

江畑 里桜の留学レポート






次に、ホストスクールについてです。私が通っていたAberfoyle Park high schoolは生徒が1000人以上いるとても広い学校で、方向音痴の私にとってはクラスの移動のたびに大冒険でした。最初の週には授業に遅れてしまったり、間違えて男子トイレに入ってしまったり、スクールバスを逃すといったハプニングもありました。また日本とは常識が全く違い授業中にリンゴをまるかじりしていたり、机に足をのせていたり、音楽を聴いていたりする生徒がたくさんいました。日本人の私からすればありえないような行動でもこれはオーストラリアでは普通のことだったので、相手の文化をよく知りもしないで何が良くて何が悪いのか決めてしまうことはできないと感じました。




This summer, I had wonderful time that I had never imagined in Adelaide, Australia. Before I went, I didn’t expect much about my study abroad because it was my first time going abroad so I couldn’t imagine well and I thought 1 month is too short to learn something. However, this month was the most fruitful month in my life. I would like to share a little bit about my experience with you.


First of all, I’ll write about my home stay. I had mother, father, old sister who is 20, and a dog called Benji in my host family. I was the first person to go back home because they all have their jobs. Every day, they asked me “how was the school?” when they came home. Moreover, they gave me a lot of chances to use English in daily life like when we were eating dinner or watching TV. Benji was the most friendly dog I’ve ever met. He was running to welcome me and we were always together. Any time, they loved and respected one another so much. I’m so glad that I could be a member of such a great family. I can confidently say that my host family is the best! I lived in near the mountain so when host father said me “let’s take a walk with Benji”, it means almost climbing a mountain, not walking on a sidewalk. It was a little bit hard but lots of fun because I could see wild koalas or many unique plants, also he told me about Australia a lot. I loved that time so much.


Second, I will write about my host school. Aberfoyle Park high school I went had over thousand students and huge site. I have no sense of direction, so every time I had classes made me confused. In addition, sometimes many kinds of accident happened. For example, I was late for classes, went to toilet for boys (It was really just a mistake!), and missed a school bus. Anyway, there were many unique students in there like the one eating apple, putting their foot on the desk, and listening a music during classes. However, all of teacher didn’t reprimand them for that. From that, I learned what people think is common is different from each country. At first, I thought “how bad Australian students are” but I realized those were usual and allowed in this school. I can’t decide what is good or bad without knowing other cultures.


At last, I spent one month as a super positive girl. The most important thing is enjoy everything because it is natural that all of things are different from japan. Then, I tried to find small happiness every day like “this tall boy passed me a ball for the first time at the PE!” or “I could join in a conversation with a family from me!”. Everything is up to me, so I would like to keep trying to make my school days better.

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