前田 愛理の留学レポート
週末は毎週のようにいろんなところに連れていってくれました。最初の週末はアデレード動物園とWildlife Park に行きました。私は動物が好きなので、今まで見たことのない動物をたくさん見ることができてとても楽しかったです。さらに念願だったコアラをだっこすることもできました。他にもフットボールを観戦したり、シティで買い物したり、ビーチに行ったりと本当にたくさんの思い出がホストファミリーのおかげで作ることができました。
次は学校についてです。私はModbury High Schoolという学校に通っていました。私はそこで10年生として通っていました。10年生は日本でいう高校1年生のことです。授業はEnglish, Math, Science, Child Studies, Japanese, PE for Girls, Design をとっていました。Child Studiesでは赤ちゃんのためのおもちゃを手縫いで作ったりしました。PE ではマット運動やネットボール、バレーボール、筋トレなどをして、運動が好きな私にとってはとても楽しかったです。Design ではトランプのキングを自由にデザインしたりしました。絵を描くのは苦手でしたが楽しかったです。
私が留学してきた同じ日に日本人留学生が他に5人いました。私は彼らと一緒にお互いを高めあっていきたいと思っていました。ですが彼らはほとんど話しかけてこないし、話すとしてもいつも日本語でした。だから私は彼らとあまり話しませんでした。さらに私たちにはバディがいませんでした。そして留学生用の授業もほとんどなく現地の生徒たちになかにポツンと入れられたようでした。けれど生徒たちや先生はとても優しくしてくれてわからないことがあって聞いたらいつも教えてくれました。けれどリセスの時一緒にいる友達や、ランチを一緒に食べるような友達はなかなかできませんでした。そのときは正直辛かったです。けれどそんなときに力になってくれたのはJapanese の先生でした。その先生が日本に興味のある子を紹介してくれてその子たちとランチを一緒に食べるようになりました。さらに最後の授業では私のためにお好み焼きパーティーをしてくれました。途中で火災報知器がなってしまうというハプニングもありましたがそれも含めてとてもいい思い出になりました。
I went to Adelaide for a month in this summer. It was very good experience for me also I will never forget these experiences. It was my first time to visit overseas, so I have felt very nervous at first. However, I was supported many people, so I could experience many things. I really appreciate for their kindness. I will introduce about my experience in Adelaide to you.
First, I will talk about my host family. I had host parents, two host sisters, and a dog. My family was very kind to me and they treat me like true family, so I could spend so comfortable. I really thank for them. My host father is a very kind person. His name is Steve. He really likes vegemite, so he always has vegemite with bread. Moreover, he always took thought for me that’ why he was the support for me. My host mother’s name is Penny. She is a dental nurse, so she looks always busy. However, she made so delicious dishes every day. I had never felt bad for her dishes. I want to have her dishes again. She was the support for me too. My host sisters are Alyssa and Nadia. Alyssa is 12 years old and she was very beautiful. She liked sing a song, watch Japanese anime and draw pictures. I think she is good at sing a song because she had very nice voice. At first I didn’t know how do I talk with her, but as time goes on I knew she is a very kind person and she likes same Japanese anime as me. Nadia is 9 years old and she was very cute. She liked talking and dancing. We always watched movies and dramas in lounge room after dinner. When a movie finish and hear the ending, she usually started dancing. Her dance was very nice and very cute. I liked watching her dance. A dog’s name was Bolt. He was very active. He lived on the outside so I couldn’t play him many times. However sometimes we took a walk with him. It was so fun.
Every weekend I visited many places with my family. On a first weekend, we went to Adelaide Zoo and Gorge Wildlife Park. I like animals so it made me very excited and there were many animals that I’ve never seen. Moreover, I could huge a koala. It was so cute and so warm. Other weekend I went to the stadium to watch the football game also I went shopping many times and I could buy many souvenirs for my family and friends in Japan. I really appreciate my host family and I think they are my family in Adelaide. I already missed them.
Next, I would like to talk about my host school. I went to Modbury High School and I was year 10 in the high school. I took many kinds of classes such as English, Math, Science, Child Studies, Japanese, PE for Girls and Design. Every classes were so fun. Especially Child Studies and Design was so good. I made a ball by my hands stitching for kids in Child Studies. It was difficult, but I could improve my sewing skill. In Design class, I designed the king card of cards. It was very interesting.
Every morning Steve drove me to school by his car and after I usually get on a bus to home, but sometimes I mistook the bus so I had to walk more than 20 minutes.
There were some Japanese students whom they came Adelaide same day in my host school. I wanted make good relationship with them at first. However, they talk to me all Japanese and they don’t act actively, so I didn’t talk with them a lot. Make matters worse, I didn’t have a buddy, so it was difficult for me to make friends. Then my Japanese teacher helped me. She introduced me some students who likes Japan also, she held the okonomiyaki party for me. I’m grateful for her kindness.
I could spend great time in this summer and I have to thank to my parents, my host family, teachers and some students. Thank you everyone and thank you for reading my Adelaide report.