中垣 萌色の留学レポート
次にホストスクールについて紹介します。私はNorwood Morialta High Schoolに通っていました。学校では、English, Mathematics, Science, P.E, Japanese, Film, Photographic Imagine, を取っていました。その中でもPhotographic Imagineは私のお気に入りの授業です。理由は、この授業の先生が優しかったことと私自身興味の湧く授業だったからです。先生は授業のたびに私の元へきて、授業内容やその日の宿題を教えてくれて本当に優しかったです。授業では一眼レフカメラを使って様々なアングルで写真を撮りました。私はカメラを使うのが好きなのでとても楽しかったです。
I went to Adelaide, Australia for a month. I had a lot of experience and I learned a lot in there. I’d like to introduce about these things.
First, I will introduce about my host family. My host family was only mother 27 years old. When I heard this information, I was surprised and I feel nervous. However, from when we met at the first time in the airport to return date to Japan, she was always kind for me. She made me eat what I wanted to eat almost every day. When I went to the City every weekend, she picked up and dropped off for me.
On weekdays, my mother went to work early so I could only say ‘Good morning’. In return, I talked a lot about school, friend and et cetera with her. That time was very good and precious time for me to use English.
Also, my host grandparents live in near house so I went to see their once a week. I ate dinner and I swam in the pool at home with my mother and grandparents. When I went to see their, they were talked a lot to me also that time I could use English a lot.
The couple next-door neighbors were kind too. They took me hiking, saw a waterfall and sunset after school. They love Japan, so I told about Japan to them.
Second, I will introduce about my host school. I went to Norwood Morialta high school. I took lessons English, Mathematics, Science, P.E., Japanese, Film and Photographic Imagine. Among them, Photographic imagine class was my favorite, because this class’s teacher was so kind for me. The teacher always told me about course content and homework. In addition, this class was fun for me. I took pictures using single lens reflex camera. I like to take camera, so I could enjoy this class.
This school had fun, scary and crazy people a lot so I was worried about I can do well here. However, while I spend there, I could make friends. I felt a little racial discrimination in this school, but in conclusion, everybody was kind so I love this school.
Through this study abroad, I realized again that I am living with the support of many people. Thanks to my family and friends in Japan and host family and friends in Australia, I was able to improve my study abroad. I prepare my breakfast and lunch every morning, wash dishes after school and laundering every weekend. I have experienced these things and feel how hard my parents are. Thanks to being able to have a different everyday life, I realized that it was not a matter of course that I had someone else do anything, but I was very blessed. I will never forget these feelings and I want to experience many things and use my experience in this study abroad.