can write about her lol.  I wished that she will take a rest this year, because she doesn’t need to take care of us. So I tried to stop talking, but I’m still weak kid so I feel tired, when I talk to her.  She always listens to my story, and gives me advice. I’ll never forget what she did for me, and I’ll appreciate her forever. Also My host parents are awesome. They treat me like a real daughter. There is a story which I felt happy. In the airport, the clerk tried to guide me to a different route from my host family. However my host mother said “She is my daughter, we are family. It makes me really happy. My host father and sisters also really kind for me, I’m glad to be one of their family members. Anyway I already wrote everything, so I will finish my report at this time. Thank you for reading my report. Take care of yourself and keep smiling! Bye~ 🙂

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 今回のテーマは、留学を通して自分が成長したことです。ですが、その前にかる〜く最近あった出来事を紹介しますね。私が通っている高校には、Winter Formalという冬のホームカミングがありました。普通のホームカミングと何が違うのって聞かれたら、ただ冬にホームカミングがあるだけなので何も新鮮感はありませんでしたがダンスパーテイーはやっぱり楽しいですね。そして、小学生の子供たちに向けて日本文化を紹介する機会がありました。この日に向けて、スライドを作りました。その当日は、日本の大まかな説明を私がして、その後に折り紙・桃太郎の演劇・日本食・歌遊びをしました。彼らが一番喜んでいたのは、折り紙で鶴を折る事と彼らの名前を漢字で書いてプレゼントをする事でした。最後には、彼らは日本語で“ありがとう”と“こんにちわ”をマスターして帰って行きました。とてもいい時間でした。何故ならば、このような機会こそが私が仕事として将来持ちたい職業だからです。帰国する前に、またこの機会が設けられる予定なので楽しみです。そして、私のママが私の誕生日のプレゼントとしてシルク・ド・ソレイユに連れて行ってくれました。絶対にいつか観に行こう思っていたのでとても嬉しかったです。


 そして、私が成長したなと思うことと感じたことをここから紹介します。まず英語力についてですが、リスニングは問題なく理解できるまでにはなりました。スピーキング力もコミュニケーションを取るのにはまったく問題ないです。ですが、やはり会話に入れないなと感じることはあります。なぜなら、留学生はポンっといきなり来ただけなので彼らの会話の主題が全くもって分からないことがあります。その時は、私は質問したりただ笑顔で聞いてるだけですね笑 でもそれでも、私のリスニング力には役立つのでまあ問題ないと私は思っています。ここに来てからは、戸惑うことや辛いこともあったので心が何度も砕けましたが、それでも前を向こうって思う、負けん気強さがつきました。後、私はコミュニケーションが下手ということと人の目を気にしすぎることと考えすぎて空回りする事ですね笑 留学してまで、気づいたことがそれかいって思われるかもしれないですが、1人で異国に住み違う言語を使って暮らさないといけない留学をしている自分だからこそ気づけることだと思います。留学を通して自分を見返せるいい機会にもなり、またそれを通して英語力も心も勿論体も成長出来るとてもいい機会になると思います。家族に感謝です。


 Hello. I’m Haruka Nakamura. I’m staying in the Ohio state. I have been pasting 6 months and 9 days since I arrived in America. This study abroad is going to finish until June. I have only 3 months. I can’t believe about it. Time is really quick.

 I’m going to write what I get from study abroad.  However, I’m going to write my experience from January to today at first. My high school has Winter Formal. Do you know what they have difference between Home Coming and Winter Formal. It’s just season. Dance Party is always fun. I really love it. I also had Japanese event for elementary school students. I was working every day for this event. At that day, I introduced about Japan first, and then we were making Crane by Origami, naming in Kanji, playing Peach Boy, eating Japanese food, and playing with Japanese songs. They really loved to make Crane by Origami and get name in Kanji. They can also speak “Thank you” and “Hello” in Japanese, finally. We had good time. I was glad because this event is like my dream in the future. I can do same things for preschool students before back to Japan. I’m excited about it. My mom gave me wonderful experience for me. It was Cirque du Soleil. I had decided to see this show in the future when I knew this show for the first time. My sweet mom fulfills my one of dreams. I really appreciate about it.

 I’m working at making costume for the musical Shrek right now. I’m so busy. However, I’m going to travel with my family for one week after three months later. We have a Prom and concert. At concert, we are going to sing Japanese song. It calls Shojozi. It’s going to be fun. I’m also happy about it because they can experience one of the Japanese traditional parts. I think that this is so nice for us.

 Finally, I’m going to write my feeling from my study abroad. First, my listening is really good right now. I can understand what they talk. My speaking is better than before. I mean, I can talk with them easier than before.  However, I have no crew from their conversations lol. I think that it’s fine because we can’t join the conversation, but we can learn English from their conversations. From first day, I’m often confuse and I’m often broken my heart by friends. Therefore, I got strong heart by them. I want to scream “Thank you” to them lol. Moreover, I could know myself by study abroad. When I was in Japan, I thought I’m friendly and good at communicating. I have known that it was not true. I’m going to change about these because I can do it. I like to be good girl, so I’m not going to give up. Of course, we can learn English, but know by myself from study abroad. I  got this chance for my future. I appreciate for my family.

 See you next report.

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 まず、学校ではみんなリュックをもって毎時間教室を移動します。自分たちの教室があるほうが私は好きです。() 自分のロッカーはありますが、2階にあるので毎回教科書を取りに行く時間がなく基本、必要なものは持ち歩いています。また、ほとんどの生徒が車を持っていることです。ですが、アメリカの高校生が運転するのは結構怖いです。っていうのも、ハンドルから手を放して踊ったり、携帯を見ながら運転してだんだん道路の線からはみ出して運転していたり・・・。こわいです()




  Hello everyone, this is Fua. I am going to tell you about culture difference. For me, every day and everything is culture difference, so I do not remember anything but I will do my best lol

 First, in our school, we carry and move our bags to every class. I like having our own classroom. I have my locker but it is on the second floor and I do not have time to take my textbooks every time, so I carry everything. Also, most students have their own cars but their driving is so scary because they do not hold handle and see the front because they use their phone all the time.

 Next, there are no trains and subways, so it is so inconvenient for exchange student like me. I am in trouble when I want to go somewhere suddenly.  I just want my own car. Also, washing outer shoes and pajamas together was so disgusting. I told my mother, “Do not wash them together any more, please.”

 I recently went to roller skating and ice skating with my friends. I have never done them before, so when I first do them, it was too hard for me but I could enjoy them eventually. I am going to California in March as a trip and I am looking forward to do it.

 I have to get Japan soon. I will keep doing my best and enjoy this life. Thank you for reading this. See you soon

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 さて、日本とアメリカの違いについてですが、まず最初にこっちには時間にルーズな人がいます。もちろんみんながみんなそうってわけじゃないです、でもすくなくても私の周りには時間ぴったしに来る人はあまりいません。(笑)日本ではいつも寝坊して待ち合わせに遅れていたのにこっちでは友達に時間にきっちりしてるねって言われました!!びっくりしました。学校面での違いは、まず教科書が比にならないくらい重いです!!本当に重いです、でもロッカーにおいてけるときもあるのでそこには感謝です。私が通っている学校は比較的大きいので本当に迷路みたいでしたし、最初のころは毎日サバイバルしている感じでした。短すぎる休み時間の廊下は本当に混みすぎですし、ロッカーがたくさんある通路?みたいなところにでるのにも一苦労でした!!今はちょっとコツをつかんだきがします、人と人の割れ目にサッと移動するみたいな(笑)(笑)あと!!外にも教室があってしかもすごく微妙な位置に屋根があってここ必要ですよねってところに限って屋根がないのがちょっと残念です、、。でもこっちではceramicという陶芸みたいな授業とかバンド、クワイア、留学生とれるかわかりませんがstudent governmentという学友会みたいなやつも授業の一つです!また他の言語を選択することもできます!例えば、フランス語とかスペイン語とか!!すごい素敵ですよね!留学生のわたしたちの特権はとりたいクラスをとれるある程度の自由があると思います!!例えば、こっちではたぶんfreshmanbiologysophomorechemistryjuniorphysiologyをとるのが普通みたいですが、留学生の私たちは成績悪いのとらない限りこの3つの中から選べる気がします!biologyをとるのが安全だと思いますが!!でもカウンセラーさんが何を言うかはわかりません、、、。また、授業中に携帯を使う時間をくれる先生がいるんです、あなたたちはここを終わらせたから携帯タイムみたいなことを言う先生がいて最初は正直軽すぎじゃない??って思いました、でも今はその時間に携帯使っています、、、。生活面では、違いか何かって言われるとすぐにはどれが違いか思いつきませんが、こっちのシャワーはたまに使うのが難しいです!古いタイプのやつだとなかなかちょうどいい温度が出てくれないときがあって、びっくりします。

 もう2月に入って、本当に時間が過ぎるのが早いなあって感じがします。今は実は休み中で学校好きな私にとっては早く休み終わってくれって感じです(笑)残された時間無駄にしないようにチキンな私だけどできる限りの勇気を振り絞って次回のレポートでよい報告できるように頑張りたいと思います!!あ、小さな目標ですが、次回のレポートまでにがんばってtwilightシリーズ読み切ります!今まだnew moon読んでいますが、、、汗。ではまた!インフルエンザに気を付けてください!!

 Hello everyone!! How have you been? It’s Tamami staying in California! This is going to be my third report and I’m going to talk about my new life with a new host family and cultural difference between Japan and America. I’ve heard that flu is being epidemic in Sapporo, so please take care of yourself with warm clothes!

 I moved to a new host family’s house on January 1st!! I can’t believe that it’ll be almost two months since I started staying with this family! So many things happened during these 2 months makes me feel like I have stayed with them since school year started in August. Especially in January Daisy which is Boston Terrier had six new puppies, my sister’s car was broken into, microwave got out of order, and so on. January was crazy!! It really was crazy!! But now it’s February and there are only almost 6 months left for us, it’s super short. There are mother who teaches psychology and AVID at school, sister who is in the same grade as me and plays volleyball for more competitive team, and brother who plays basketball. They are all nice and this family is so sweet. We are loving each other no matter what happens, that’s what my new host mother told me and I felt so blessed and loved. They are much more awesome than I could ever describe! My new host mom loves watching football, so because of that now I know the rules better than before, I’m still struggling to understand what’s going on during the game though,,, My sister often has a volleyball tournament on weekend, so we often go see her playing volleyball. I don’t know why, but the game is usually in bay area so that I could go to San Jose on last weekend which is little bit down from San Francisco. By the way the reason why they decided to host me is because that when my mother was young, her parents hosted an exchange student from Japan called Tomomi who had had to change host family due to problem with them, and she thought the circumstance I was in was  quite similar to Tomomi’s and it’s a destiny. I think my name is quite similar to hers too. My school life actually doesn’t have any big change and it’s been good. It became a routine for me to check grade on the internet evert single day.

 First, let me talk about the event surprised me recently. Actually I have thought that there are people who don’t care about being on time, and I was wondering whether many people are like that or not. I think it depends on people and I can’t define that American people are lazy about time, but relatively they’re lazier than Japanese people. My friend tola me that I was always on time and neat about time though I used to oversleep and be late to meet up with my friends every time I hang out with them in Japan…. This is what surprised me at most recently! Also textbooks are very heavy, so

heavy!! But hopefully I can put them in my locker unless I have homework or have to review or prepare for the next section! The time between classes was too short for me at first, there were so many people walking the hallway and I thought I wouldn’t be able to go to narrow path to get to my locker. Fortunately I got use to walking through the super crowded hallway though! Moreover there isn’t enough roof for us to go to classroom outside, it’s like there are some spaces between the roof, so when it rains, I have to get wet! That’s sort of disappointing,,, Next, let me talk about some interesting classes you can take here! In Japan, we have no way to choose classes which we want to take by ourselves, however in America we can choose almost every classes which we want to take! Actually there are some rules to obey like we have to choose at least one class from scientific field, language field, and the field of history and geography. Except that, we can choose whatever classes we want!! For example, here we can take ceramics,

band, choir, and student government which I’m not sure if an exchange student can take though,,, Also there are other language classes like French, Spanish, which is pretty cool. The counselor gives us advice about which classes to take as exchange students, and according to their advice we can choose classes by ourselves!! By the way, it’s a usual classes in scientific field to take in each grade; freshman (9th grade) takes biology,

sophomore (10th grade) takes chemistry, and junior takes physiology. Also some teachers let students use their phone during classes!! First I thought students were spoiled and the teachers were too nice. That was unbelievable for me at first, however now I do enjoy using the time. In daily lives, sometimes I don’t know how to use shower and I used to endure very hot shower or super cold shower.

 It’s already February and almost 7-8 months have passed since I left Japan, my exchange year has passed over halfway and I feel more growth than before. However, I still can’t get satisfied with my English, so just keep trying hard and hopefully I will be able to tell you all good news!

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今回のテーマは文化の違いということで、細かいこと言っていたら多分キリないですね。日本とアメリカにしか住んだことのない人間からすると、本当に日本と正反対だな~って思うことがたくさんあります。特に、アメリカ人はとにかくフレンドリーだなって思うことが多いです。この前友達にHow are you? って日本語でなんて言うの?って言われた時すごく困りました。直訳したらお元気ですか、みたいな感じだと思うんですけど普段言いませんよねそんなこと。逆に英語には相手の素性を知らなくてもさらっといえるフレーズがたくさんあって、それをガンガン使っているイメージです。だから店員さんとかバスの運転手さんにもすぐ話しかけたりします。あと写真撮るときは肩組むし、私の友達は会うたびハグしてくれるし、パーソナルスペースが日本よりも狭い感じがします。友達に今日うち泊まりに来ない?って言われた時もそんな簡単にいくものなの!?って驚きましたが簡単なものみたいです。お泊りは楽しかったです。



Hi guys! I’m Azuki, staying in Florida.  On my last report, I talked about how warm here in Florida, and in fact, I’ve been able to wear a T-shirt on February. It’s like spring in Sapporo! I love being outside on sunny day.

Today I will talk about the culture difference, which is hard to describe all of them. I haven’t lived except Japan and the United States, but I would say these two countries have completely different culture. American people are so friendly. The other day I was asked from my friend that how do we say “How are you?” in Japanese. I confused because we usually don’t say that kind of greeting in Japan. In English, there are many phrases that we can use even if we don’t know each other well, and Americans use them a lot. They usually talk to employees, bus drivers, and the other strangers. My friend hugs me every time we meet, and when we take picture she puts her hands to my shoulder. I think they have closer personal space than Japanese. I was also surprised when I was asked to stay over my friends’ house on that day. It was absolutely fun though!

Additionally, I would talk about Christmas and the New Year’s Day in here. Christmas was so gorgeous, and New Year’s Day was simple as Japan. I’ve still missed rice cake (Many of Japanese eat rice cake around New Year’s Day). We watched a movie, “The Grinch”, and went Japanese restaurant on the Christmas Eve. I really want to talk about this restaurant. That was called Hibachi, which is called Teppanyaki in Japanese. From me, it was definitely not Japanese food but American style Japanese food (I know it sounds weird). Well it was interesting. By the way I was really surprised that none of my host brothers and sister believe Santa Claus even they are 12, 10, 7, 5, and 2 years old!

I can’t believe that I’ve staying in America for about 7 months, and my life in America has already finished half. How fast time flies! I laughed at my diary written when I got homesick. It said “I feel a week as a month”. I can say I’ve changed so far. I don’t like bunch of homework but I like school, so I think, time is gonna fly faster. I will do my best to the last! And I haven’t got 100 points on my US history test! I must get before coming back Japan. See you on my next report!!

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 私は幼稚園の頃から中学生の頃まで水泳を続けていて、今回アメリカでまた始めることができました。私の学校には水泳部があるのにプールがなく、他の2つの学校の水泳部と同じコーチに教えてもらいながら他の学校のプールで練習していました。おかげで他の学校にも友達ができました。私は正直、何年ぶりかに泳ぐので不安でした。笑 練習は多くて週に6日あってほとんどの練習が夜の7時から夜の9時で、本当にプールに入るときは水温も気温も低くて寒すぎて、風邪をひく子が多くて自分も何年ぶりかに風邪をひいてしまいました。私は何回か大会に出場することができてメダルを取ることができました!部活初日のタイムから順調にタイムが縮めることができて最近の大会までには20秒も縮めることができました!この数か月のほとんどが部活の思い出のような気がします。部員も30人ぐらいいていつも賑やかで沢山友達も作れて、時々、大会の後に部員とコーチで夜ご飯を食べにいったり、大会前にもドライブに行ったり、買い物をしたり本当にたくさん思い出が作れました。水泳部は2月の初めに終わるので来月からはトラックに挑戦しようと思っています。


 アメリカの友達から一番聞く言葉が“I love you”だと思うぐらいみんなこの言葉を使っています。日本では、帰り際に大好きー!わたしも大好きー!なんて掛け合いしている人見かけたらびっくりしますよね。挨拶替わりだとしても少しくすぐったい感じですよね。でもやっぱりアメリカの人はshyっていうことがいい意味でなくて、なんかいいなって思います。アメリカにきて食事でも野菜の少なさでショック受けることもありますが、肉好きの私にはなにも苦痛じゃないですけど、やっぱりサラダ食べたいってなりますね。家での生活は食事以外ではとくにパーティーが多いぐらいしか違いが見つけられてないです笑。


 最後まで読んでくださってありがとうございます。次回のレポートで会いましょう! バイバイ

 Hello! I’m Kana Shimoyama, stay at Springfield in Missouri. Sorry for I’m be late to submit my report. Today, I’m going to talk about “the difference of culture between America and Japan”, but I think I want to talk about my memories from last report.

 At first, this is story about my club activity. Tennis club finished in last summerL (I liked tennis club), and winter sports started. My winter sports is swimmingL the boys swimming is summer, and I think we should change the season. Hahahaha. We can join the 3 club activity in a year, but they have Try out, and if you decide the club which you want to join in America, you should check it before your host school start. When my host school was decided, I wanted to join tennis club, so, I talked about it to my host family, and I could join to practice before my host school start.

 I continued swimming from kindergartener to primary school student, and I could begin again here. My host school has swimming team, but they don’t have pool. My school swimming team joins other 2 school team practice, and we go to other school’s pool, and 1 coach tell us. So, I could make friends who are from other school. I was really nerves before I start swimming, because I didn’t swim a long time. My team have many practice, and the practice is 6 days in a week (almost) at 7p.m. to 9p.m. I had caught a cold, because the water temperature and temperature are so cold. Other team members had caught a cold too. I could join the tournament many times, and I could get the medal! And I could do shorten the time from the first day. (20 second) during this 2 month, I think my memories are almost swimming. My team members are about 30 members, and they are always fine. We often went to eat a dinner after the tournament, and we went to shopping and drive before practice. I could make good memories with them. The swimming club will finish in February, I will try track competition in next month.

 I’m going to talk about “the difference of culture between America and Japan”. I really think Americans are so friendly. This is my experience recently. After the class, I went to next class. When I was walking, the girl who was walking next to me talked me. (I didn’t know her then). I was so surprised. She asked me the name, and she introduced herself. I think it is difference. It is relationship of teacher and students. We can make a good relationship with teacher, and they are like mother and father. The woman who is teacher said students “please call me your mother!” I don’t have class which I don’t like, and I don’t have teacher who I don’t like. I always think interesting the class. I think the class is free. (But a few class) One time, we watched the game of chess, movie, and play the game with teacher. Of course, we take class. The student stand next to teacher, the student go out the class room, the student take assignments in a corridor, the student call with other people, the student play game, the student listen to music, but when teacher call us, they speak a question many time. I was so surprised

 I think I often hear a word to my American friends. The word is “I love you”. They use this many times. In japan, I think people don’t say “大好きー!“私も大好きー!”, if people say it, I will be surprised. This is like greetings, but I feel to be ashamed. I think American don’t shy, it is good.

 I shocked about they don’t eat vegetable many times, but I love meat, and it is not hard. I think they hold parties many times.

 I have feeling that I want to go back home early a little, but probably, lifestyle in America matches me, and I feel being able to grow up.

 I don’t have much time, but I will be hard to do anything.  Thank you for reading my report. See you next time! Bye bye!

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 早速少し話しがずれちゃうのですが、冬休み期間に旅行に行ってきました。フロリダを目的地にジョージア州やテネシー州に行ってきました。やっぱり一番の思い出はフロリダのデイズニーですがそれについては私が日本に帰ってからお話したいと思います。その旅行中に年を越したのですが、他のファミリーは分かりませんが私のファミリーは年を越すときにはもう寝ていて、次の日にあけましておめでとうの一言どころか、それについての話題が一度もなかったのが驚きでした。私の毎年している物凄く幸せな年越しが本当に恋しくなりました。今からめちゃくちゃ来年() の年越しが楽しみです。






Hey guys! I am Airin and staying MO. This is my 3rd report. In this report, I am going to write about different things between America and Japan. I wish you can enjoy this report.

Before I talk about it, let me talk about my winter break first. My winter break was awesome. My host dad, sister, and I were on a trip. We went to Georgia, Savannah, and Florida. We also went to Disney World in Florida. Just like I thought, Disney World was really fun place and it was the best memory in this trip. If you want to know more about my trip, I will tell you after I go back to Japan :). During the vacations, we spent New Year’s Eve at the hotel. However, we didn’t mention the topic of New Year Eve at all. I was kinda sad because New Year’s Eve is biggggg event to me and makes me happy always. That’s why I am really excited about next New Year’s Eve from now.

I am going to talk about culture differences between America and Japan. I think American people can tell everything and say clearly what they think. But it doesn’t mean they hurt someone’s pride. What I want to say is everyone has their own opinion and everyone respects them. I can’t tell how much I like this culture.

I will talk about food. I’m really missing Japanese food now. I get hungry easily so I always want to get something to eat. When I was in Japan, I could eat rice anytime. However, since I am in America, I can’t eat rice as much as I used to. That is kinda sad to me. TT

I will talk about school differences. Japanese school and American school are completely different. American students can change hair color, get drink and food during anytime, use cell phone, etc. I’m jealous of them. I really want to change my hair color!!!!

Class system is also completely different. In Japan, we can’t choose what classes we are gonna take, right? However, in America, we can choose classes whatever we want to take but that means we have to move classroom every hour. So, I like Japanese system better.

Since I finished writing about today’s topic, I will write about 3 things I did these days. First, I went skating with my friends Jessica and Julia. I was pretty good at it and we really enjoyed it. We will make it again! Second, my friend Jessica, invited me to prom!!!! She made a poster that says “do me a favor and come with me to prom” and gave it to me. I was soooo happy. We also went shopping for prom dress and I could find cute dress. Look forward to see a picture of prom! I will post it in the next report. Third, I spent night with my friends 3 days ago. We played some games and watched movie. I had fun night.

Finally, I want to tell you something!! My host dad decided to take me to NY on May. Yeaaaaah!  I will write about it in the last report. Thank you for reading this report!! See you soon!

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Hello, everyone! It’s too late but Happy New Year! This is Momona Ogi staying in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania. How was your Christmas and New year? I brought some presents from my host family, and I gave some presents to my host family that my parents send to me from Japan. Everyone say it too, but we didn’t do any special things, so it was like Japanese Christmas. I thought I like Japanese New Year better.

So, this time, theme is about the things that I develop from study abroad. It seems easy to think, but it’s surprisingly difficult. First is about my English skill. To be honest, I still don’t know a lot of words and sometimes, when I talk to my family and my friends, I still don’t understand or speak smoothly. But I’m starting to understand what the teacher is saying and what does the print says that I got from teacher than I came here. The grades get better too. From now on, I want to remember more words and talk more smoothly.

Next is about my daily life. I didn’t cook dishes in Japan, but now I sometimes cook dishes. I cooked Japanese food to my host family, and my host mom is from German and she cooks other country’s food so I learn from it too. Before I go home, I want to remember some dishes to be able to make for my family.

And I think I became more positive thinking than before. When I came here, I didn’t have any emotional leeway so I was always worried and regret and my mind was always negative thinking. But I wanted to improve it, so I started writing diary that what I was happy or the good things that I experience in a day for a while ago. I think, I saw many kinds of things and experience so that’s way I wanted to change.

The other day, there was a musical audition in school, so I challenged. Unfortunately, I couldn’t pass. But my friend who took the audition and pass, she cheered me up. For me, it wasn’t like sarcastic so I was very happy. I am glad because my challenge connected to good thing. From here, it will be close to what I feel. But I really feel that “Nothing will happen if you don’t start working from your own.” For example, ask friends that you don’t understand in your class or ask friends to hang out. If you don’t start doing it, you will don’t know what to do at class and you can’t get along with your friends. I think if I don’t study abroad, I will stay at home comfy. It’s good to relax, but I think it’s better to study abroad because I can learn many kinds of things. Challenging new thing needs courage, but I think the things I could get will be big. I learned that because I study abroad. Even if you don’t like it, I think it will lead to something good.

And as the thing that I develop, I stop comparing myself to others. Up until now, I was worried and frustrated because of the story that I heard from other 5G student and my host family. But these days, I thought there is no use to compare with others. It will stimulate me but it’s not interesting if I was same person with others. Even if I try to do same thing as others, it won’t be same and I have my own life so I think it’s not important for me what others does. In Japan, people are scared of dissension and they want to make things easily. So they think about opponent idea and they don’t have their own idea or put off their idea. I’m one of them so I can’t talk big, but I think it’s good in a sense to respect opponent opinion and peculiar to Japan. But in America, our own opinion is first and it’s important to say what are their opinion is. These days, I started to agree with American idea. I think I noticed because I went out from Japan and look Japan from other country. I still can’t say my opinion distinctly to others so I want to be able to do it before I go back to Japan. Before I came here, my reason and purpose was to progress my English but I thought progressing English is not just important. I thought I progress my English than before but I think I changed mental more than English too and it’s also important things. My study abroad is only few months left and what I do in my study abroad life is up to me, so I want to spend good days that I can satisfied. Thank you for reading until the end!! See you again on the last report of my study abroad!

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 ここに来て気づいたことはアメリカ人と日本人の国旗に対する考え方の違いです。アメリカ人は国旗に対してすごく誇りをもっている印象があります。国歌を斉唱するときには右手を胸に置き国旗を見て歌います。アメリカ国旗はいたるところに掲げられています。一方日本は、正確にはわかりませんがほとんどの人が国旗のことをあんまり考えたことがないと思います。ある日、同じ学校の話したことのない人からSNS を通して、日本の国旗は何を表しているの?日本人は国旗に対してどう思っているの?と急に質問が来ました。私は全くわからなくて急いで検索しました。その時そういえば国旗についてなんとも思ったことなかったな、と気づきました。日本の国旗って書くのが簡単だなというくらいです。こっちの人たちは自分の国に日本人以上に関心を持っていると思います。





  Hi! I’m Biei in Oregon.  It was snowing last in February.  Snow was only 2 inches, but everyone was so excited, and some played with snow and made a snowman.  I want to share them snow in Sapporo.  I’m talking about “difference of culture between Japan and America”.

 First of all, it’s about religion.  Most American are Christians here.  My host family is too.  We pray before dinner, and my host father prays for each kid before we go to the bed.  When I have a cheer competition, one of the team members prays right before a performance.  In Japan, I’ve not prayed to god in my life.  My high school is also Christian, so technically I’d prayed every day in school.  However, going Christian school and living with Christians are completely different.

 Next, it’s about family.  I don’t even know if it is deference of culture.  American family is big.  My friend has 60 cousins. When we cerebrated big holidays such as thanksgiving and Christmas, almost whole family members gathered.  There were so many people.  I thought “who are you?” many times.  My whole family (relatives) don’t gather at the same time because they don’t live same area.  It is difficult to gather same time.  So, I like family gathering in America.

 Christmas day was awesome.  I was shocked that Christmas tree was real tree.  We went to the tree farm and chose the tree.  After cutting the tree, we tied the tree to a car.  We decorated whole house.  My host grandparents give an ornament to each grandkid every year.  It’s tradition in this family.  They gave an ornament with my name to me.  I was so happy.  There were a bunch of presents.  I got many of those.  Opening presents was my favorite time because I didn’t know what those are.  In Japan, I don’t decorate house and I usually eat KFC and got a present.  I already know what my present is before I open it.  So, everything I experience on the day was new to me.  I told my friends and my host family most Japanese eat KFC and cake on Christmas day.  They were shocked and said to me “No KFC this year” lol.  I had many Christmas parties during Christmas season.  I was busy but I had so much fun.  Christmas was definitely my favorite holiday in America.

 On the other hand, New Year’s Day was very simple.  I stayed at my friend’s house and watch TV.  After 12 o’clock, nothing happened.  In Japan, we say “Happy new year” to many people and eat osechi which is Japanese New Year’s cuisine after new year day. Also, kids get otoshidama which is New Year’s gift of money from family and relatives.  I missed New Year’s Day in Japan.  I had practice on January 3rd, and I started going to school on January 7th.

I was asked by many people “How do Japanese cerebrate this holiday?”  So, I recommend you who are studying abroad next year practicing explaining those.

I feel America is motorized society.  Especially I live in rural so there is no public agency such as busses, subways, and trains.  I cannot go anywhere without car.  In Japan, I could use them and go anywhere by myself, but I cannot do that here.  I have to ask somebody when I want to go somewhere.  In America, people who are over 15 years old are allowed to drive with their parents and permit.  People who is over 16 years old are allowed to drive by themselves with license.  Many students go to school by their cars.  I think this law is good.

 I realized Americans are proud of their flag.  When they sing national anthem, they look at flag and put their hand on their chest.  Flags are literally hung up everywhere.  I don’t know for sure, but Japanese don’t think of and look at flag very often.  One day, a boy whom I’ve never talked with texted me “What does Japanese flag represent? What do Japanese think of flag?”  I could not answer it quickly because I had never thought about flag.  I had thought just “Japanese flag is easy to draw.I looked it up and learned about Japanese flag in America.  I think Americans are more interested in their own country more than Japanese.

 Lastly, I’m talking about difference of Japanese and Americans I realized.  In my opinion, when Americans do something, they don’t pay attention to around them.  They think first of themselves.  Of course, it depends on people.  I think when Japanese do something, we do pay attention around us.  We think first of people around us.  We endure doing and saying something for other people.  I like the Japanese’ thoughtfulness.  If I were in Japan, I wouldn’t realize that.  I am not judging and racing Americans.  I love Americans.

 I can realize my English is getting better little by little, but it is still terrible.  I cannot say something in English fluently.  My English is also grammatically incorrect.  My goal for 4 months is “Being able to talk more fluently.”

 Next week, I am leaving for California to perform cheer.  I’m so excited.  After the competition, cheer season is going to be over, so I’m going to play softball.  I have never played softball in my life, but I want to try new things in America.  Joining club is also a good opportunity to get closer with my friends.  I am going to Mexico in March.  I have many fun things till I’m leaving here.  I hope I will have great time.

 Thank you for reading.

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