菊田 杏美の留学レポート
まず、私のファミリーはマザーとブラザー2人と一匹の猫でした。ファザーは出張中で、毎晩ファミリーはファザーにビデオ通話をしていました。空港で3人に会った瞬間、ブラザーたちが可愛すぎて抱きしめたくなりましたが、すごく緊張していそうだったのでこらえました。車の中でブラザーに、「あみにサプライズがあるよ!」と言われて家に着くと、これから1ヶ月暮らす部屋に、”Our home is your home” 「私たちの家はあなたの家です」という文章と、私も含めたホストファミリーの絵が描かれた紙が壁に貼ってあって、泣きそうになりました。その紙は今も私の日本の部屋に飾られています。そしてマザーの夜ご飯は毎日美味しくて、ご飯が口に合わないのでは?という不安は一日目から消えていきました。(あと言っておきたいのが、オーストラリアの寿司は、マグロ以外は日本そっくりでとても美味しかったです。ショッピングモールに売っていた巻き寿司は計10本以上食べました。) そして夜はマザーと話したりテレビを見たり、部屋の中で日記を書いたり、猫と戯れたり、ブラザーとゲームをしたり本を読んだりして過ごしました。ブラザーはとてもうるさくて、やんちゃで、でも人懐っこくて、可愛くて、今すぐにでも会いに行きたいです。
次に、私の通った学校について話したいと思います。私はGolden grove high schoolというところに通っていました。授業は必須科目のMath, History, Science 以外に、Drama, P.E. English, Japanese を取りました。難しい教科はあったけれど、嫌いな教科はなかったです。ここにはいくつかの授業の思い出を書き記そうと思います。
そして次の日、Scienceの時間にずっとCan I have lunch with you?を唱えていました。私はやろうと思ってもやっぱりいいやと思い、だいたいのことはやらないで生きてきたからです。授業の終わりに言えた時、いいよと言ってもらえたときはものすごくうれしかったです。今思い返すと本当に些細なことですが、私にとっては大きな一歩でした。そしてその日から私は勇気をあまり使わなくてもランチや遊びに誘えるようになりました。(誘ったあとの会話のことは一切考えていなかったので、会話は詰まりましたが。) 最後の週に現地の子達と日本人の友達をショッピングに誘って、一緒に放課後に遊ぶことができました。最初からもっと誘っておけばよかったなあと思えるぐらい楽しかったです。
Hello everyone! This summer, I had stayed in Australia, Adelaide for one month. I have a lot of experience but I cannot write all things about my study abroad. So, I’ll write about a part of it. (Maybe it will be so long)
First of all, there were three people in my host family. I had host mother, two younger host brothers and a pretty cat. Host father was on a business trip, so my host family was calling to father every night.
When I met my host family in the airport at the first time, I wanted to hug with host brothers because they were so cute. However, they seemed very nervous, so I stopped. lol
In the car, my host brothers said “We have surprise for Ami!”. When we arrived at the house, the paper was on the wall in my new room. It was written sentence and pictures like “ Our home is your home” 「あなたの家は私の家です」and then, my host family and my pictures. I nearly cried because I was so happy. Of course, it still on the wall of my room in Japan. Before I leave in Japan, I was anxious about food and water may disagree with me. But dinner which my host mom made were always delicious so I was too relieved. (Also Australian sushi was very delicious. It was very similar with Japanese sushi. I ate about more than ten roll sushi haha)
I spent the night talking with my host mom, writing English diary, playing with the cat, playing games with my host family etc. My host brothers were loud, very funny, sooo cute and friendly!! I really miss you guys.
On every weekend, my host mom, cousin family or Lana’s host mom took me many places. Veeeery large zoo, a zoo where I could feed wallaby and some birds, a lots of shopping mole and movie theatre, very beautiful view, so large IKEA (I had never been to there because my town don’t have IKEA.), birthday party, too kind grandparents’ house, etc. I was fun, impressed, and exciting everything!
Final week, I rode on a motorbike back of Buzz. I rode on a motorbike for many hours but I wanted to ride it forever. haha I start to like motorbike, and I’ll take motorbike license in the future! And Buzz likes Japan, he knew about Japan than me. When I was said “teach me Japanese”, I tried but I couldn’t do that. Because I remember sensuously about Japanese. But I think almost native speakers are same. So I learned to studying Japanese is very hard than I imagine. And also, I thought teaching Japanese is sooo fun! Chunky monkey! lolol
Thanks to my host family, I could know, learn, and experience many things. My host family is the best host family.
Next, I’ll talk about my high school. I went to Golden Grove high school. I took Math, History, Science, Drama, P.E. English, and Japanese. Some subjects were difficult but I didn’t hate. I’ll write about some subjects in here.
In Drama class, I liked 23 counts game and wush (?) game. (I heard that the games don’t have name, so I named now) It was so fun! I really want to play the games again. Anyway the drama teacher was kind, cared about us a lot. He was the best. In addition, students playing were amazing. I was surprised at their playing in every time. Even though, Lana and I played “Original Totoro” in English in front of every drama classmate. I was very nervous but I could play like practice time, so it was great. After playing, someone said to us “It was great! I like your play”. I was so happy!
In P.E. class, the P.E. teacher was also a very kind person and cared about me a lot. He passed me a ball many times, so I could enjoy every class. Last class, we played football game. When we played, somehow I felt like everyone were going to make me scored a goal. Suddenly I was given a ball. I was confused. However, a boy was kind enough to instruct me. Also enemy team was cheering me haha And then I went to close to the goal and scored a goal. I felt warmth because of kindness and the cheering like the first time a baby walks.
Also, there were four Japanese students in my high school except Lana and me. We have been very nice friends from the beginning. However, I worried about I couldn’t make friends. So, I asked Hina who have stayed in Australia for six months about something. Hina said, “When I came here at the first, I asked many people even if I have never spoken.” Then I noticed what I didn’t move in spite of I was understanding I should move. Thanks Hina I remembered that things. (;_;)
Next day, I repeated that “Can I have lunch with you?” haha Because I always don’t do what I want to do. After the science class, when the friend said ok, I was really happy. When I look back now, it was really small things. However, it was a big step for me. From the day, it became easy to invite. (However, I didn’t think well after invite. So, I lost for words in conversation.) Final week, I invited friends to go shopping and it was so much fun!
I can write more but I’ll stop to write because I may not be able to stop,
Before I leave in Japan, I was thinking one month is very short so not be able to get many experience. However, I could learn many new things and got many memories. And also, I didn’t get homesick but I got Australian homesick when I went back to Japan. However, it is thanks kind host family, and fun school friends. Especially thank you Host family, Buzz, Abi, Anh Nguyen, Chloe, Dkota, Hayley, Hina, Lana. SakiSaki, Lana, Lisa, Maya, Miumi and Victoria. I will definitely go back to Australia or go to Tokyo to meet them. And also I cannot thank you enough to my parents. Thank you for send me to Australia!
Thank you for reading this veeery long report. I would like to thank you for everyone involved with me. Thank you so much.