町田 果音の留学レポート
私にとって、 今年の夏はとても成長した夏になりました。
私が通っていた学校は、Heathfield High School というところで、森の中にあり校舎は大きめでした。そこの学校の生徒たちはみんな優しく話しかけやすかったので、自分から友達を作ることもできて楽しかったです。私がとっていたクラスで面白く、印象に残ったのは、DramaとFoodです。Dramaでは、演劇とかをするのかと思っていて、そのような経験が私にはなかったので最初は不安だったけど、実際にはみんなでたくさんのゲームをやることが多く、そこで新しい友達を作ることができて楽しめました。先生も面白かったです。Foodでは毎週料理をして、一番おいしかったのは、クッキーです。形が少し変わっていたけど、オレンジとレモンで味をつけたので、甘すぎなくてちょうどよかったです。ランチの時は、バディとその友達と一緒に食べることができて楽しかったです。学校では、不思議な行事があり、それはfunny socks dayと呼ばれていて、全校生徒が私服と面白い靴下で登校する日でした。何人かはハロウィンのような仮装をしてきていた人もいて見ていて面白かったです。
I could spend a very good time in Australia.
I am going to talk about my experience of studying abroad which I enjoyed a lot. When I arrived at the airport, I was really worried about seeing my host family because they did not send email back to me when I sent it.
My host mother was waiting for me but my first host family was not friendly enough to talk with, so I decided to change my host family
I could find my new host family very soon. I thought it was right thing to change my host family because they were really friendly and they treated me as a real family. I love them very much.
Now, I am going to talk about my school. I went to school called Heath Field High School. It was big and was located in the woods. The students were very nice and friendly to talk with, so it was fun to make friends in English there.
The most interesting classes I took were drama class and food class. In the drama class, I was very nervous at first because I thought I have to make some plays in the class and I have never had the experience like that before. But in the class, we usually play a lot of games and I could make some new friends there. The drama teacher was also very friendly and fun. In the food class, we cooked every week. One of my favorite things I cooked were cookies. The shape of them were little bit strange for me, but the taste were really good. In the lunch time, I often ate my sandwiches with my baddy so it was really great time for me. In the school, there was an unfamiliar event for me. It was called “funny socks day”.
It was a day that every student wore funny socks and didn’t wear the uniform, just wore their own clothes. Some people wore clothes that looked like halloween’s costumes. I enjoyed the day very much.
I could never forget my experience in Australia. Because of my wonderful friends and amazing family, now I love Australia very much.