

フリーゼン アリーシアの留学レポート






学校はSeaton High Schoolというところです。家から30分離れたところにあります。初日はバディーがついてくれて学校を案内してくれました。この学校は大学のキャンパスのような感じで教室の移動に苦労していましたが、休み時間の間に教室の場所を把握しておくなどの工夫をしていました。他の生徒と同じ授業に参加しましたが、Japaneseのクラスだけは別でした。私たちは9年生のJapaneseのクラスに入り、内容的には簡単だったのですが、独特な感じがして面白かったです。日本に興味のある現地の生徒と一緒に交流する時間で、最初の2週間はただ会話をしたり、好きな食べ物のリストを作って意見交流をしたり、文章を作るのを手伝ったりと気軽な感じでしたが、その後東京から来た留学生が一緒に授業を受けることとなり、日本食を作るというイベントも開催されて、カレーや餃子を作ったりと楽しい経験をしました。学校は早く終わり、私は友達と一緒に週に3回はシテイーに行っていました。特に何かをするわけでもなくただショッピングモールを歩きまわっていただけでしたが、その時間もゆっくりとしていて楽しかったです。美術館へ出かけたりもしました。




週末はどれも楽しくてすぐに過ぎていきましたが、最初の週末では、マザーと私と犬たちは家から4時間離れたビーチハウスに泊まりに行きました。海辺の景色がきれいでした。私たちはInnes ワイルドパークへ行きました。ずっと楽しみにしていたことだったので、行けてよかったです。そこでは野生のカンガルーが道を渡っていました。日本では経験できないことだなと思いながら写真をたくさん撮って楽しみました。






 My stay was with a 34 year old woman. She was a very kind and friendly person. She helped me with many things and took me to very nice places on weekends. Her house was near the train station and a supermarket, so it was very convenient for me. She had two dogs and they welcomed me every day when I opened the door coming home from school. She was busy during the week and we had dinner at eight. She was a good cook and prepared various types of dinners. Some evenings I helped her cook. For the last dinner, we made makizushi together. We got “sushi rice” and nori, and for the ingredients we made tempura and used avocado. We had a very good time trying to get the shape right and trying not to put in too many ingredients.

This evening time was meaningful for me because I’m not used to talking to people I first meet. I spoke with her a lot during dinner. We ate pavlova and watched Australian movies. Pavlova was not the only Australian thing I ate. She made a roasted pork dish for me. It’s a traditional Australian dish. We also had meat pie several times. She had bought vegemite so I was having that for breakfast every morning.      


My school was Seaton High School. It was 30 minutes away from where I was staying. On the first day, I had a budy with me to guide me around the school. My classes were mostly main stream, except for the Japanese class I took instead of the Personal learning class. We joined a 9th grade Japanese class. This class was not difficult. In fact, it was the easiest class I had. But I enjoyed this class very much. The students were interested in Japan and they asked us many questions. It was hard to believe that these students were a year younger than me. The first two weeks were mainly communicating with Seaton High students and making lists of our favorite foods. After two weeks, 20 Japanese students joined our class. We did games, group works and cooking classes together. The cooking classes were, of course, Japanese food cooking classes. We made curry rice, gyoza, yakisoba, and mushi-pan. It was very fun.

Sometimes I got lost coming home from school. But everything was ok. My host mother, Marta was very kind and she helped me many times. I learned that asking for help is not embarrassing.


Every weekend went by so fast. I will write about the first one. My host mother’s friend had a beach house 4 hours away. Me and my host mother and her dogs stayed here for one night. We visited the Innes National Park the next day. I was very excited. The national park was a beautiful place. There was a wild kangaroo crossing the street. I took many photos thinking that this is something you cannot experience in Japan.


Teaching origami to my host mother’s friend’s children was also a special experience. When they saw what I could make with one peace of paper, they were amazed. They liked everything I made for them. I was very happy.


I wanted to talk to many people but sometimes I got nervous. I felt that thinking positively is an important thing. I had a good experience and made special memories during this one month.

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