My memories in Adelaide 1 Nana Dekura
I went Adelaide to study for 1month. I write about school, family, and a little advice for students who are going to study abroad next year.
I write about my school at first. I went to the Charles Campbell College. The principal was a woman, and she welcomed us with a smile. We could choose subject we wanted. The week started with Art class, and finished with Sports class. That was easy, so I didn’t have homework. I especially liked Spots class, and I played Basketball and Volleyball. The students were big, so I was the smallest in the class. I thought I could not play well because of my height, but unexpectedly I could! My classmates were kind and dependable. They gave me high five. The cooking class was fun too. Cooking class needed to talk with my friends because I had to cook with a foreign student. Talking with English was difficult for me, but I could cook well. Moreover, there were Korean and Chinese students at my school. They said to me, “you can ask us for help whenever you’re in trouble.” So I was helped by them when I could not understand English during classes. School was the top priority, so I was worry, but there were no need to think. Everything was going to be fun. I tried to anything with positive attitude. Actually, I didn’t like paprika before go to Adelaide. However, I could eat paprika pizza cooked with my friend in cooking class. I thought I can do anything in here!
Next, I write about my host family. My host was only a woman. She was smiling when we met at the airport, and her house and car were very beautiful, cool, and fashionable. My first impressions of her were rich and gorgeous. I have loved her even 1month have passed since I left Adelaide. Memories make me nearly cry when I am thinking about her. We were talking about Japan, Adelaide, and family. I think my English skills surely improved because we were just two in home. We cooked dinner every day. She was good at cocking. I took pictures of dinner, so I will place those pictures bottom of this page. After eating dinner, we were talking with hot coffee or green tea. Sometimes, we went to her friend’s home, and ate dinner with them. I met elderly couple. They love Japan, and they like to trip to Japan. They were impressed with coming train in time, and the four seasons in Japan. I was so happy to hear that. I thought I am lucky to be born as Japanese. Moreover, Momo stayed my host’s friend’s house, so we could hang out with each host family. We enjoyed shopping in Rundle mall, eating big food and ice cream, singing beside a campfire, going to the South Adelaide Museum and Glenelg beach, watching movie in the theater, and jumping on the trampoline. And, I want you to touch koalas and kangaroos. Their skins like a cushion. They were so cute! You should take pictures with them. Anyway, my birthday is 18th August, so my host family and Momo celebrated my birthday. They prepared nice dishes and cake for me. I was so surprised and happy. I thought they didn’t have presents for me, but they gave me an amazing note book and many snacks. When we at the airport to say goodbye, we were crying. I didn’t want to leave Adelaide and her. We promised to keep in touch. Thanks to her helps and encouragements, I didn’t feel homesick even I was thinking about Japan. I really appreciate her supports.
I think that if I can speak English, I can do anything all over the world. And, I could understand importance of English. 1month went by with a lighting speed, so I want to go to study abroad again at the university. Thank you for everything.
日本と同じように毎日学校に通っていたので、まずは学校のことを書こうと思います。私はCharles Campbell College というところにお世話になりました。校長先生は女の方で常に笑顔でとても親切な方でした。授業も好きな科目を選ばせてくれて、その結果、私の1週間は美術で始まり、体育で終わるという楽しい時間割になりました(笑)特に私は体育が楽しくて、バレーボールとバスケットボールをやりました。アデレードの生徒はみんな背が高くて同い年に見えないので、最初は自分が小さく思えて消極的になっていました。でも実際にやってみると、逆にボールをひょいと取れたり、身長が低い分下のボールが拾いやすかったです。クラスメートもやさしくて良いプレーをするとすぐにハイタッチしてくれました。ほかの授業もおなじで、特に料理の授業ではアイデアを出しながら作るのですぐに友達ができるし親切な人ばかりなので友達に困ることはありませんでした。だから不安になる必要はありませんでした。それに私の学校には韓国人や中国人もいてもし困ったときはお互い様だよ、と言ってくれたので私は授業中に困ったときはいつも彼らに助けられました。本当に親切なひとばかりで救われました。私は学校に通うことが1番ドキドキしていたけれど、自分の頑張り方や考え次第で楽しくなると思いました。堅苦しく考えないでどんなことも挑戦しようと思えばなんでもできると思います。私は苦手だったパプリカも友達と作ったピザに乗せて食べたら苦手を克服することができたのです。(笑)