

アメリカ合衆国テキサス州Lubbock Cooper High School に留学中の 阿部 深月さんからの第1回目のレポートです。


テーマ: 家庭生活と留学の目標


  こんにちは、阿部深月です。私は今、テキサス州のラボックという町で生活しています。今回は初めてのレポートなので少し緊張してます…  まだ拙い日本語と英語ですが、頑張って書くので、少しだけお付き合いください。


 夜早めに寝るようになったのは、日本語で会話していた時よりも脳をたくさん使うので休めるためです。これは、研修中に貰ったアドバイスを実践しているのですが、とても大切だと思います。授業中に眠くなると一瞬にして何もわからない状態になるので、睡眠をとることが生活の中で一番大切だと思いました。テキサス州についてから、今までよりもサッカー漬けな生活を送っています。学校の授業でサッカーを取り、学校が終わってから、ホストシスターが所属しているユースチームの練習に参加しています。土日にはサッカーの試合を見に行ったりしてます。とても楽しいです!私の留学の目標の一つに、シックスパックになって帰るというのがあるので笑 サッカー頑張りたいと思います。



Hello! I’m Mitsuki. I’m in Lubbock, Texas now.

I have a great time in Lubbock. I often see some Prairie dogs and Rabbits near my house! I was surprised about that and I couldn’t believe that at first. Prairie dogs are so cute.

I usually get up at 6:20 because my host sister and I leave home at 7:20. It’s too early for me. And I make my lunch every morning, so I’m always busy in the morning…

But I like school because there are friends. My friends like Japanese anime, so I often talk about anime with my friends. My host sister also like anime, and we watch anime on Saturday. It’s great time!

I bought two glasses and contacts. But I could get one pair of glasses for free. I was really surprised.

  I’ll study a lot in America, so please do your best, my friends in Japan!






そしてこのホストチェンジのことを二学期に同じクラスで隣になり、何度も私に話しかけてくれていた女の子に打ち明けると、私のお母さんに聞いてみるねと言ってOkayをもらってきてくれました。ですが無事に他のホストファミリーが決まったのでその子のおうちにはステイしていませんが、今ではそのこととても仲よくしています!ほかのクラスでも隣に座りたいって言ってくれて、授業中のワークシートを手伝ってくれたり、パートナーでプレゼンをする機会があった時にも初めて余りの生徒や、先生にパートナーいませんって相談しに行かずにパートナーを作ることができてI did it!ってなりました(笑)そしてこのプレゼンのスクリプトを作る際に、沢山話しかけました。日本に帰るの楽しみだなって言ったら、なんで?って聞かれたので、家族や友達に会えるから。というと、日本とカナダの正確な時差を聞いてきて、あなたが学校終わって家に着くのが五時ならこっちは朝の三時だね、なら朝の三時に起きて毎日電話するから!テキストも!っていわれて本当に嬉しかったですけどさすがにやめてって言いました(笑)。このあともスクールの話になって、「でも一年もこのdamn, horrible スクールに一年もいなきゃいけなくてほんとうにかわいそう。皆3,4人のグループで固まってたりして不思議だし、入っていけないでしょう?



Finally, this is final report even though I couldn’t believe that I’m writing report as a exchange student.  I realized that I have to go back to Japan soon because of my friends texed to me they arrived at Japan.

Theme is free this time, so I’m gonna write about what I want to tell and want you to know. This whole thing is the hardest experience so far.  Image of Cansdian before I come here is cheerful and friendly but actually it’s not true.  No one talk to me, they didn’t know what they are saying at all and ignored when I talked to them their face was like “what?”  I thought I will being alone.  I cried, lost hair because of stress, almost died because of anemia, and had headache every single day.  But I prised every day what I go to school.  Passed three months, I could listen what they are saying and think in calm.  At the same time, I knew who is shy and something like that.  But I didn’t have friends for three months since then.  I didn’t have friends to talk about  this as you known, I had spent tough time.  In January, I talked about class change to school counselor and principal for some reason but it didn’t solve, and In March, my host family told me the trash talk.  That was really stressful.  Now, I’m so happy to change the host family.  I can say this cross my heart.  Since I came this family, I feel so fast to pass the time and having good time with them.

Also, I got a friend lately.  She is really nice to me and when I talked about host change, she said that I’m gonna ask my mom that if we can host you.  Next day, she got YES.  I was so happy and almost cried.  I’m not living her house now because I found other host family but she is still nice to me.  I’m glad to get along with her.  She usually care about me in the class.  I asked her about school one day and she had same feeling with me, so I finally found real friends and I’m going to miss her definitely.  I didn’t think I can get those friends here.

Honestly, I don’t like my school because they throw stuff in the class and do something other like children. That’s so annoyind and I can’t even concentrate in a class, but I always think that they just not fit for me. I have been thinking that.

I don’t even have one month left untill go back to Japan.  I’ll do my best and keep learning.  I’m sooooo excited to go back though lol.  Thank you for reading so far.  Bye!

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 さて、まとめに参ります。最初は学校生活についてはなそうかしら。そうですね、初日に放り込まれてドギマギしながらここまで来ましたけど、途中相当悩んだしつらかったって言うのが本音です。前にもお話したんですが、この学校結構な量の留学生を毎年受け入れてるんですよね。して、昨年度の留学生にも日本から来た私の先輩にあたる方がいたんです。運がいいことに何らかの繋がりがあって、こっちに来る前からその先輩を知ってたんですけど(なまらいい人なんですけど)、その方がここで成し遂げたものが相当大きくて、学校中がその人をいい印象で知ってるみたいな。悔しいことに、最初の方はギラギラアメリカンティーンエイジャーにどうやって話しかけたらいいかわかんなくて、その先輩の名前を出して「~って知ってる?」ってフレーズを連発してて、でも聞いたら聞いたで、そのあと95%の確率で帰ってくる「もちろん!あの人は世界一だったよ」って言葉になぜかグサッと来たり。その先輩のインスタを見てもたくさんの友達とキラキラ輝いてる投稿しかなくて、今の自分は部屋で一人で親指くわえてみてるだけなのに、すごいな、そんな風になんて慣れないな、とかってずっとその壁を乗り越えられないままでいました。多分ずっと嫉妬してたんです。でもある時思ったんですけど、その知名度とか印象とかってその方が死ぬほど苦労して作ってきたもので、頑張りに頑張ったからその場にいなくてもこんなに深く学校中の印象に残ってるんだなあって気づいたんです。だからそんな努力の塊に嫉妬なんて失礼でしゃーないなあと。相談に乗ってくれた友達からは、「自分でいなよ」っていうその通りなアドバイスをもらったりして、人と自分を比べすぎることの無意味さに気づきました。今だから言えることは、留学経験者のインスタとかを見て夢を抱き過ぎないようにするってことです。実際それをやりすぎて苦しんできたのは私なんですが、そういうメディアには失敗とか後悔の投稿ってあんまないじゃないですか。それを考えないで羨ましいなとかって思ったらだめですよ、裏では必死こいてるからキラキラした投稿ができるんだって、自分もそうなってやろうって思うべきだと思います、経験者面です。あとは、これ私だけかもしれないんですが、最初の方カメラロールの写真が一向に増えなくてやべえなって思ってて。ばかばかしいですけど、結構本気で焦ってました(笑) 誰かと写真を撮る勇気がなかったのか、友達がいなかったのか、なんだったんですかね。でももし未来にこういう謎な現象に陥る人がいるとしたら、絶対大丈夫です、最後には友達と飽きるくらい写真撮ってるから。



Hello from Mississippi, it’s Miina. Last, this is my LAST report! I dont know how can I feel about this situation, time past toooooooooo fast. Also I dont know hoe to start this last report, but ya, I will make it clear and present yall my study abroad summary. (It will be pretty long)

 I wasn’t sure if I will write my myself report in here again, but I feel like Im writing jut a bit. The Heisei period is over! I dont feel like it because Im not in Japan though I watched the ceremony for the new name of the new period (idk how to say) on the Instagrams live, but like, is it possible? I felt human development for the technology. But I know technology is gonna be way more greater when the next era come. Feel scared a little, where is humans limit???

 Anyways, here my “study abroad summary come. Let me talk about the lifestyle at the school first. I was put at the school first day and Im here mow, but on the way here, there were tons of hard things. So I think I talked about this before, but this school is accepting pretty large number of foreign exchange students every year, and there is one girl who was here as an exchange student last year. Fortunately, there was some connection between her and I, so I already knew her before I came here (She gave me some advices and stuff, she is super nice). However, the things that she has done in here were super great, and so like everybody in the school know her with super good impression. Me, who was straggling with these new environment, didnt know how to talk to these shiny American high schoolers, so I used this hey, do you know (her name)? phrase a lot a lot. But after I asked this to people, 95 of them said ya of course. She was the best exchange student in the world and for some reason I got shock by that word. By seeing her Instagram, there were just tons of success, so I was like she was doing really really great job and enjoyed with a lot of her friends, but now look at me I am alone in my room, what am I doing here?. I was just super jealous about her freaking shiny situation. But I realized that those great situations that she was having were all from her effort. So it was really rude to feel jealous about her because she did really hard work. Some of my friends who listened my saying gave me a strong advice, be yourself. I noticed that it was really meaningless thing to compare me and someone else. I can say this now, but you shouldnt have too much dream by seeing somebody (who experienced study abroad)s Instagram or those stuff. Actually I did it too much and tight my neck, but I think those social media have not much posts of failure of regret. So I dont think its a good idea to feel jealous without thinking about their minus part. You should think like I will do really hard work and in the future I will be like that. Its way more positive, I like it.

 Next thing is about my host family. I was really really lucky to be hosted by this family. My host mom is a great comprehension and has a wonderfully big heart, my host dad has really funny stories and he is also a great chef, my host brothers love to do crazy things even they are adults but they also have really really kind and sweet heart, my host sisters (brothers’ wives and girlfriend) have really sweet tolerant and youthfulness, my host niece is freaking cute and she calls me Nyanya, my host dog is sometimes kinda smelly but so smart and good girl, I played this wood piano tons of times, the big kitchen which I used when I cook with everyone, veranda with grass, the swing which I really liked, my sweet room with all these cute furniture, my fluffy bed which has miracle power to cure my heart pain, the bi8g TV that shows the murder show forever (its just because we loved those shows and not because it was broken), counter that I used with my brother when we were studying, hallway, the atmosphere of dining table when we are eating, family members smile, everything, all things. Even if I couldnt accepted by someone in the outside world, when I go back to home there are always my family members who listen to my story and opinions. They taught me to do things that I really have to do, do things for someone else. They taught me common sense and love. If I didnt meet this family, my life couldnt change in great way like me now, so yes, this family is really really important family for me, they gave me turning point for my life. I dont feel like, I cant believe that I will leave from them. This 10 months with them were really precious and this is my treasure for life. I dont believe this is the true good bye good bye, so in the close future, maybe brothers wedding, I will force them to invite me and go and see them again.

 Met tons of new people, be happy, had fun, worried, suffered, made a lifetime relationship, and had tons of people’s support and kindness, I ended my exchange student life. For my family in Japan, I made them worry about me so many times, but they just supported me quietly and watched my growth. Thank yall so much for doing that I really appreciate all of them and cant wait to see yall in Japan. For my friends who are (or were) in the same situation as a exchange student, yall gave me freaking power to stand in this different environment than Ive experienced in Japan for 17 Years, and made me think I cant stop, I gotta work harder like them by seeing yalls reports or something like that. So thanks for that and great job for yall, too. Cant wait to see yall and talk about everything. For everyone who are reading my reports, I have never turned in my report by the limit day, but yall forgave me (lol) and sent me lots of comment on my reports. Thank yall for doing things like that and all the comments yall gave me lots of power. The 3 people (me, my mom, and interviewer) interview that I took when I was in 10th grade, my mom told me that my saying had no passion or meaning, so it was thin, and I got shock by that word, and decided to be more meaningful human. I think I could get little close to my perfect imagination of myself. I really dont feel like I am going back. I CAN SEE EVERYBODYYYYYYYYYYY! I will do my best even if I am in Japan, of course. Ok so, thank yall so so so so sooooooo much for supporting me and my progress for about 11 months. See yall in Japan!














Hello! This is Mana Suzuki who is staying in Ellesburg, WA. I’m feeling so weird that some friends already went back to Japan and I have only 2weeks left to go back.

10 and half of the monthes, which means more than 310 days, passed from the day that I said good-bye to my family and friend to leave Japan. I still remember how I was feeling when I had to say goodbye to them. Words cannot explain it but it was the hardest feeling ever.

Okay so, this report might be about really personal things, but I’m going to write whatever I felt through this year.

I knew it before because my mom always tells me, but I felt this is so important for me strongly, that is smiling:) Begining of this exchange program, I was so negative thinking. I was thinking like nobady cares and interested about me. So I couldn’t really communicate with people well, and then cried a lot. But I noticed that even if I cry every single day, it will not help me at all. It just makes me feeling sad and lonely. I learned that being smile brings you happinesses and lucky. Being smile is the key to make things success. Laugh at the hard time! Challege new things when you are straggling something! Be strong:)

Let’s talk about the thing what I did in May! I had the prom at the school! It was the coolest dance party I’ve ever went. I was so excited to go to the prom since I decided to come here as an exchange student. It was on of my dream. I’m so glad that I could go to the prom in my life.

The funnest thing of prom was before prom lol I went to the prom shopping with my friend to get prom dress and had so much fun there! I had such a huge hamburger, which was almost same size as my face lol I’m not kidding you lol

On middle of May, I visited to Portland, Oregon with my host family! We went to salt&straw, Japanese garden, Powell’s book, and etc. Portland has a such a beautiful city views. My favorite part of this trip was going to the cannon beach! I would like to visit there again.

I wrote so many personal things but anyways, hope you guys enjoyed my report. See ya in next report! Have a nice day!

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学校初日に話しかけて冷たい対応をされた子は今じゃ親友になりました。怖くて苦手だったフランス語の先生は私にhonorの賞状をくれました。本人に自覚はなかっただろうけど私にシャイだねっていって地味に心をズタボロにした男子とはプロムに一緒に行きました。何が起こるかわかりませんね。でもこれだけはいえます。Cerro Gordoのみんなが大好き!北星のみんなが大好き!そして留学に行かせてくれた家族に大感謝です。春の大感謝祭です。もう春じゃないけど。パンの山崎じゃないけど。

ここまでレポート読んでくれたみなさんにも感謝です。みんなに笑顔になれる素敵な何かが起きますように!私がイリノイ州の田舎で過ごした一年みたいに!それではbye-bye, au revoir.

Hi, this is Hikari Matt. Sorry it took me forever to write this, there are just too many things I want to tell you guys and also a lot of thoughts were going over my head and I needed time to clear things up. I think now I’m ready, so yeah. Who can believe this is my last time writing report? Welp definitely not me. My stay in Cerro Gordo, Illinois was amazing. I know that after I read all the other 6G’s reports (I haven’t read all of them yet, but I will at some point) I still can say my exchange year was the best one.

Cerro Gordo is empty town with 1300-ish souls, but my life there was fullfling. Don’t get it wrong I’m not saying everything was fun and all I’ve got is sweet memories, but in reality I also had quite a lot difficult time too. I feel like this is one thing almost all the japanese exchange students experiences, but  it really hurt me when people told me “you’re shy”. In fact I was shy. I lost so much time thinking things in bad way and I literally was stuck in vain. I can’t thank enough for my friends and host mom cared me and helped me so much on those difficult days I had.

Time really flies. Now it all seems like a one big dream but it wasn’t a dream. I might wasn’t the best exchange student, and I have things I think I could do better on it  but oh well I can’t change them now. And it really really really was awesome time. To the ones who going to be in America or in Canada, or even to Australia, don’t think that everything will go well as you expected. But also don’t think you are going to do miserable. Try your best and then everyone will let you be part of their school, or their lives.

Before finishing this report, let me just say thanks to my Japanese family, American family, my friends in US and also to my friends in japan. Of course I’m not forgetting Hokusei teachers and Cerro Gordo HS teachers. Thank you so much. Wow I have wonderful teachers in two continents. One of my favorite teacher in Cerro Gordo high told me “don’t forget you have a place to come back”. Isn’t that cool now I have two place I belong to?

Ok now I really need to finish this because I can go on forever if I want to but I know y’all and Steven are not hoping that. May all the blessings come to everyone of you. Love you all and thanks;) merci beaucoup et au revoir. À la prochaine!

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Hi guys! I’m Azuki, staying in Florida. How’s everyone doing? I’m sorry for the delay of my report. In Florida, it’s already like summer every day. My host brothers and a sister go to the pool almost every day while I’m at school. (They’re all home scholars) I can’t believe this is the fourth report and I have to go back Japan soon. I miss my friends a lot.

Here is the thing made me happy recently.

I had belonged the orchestra and there was the last concert of it several weeks ago. It was really exciting and also made me realize that it’s getting close to leave here. Yeah actually this wasn’t so fun episode because they are the best orchestra ever, for me. When I was middle school student, I used to play percussion in the club. The club was pretty good at playing, but I enjoyed playing at the orchestra more. Everyone in the orchestra was so nice and they all enjoy the music! I was helped by this kindness thousand more times when I got upset. The conductor who loves Star Wars and always wears Star Wars clothes was wearing flamingo vest in the concert. The old violinist thanked for me to join the orchestra every time we met. It was super fun orchestra. I miss them so bad.

This one is happier than the concert. Through this study abroad I realized I love drawing so much because I’ve got many opportunities to introduce myself since I came to America. Keep saying favorite things makes it’s more favorite. One day I was asked my art teacher that he wants to turn my work into the gallery of the district. I had some works I like so far, but I decided to draw a new one. It took time long to be done. However, that was definitely the best work and couldn’t be better.

Now I can’t speak English fluently as much as I expected in Japan, but I learned natural conversations. I found I’m interested in some languages and want to be a teacher in the future. I met many people who has different values from me, and it makes my world really wide. I’m feeling like my life is way too short and limited. I knew there are so kind people and also mean people everywhere. I could get more then I can write on here. Of course, there were struggling too but I don’t regret about coming here, and being happy of my mental growing.

Thank you for reading. My study abroad is over. I’ll see you guys in Japan!

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     前、友達のイタリア人のホストマザーの親のビーチハウスに3泊4日で止まりました。おばあちゃんとおじいちゃんの二人暮らしで2人のことが大好きでした。帰るときに、そのおじいちゃんに”I love you “って言われて泣きそうになりました。このままの私のことを大切に思ってくれる人がアメリカににもいるなんてなんと幸せなことなんでしょうね。

     そして今日は学校最後の登校日だったのでMr.ブラウンという大好きな先生にありがとうとお別れを言いました。そしたら「また帰ってこないといけないよ!」って言ってくれました。超 見た目怖いけど超優しいんですよ〜(笑)

     私のことを大切に思ってくれてる人が世界のいろんなところにいるなんて本当にすごいことじゃないですか!?私が想像してたよりこの一年はすごく辛かったです。でもそんなことがちっぽけに見えるくらいいい経験ができた最高な一年でしたね。だからやっぱり楽しかった分お別れが辛い!!!! まあでもそのくらい濃い関係が築けたし、みんなに会えるのが人生で最後って決まったわけじゃないですよね!ありきたりだけど最後まで笑顔でいれたらなと思います。


          Hi! How are you all doing? This is Toko staying  in North Carolina.  I still can’t believe that this is gonna be my last report!!

      I’m going to write what has improved about myself through the exchange program.  Before I came here I didn’t have confidence in myself at all. I always thought like “I can’t be grown as a person”. But now I think the way I thought is rude to me and also to my parents who have raised me with love for 17 years. And plus I came here without any people I know and made friends at school. There are so many reasons that I can have confidence in myself, I mean “why not?”.  Mentally I was stronger and at the same time weaker than I expected. But I have a strong mentality now because I got over  tons of problems or stress. My English is so much better than before so that everyone will notice it.

       Last month, I started at the beach house with my Italian friend and her host mom to meet her grandparents for three days.  They are so nice and I loved them.  When I left them, Jack, the grandpa said” I love you” and I almost cried.

      Today was the last day of school, surprisingly. I told Mr. brown which is my favorite teacher goodbye and thank you to him. He said “Toko, you need to come back“ omg he was the best.

       Isn’t it amazing that there are many people who love me not only in Japan but also in some countries!!   This exchange year was much harder than I expected BUT I don’t care because I had so much precious time here. And now it’s really hard to say goodbye to the people who made my year. Who knows if this is not gonna be the last time to see them, so I’ll try to have good time with joy until I get in my airplane. Anyway thank you so much for letting me be an exchange student for a year, mom and dad!!!!!

        Did you guys enjoy my final report?  See you in a week in Japan!!

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みなさんこんにちは、アメリカのカンザス州に留学している瀬戸沙彩です。今回のレポートで私の留学レポートは最後となります。。 たった1年間、と意気込んで行った留学、終わりが見えなくてまだ帰れないのかと何度も泣いて悔しい思いも悲しい思いもたくさんしましたが今思うとやっぱりあっという間でした。今回は長くなってしまうと思いますが読んでくれたら嬉しいです。

まず、前回のレポートから今日までにあったことについて書かせてください。 1つ目は、私のダブルプレースメントの子が違うファミリーの所へ移動しました。もう過ぎたことなので思い出したくもないですが私の留学の体験談をシェアできるのは今回で最後なので書きたいと思います。これは私の留学生活一番の難点でした。留学前は自分がダブルプレースメントだと聞いた時、アメリカにいながらその子の国についても学べるなんていい機会だな、と思っていました。でも実際一緒に住んでみると思い描いていた生活とは全く違いました。違う文化、違う常識、違う価値観を持っている人と過ごすのってそれだけで少し大変なんですが、その子はそれ以前に私の事が大嫌いだったので本当に一緒に暮らすのが苦痛でした。そもそも人にここまで嫌われた事がなかったので私の何がいけないんだろう、って本当に何日も何ヶ月も悩んで、それでも私はその子に本当に何にもしていないので自分のダメなところが見つからなくてそんな自分が自分でも本当に大嫌いになっていきました。私は人に助けを頼るのが苦手だったのとファミリーに私とダブルプレースメントの子が仲悪いって知ってギスギスした状態にもなって欲しくなかったので本当にひとりでずっと悩んでいました(ダブルプレースメントの子は私の悪口を全員に言っていたのでもうみんな知っているって知ったのは結構あとでした笑)でもやっぱり病み過ぎて耐えれなくてファミリーとコーディネーターに相談したらみんな親身にたくさん相談に乗ってくれて私はあなたのことが大好きだからねとたくさん声をかけていただいて、この時に人に頼る大切さ、周りの人の大切さを痛いほど学びました。彼女が私の事が嫌いな理由は、ホストファミリーや好きな先生をシェアしたくない、とのことでした。え?ってなりますよね。私もこんな理不尽な理由でずっと傷付けられてたのかと思うと正直すごく腹が立ちました笑 今はもう全部のSNSを彼女からブロックされていますが彼女はSNSにすぐ私の悪口を書いたりするのでそれで学校の人も沙彩はそんな人なのかと思われて本当に大変でした。今も私のことをそう思っている人はたくさんいると思います。それでも私のことをちゃんと正しいことを信じてくれる人もいますし、人から嫌われる辛さ、孤独の辛さ、人に頼ることの大切さ、周りの人の大切さ、自分で問題を解決しようとする行動力、自分を好きでいること、価値観、考え方など彼女のあの心無い行動で私はたくさんの事を得ましたし、精神的にひとまわりもふた回りも成長した自信があります。 感謝。。は流石にできませんがこれも日本にいて大好きな人に囲まれている環境ではできない事でした。いつまでもネガティブな思い出にするんではなく、自分のためにもプラスの経験として受け取ります。笑 

次にあったことは、プロムがありました!最初で最後のプロムでした。私の学校は友達と行く事ができなく男の子とデートじゃないと参加できない仕組みになっていたので、私も男の子と行ってきました。最初は緊張し過ぎておかしくなってましたがみんなで音楽に乗せて踊ったりとっても楽しかったです!一番楽しかったのはアフタープロムだったんですけどね笑 朝の4時近くまで友達みんなと遊んでました。これは私のアメリカ生活の中で絶対に1番のハイライトです笑 日本にもあったらいいのにな!


次に、私は自分がすごくシャイだという事に気がつきました。日本にいるときは友達が大好きで喋るのが大好きで友達と1分でも会えるならってどこにでも行くフッ軽だったし自分でも元気でうるさくて授業でも発言するの大好きだったっていう自信があるんですけど、ここにきてからは精神ズタボロ学校嫌いひとりでいたい喋りかけるの怖い誰かが私に話しかけてよって思う事がたくさんありました笑 言葉の壁を理由にすごく消極的になってしまったことは私の留学の反省点です。皆には私と同じ道を進んで欲しくないので、最初から緊張していても明るく元気にみんなと接しに行くのをオススメまします

色々書いてきましたが、1番に伝えたいことは、家族、友達、先生、ここで出会った人すべての人への感謝の気持ちです。私の家族は最初北星に入るなら短期留学、と言っていたので勝手に長期留学を選んで家族はこんな私の自分勝手な行動にすごく困ったと思います。それでもここにきても尚一番私を今も支え続けてくれているのは紛れもなく日本の家族です。手間もお金もかかる子で申し訳ないです。親孝行できるように精一杯頑張ります笑 そして辛い時にたくさん相談に乗ってくれた声をかけてくれた友達、この子たち無しじゃとっくのとうに日本に帰ってました。本当にありがとう帰ったらたくさんハグします。そして先生。日本にいながらたくさんサポートありがとうございました。会うのが楽しみです!ここで出会った人たちにここで愛を伝えても見ることはできませんがたくさん笑顔にさせて成長させてくれて受け止めてくれてありがとうございます。
みなさんあっての留学でした。本当に本当に心から感謝しています。大好きです。帰国まで5日間もないですが残りの日を精一杯楽しみます。本当にありがとうございました。日本で会えるのを楽しみにしてます。 バイバイ!

Hello everyone. This is Saaya and you know what? This is my last report.It’s a sadly thing that I have no chance to share my experience anymore on here, but Im always welcoming to talk with anyone else who is interested in studying abroad, so come ask me if you want!
anyway in this report, im planning on to talk about what i have got through this exchange year. I hope you guys like it:) 

Okay first of all, let me write about what happened to me after I turned in my 4th report. The biggest thing is my double placement changed the host family. And I would say this was the most difficult, I mean, challenging thing to get over  in my exchange year. When I heard I will stay other exchange student for a year, I was like what a precious thing! Omg I can learn Thai  culture even though I’m in U.S.! BUT, my exchange year wasn’t going what I expected. To spend a time with having different culture, point of view, common sense, value, and life style is effortful thing to get used even though the people is nice. But in addition, she literally hate me. Oh my goddess I have no experience something like that, so I was really confused. I was thinking why she hate me so much but I seriously have no idea. And It makes my mind soooo hurt. I really wanna  ask for help to someone, but Im always hesitate to ask and that’s why It literally takes for about 8 months to solve. I knew it after she left our house, but The reason why she hate me is just don’t wanna share the people, like host family, teacher friends…. OMG when I heard it, I was like what the fuck  are you serious? I was struggling all the time just the only such a reasons???  Of course you know I was extremely mad at her at that time lol She blocked me on instagram, line, facebook, I mean every SNS, so I don’t know what she saying about me, but Im sure she is still complaining about me because my friend ask me “why did you do such a thing( which is not I didn’t) to her? I saw her story on instagram”. … I laughed so hard b/c I seriously didn’t do it lol and that’s was funny. I was sad that there is the people who trust her fake story, but I know there is also the people who trust, help, and love me and that’s why I can still keep smiling. My double placement hurts me lots of time, abut through this, I definitely can say I became more strong and grew up than her. Throughout this experience, I leaned, and notice that I was wasting a lots of time because of I didn’t ask for help. So all I want to say you guys is don’t hesitate ask for help. There’s nothing shameful thing If you don’t know what you gonna do by yourself. You came here to learn it! The most important key to achieving great success is to decide on your goal and get started, take action, move, and if you don’t know what can you do, just ask for help to someone. There is always the people who you can trust. I learned lots of thing which I would’ve never know if I didn’t come here by her acting, and I will receive it as a good experience.

Second of all, I had a prom!! This was my first and last prom, and I would say it was extremely fun. My school doesn’t allow to go to prom without date, so I went to prom with boy. I was so nervous, but it was a dream night. I strongly recommend you guys to go to prom if you have a chance!  I went back home at 4:00 am, and I was so tired lol I wish I could have prom at Hokusei:( hey teachers, please consider it. 

Next, I’m gonna write about what I noticed and felt through my exchange year. Here is two stuffs I want to talk. 

First of all, if you are going to have double placement, you are gonna get in trouble. I’m serious. The students who have double placement in 6G, I think most of people had some problems with them. I know if I say such a thing to you guys, you guys come to don’t wanna have double placement, but I would say if you can get over this problem, you will be definitely strong more than other people. And grow up. But it’s your choice. Everything depends on you that your exchange year is gonna be precious or not.

Second of all, I noticed that I am really shy person. When I was in Japan, I love to talk with people, and I was a person who If I have a chance to meet my friends even though a short time, I would go anywhere for my friends. And I was a person who extremely loud when I talk. And I was a person who have lots of confidence to do something. But, since I came here, I couldn’t be my self in front of  Americans. And this was so stressing thing. I am really regretting that I couldn’t be myself for a long time, so I recommend you guys that don’t be shy even though it’s your first day of school. Remember first impression is important. So don’t be afraid. 

And this is the last. I wrote a lot of stuff in this report, but all I want to write is the appreciation for my family, friends, teachers, and the people who I met in here. I couldn’t stay here without everyone’s supports and encourages. I can’t say thank you enough. And next, This is my turn to work and support for you guys in many different ways! Thanks for giving me awesome experience and I promise do not waste it. Honestly my current feeling is do not wanna leave here yet, but also I can’t wait to see my people:) I love you guys so so much to the moon and back<3 

Thank you for reading my 5th report. And see you in JAPAN

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私のホストスクールは大きいのでプロムにはシニアしか行けないことになっていたんですが、(私はジュニアです笑)シニアの友達が誘ってくれてなんとか行くことができました。ホームカミングとは全く違って、ホテルでディナーがコースで出てきて。ダンスは前よりも長時間でした。他には、私の友達の誕生日パーティーがあったりgraduation パーティーがあったり、パーティーがすごく多かったです。こっちの人はパーティーを開く回数が日本よりも倍ほど多くて、イースターはクリスマス並みにお祝いしました。でもこっちには成人式だったり七五三など歳を祝うパーティーなどはないので、ホストファザーに教えたら、驚いてました笑







Hi! I’m Kana Shimoyama from Missouri in America. I think this report is my last report. I can’t believe that, and i felt that i took ELTIS test a few month ago. Time passes so quickly;( I always think i don’t want to go back home lol. I don’t have subject this report. I will write about to did something in this month. I’m glad that you read my this report.

At first, this is so big event. I had prom a few days ago. It was so fun, and i spended so good time there. My host school is so big, and in prom only senior can go to there, (but i’m junior). So my senior’s friends invited me, and i could go to prom ♡  It was so different with homecoming. I ate dinner in hotel, and i was dancing longer. I had so many party in this month. Like the my friends birthday party, graduation party, and others. In America, they held the party so many time. They celebrate Easter like Christmas. I told to host father about we have celebration about age like coming-of-age and seven-five-three, and he was surprised about that.

My host family recommended me about join the team activity, and i joined the team all season in this year. In last summer, i joined tennis team. In last winter, i joined swimming team, and in this spring, i joined track team. The track team was done a few weeks ago, but i could get the medal same with swimming season. That season was so fun for me. I think i have many friends more than other classmate in japan, because i joined the team activity all of season

Especially, my swimming team was a big team in this season, and there were so many swimmer. I practiced swim with other school swimmer, and i got friends who are other school. I had many tournament in my team, and i got friends in the tournaments too:) i met them in track meet too, and i competed with them. i love to go to school, and sometimes i became don’t like weekend, because i can’t go to school.

Next week, it will be last week. I will have final test from this week. My subject is Art, Choir,  Aerobics, algebra 1, Culinary Arts, US history, Earth Science, English 2, and i will have test 6 classes, and i’m worried about test, but I will be best to get the 80% or more.

I’m so sad about i can’t come this school again. I really want to go to this school more. I think this school is the best school and my favorite school in my life. I’m 100% sure… My friends asked me “ are you really sure to go back japan?”, “can you come back here?” i am so happy that my friends said me that. If i can come America again, i really want to come here again. I will come here 100%  i want to live here too.

At first, i was so worried about can i make friends. It is my problem for me more than my english. Because i can’t talk english, if i don’t have friends. I was so shy, and i was hard to make friends at first time, but now, i am not shy, and i can make friends.

I couldn’t say my opinion to other people and friends, and i was worried about other people’s feeling like if i said this, she will angry me, but i stay here, and i can tell my opinion to other people, and  i can tell to other people about it is not true, if i think that is not ture. I think i could grow up.

I think i could feel big about different of culture between japan and america, because i am high school student, and i can grow up by other people, because it is easy to affect to me. I think i could do good experience. When i went to high school from junior high school, my juku’s teacher said me you should go to other country, and watch the big world. I think i can understand about that meaning now.

I think i am so glad about i could go study abroad. It had so many bad things and good things, and i cried many time, but i think it is so good memories for me.

Thank you for reading my report.

See you next time in japan.

Good bye! Have a good summer 😉

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 こんにちは、あと一週間で日本へ帰国をする中村遥です。留学って本当にあっという間ですね。辛いことも楽しいこともたくさん乗り越えたからこそ、今はやりきったという気分です。いまの自分なら、どこに行っても生きていけるような気がします。この留学を通して、私は自信をもつことができました。それも、私がいろいろなことに挑戦する機会がたくさんあったからです。今は残された時間を充実させるためにだけfocus しています。




Hello. I’m Haruka Nakamura. I have 1 week left to back to Japan. This study abroad was really short. I could get through hard time and good time, so I’m done to this. No matter where I stay, I think that I can do very well right now. It is because I got confidence by these experiences. I had a lot of opportunities to try, it makes me strong and independence. Right now, I’m focusing to spend time with my family, friends, and teacher.

When I get back to Japan, I have to get through new things. Therefore, I’m kind of scared to back to home LOL However, I could meet my family and friends, so I will be alright.

To 5G, you guys are going to experience hard time. Bad things tend to happen one after another. I sometimes think that I’m done and lonely, but there are always nice people around us.  When you want to cry and talk, you should share your feelings with them. You don’t have to keep it by yourself. When you shared it with them, you are going to be feeling comfortable, so it’s also going to be good way. I have an advice to you. It’s smiling. You should smile no matter when. People likes positive people, so you should just smile. Smiling attracts everyone.

Finally, I got most important things through this study abroad. It’s relation with people. I can’t tell how much I appreciate to my families, friends, and teachers. Thank you for supporting me.

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