

My study abroad in Adelaide

I went to Adelaide in Australia 7/22~8/26

It was too short for me than I thought but I found and felt different culture to Japan and experienced many things that I have never before.

My host mother is over 60 years old, still works as a nurse. She is very amazing person. Because she had been a high school teacher who had taught English to poor children in many countries before she become a nurse. So she has traveled and experienced various things in her life. She has invited Japan twice as a nurse! She likes swimming so much and she went to swim various swimming pool almost every day when she is day off. Moreover, she said me that she sometimes takes part in a swimming competition.

She loves animal, too. She has a dog and parrot which can speak a little bit in the hose.

There was another girl in my house. She is an exchange student from Italy and she came and studied English using her vacation for five months. She is one younger and speaks fluent English better than me. We stayed with her for a month in the same house. I had my host mother, Maria who is a student from Italy and her friends taken me many places on weekend. They took me to Cleland Wild Park to see and hold koalas that I have never before, I went to beautiful beach, zoo near the city, watch movie one night. I liked major Central Market where is near city and my host mother took me so much! There were many countries people and restaurant in Adelaide. However, I ate miso-ramen once at food coat in the market, it was not good for me.

My host mother was careful with healthy and a little vegetarian so most of dinner’s main were vegetable. It was good for me because I don’t eat meat also in Japan.

I made them oshiruko one day! My host mother liked it very much and bought the ingredients at a Japanese shop to make it herself. Also I made miso-soup another day

However, Italian girl didn’t like them so much. I gave them some Japanese things else.

I went Norwood Morialta Middle High School. There was not far and I could go there by about 20-minute walk or by bus from my house. I had been very nervous before I go to there also in Japan and during flight because I worried about if I can make friends at school. First school day, I had my host mother taken me to school by her car. However, it was happening day for me from morning. I was late for the meeting time. Because we had left about 5 minutes before the meeting time, the trouble is, we didn’t know the right my school. I panicked. When we arrived one school, we were already late. There was another high school that is Norwood Morialta Senior High School in my neighborhood and we didn’t confirm my school way before school starts. However, we were right and I could meet my friend who is my classmate and would go the same school in Adelaide. I was very relieved.

I spend with a girl buddy and took the same her lessons for only two days. When I see her for the first time, she looked different girl from the others buddy so I was afraid of getting along with her. But she was so kind as to introduce me to her a lot of kind friends and help me when I was asked from someone. I felt deeply that judging people by their appearances at that time. Thanks to her, I was helped by her friends and I was able to communicate with them and make a lot of friends in my school. Also I always actively asked someone to make friend as I faced a matters that I didn’t know. The students were very kind and helped me often. I thought that it would difficult to make friends until I go to the school, but I could make many countries friends: Chinese, Singapore, Indian, Africa and Australian. On August 8, I was celebrated by them at school. I was happy to experience my birth day overseas surrounded by my friends! They are younger than me! I didn’t know that for a few days!!!!!!!!!!! I was very very amazed that when I knew.

My school life was interesting, all of the students had own laptop and they used it instead of text or note. I took lessons used computer or projector by teachers. They didn’t use board so much like Japan. I had difficulty using laptop every time because I didn’t use computer often, only write report in japan. But I gradually got used to using my computer and their lessons because I gave some task to do.

The lessons I took were Math, English, Science, Forensic Science, P.E. Cooking, and CAD. Every teacher were also kind and always concerned about me at class. I liked CAD (build a 3Dhouse with computer) the best of all. The school system was also different to Japanese class; they moved to next lessons place, and changed member every lessons. So I spoke to many students and these were a lot of fun and wonderful time for me! I had a great time at my school and I was happy to go to this school

I tried to eat and do everything that I have never before.

Through this my study abroad, I think that I changed something in my mind. I went to go to school while I was there, I met and was helped by a lot of people. I appreciate their help so much! I will never forget this time. I think this experience keep to my study in the future










私はNorwood Morialta Middle High School に行きました。そこは遠くなく、バスか20分の歩きで行くことができました。私は学校で友達が出来るか心配していたから、学校に行く前も、また日本にいる時も、フライト時間もずっと緊張していました。

学校初日、私はホストマザーに車で送ってもらいました。しかし、その日は私にとって朝からハプニングが起こる日でした。私は集合時間に遅れました。なぜなら私は集合時間5分前にでてしまい、困ったことに、私たちは正しい学校がわからなかったのです。私はパニックになりました。私たちが学校についたときには、遅れていました。私の近所にはもう一つNorwood  Morialta Senior High School があって、学校に行く前に確認してなかたのです。しかし、私たちは正しく、私はそこの学校に行く私のクラスメイトの友達に会うことが出来ました。私は安心しました。









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