




私の通ったUNLY HIGH SCHOOL は多くの留学生を受け入れている学校だったので、中国、台湾、スウェーデン、イタリアなどたくさんの国からの生徒がいて、なんだかとても新鮮でした。インターナショナルルームという英語を母国語としない生徒たちの集まる教室がありました。皆、国が違うのでコミュニケーションをとる手段が英語しかなく、必死に英語に挑戦していて、とても素敵だなあと思いました。中国人留学生の英語が本当に上手で(人によるかもだけど)圧倒されてしまいました。まだまだ勉強が足りないなあと改めて実感しました。








Hi! This is Natsumi Nishimura! I went to Australia during this summer. 

Australia is really good country I think.

I want to say thank you to everything I had experience in Australia.  My host mother is French and she is really good at cooking.  Therefore I was looking forward to dinner all day and all night.  Hahaha

My host family has very sweet three children.  They are so activity, and I played with them every day.  I really enjoyed the time stay with them, but sometimes I felt tired.  In addition, the words the said was too fast, so I couldn’t understand their meaning sometimes.  When my host family and I couldn’t communicate each other well, I said to my mind ‘I have to study more and more.’  Therefore, the time play with them was nice to my English education.  They were the sweetest English teacher I have ever met.

I went to UNLY HIGH SCHOOL that reception a lot of student studying abroad.  There are so many students who came from Chine, Sweden, Italy and so on.  They ware born and raised in not English speaking countries, but their English was really good.  I was surprised at their English skills, especially Chinese students.  (maybe it depends on person)  The time talking with them made me hard English worker, and it was really good condition for me.

P.E. class was the most interesting class in my school life because it was one of the most good at subject for me.  I played soccer in P.E class three times.  After that, my friends invite me the soccer club team of Unly High school.  I was so glad to hear that, and I’ll never forget their kindness words.

On the other hand, drama class is terrible.  In Japan, I am in a drama club, so I thought it’s going to be all right.  However, it’s so difficult for me.  There are a lot of things I can’t.  I was worry about my English skill all time.  It’s not good I think now, but I was afraid taking mistake at that time.  I played ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ of Shakespeare is too old to do.  There were so many heartbreaking things, but now, I think it is very good experience for my life. 

My host family gave me a letter for me on my last day in Australia.  I decided to do not to cry during my study abroad even I had wounded, but I can’t because of the letter.  It says ‘You are part of our family’, and it made me cry.  I want to say ‘Thank you so much all of your kindness’.  My host family is really good person, and I never forget them.

At last, I appreciate my Japanese parents too.  Thank you allows me to go to study abroad.  The time I spend in Australia is my precious experience in my life.  Thanks a lot.  My mom’s smile made me strong while I am in trouble in Australia.  I love both families so much.

Thank you.

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