

What I Learned in Australia 

5F No.21 Akari Ono

In 2016 summer, our class 5F went to Adelaide, Australia to study abroad for one month.  This one month was the best one so it will be our special experience in our life. 

At that time, Australia was winter.  Australian winter is different from Japanese one, so it felt little bit terrible.  The wind is cold, the rain start all on a sudden, and it stop suddenly too.  However, when the weather was fine, I could see the beautiful ocean view at Henley Beach every after school.  My school was near by the beach.  Now, I’ll talk about my school.

      My school is Henley High School.  This school take in a lot of international students, so Riho and I could enjoy talking with many students came from all over the world.  Through this experience, I could decide that I start to study another foreign language besides English.  At Henley High, we had 3 classes on each day.  My favorite class was Drama and EAL.  In Drama class, first we do voice exercise or learn about expression of feelings.  After that, teacher gives us some script or situation.  The end of the class we perform a short drama in group so we prepare them.  Of course everyone in that class is speaking English fluently and there was only me who was not came from the country which spoken English.  I felt really hard handicap.  But my classmate is really kind and funny, so I could overcome my negative mind.  Thanks to this class, I was able to enjoy expressing my feeling even my English was not correct.  EAL, English as an Additional Language, is similar to Japan’s English lesson.  We watched the movie “Freedom Writers” and after that, we wrote a letter as some character in that movie.  It was bit difficult but really interesting for me.  In EAL class, there was only Chinese and Japanese students so we really cared about not to speak their own national languages. 

     Next I will talk about my host family.  My host family is fantastic, wonderful, and perfect family.  My mother, Beth, is very powerful and energetic person.  Her cooking is delicious so I’m missing them.  My father, Barry, is really kind and intelligent person.  He has many books so when I was having trouble doing homework, he gave me many ideas and solution.  There was another international student, Rachel, in my family.  She speaks really beautiful English and she is also beautiful girl.  She goes to Henley High too (year 10).  She stayed that house since last year and be going to stay their when she graduate university.  After I go back to Japan, she often sent me some messages on Instagram or Facebook.  I’m very glad to have wonderful friend.  My host family often took me to an interesting place and nice restaurant in Adelaide.  I have never met such wonderful family as them.  Thanks to them, my English was getting more fluently. 

     Before I go to Adelaide, I thought that 1 month is really short so maybe my English will not improve.  However, I did it.  Through this experience, I could get a lot of happiness and new dreams.  Thank you my Japanese family and Australian family.  I love you.



   私の通っていた高校はヘンリーハイスクールです。この高校は留学生をたくさん受け入れていたので、私とりほはたくさんの国から来た留学生と会話を楽しむことができました。この経験を通して、私は英語以外の外国語も学ぼうと思えました。ヘンリーハイでは毎日3コマの授業があります。私のお気に入りの授業はDramaEALです。Dramaのクラスではまず最初に発声練習や感情表現の練習をします。そのあと、先生が私たちに原稿かシチュエーション、演劇のお題をくれます。授業の最後にそれについての短い劇をするので私たちはそれの準備をします。もちろん、そのクラスにいる人は英語を流ちょうに話し、そのうえ、 英語圏出身でないのは私だけなのです。とても大きなハンデを感じました。しかし、クラスメートたちはとても優しくて面白くて、私はネガティブな気持ちに打ち勝つことができました。このクラスのおかげで、私は自分の英語がつたなくても自分の気持ちを表現することを楽しめました。EALは日本の英語の授業と似ています。このクラスには中国人と日本人しかいなかったのでそれぞれの母国語で話さないように気を付けました。今回その授業では映画『』を見てそのあと、映画の登場人物になりきって手紙を書きました。英語で手紙を書くのは少し難しかったですがとても面白かったです。 



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