川野 百華の留学レポート
学校生活では、とてもいろいろな経験ができました。私は、家からバスで学校に通っていました。通学路は、海がバスから見えるという素晴らしい景色が見ることが出来る道でした。その道はとても坂が多くて、バスの運転は荒く、毎朝乗っていて酔いそうでした。オーストラリアでの学校生活は、あまり充実したものではありませんでした。私が通っていた学校は、Hallett Cove Schoolで、留学生を多く受け入れるところでした。そのこともあり、自国の人たちでグループを作ってしまい、他国の人たちに話しかけづらかったことがありました。でも、いざ話しかけてみると話しやすくて、なんで私はためらってその人たちに話しかけなかったのだろうとばからしくなりました。何事も積極的に行動することが大切だと改めて学ぶことができました。
Hello, everyone! My name is Momoka Kawano of 5F. I have staid Australia to study abroad for a month. I was nervous also I could have very good days.
First of all, I would like to introduce my host family. My family was a mother and mother partner and an Italian girl with double placement (Giulia). Mother was very generous and immediately spoke to me and Giulia evenly when Mother had a conversation. At that time, I couldn’t speak at all, and Giulia was good at speaking English, and somehow I couldn’t speak. From this, I thought it was important to communicate what I thought even if I couldn’t speak well I thought I would do my best without being ashamed to speak English.
I had a lot of experiences in my school life. I went to school by bus from home. The school road was a way to see a wonderful view of the sea from the bus. The road was very sloped, and the bus was rough, so I was getting drunk every morning. My school life in Australia was not very fulfilling. The school I attended was at Hallett Cove School, and it was difficult to talk to people from other countries because I made a group with people from my own country. But when I talked to it, it was easy to talk and it became ridiculous why I didn’t hesitate to talk to them. I learned again that it is important to act positively.
The classes I was taking were English, Japanese, music, design, and cafe skills. Every class was a class using a PC, and I was very confused when registering as a PC user. However, it is very important to listen immediately if you do not know the people around you or are in trouble. Japanese people don’t often talk about themselves. This was really annoying when I was studying abroad, as it was actually seen by other Japanese children at my school. Surely other people may think so too.
I didn’t think it would be difficult to go to school. But there were a lot of painful things. I wasn’t able to communicate well with my mother at home, or I was thinking about what Mother was saying. I took care. There were times when I seemed to hate myself because I couldn’t understand. Told her honestly what she was thinking. Mother said, “I will always help you. Talk whenever you have something. Even at night or when I work. Contact me if you have any trouble in Japan.” He said. Because I was such a gentle mother, I think I was able to work hard until the last day of studying abroad.
Thank you for reading!!