5F Hinako MIKAMI
私はBlackwood High schoolという留学生がたくさんいる学校に通いました。私は登校初日から授業があったのですが、初日からいるはずのバディが来なく、先生方も混乱している状態から始まりました。教室はどこなのかもわからない、今何したらいいのかわからないというような感じで、助けを求めたくても行動に移せず、混乱と焦りと不安でいっぱいでした。そして登校初日からホームシックになり、その日家に帰ってから沢山泣きました。その日の晩マザーが親身に相談に乗ってくれて、次の日からの対策を練りました。マザーにはたくさん迷惑をかけてしまいました。そこでわたしは、自分から行動を起こさないと、授業も受けられない、友達も作れないと考えさせられました。そして次の日から勇気を出して現地の生徒に声をかけると丁寧に教えてくれました。毎日そのようにして声をかけると、だんだん慣れ楽しんで登校することもできました。またP.Eの時間の授業がソフトラクロスで試合をしたりしていくうちに、たくさん友達を作ることもできました。そしてちょうど最終日の授業で実践プレゼンみたいなものを発表したのですが、それが自分たちでラクロスの技能を使ってゲームを考えて発表するもので、それがすごく楽しくて、日本でもあればいいのになぁと思いました。
色々大変なこともあったけれどたくさんの国の人と交流できるBlackwoodでよかったなと思います。一番の思い出は中国人のOliver,Howard,日本人のMizuki の4人グループで仲良くし、会話はもちろんお互い英語で、時々お互いの国の言葉をシェアできました。そして中国語を勉強しようかなと思えるきっかけにもなりました。
I studied abroad in Adelaide, Australia during the summer vacation. My host family are mother, father, brother(11),sister(9),(7) and Kiser(dog).I am only child, so it was very fresh to me, and I didn’t feel lonely while I am at home. Also they are Vegetarian, so I couldn’t eat meat and fish, but it makes me review my diet in Japan, so it was good experience. In addition, they are interested in Japan, so they asked me about Japan everyday. Especially, I was happy that mother asked me “ Are there any rules when you have dinner?” Because I didn’t know the timing when should I eat. So I told her “When we start the dinner, we must sit their seat all of members, after we must say “Itadakimasu”. After then, we said Itadakimasu when we eat.
I was glad to tell them Japanese.
I went to Blackwood High school that there are many study abroad students. I have classes first day, but I was supposed to have my buddy, but she didn’t come, so teachers are confused. As a result my first school is worst starting that I didn’t know where is now, where is my class room. So I felt impatience, confusion, and anxiety.
I became homesick from the first school day, and I cried a lot when I got home. Night of the day, mother said me “How was your day? What happen to you? If I can help you, please ask me”. So we worked out countermeasures. I gave her some trouble. Then I thought if I don’t take action, I can’t make friends, can’t take classes. From the next day, I tried to call out local students. Then they taught me carefully.
Little by little, I was used to life, so I could enjoy. Also I had a P.E’s class that it was soft La Cross. So when I took part in a game, I could talk many friends. Also, last school of day, I had practice presentation. It is that everyone make game by skill. It was a lot of fun, so I thought we should do it in Japan. I had some trouble, but Black wood High school was so good for me.
My best memory is that I got along with Chinese’s Oliver, Howard and Japanese’s MIzuki. We shared each other’s country language. Of course we talked in English.
Therefore, it gave me a chance to study Chinese.
Last school of day, I hung out with my friends, and departure day, Oliver, Howard and Mizuki asked me to go Marion Mall. Then we took many pictures. I cannot thank enough for my host family and friends. Thanks to them I could great return home.