

28 鈴木蘭奈



私のホストファミリーはpolice officerのファザーとjury manager のマザーと13歳のシスターと子犬と猫でした。食べるのが好きなファザーと料理が好きなマザーのおかげで毎日美味しいものをおなかいっぱい食べられて幸せでした。マザーの手料理が恋しいです。また、いつも「今日はどうだった?」とか「これは日本ではどうなの?」と色々と話しかけてくれて英語の会話を楽しむことができました。シスターとは映画を観たり、犬の散歩をしたり、お菓子作りをしたりしました。本当の妹のようで一緒にいてすごく楽しかったです。休日は私が楽しめるようにと色々計画を立てて連れて行ってくれました。ファミリーのおかげで休日はいつも楽しかったです。


私はBlackwood high schoolという学校に通いました。毎日バスで15分かけて通っていました。乗る時は手を上げてバスに合図するなど日本とは違うことがたくさんありました。初日は緊張していて思うように話せなかったけど、現地の子がすごく親切にしてくれてすぐに友達になれたので良かったです。日本のお菓子をあげると喜んでくれて、私を映画に誘ってくれました。日本のお菓子を持っていって本当に良かったと思います。留学生が多かったので色々な国の人とも友達になれました。授業では初めは全然聞き取れなくて、友達に「何すればいいの?」って聞いて頼ってばっかりだったけど、慣れていくうちに自分でもなんとなく聞き取れるようになって授業に参加できるようになりました。私はとった教科の中で英語と体育が一番好きでした。英語では映画を観たり本を作ったりしました。体育ではバドミントンとネットボールをしました。体を動かすと気分がすっきりして良かったです。お昼にはマザーが毎日おいしいサンドイッチやお菓子やみそ汁を持たせてくれました。教室では食べてはいけなかったので、外で食べたり床に座って食べたりしました。外で食べることは日本ではないのでとても新鮮でした。でもオーストラリアは冬だったので少し寒かったです。放課後は友達とカフェに行ってホットチョコレートを飲んだり、ファミリーと街で待ち合わせして外食したりしました。ファミリーはアジア料理が好きだったのでよくチャイナタウンに食べに行きました。日本の料理も好きだったので嬉しかったです。


I studied in Adelaide, Australia and did a home stay for one month from 22 July.

Though I was full of uneasiness when I left Japan, my host family was so kind and I was really excited about my Adelaide life.

My host family members were father is a police officer, mother is a jury manager, and sister is thirteen years old, puppy and cat. Thanks to my host father who love eating food and my host mother who is good at cooking, I was very happy to be able to have a lot of delicious food every day. I miss my host mother’s home cooking. I was always asked “How was today?”, “How about this in Japan?” and so on by everyone, so I could enjoy conversation in English. When I spent time with my host sister, we talked about each other, watched the movie, walked with puppy, making some sweets. It was very fun, because she is like my true sister. I had my host family take me around to various places weekend. They thought about the plan that I can enjoy it for me. Thanks to them, I had a good time.

Luckily, I was able to have my birthday during studying in Adelaide. I was so glad that I got some presents and many birthday wishes from my host family and friends. I could enjoy Australian food eating the Australian cake called “Pavlova” which I made with my host mother and the meat of a kangaroo and an emu at the BBQ. They were very tasty. Thanks to my lovely host family, I had a wonderful birthday. I was able to make a good memory.

I went to Blackwood high school by bus for fifteen minutes. When I get on the bus, I have to raise my hand and sign the bus to stop. There are many different things from Japan. Though I was so nervous and didn’t really speak English, local students are so kind for me. I could make some friends at once. It was good. And I was very happy. I gave my friends Japanese snacks. Then they invited me to watch a movie. It was nice movie. I could enjoy it. I’m glad that I took Japanese snacks from Japan. I could make many friends from many countries, because there were a lot of international students in my school. I couldn’t really hear English well at first, so I only relied on my friends and “What should I do?” I asked them. I got used to English and became able to understand my teacher’s English. I liked English and PE the best of all my subjects. I watched a movie and made a tiny book in English class. I played badminton and netball in PE class. I was glad that I felt refreshed when I exercised. My host mother gave me delicious sandwiches, snacks, miso soup and so on for lunch. We mustn’t eat lunch in the classroom, so I ate outside and sat on the floor. It was fresh for me to eat outside. But it was cold, because Australia was winter. I want to have lunch outside in Japan. I went to a café and drank hot chocolate with my friend after school. It was so good. And I met up with my host family at the city and had dinner after school. We often ate at the china town because they like Asian dishes. I’m glad that they like also Japanese dishes.

 I learned the importance of accepting the things around me from my study abroad. I came to be able to take a wide view of foreigner ,and to change way of thinking. I found that it is important to say and do actively, and to have a firm opinion. I could learn many things in my study abroad. I’m glad that I could have a valuable experience. I’m very grateful to my parents for giving me such a chance as this and my host family, friends, and teachers for supporting me. Thank you so much. 

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