What I learned in Australia
5F No.4 Natsumi Igawa
I spent precious time in Australia Adelaide. I learned wonderful things for life in society. I learned importance to try everything as well. I could felt many differences of culture, way of thinking and diet etc.
I am so negative character, and I always think about only worst result, so I was scare to speak to someone. Before we leave Japan, we have a chance to ask our seniors about worries to visit Australia. Then, almost our seniors said, “Probably Australian people will speak to you actively at school”, so I did not prepare common topics, but they did not speak to me, so I wanted to go back to Japan then. However, I could smile of my own power little by little after thinking by myself or getting advices from my Japanese friend who I went to the same school in Australia. Almost Australian people smiled back, it was lead up to my confidence. However, I regret not to talk family and students in English a lot. This study was only one month, so I had to speak English more. To write and listen to English is important, but the best important point is assertiveness. I had difficulty to communicate someone, but I made a few of friends, I am keep in touch with them at e-mail and instagram. They say their own opinion frankly, so sometimes I get hurt, but I enjoy conversation. My Japanese friend is a sociable, so she made many friends. I should do the same thing as her. I learned importance to speak to by myself and smile. If I have next chance, I want to make use of this experience.
My host family is father, mother, two foster children, French exchange student Mailys and me. My host family taught me many things. My family is like playing games, so I learned the rules. We played game almost every night. Our favorite game is “RUMMY-O”, the game use brain, and we need to observe moving. They gave me the game before I went back to Japan. Then, I was sad because I was able to feel the reality of remaining days to return to Japan. My host mother is very good at cooking, so I was always looking forward to eating her cooking every day. She told me some recipes. My host father is very kind person. He helped me many times, and he made me laugh. I stayed with another exchange student Mailys from France. Sometimes, she taught me some French, and I taught her some Japanese. When I felt depressed at school, she encouraged me. Someday, I want meet them, so I want to keep growing. I am looking forward to meet children
This study was not only fun memories, but also I had many hard times, for example, when I could not explain well, I felt irritating, I had said some disgusting words. Now, I can think those experiences became my profit. I am really appreciate this study what made me realize myself and my family who sent me off readily. Thanks to helping by many people, I could change.
私のホストファミリーはファザー、マザー、2人の子供たち、フランスからの留学生Mailysと私でした。 私のホストファミリーはたくさんのことを教えてくれました。私たちはほとんど毎日ゲームをしました。よく “RUMMY-O”というゲームをしました、そのゲームはとても頭を使うゲームで、常に周りの動きを観察している必要がありました。日本に帰る前にそのゲームをもらったとき日本に帰る日が近づいていることを実感して悲しくなりました。私のホストマザーはとても料理が得意な明るい人で、私は毎日彼女の料理を食べるのが楽しみでした。そして、いろいろなレシピを教えてもらいました。ホストファザーはとても優しい人でいつも助けてもらい、笑わせてもらいました。フランスからきた留学生もいて、時々フランス語を教えてもらったり、私が日本語を教えたりしました。私が学校でうまくいかなかったときは、いつも勇気づけてくれました。